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a dangerous world
2nd Placea dangerous world

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study 2008-11 (Advanced Editing VII)
Collection: 2008 - CHALLENGES
Camera: Canon EOS-40D
Lens: Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM Macro
Location: in the grass near our house
Date: Nov 17, 2008
Aperture: f10
ISO: 125
Shutter: 1/250+ExtFlash
Galleries: Macro, Insects, etc
Date Uploaded: Nov 13, 2008

May 2020 .. AGGHHHH .!!!. what was i thinking ... looking back on this edit i'm almost horrified .. so over the top .. the unedited photograph is so much more appealing .. :(

i found out what this little insect is today .. 9th jan 2009 .. i was thinking he was a very small robberfly but he's just a fly .. a Long legged fly (Family Dolichopodidae) .. he was very very small, probably a bit more than 1/8" or 3mm body length ..
info on long legged flies can be found here
the exciting story goes like this .!!.
i was looking for this sort'v insect after taking a photograph of one yesterday and not getting his eye in focus (a movement of less than 1mm will put you off) .. i wanted to put a photograph of one in the free study thinking the iridescent beauty might appeal to the voters!!!
i went into the grass near our house in the early morning because insects are more dopey at that time, and saw this little guy on a leaf .. unless you were actually searching for him you wouldnt see him ..
i got down to his level and took a couple of pics and then noticed something moving and blurred behind him .. in a fraction of a second he'd caught this even smaller insect ..
it was an extraordinary moment .. !! ..
a million to one chance .. !! ..
hoping to score better than a mid-6, but i spose many of the voters wont like seeing one insect eating another one .. :)

[Dec. 2nd, 2008 03:49:45 PM]
i've had a couple of negative comments about my processing during the voting so here's the original unprocessed photograph so ppl can compare them ..
its an improvement if you view full-size ..

and this is the same sort'v fly on the ladybird that the iridescent insect is eating to give you an idea of its size .. its a small ladybird ..

used Canon Speedlight 580EXII with a Sto-Fen Omni-Bounce plastic diffuser fitted over it - ..
also Canon Extension Tube EF12II ..

Place: 2 out of 417
Avg (all users): 7.2573
Avg (commenters): 8.5926
Avg (participants): 7.2966
Avg (non-participants): 7.1698
Views since voting: 11123
Views during voting: 338
Votes: 171
Comments: 93
Favorites: 52 (view)

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06/13/2013 08:04:48 PM
Wow this is very good. Was your light on top of your camera or off cam?
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04/14/2009 07:54:32 AM
Love this shot. Had to Favorite it. Congrats on the ribbon
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12/14/2008 11:21:27 PM
Just new this one had to be yours. You have to be good to make even a bug look pretty! Congratulations on your red ribbon.
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12/12/2008 03:33:11 PM
Rozzie canozzieeeee! Wowowow!

Congrats on this beautiful photo and the red ribbon :D
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12/10/2008 04:00:34 PM
Congrats on the ribbon Roz!! what an amazing capture!! You are the Queen of macro/insect shots!!
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12/10/2008 11:43:13 AM
Wow! fantastic detail. Big Congrats!
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12/10/2008 09:33:29 AM
Wonderful, wonderful image. Everything looks just perfect
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12/09/2008 11:53:01 PM
Thank you for sharing the original AND your editing steps.. It's a fantastic shot and I really enjoy it more each time I see it.
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12/09/2008 10:07:57 PM
Congrats Roz, this was my top pic for this challenge - so glad it belonged to you :)
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12/09/2008 09:08:09 PM
Yar's Revenge comes to mind.....used to play it on the old 2600...awesome picture lovely colors it almost looks like to paintings on eating the other..
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12/09/2008 09:46:08 AM
I was one of your original 23 10s, and I really can't say anything on top of my earlier comment of spectacular. I meant it, and still do. Congrats!
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12/09/2008 09:44:05 AM
I didn't get a chance to vote during this challenge, but this would easily have gotten a 10 from me. I absolutely LOVE your post processing, it really makes it very unique, and it's actually quite beautiful - and I never ever thought I'd say *beautiful* about a "bug" picture; but this isn't just "any" bug picture!

Congratulations on your placement!
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12/09/2008 07:31:06 AM
Fantastic capture, congrats on the second place!
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12/09/2008 06:44:34 AM
Roz, this is absolutely amazing. Fascinating to sit and look at and marvel at the detail, the color, the tiny-ness of it all! What a gorgeous photograph, and how cool that your hard work is rewarded with a ribbon in a FS no less! You really do have a marvelous ability to take the ordinary and make it extraordinary, both in the way you see things and the way you process them to share your own special view of the world. Thank you for that!
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12/09/2008 01:03:36 AM
Well done Roz

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12/09/2008 12:09:47 AM
Holy cow, roz. Congratu-f-ing-lations!!!! YAY FOR YOU
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12/08/2008 11:52:05 PM
amazing macro Roz. Congrats on your ribbon!
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12/08/2008 10:15:16 PM
Seems you do well with flies, especially this one.
You've come a long way, in the last couple years.
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12/08/2008 09:29:08 PM
Wow Roz!! Gorgeous all the way babe!! Look at that!! No 1s, 2s, OR 3s :) woohoo!! You GOOO girl!!
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12/08/2008 08:43:37 PM
Congrats on winning Red! Beautiful Macro shot!
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12/08/2008 08:10:54 PM
Awesome capture Rozzie. You capture an image from another dimension on this world
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12/08/2008 07:18:38 PM
Congratulations on a fine entry and a fine finish. Of course if it is the definitive bug, it's from Roz. I just didn't really "look" at the front page until now and then your name and great image just popped out.

Fantastic, lady, fantastic.

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12/08/2008 01:49:42 PM
Congratulations Roz! With a photo like this you were bound to fly to the ribbons. Amazing details and the iridescent colors and the moment of this fly catching a smaller one. Keep the bugs coming.
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12/08/2008 01:10:10 PM
Wonderful PP in this! A superb capture. Congrats on your win!
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12/08/2008 12:42:04 PM
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12/08/2008 12:12:28 PM
Congrats on the ribbon Roz, for some reason I didn't even recognize this as yours.
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12/08/2008 12:02:21 PM
Rozzie I am speechless with joy for you !!! Well done my friend :)
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12/08/2008 10:10:59 AM
Oh ROZ!! GIRLFRIEND!! THIS is beyond words! You are SO freaking amazing with macros. I am in AWE! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
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12/08/2008 09:57:46 AM
It is so great to see you on the front page again! This image is amazing, your processing is FABULOUS!! Huge congratulations, you so deserve the ribbon :-)
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12/08/2008 09:53:59 AM
Congratulations, Roz!

It's nice to see that you started with an excellent photo, so the processing is not just putting lipstick on a pig. Holy cats, that's a lot of processing! It's a testament to your skill that I voted high on this way (I tend to be wary of "overprocessing"). Gorgeous photo.
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12/08/2008 09:36:18 AM
Alright Roz!! AWESOME macro & what a great find!! Congrats on the ribbon!
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12/08/2008 07:55:34 AM
awesome image Rozzie! CONGRATS on the big finish too! Love how you have become the BUG QUEEN :)

strong work girlfriend! Nicely done!
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12/08/2008 07:55:09 AM
I would of given this a 10 / 10.
Trippy colours ftw.
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12/08/2008 07:34:10 AM
Awesome shot Roz! Congrats on the ribbon - very very cool shot. I have tried some shots like this in the past, and this stuff is hard to do - and you did it sooooooo well!
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12/08/2008 07:24:37 AM
Wow! and double Wow, Roz! The detail in this is incredible. Congrats on the ribbon with this really spectacular image.
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12/08/2008 06:56:10 AM
wow this should have gor BLUE. brilliant shot
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12/08/2008 06:48:54 AM
Way to go Roz - very well deserved!!

I also like both versions. The added processing brings the details out. You can see that it is processed quite a bit but the added detail is interesting. I also see that you used f/10 which brings the best out of the EF100mm macro lens (peak performance is in fact f/11).

I'm very interested in which lens set-up and what type of flash you used though (twin flash?). I know that the image details say 100mm 2.8 macro. BUT... the uncropped image shows that your lens is able to fill the frame with approx 3/8" of focused subject (roughly 1/8" bug plus space). With the 100mm macro lens I can only manage 1". With an added 68mm of extension tubes (the entire Kenko kit), the frame can focus on 3/8". I assume this is what you did but I'm not not sure.

I like "extreme" macro photography a lot and see from your portfolio that you are one of the masters on the site. So I am very curious how you do it and what you used in addition to the 100mm. Maybe a "How'd They do That" on the matter would have been interesting for a few of the members - at least for me! :)

In any case; an excellent job!

Message edited by author 2008-12-08 14:05:38.
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12/08/2008 06:47:15 AM
fantastic :)
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12/08/2008 06:01:15 AM
I actually like both versions and don't have a problem with the one that is processed. Thanks for sharing. I always like to see what you do to make your photos pop. Congratulations on your finish.
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12/08/2008 05:04:24 AM
Whereis the detail!
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12/08/2008 03:47:25 AM
Wooooooooooohooooo! Congrats Roz!
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12/08/2008 03:46:54 AM
One of the very finest photographs around, from one of the nicest photographers around.
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12/08/2008 03:39:15 AM
YAY ROZ! Congrats and congrats and congrats!
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12/08/2008 03:00:10 AM
Congrats Rozzy. Great details and colours and editing mate.
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12/08/2008 02:57:47 AM
YEAH BABY! CONGRATULATIONS! A Free Study ribbon is like Platinum!

You ROCK the insect world!
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12/08/2008 02:38:13 AM
Beautiful! I would really like to know the steps of processing. It's amazing!
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12/08/2008 02:25:11 AM
woohoo little biscuit! congrats...... amazing clarity here
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12/08/2008 02:03:13 AM
Unbelievable beauty! A new favorite after a long time!

Pictures like these keep people coming to DPC :-) :-)
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12/08/2008 12:52:52 AM
This is certainly a well-deserved ribbon. Congratulations on getting the shot.

Edit for typo because I don't think there's sucha thing as a "tibbon". ;-)

Message edited by author 2008-12-08 00:54:38.
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12/08/2008 12:34:01 AM
Wow! Looks like a comic image. Great study!
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12/08/2008 12:29:45 AM
Congrats on the ribbon!! i love the picture the edditing that you did to it!

(yes jason beat me :( )
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12/08/2008 12:25:53 AM
Way to go Roz! I am happy that you caught the "camera bug" a couple of years ago. It's fully developed now, and I am happy to be one of the lucky people who got to watch your progress to this point. Big congrats on the red, and an incredible macro shot.
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12/08/2008 12:24:50 AM
Awesome awesome stuff Roz! Congratulations!!!
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12/08/2008 12:22:19 AM
WTG Roz! This is an amazing image, congrats on another ribbon!
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12/08/2008 12:17:36 AM
HOLY COW Roz, this is spectacular. What amazing luck and thoughtfulness to go out in the morning to catch this guy. Wonderful image and one I am pleased to fav. A big congrats on the red, in a FS too, impressive.

And A bug! lol
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12/08/2008 12:17:26 AM
Way to go Roz grats on your ribbon
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12/08/2008 12:16:57 AM
ROZZY! What a shot! Congrats on the red in a really strong FS, this image deserved it...
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12/08/2008 12:15:32 AM
What a shot!!! Congrats!
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12/08/2008 12:14:46 AM
Hey way to go, Roz!!! Fantastic detail! congrats on the red! : )
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12/08/2008 12:10:16 AM
ROOOOZ.. Congrats ;)
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12/08/2008 12:10:05 AM
Way to go Roz. This is an absolutely BRILLIANT image. Absolutely. Well done, and congratulations... on the ribbon, but more so for the PB.
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12/08/2008 12:07:33 AM

Congrats on another well deserved ribbon, before too long you'll be up in the ranks of the heavyweights!
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12/08/2008 12:07:27 AM
Wow Roz!!!! Stunning image and another ribbon for you - excellent and many congratulations!!!!!!!!
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12/08/2008 12:06:09 AM
Roz congratulations! I didn't think it was yours, but now of course it makes perfect sense!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/07/2008 10:31:08 PM
This is spectacular - I see a ribbon in your future here. 10 for you!!
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12/07/2008 09:58:24 PM
This is way too cool..
Simply Superb!! OUT STAnding!! Deserving of way more than a ribbon!!
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12/07/2008 02:19:49 PM
out standing totally blown away with your detail, this is amazing 10
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12/06/2008 07:21:22 PM
The best macro I've seen in a while. Love the golden colors and the way you arranged the DOF as if with a paint brush. In all the right places. While some might think this is over processed I like the whole thing. My vote for blue. 10 Congrats.

Message edited by author 2008-12-08 00:07:34.
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12/06/2008 06:12:20 PM
Perfect image spoiled, IMO, by over-the-top tone mapping. 8 -> 6
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12/06/2008 11:44:29 AM
Simply phenomenal - the only question I ask myself is 'is it a little too sharp?'; which says something about the quality of the work.
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12/06/2008 08:48:18 AM
Spectacular! 10
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12/06/2008 07:06:37 AM
Super macro, love the processing. 8
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12/06/2008 06:21:52 AM
Possibly the best insect macro I have ever seen!
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12/05/2008 08:28:41 PM
WOW! What an intense image - those colors are surreal!!! -- 9 --
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12/05/2008 02:28:40 PM
I'm usually not a fan of oversaturation but here it was used to good effect! Digging the square crop too.
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12/05/2008 01:14:35 PM
That is just a brilliant macro ... gotta love those irridescent (sp?) colours. Fantastic photography although insects are not my favoured subject!
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12/05/2008 12:30:49 PM
Incredible detail!
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12/05/2008 10:11:08 AM
Oh my that's close! The detail is awesome, as are the colours.
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12/05/2008 09:38:21 AM
Ew, great colors, great dof.
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12/05/2008 04:48:51 AM
Out-worldly disturbing yet beautiful image. The metallic look works well. I'm fine with the smaller fly not being all in focus, as it makes the viewer look again.

(not voting)
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12/04/2008 11:51:38 AM
Wow, great capture and awesome colors. I take it you use some sort of filter in photoshop?
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12/04/2008 08:46:25 AM
Roz? LOL! This is incredible! The detail is smokin'! Brilliant other worldly colors! My personal winner for this FS!
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12/03/2008 09:06:51 PM
Amazing detail. Another yucky subject I'd probably rather not look too closely at, but well shot and processed.
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12/03/2008 07:39:29 PM
pretty bold pp, but I like it. Front page imo.
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12/03/2008 02:31:46 PM
Fantastic 10
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12/03/2008 02:22:32 PM
an image with a great wow factor, the colours are a bit too strong but a great capture
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12/03/2008 01:36:06 PM
Amazing editing on a wonderful macro. Exceptional
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12/02/2008 10:32:54 PM
best shot i have seen so far 10
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12/02/2008 09:43:10 PM
I don't like the processing on this... when I get this close to a bug, I want to see details that are real.

Beautiful colors and well composed. (not voting yet)
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12/02/2008 12:39:10 PM
this is a ridiculous macro. wow.
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12/01/2008 08:56:29 PM
that is so cool and I'm not even a big fan of macros
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12/01/2008 09:23:55 AM
Love the editing but not sure if DPC will agree. Fantastic.
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12/01/2008 03:24:54 AM
wow...big fly eat little fly...amazing macro, well done
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