Author | Thread |
06/15/2009 06:58:42 PM |
Magic !!!
Very good Job. :) |
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12/22/2008 12:53:39 AM |
Ouchhhhhhhhh .. sorry about that one Alex, its still one of the best pictures by one of the best photographers, keep up the good work, |
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12/13/2008 06:59:59 AM |
Fret not the DQ - minor nit in the real world, after all. This made a lot of us (well, me at least) stop to appreciate the illusion, and getting voters to stop to appreciate an illusion is pretty darn good. 'Tis a fine and imaginative photograph. Loved your regular FS as well - was one of my top three in that challenge. |
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12/13/2008 06:56:22 AM |
Beautiful image...a 9 from me...sorry..but De Sousa was in the challenge too! :) |
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12/13/2008 01:41:00 AM |
Yeah, sorry Alex. I got myself all up in a huffy over this one, but read & reread and then read again the rules until I finally had to agree. It sucks that it is not clearer - an example is most definitely needed, SC!
I think we either need a slight mod to the 'Advanced' to allow any single feature which appears only once in the scene but requires it to have been in at least one other frame from that same scene OR we need a new ruleset which isn't as all-out as Expert, but allows something like this to somehow be valid OR we just need more 'Expert' challenges to get this stuff out of our systems...
Not allowing an application of our craft like the method that was used here in this image is really a loss for photography on this site.
Oh, yeah - I also spewed beer on my monitor when I read "It doesn't makes sense at all, the swan turns up, I flash it..." - I've never pictured a shocked swan with raised eyebrows before... the imagery is priceless, ROTFLMAO... Makes a good book title, 'The Senseless Flashing of Swans"
Message edited by author 2008-12-13 01:46:25. |
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12/11/2008 12:52:27 PM |
I'm sorry this was disqualified, but even still, it's very beautiful! It was one of the highest scores I gave in this challenge.
But I must say that this phrase, "the swan turns up, I flash it," made me giggle and picture you wearing a long trench coat : ) (Hope that made you smile!) |
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12/11/2008 10:35:28 AM |
I am so sorry to see this DQ's it a multishot thing or have I misunderstood what you did here?
Needless to say, an excellent image, and I LOVE the deep blue tones |
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12/10/2008 10:15:19 PM |
Simms is 100% correct on this....
....another rediculous DQ.
Originally posted by Simms: Agree with you on this Alex - the stars move from frame to frame - and one would suspect that there are stars on the right hand edge that were not in frame in frame one but were in frame ten - ditto for any stars on the far left edge, they would of been there at the start, then moved out of shot by frame ten.. just like the swan.
Basically sums up what we have been saying about this place. |
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12/10/2008 09:37:04 PM |
Originally posted by kiwiness: I am not sure I understand. Are you saying this is a long exposure and you flashed the swan somewhere in the middle when it swam past? |
i think he took multiple shots, and one of them had the swan in it.
but still, the DQ doesnt make sense this time.
Message edited by author 2008-12-10 21:37:52. |
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12/10/2008 09:00:20 PM |
Beautiful image sorry to see it dq and off the front page. |
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12/10/2008 08:44:35 PM |
Take this out of the context of DPC and its rules and you still have one of the finest images I've seen in a while and one that I'm sure you're very happy with. |
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12/10/2008 08:44:13 PM |
This is a tough one, a most beautiful image. I wonder why did you not chose only the one frame with the swan in it and managed the dynamic range by processing in raw rather than by combining several frames? that would have avoided any question of ilegality. |
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12/10/2008 07:11:11 PM |
I really, really liked this shot. Great job. A true Master's quality capture. |
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12/10/2008 06:27:50 PM |
I am sorry Alex. Real Bummer !! as the shot is perfect! |
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12/10/2008 06:07:02 PM |
Bummer. Great photo still. |
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12/10/2008 03:01:47 PM |
Hmmmmm.... stewards.
Still a great shot, don't let it get you down. |
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12/10/2008 02:29:26 PM |
YIKES! I gave six "10"'s in this challenge and this was one of them. I'm very sorry to see your beautiful photo land here...Boo on this DQ! |
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12/10/2008 02:19:22 PM |
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12/10/2008 02:18:43 PM |
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12/10/2008 01:52:00 PM |
Agree with you on this Alex - the stars move from frame to frame - and one would suspect that there are stars on the right hand edge that were not in frame in frame one but were in frame ten - ditto for any stars on the far left edge, they would of been there at the start, then moved out of shot by frame ten.. just like the swan.
Basically sums up what we have been saying about this place. |
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12/10/2008 12:41:06 PM |
I am not sure I understand. Are you saying this is a long exposure and you flashed the swan somewhere in the middle when it swam past? |
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12/10/2008 11:13:42 AM |
It doesnt make sense at all. the swan turns up, I flash it. it was very dark and he disappeared into darkness on all the next 10 frames.
the thing is is thatthe stars are c hanging compositio in all the frames. how is that different from the swan being there and then not being there? |
12/10/2008 11:09:00 AM |
Bummer Alex. But that is still a beautiful image. |
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12/09/2008 04:41:50 AM |
Alex this is genius! Excellent cpmposition and editing. I think you owe it to us to let us know how you did it. I am guessing you flashed when the swan was in place, perhaps never knowing if it would come along. Love it. Enzo |
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12/09/2008 12:08:24 AM |
This is such a beautiful image. I am sure many are puzzled by the super sharp bird in a 60-120 sec (or longer?) exposure. My brother and I were trying to guess the technique, we have a few ideas but hope Alex will be kind enough to share the real deal. |
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12/08/2008 07:49:16 PM |
Hey Alex!
I suspected this was from you, but I wasn t sure. Of course, everything from your style is there, only that moving stars took me away from you. Great image, composition and skills. Congrats on the Top5, Master. |
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12/08/2008 07:15:49 PM |
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12/08/2008 02:26:59 PM |
This is pretty amazing and a well deserved finish. I am guessing at some point you popped a flash when the bird was where you wanted it? I am very curious and that is my guess. Congrats on another high finish. |
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12/08/2008 10:18:28 AM |
Auuuuuugh! SPECTACULAR! Amazing for your beautiful bird to sit still long enough to get this amazing photo! You have some kind of magic with wildlife!!!
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12/08/2008 09:53:56 AM |
Awesome! Congrats on 5th. |
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12/08/2008 05:11:44 AM |
Solid finish Alex, makes ya wonder how it was all done. |
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12/08/2008 01:42:38 AM |
Congrats Alex. This shot boggles the mind. |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
12/07/2008 11:35:55 PM |
Very interesting lighting, nice hues, beautifully done, 10. |
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12/07/2008 10:37:26 PM |
A seemingly impossible capture. Definitely represents expert composition, technique, and rule understanding. Bringiing the swan out so vividly in teh dark just creates an emotive quality only found very rarely in still images. I believe the kids nowadays might say this is "sick" ... I use the old standbye "Wow". 10 |
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12/07/2008 07:58:30 PM |
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12/07/2008 02:09:41 PM |
Stunning image. Will be very interesting to see how you acheived the clarity on the swan in such a long exposure. I'm guessing you were able to hit it with a very focused beam at the end. However you did it... well done. Bumping up. |
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12/06/2008 10:40:47 PM |
Beautiful composition. The star trails are just long enough to give a blurred look however. Longer or brighter trails might help, imo. |
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12/06/2008 09:45:14 PM |
woooow! how the hell did you manage that! this has to be 2 photos, i cant even imagine how much you paid the swan to stay still for so long:) |
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12/06/2008 08:59:24 PM |
Nice combo. I'm taking it either the sky is composited from another shot or the swan is a fake. I like the subtle tones of this one. 8 |
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12/06/2008 06:16:46 PM |
nice one. I am thinking a flash on the bird, and then an open shutter? |
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12/06/2008 03:53:36 PM |
I thought about this but can't get it. Unless that swan is anchoraged to the bottom of the lake I have no idea how you got the stars moving. |
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12/06/2008 12:12:08 PM |
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12/06/2008 10:42:36 AM |
I love this style of photography - utterly exquisite. |
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12/05/2008 08:01:04 PM |
Nice work, I'm guessing flash on the swan. Great exposure balance on a lovely image |
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12/05/2008 07:06:40 PM |
Brilliant shot ! excellent photographic vision IMO, 9 |
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12/05/2008 02:24:45 PM |
Bravo! Although visually this has an impact of only about a 7, I have to bring it up a notch or two because of the technical aspects of it as well as the sheer timing - unless that is a fake swan? I imagine you were doing a long exposure shot and then you popped a strobe to get the swan so nicely - well done! |
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12/04/2008 06:20:42 PM |
Very dramatic. I like this very much. |
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12/03/2008 07:09:34 PM |
Beautiful. Love the dark smoothness cut by the swan. |
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12/03/2008 02:05:29 PM |
I like the treatment on this. The swan is a nice addition. The horizon line seems to be tilted a little. Still a high score from me. |
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12/03/2008 04:58:47 AM |
Gorgeous! Beautifully composed. 9 |
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12/03/2008 02:35:12 AM |
Beautiful shot. I'll be interested to see how you got both the star trails and the swan. I'm sure the swan didn't hold the pose for 5 minutes, so did you use a flash? |
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12/02/2008 10:41:02 PM |
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12/02/2008 11:43:26 AM |
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12/02/2008 09:26:49 AM |
Ok how the hell? two captures in camera? or is this a fake goose? |
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12/02/2008 06:24:10 AM |
skill, equipment, and opportunity: excellent work. |
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12/01/2008 10:12:45 PM |
would love to know how exactly you accomplished this, 9 |
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12/01/2008 09:23:41 PM |
This is just stunning. I like everything in this shot, 10. |
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12/01/2008 08:51:20 PM |
This is truly an outstanding work! It just evokes such a sense of calm & serenity, and is so nice to just soak in its effects. I can't even describe it properly.....I'm at a loss....Fav & 10 |
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12/01/2008 12:52:45 PM |
Incredible! Just Stunning, I really hope you ribbon with this. 10 |
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12/01/2008 12:48:58 PM |
Hmmm... I'm looking forward to seeing how you did this, I suspect a foreground flash on a long exposure shot... but no evidence of the swan after the flash, so either it was real dark or you photographed a frozen swan! |
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12/01/2008 12:15:22 PM |
I wish there was a moon in this shot - could you coordinate with the universe on that? LOL Very pretty - not sure how you did it with the stars moving but not the swan - can't wait to read afterwards. Kudos!! |
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12/01/2008 11:15:45 AM |
Very nicely done. The black and white really helps to set the mood in this shot, I think. |
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12/01/2008 10:32:22 AM |
I'm guessing this is AlexSaberi. Lovely silhouettes. The swan adds a lot to this photo. Well done. |
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12/01/2008 07:56:11 AM |
Not entirely sure how this is possible. But it's pretty cool all the same. 8 |
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12/01/2008 02:17:06 AM |
Very nice shot though I don't agree with glueing his feet to the bottom. |
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12/01/2008 01:28:46 AM |
just WOW !!! stunning image |
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12/01/2008 12:17:37 AM | on earth was that swan in the right place at the right time? amazing image 9 |
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