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Not a box of chocolates
Not a box of chocolates

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Life III (Advanced Editing VII)
Collection: Challenges 2009
Camera: Canon EOS-30D
Lens: Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM
Location: Wiesbaden
Date: Jan 10, 2009
Aperture: f/4.0
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/50
Galleries: Candid
Date Uploaded: Jan 10, 2009

Stopped in Starbucks to get my Saturday mocha and un-numb my fingers. Saw this guy when I walked in and thought he'd be a good subject, but wasn't comfortable popping up the camera and just shooting - it's not a large Starbucks. So I shot this with the 10-22 kinda discretely using the dSLR as a point and shoot, not looking through the viewfinder.

Little bit of a crop, Lightroom preset which added the blue and the deep contrast - something called Creative Catalyst 10, which I tweaked a hair. Cloned a reflection on the poster on the right side, sharpened a bit, resized, added a small border.

I really like this. Hope a few of you do as well. Thanks for looking!

[Jan. 15th, 2009 08:13:16 AM]

I have pretty much reached what I figure is my peak here at DPC with this. Favs during voting, a VERY respectable score, an apparent Posthumous ribbon* (and blue, at that!), AND an e301 comment. I really don't think it gets any better than this!

By the way, the dark blob in the lower left is the back of a person who was sucked into the vortex of the vignette. While the preset may add a bit of vignette, it really was created more by contrast levels - the dark stuff got a lot darker. Or something like that.

* Voting isn't over yet - can't count my Posthumous until it is.

Post challenge - I'm keeping the Posthumous ribbon, thanks. :-)

Note: 15mm on the 10-22. Slight crop on the right.

Place: 8 out of 200
Avg (all users): 6.5774
Avg (commenters): 8.1053
Avg (participants): 6.4146
Avg (non-participants): 6.7326
Views since voting: 2997
Votes: 168
Comments: 79
Favorites: 24 (view)

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11/03/2011 12:54:25 AM
Astonishing shot, I can see why you got the award, wonderful in many ways.
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10/23/2010 02:56:34 AM
Still gives the heart a jolt. (Glad you included this in the 12).
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04/03/2010 05:32:25 PM
Alfred Hitchcock's twin brother?
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04/07/2009 04:52:52 PM
I have admired this photo many times, it all comes together wonderfully.
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04/07/2009 03:49:00 PM
dont know what the black vignette is but its helping making some pretty cool shapes. i like the profile of the old man. he looks like a nice man :)
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04/06/2009 10:57:17 PM
It's interesting how we are creatures of habit - I've seen people sit in the spot in church for years. I didn't see this during the challenge but really like what you've done; that guy looks so lonely.
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03/02/2009 12:05:15 PM
i can't believe this is the same starbucks we visited...this looks so much eerier!
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02/17/2009 08:34:45 AM
Hello Deb, I know this took me a while but I've been quite busy.

This was one of my highest votes and I picked it to be in the top ten easily. I really love the composition and your choice to use B&W with the blue overtones, it lends a calming quality to your photograph. I think that your subject choice for this shot was smack on, I don't think a teenager, family, a woman, or even a younger man would have had the same impact as this older gentleman. One is left wondering what he could be thinking and how his lifes journey brought him to that spot at that time in his life. The Lighting and focus are fantastic not to mention your title fits to perfection. Congratulations on another top ten finish and I hope your able to run into this gentleman again and offer him a print I think he would be thrilled with it.

All the best to you and yours Deb.

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02/14/2009 07:24:14 PM
Excellent capture. The lighting on his face is great. I might've tried a slightly closer crop to make him a little larger in the frame, but not so much as to lose the mood of the coffee shop.
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02/02/2009 01:36:01 PM
Nice shot ... it makes me wonder why I can't spot scenes like this what I'm out and about. i guess it relates to having two under-3's with me most of the time. Fantastic shot.
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01/26/2009 12:34:52 PM
Congrats Deb, this is amazing. Very very moody and an image that speaks a volume.
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01/24/2009 10:13:41 PM
Good feeling of solitude.
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01/22/2009 10:00:06 PM
Powerful. Well done.
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01/20/2009 02:28:32 PM
This is one of your best, Deb. I can't believe this is a starbucks. That's the most impressive part of the whole thing.
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01/20/2009 08:27:29 AM
love the tones... well done
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01/20/2009 08:14:01 AM
This was my favorite of the challenge. Wonderful shot.
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01/20/2009 03:40:01 AM
A little late to the party, but congratulations on 8th and the Posthumous/PostLuminous double!
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01/20/2009 03:01:37 AM
Not getting noticed is an art in itself. Lovely candid and your processing is beautiful!
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01/20/2009 02:59:08 AM
wonderful shot, Deb! congratulations on all the coveted achievements at once :).
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01/19/2009 10:45:05 PM
Nicely done Deb! Really a great shot. Congratulations.
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01/19/2009 10:34:35 PM
WooHoo! Way to go Deb. Inspired choice of tones is the frosting on the cake. Great job!

Message edited by author 2009-01-19 23:36:34.
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01/19/2009 09:15:56 PM
PostLuminous Award WINNER!
can't add much to the comments already provided, except to say that this is a MEMORABLE image--I won't have to come back here and look it up again: it exists permanently in my memory, to enjoy whenever and wherever I wish. And this is the work of a Master. Plain and simple, a Master.
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01/19/2009 05:07:35 PM

Outstanding image, full of wonder and interest. I love how you processed this. Beautiful.

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01/19/2009 03:28:36 PM
Worthy. Stieglitz marries Karsh. Title. Hurray.
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01/19/2009 03:28:13 PM
YAY Deb!! Ultra-fantastic "spy" shot of Einstein's nephew! This belongs in a museum.
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01/19/2009 01:08:40 PM
Deb - great result. Cool title and 17 favs ?!

Keep this roll going !
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01/19/2009 12:54:29 PM
Simply ... spectacular. Once again, Deb, you've found art in the ordinary. Congrats on top 10 and the Posthumous blue!
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01/19/2009 12:53:07 PM
This reminds me, somehow, of Yousef Karsch. Wonderful, wonderful shot and perfect processing for it.
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01/19/2009 12:10:22 PM
Love the lighting and color...nice mood! congrats on a wonderful image!
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01/19/2009 11:40:35 AM
Outstanding job, Deb!
The missing painting above your subject makes it appear as if he is "Life Imitating Art". Or maybe he is actually a painting just coming to life and sampling his first cup of coffee.
In either case, this is a "shoot from the hip" masterpiece.
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01/19/2009 11:06:32 AM
Ohmygoodness. Like it? This is one of the most amazing "street type" photos I've ever seen. The blues. The complimentary background. The light that seems to beautifully spotlight your subject -- and the "look" of the gentleman. It all is perfect. This is the bar that I'll hold as excellence in street work! Congratulations on front page honors.
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01/19/2009 10:42:20 AM
Stunning shot here Deb!
This is absolutely timeless.
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01/19/2009 10:37:20 AM
Wow Deb! This is so outstanding - absolutely wonderful. Huge Congratulations on Top 10!!

So well seen and executed - an I love the title.

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01/19/2009 10:35:52 AM
One of my faves during the challenge. I loved the lighting and the tone. I love that he is isolated and staring off into some unknown region. I couldn't get this if I tried. Beautiful capture!
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01/19/2009 10:28:11 AM
Yeeehaa. Congrats on a great photo and placing :)
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01/19/2009 10:22:37 AM
This was my favorite shot along with the number 4 spot. Just outstanding. The tones and the mood - wow, Deb. Congrats on top 10
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01/19/2009 10:21:18 AM
Wonderful shot, and one of my top picks from the challenge. Love the simplicity of this shot, and the fact that you left so much space around the man to help the feeling of isolation and sadness that is on his face. Something about the way he is framed with the corners of the tables and posters all pointing towards him, with his round table and round mug is intriguing too. Congrats on the top 10 and the Posthumous blue!
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01/19/2009 09:54:33 AM
Top 10 AND a Posthumous blue... does it get any sweeter?
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01/19/2009 09:35:00 AM
bos - 10
Alfred Hitchcock in a German cafe.
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01/19/2009 09:31:28 AM
This is a fantastic shot. One of my favorites of all time. Congratulations on a top ten finish. A brilliant capture.
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01/19/2009 08:54:17 AM
Congratulations Deb for your top ten finish :)
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01/19/2009 08:46:05 AM
Wow! Congrats on your PS Blue!
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01/19/2009 08:23:22 AM
great shot and edit
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01/19/2009 07:51:32 AM
Nice work, congrats on top 10!
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01/19/2009 07:48:56 AM
Melethia! This is amazing! Bravo bravo bravo!
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01/19/2009 07:45:44 AM
Excellent job! Love this.
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01/19/2009 07:11:57 AM
Gee, you are so good at Emotive Candid's my sweet friend,..... This is excellent and a great result..... love shez
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01/19/2009 07:06:59 AM
Outstanding image Deb. This really speaks life to me - and much better than a bunch of bugs, etc. Thanks for delivering the goods
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01/19/2009 06:40:29 AM
You were one of my top scorers, Deb. This is a truly wonderful image. Congratulations on your top 10 finish.
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01/19/2009 06:27:10 AM
Congratulations on your top 10, I knew I would see this one on the front page.
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01/19/2009 06:20:39 AM
Extraordinary image Deb - just BRILLIANT!
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01/19/2009 06:15:51 AM
Deb, wonderful image. besutiful toning too/
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01/19/2009 06:01:40 AM
great finish Deb with an excellent image...

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01/19/2009 05:14:30 AM
wow deb this is just sensational! If I had a chance to look at this challenge at during voting you would have had a another ten and another fave!
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01/19/2009 05:09:12 AM
Deb, well done! This is wonderful image and deserves the high accolades received already. I didn't get chance to even look at this challenge, never mind vote, but it would have been an instant 10 from me too. :)
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/18/2009 04:07:32 PM
i can see this
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01/17/2009 05:57:25 PM
I like this very much. I especially admire the fact that you did not crop this closer to remove 'distractions' and to obtain a portrait in which the man is more physically dominant. This photograph is not so much about the man himself as it is about what surrounds him ... not who he is, but where he is; not who he is but what he has. And has not.
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01/17/2009 01:38:30 PM
Simple and subtle. Wonderful!
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01/16/2009 04:31:17 PM
If 'Life' is 'not a box of chocolates' then, I should always know what I'll get? Is that it? Anyway, I like the blueish tint rather then totally black and white. The paintings on the wall and off-centered table make up for the centered man (centered subjects always kind of bug me). The quality of the photo is very good and all in all the photo has a very strange emotive feel. I think it will do well: 8
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01/15/2009 03:42:15 PM
square crop would have really made this one - he is too centered. great mood. super tonality.
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01/15/2009 01:09:09 PM
Great candid. The dark areas in the corner suggest to me that you may have been peeking out from somwhere.
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01/15/2009 01:05:06 PM
successfully framed and well toned
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01/15/2009 12:22:40 PM
Great lighting.
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01/15/2009 11:34:12 AM
A ten. You know he looks just like Hitchcock...Beautiful tones and wonderfully hued.
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01/15/2009 11:09:15 AM
This photo is very pleasing to my eye. I tend to like darker photos that some might say are underexposed. Nice work. /8
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01/15/2009 07:21:46 AM
At first I liked that semi-vignette, now if feels like there's something in my eye. Love the picture, really, but I'm unconvinced about that - it seems both a little over-done, and a little heavy-handed. Still the best shot in the challenge so far, though.
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01/14/2009 10:14:22 PM
I give you my Posthumous Blue Ribbon for courage in the face of diversity, cynicism in the face of God, and mud in the eye of the beholder. Oh, but a gorgeous blue mud like Billie might sling it.

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01/12/2009 10:12:03 PM
Nice... very nice... I love the artistic look of this picture... and the title. My choice for a top ten. Added to my favs.

PS, I'm not voting on this challenge, just commenting on some pictures :)
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01/12/2009 10:02:52 PM
Oh, so lonely. Like the lighting! The dark corners are a bit distacting.
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01/12/2009 02:40:21 PM
This is very interesting and I had to favourite it.

I just love the blue tones in this... and the focus and lighting is absolutely spot on.

This shot arouses your curiosity. Who knows what this gentleman is pondering?

The art on the walls add something to the picture too...... as well as the black in the bottom left and right hand corners.

This is good art.
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01/12/2009 01:36:02 PM
Like this alot, touching shot and great title.
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01/12/2009 01:29:07 PM
wow, really nixter-esque!;)
love the blue toning to enhance the overall cold atmosphere of the shot.
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01/12/2009 11:26:36 AM
My absolute fav in this challenge! Can't wait to see who this is, and I hope, hope, hope voters appreciate this as much as I do.
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01/12/2009 11:08:49 AM
Great candid, the dark blur in the left seems out of place.
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01/12/2009 09:26:19 AM
This is really poignant. Love the blue tones - how perfect.
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01/12/2009 05:06:10 AM
Very atmospheric.
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01/12/2009 01:09:44 AM
i cant put my finger on it. but something about this shot froze my eyes to the screen
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01/12/2009 12:22:14 AM
love the tones and high contrast in this...great story and title 8
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01/12/2009 12:13:50 AM
shit this is good.
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