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"You vs Him"
"You vs Him"

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Opposites (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Minolta DiMAGE Z1
Location: Home
Date: May 9, 2004
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/8
Galleries: Still Life, Black and White
Date Uploaded: May 11, 2004

Set up the board and the white players under the glass. Looking into the monitor of the camera, set up the black palyers. Sprayed water over the glass. Took various shots.

Place: 35 out of 286
Avg (all users): 5.7239
Avg (commenters): 6.9130
Avg (participants): 5.6774
Avg (non-participants): 5.7572
Views since voting: 996
Votes: 297
Comments: 29
Favorites: 0

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05/19/2004 12:34:17 PM
Wow - thanks for listing your details in here. Very creative - I really couldn't figure out how you did it. I really like this shot!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/18/2004 05:13:01 PM
What I am seeing here: black and white; under and over; and the least obvious but MOST thought provoking: liquid and solid / water and ice. This composition is truly genius. How did you do this? It looks like you froze a chess board in a block of ice. You deserve to win this competition by a long shot - truly the most amazing photo I have seen on DPChallenge for a looooong time. With this photograph, you have managed to rekindle my passion for photography and for DPChallenge. A well-deserved 10 for what promises to be a well-deserved 1st place blue ribbon!
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05/18/2004 09:44:31 AM
Nice idea! 8
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05/17/2004 01:12:16 PM
no coment
05/17/2004 04:24:56 AM
Cool idea and a neat effect. Good job in general...
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05/16/2004 09:53:22 PM
I would like to see that on "how they do that?"
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05/16/2004 09:41:00 AM
I see what you've done here with glass and water. Good effort.
Good idea. Just me being picky, I would have liked the water droplets to be more round and beady...Rainx on the glass would have done this. Try it!
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05/15/2004 09:58:03 PM
Better than average take on the chess view of the challenge. I really have nothing to gripe about on this photo, hence a 10. I'd really like to understand the technique though. It looks really interesting.
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05/15/2004 06:39:52 PM
Intelligent idea, and good final effect. 10
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05/15/2004 02:03:02 PM
I like the pictutre, and that it's black and white, but I don't know about the water. I think I would have liked it better with a depth of field, with soft focus, not water.
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05/14/2004 08:40:45 PM
I like the water effect.
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05/14/2004 08:27:46 PM
A fresh take on the chess set. I like the water drops, think I know how you did it, and hope you didn't put n/a in the photographer's box. Meets the challenge. Your border maybe just a skosh thick.
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05/14/2004 05:04:07 PM
i like the illusion created by the condensated water, very cool. it really makes one side stand out. its a good opposition. -9
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05/14/2004 12:54:48 PM
Neat twist on the chessboard theme. The water adds some great interest to the image.
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05/13/2004 10:05:33 AM
Really nicely done. Good set up, good shot. The frame helps balance this well.
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05/13/2004 06:40:14 AM
the fog of war :o)
05/13/2004 01:36:06 AM
Very interesting and creative. I'd like it a little more contrasty, but it's a really nice image. 7
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05/12/2004 05:42:39 PM
this definately makes you stop and do a double take.. nice job... needs more light maybe?
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05/12/2004 05:28:37 PM
Bizarre, well done, best chess shot here 8
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05/12/2004 05:03:30 PM
Makes me wonder how you did it. Clever take on the tried and tested formula.
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05/12/2004 04:38:34 PM
Fantastic image - you have added a lot of interest to what would otherwise be an ordinary subject (10)
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05/12/2004 03:37:25 PM
I don't unnderstand the meaning of the water droplets. If they are only a device to make the picture look different, they succeed, but don't elevate the picture to any new height of interest or relevance.
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05/12/2004 11:25:20 AM
a veritable cold war ..... astonishing effect you have achieved there ///

9 from me
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05/12/2004 11:01:49 AM
Extremely creative - I love that you took the time to do something different and make what might have been an ordinary shot a little more over-the-top! That being said, I'd perhaps like to see the whites just a tiny bit whiter to add a bit more drama. Still great, though. I look forward to seeing exactly how you did this! 8
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05/12/2004 09:59:34 AM
Shower Chess! Interesting...
05/12/2004 09:56:32 AM
Awesome! How did you do that man? great picture, good luck
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05/12/2004 04:28:24 AM
Excellent, love the work you have done to this image and the concept is perfect well done good luck.
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05/12/2004 03:40:06 AM
whats with the "rain"? i dont understand
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05/12/2004 02:07:35 AM
Cool effect
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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