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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Hidden Gem -- 1,000th Challenge! (Advanced Editing VII*)
Camera: Nikon D60
Lens: Nikon AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 ED
Location: Vama Buzaului, Brasov, Romania
Date: Oct 26, 2008
Aperture: 8
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/60
Galleries: Architecture, Rural
Date Uploaded: Mar 9, 2009


Place: 807 out of 1129
Avg (all users): 5.1726
Avg (commenters): 5.6400
Avg (participants): 5.1593
Avg (non-participants): 5.2468
Views since voting: 710
Views during voting: 668
Votes: 504
Comments: 53
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/17/2009 10:24:21 PM
What an idea textures shot. Love it!
03/17/2009 06:17:29 PM
This is so dangerous looking, like something from a fairy tale castle.
03/17/2009 01:40:36 PM
I think I see contrails and a tree in the reflection.. that would be insanely cool if true..
03/17/2009 11:57:48 AM
Very creative shot. Well seen and captured.
03/17/2009 11:00:51 AM
The shingles almost look like feathers.
03/17/2009 10:20:15 AM
Good pic. A bit more color or some drama in the window may help raise the score.
03/16/2009 10:52:21 PM
03/16/2009 06:14:08 PM
interesting pattern, nice thirds and reflection in window.
03/16/2009 05:25:23 PM
great composition. abstracts usually bomb here sadly. this could a gradient layer or something to enliven it. vibrance lacking; flat.
03/16/2009 01:41:07 PM
Good textures in contrast to the building.
03/16/2009 10:43:36 AM
It's a mysterious window. I'm trying to figure out the shapes in it. Interesting pattern on the wall looks like shingles. I think you may have too much wall and not enough window.
03/16/2009 02:09:18 AM
good detail but not a great interst in subject mattert
03/15/2009 11:42:25 PM
spooky. Love it.
03/15/2009 10:19:47 PM
nice texture
03/15/2009 07:42:40 PM
Nice composition but this is too dark.
03/15/2009 01:27:33 PM
Interesting texture here but the subject doesn't really hold my interest.
03/15/2009 10:10:23 AM
Those patterns in the wood are fantastic. The window breaks it up nicely.
03/15/2009 05:39:09 AM
it is interesting
bit dark
is it your best? I you really like it and its your favorite than its accepted :D

take care
03/14/2009 11:18:33 PM
Nice patterns on the roof.
03/14/2009 10:36:40 PM
This has character and visual interest. I want to know more.
03/14/2009 10:09:56 PM
nice textures, cool pattern on the wall
03/14/2009 02:30:26 PM
I kind of like this. An extremely simple photograph.. Maybe a bit too simple. I think the roughness of the roof gives visual interest, but doesn't make me want to look at this for a long period of time.
03/14/2009 01:54:21 PM
Good capture of beauty in the mundane...
03/14/2009 04:26:26 AM
cool capture, fantastic pattern, well spotted and captured, 7
03/14/2009 01:58:34 AM
Very cool, love the pattern and composition!
03/13/2009 07:42:55 PM
Ok too much room around the window - I think it would have been better to get MUCH tighter in on it.
03/13/2009 06:57:36 PM
colors look a bit flat
03/13/2009 04:39:32 PM
Nice composition, great contrast in both color and textures.
03/13/2009 03:38:44 PM
Good detail in this and interesting effect in the window, looks like a bird. Very nice! 6
03/13/2009 02:31:50 PM
not sure what to say, maybe it's the flat light?
03/13/2009 01:59:42 PM
Neat. So simple.
03/13/2009 12:18:32 AM
Beautiful use of repetition, love the off centered window. Great contrasting textures, very nice.
03/12/2009 11:56:04 PM
If you believe in the power of repeating patterns, you've got to like this ... and nicely attenuated by the window.
03/12/2009 08:07:55 PM
I like the composition (some won't), but I wish there were a bit more 'pop!' to this. It needs contrast or saturation or something to make it more exciting, I think.

Not voting yet.
03/12/2009 07:44:54 PM
Great use of simplicity to compose an interesting image.
03/12/2009 04:24:11 PM
interesting image, great composition,
03/12/2009 12:35:40 PM
love the contrast between the window and the tiles/shingles 8
03/12/2009 09:58:09 AM
very simple and powerful
03/12/2009 09:22:44 AM
the repetitive patterns are cool
03/12/2009 03:22:06 AM
Nice effect.
03/12/2009 12:17:22 AM
I like this kind of shot, however I think I'd have brought the contrast up a bit for definition, maybe even have gone to B&W.....
03/11/2009 11:36:33 PM
Cool how you isolated the window - make me wonder about the rest of the building
03/11/2009 10:54:49 PM
Love the shapes and textures.
03/11/2009 04:35:02 PM
Contrast between the almost triangle shaped shingles and the square window is great.
03/11/2009 04:31:55 PM
Nice image. A tad crooked, but very nice.
03/11/2009 01:31:15 PM
just doesn't speak to me, needs more texture (closer) and the colors aren't right to me...sorry
03/11/2009 11:06:51 AM
I like it. That windows holds a lot of interest and mystery. I wish it was a bit larger in the image. I probably would have processed it a bit differently. It seems a little flat to me. I do like it though.
03/11/2009 09:21:16 AM
Well seen and nicely shot.
03/11/2009 09:12:12 AM
A little drab to me. Maybe more contrast is needed.
03/11/2009 08:24:33 AM
Very clean and simple.
03/11/2009 08:17:14 AM
I like the rhythm of the shingles, nails, and the patterns of the fade. Color contrast between the window and the roof is very nice. The lil black mark in the bottom screen?, make me wonder what lie within. Very nice.
03/11/2009 02:42:28 AM
Nice repetition
03/11/2009 01:39:11 AM
Nice detail shot. Great textures. A bit of dodging might have made the window pop more.

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