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Sunset Bridge
Sunset Bridge

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Hidden Gem -- 1,000th Challenge! (Advanced Editing VII*)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Location: Parke County, Indiana
Date: Jun 3, 2007
Aperture: f/22
ISO: 100
Shutter: .6, 1.6, 2.5 sec.
Galleries: Architecture, Rural
Date Uploaded: Mar 10, 2009


Place: 228 out of 1129
Avg (all users): 6.0790
Avg (commenters): 6.9206
Avg (participants): 6.0209
Avg (non-participants): 6.3596
Views since voting: 1135
Views during voting: 677
Votes: 519
Comments: 69
Favorites: 3 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/17/2009 11:48:36 PM
Wow. This is amazing. One of my all-time favorite DPC images. You have great talent. 10
03/17/2009 03:58:31 PM
Love the way the sun shines on inside of the bridge. good shadows
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03/17/2009 10:28:50 AM
Great perspective that this image was taken from. Nice natural frame. Looks like the tone is a bit too orangy though.
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03/17/2009 08:44:27 AM
Nice composition and wonderful sunset colors.
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03/17/2009 08:26:41 AM
light in this is amazing.
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03/17/2009 02:41:50 AM
Good shot. I like the framing of the pic.
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03/17/2009 12:36:43 AM
Lovely shot.
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03/16/2009 07:48:50 PM
Great natural framing, I love the composition here and the sunset lighting looks great.
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03/16/2009 07:12:50 PM
great warm tones. 9
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03/16/2009 05:44:18 PM
Nice shot, though it would be better if you centred the composition.
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03/16/2009 02:42:02 AM
Well captured and presented. Might be better if background were just a bit brighter.
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03/15/2009 10:50:57 PM
a little more detail inside the structure would have help score higher
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03/15/2009 09:25:48 PM
Great composition. I especially like the road and telephone poles disappearing into the horizon.
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03/15/2009 08:56:05 PM
Nice colors and composition.
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03/15/2009 07:45:58 PM
Bit much in the red foreground, great comp
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03/15/2009 06:05:20 PM
great sharpness and good colors
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03/15/2009 03:44:10 PM
Wonderful color and perspective, congratulations!
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03/15/2009 01:12:42 PM
Wonderfully framed. Gorgeous warm tones.
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03/15/2009 12:08:53 PM
very fine image, good exposure control and the color is stunning
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03/15/2009 10:32:13 AM
Very nice image. It's good to see a few "great" images. This is a perfect reflection of your abilities as a photographer.
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03/15/2009 10:22:11 AM
Lovely scenery and a nice perspective going through the bridge.
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03/15/2009 09:22:12 AM
I love the light you have captured.
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03/15/2009 06:05:05 AM
hm, nice place and the woods makes it feel good but I think it could be as good as it is even withouth that bride and we'd see more of the landscape ;)

brano :D
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03/15/2009 01:41:29 AM
Great example of framing here, just a fantastic picture. One of my fav's. 9!
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03/15/2009 01:12:23 AM
interesting shot , good use of perspective and framing. 7
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03/15/2009 12:45:51 AM
Nice framing and light.
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03/15/2009 12:17:42 AM
Unique covered bridge shot
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03/14/2009 09:26:20 PM
Interpretation of Topic: Great Choice; creative idea
Photography: Very Nice
Viewers Reaction: Love this
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03/14/2009 07:29:01 PM
Such perfect exposure all through the image. Nice job.
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03/14/2009 05:51:04 PM
I like the feeling of symmetry this has, even though it is not symmetrical. I also like the golden colors. very interesting.
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03/14/2009 11:58:53 AM
Nice to get that light in the bridge to give detail.
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03/13/2009 07:34:21 PM
I love covered bridges. The colors of the sky, landscape and sun on the wood make the coloring wonderful. I don't know that the color needed to be pushed so far.
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03/13/2009 06:22:16 PM
Framing is nice. I like the reddish warmth of the bridge wood.
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03/13/2009 04:28:04 PM
You just gotta love the magical late afternoon light.
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03/13/2009 02:49:31 PM
Love it. We don't have bridges like this in my country. You've captured the sunset very well. Great landscape in focus.
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03/13/2009 02:00:00 PM
also almost looks like you could be looking out the back of a big empty moving wagon! great framing, leading lines and colours
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03/13/2009 01:54:36 PM
i never knew a shot of a field from inside a wooden enclose good be so appealing to me.

love this
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03/13/2009 01:23:13 PM
Very lovely colors and depth going on here. Good use of "natural" framing.
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03/13/2009 12:49:27 PM
Great use of the bridge to frame the scene
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03/13/2009 10:57:34 AM
I like the idea of this, but I wish that there was some point of interest on the road - a horse and rider, a cyclist, pedestrian, old car or truck.... The tree does help, but at the end isn't enough to retain my interest for long enough.
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03/13/2009 10:42:55 AM
pretty, pretty..I sooo want to go back up north...love these bridges...where is it...great colors/tones excellent framing and editing
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03/13/2009 09:06:59 AM
nice shot
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03/12/2009 08:05:36 PM
Good perspective. I like the evening tones on the timber.
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03/12/2009 07:10:48 PM
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03/12/2009 07:00:44 PM
cool how this opening opens to a beautiful scene, nicely seen and captured
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03/12/2009 04:34:36 PM
very pretty, all around
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03/12/2009 01:12:17 PM
this looks like a scene from smallville, nice!
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03/12/2009 11:25:15 AM
Great use of framing, love the way it evokes a sense of things to come.
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03/12/2009 09:53:44 AM
this is cool - I really like it
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03/12/2009 09:53:32 AM
A natural picture frame.
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03/12/2009 08:29:17 AM
Covered bridges are great subjects and this one is lovely with great colors.
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03/12/2009 06:57:04 AM
a little bit too oversaturated for my taste. Nice scene, but it is not interesting enough to make a great picture, a person walking on the road would definately help making a very good picture out of it.
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03/12/2009 02:04:47 AM
Cool shot from the bridge. Nice warm tones.
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03/12/2009 01:21:00 AM
He had walked far that day, on this journey of his. He was traveling the land, seeking himself, or at the very least, seeking to release what was already within himself, and so far he'd had a wonderful journey. For the most part, it had been carefree and of no event.

Then he'd stopped in that village this morning for a small bite to eat and a coffee, and had explained that he was to be going up Deadman's Road, as he heard there was some beautiful scenery that way. The room had gone quiet then, so that not a sound could be heard. It was like the very air had breathed in and refused to release itself.

He grinned uncomfortably and asked his waitress what the matter was. In a hushed whisper, her face ghostly white, she had uttered only that if he had any sense in his body, he would avoid that road. "Do not enter the covered bridge!" she had almost squealed, or would have if she had any breath left in her lungs.

With that, she told him quickly that his breakfast was on the house and that he should leave them, and such was her urgency that he decided not to make trouble and left the place.

Still, curiosity was stronger than fear in him, and laughing off what he considered the superstitions of a bunch of backwoods villagers, he decided to go his chosen path.

For most of the day he'd followed that road, which was called Deadman's for a reason unknown to him at the time. Had he known, perhaps he wouldn't have taken that road, though perhaps he would have still.

He followed that road without incident until the sun began to rain fire among the clouds and turned the air golden hued. It was then that he came upon it, the covered bridge. It stood there like any bridge, glowing red-orange in the deep light of the early evening, but looking absolutely unremarkable, and certainly not like a thing of horror and fear.

He laughed at the memory of the waitress, who had seemed near death with fright, and shook his head. The things that people allow themselves to fear. It could be so foolish.

So he hitched up his pack and started across that bridge, sitting in the middle of an expanse of fields and grass, and strolled across without much thought at all. Laughing, he reached the opening at the far end, and standing just inside, gazing at the final moments of the sunset beyond, he turned back to the gathering darkness behind him and began to shout out that victory was his. That he had beaten the silly bridge.

He began to shout, but no sound escaped him. No sound but a keening whistle from his suddenly constricted throat. For before him was a ghastly specter, glowing a sickly green, and dripping an oozing smoky slime. It floated there in front of him and then released a screeching wail that filled his head and his soul, a pitch that was almost beyond physical sound, but threatened to shatter him entire. He dropped to his knees, his body clenched in a deathly rictus, his mouth open in a silent scream, and the dripping, venomnous thing that was like mist and moisture ceased it's wail, and attacked.

Yes, in the end, he discovered why it was called Deadman's Road, but he was never found to explain it to anyone else.
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03/12/2009 12:56:36 AM
i like the natural framing, great colors and composition.
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03/12/2009 12:02:54 AM
Love the tones in this, very warm and inviting w/geat DOF! Excellent!! 9
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03/11/2009 11:29:31 PM
Not sure about the tones here.. I like the bridge used as a frame for the fields.
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03/11/2009 10:35:08 PM
Love covered bridges & the country. The lighting on this is just a wonderful plus.
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03/11/2009 05:10:01 PM
This is the essence of all things that are good about rural-ness.
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03/11/2009 05:04:56 PM
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03/11/2009 03:59:25 PM
Love the bridge. we had a local one burned down by vandals.
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03/11/2009 03:29:42 PM
I like that you used the bridge as a frame.
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03/11/2009 03:11:55 PM
warm colors on the bridge make this for me. nice work.
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03/11/2009 03:07:03 PM
Makes me want to get out and drive - long road to anywhere.
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03/11/2009 01:31:47 PM
Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth, says Picasso. Here, I think there may be so much truth that it appears false. For all I know this could be a minimally edited exposure, and I'm almost certain that it is a true representation of the scene. Nevertheless there is a CGHDRI look about it...
It is breathtaking.
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03/11/2009 09:59:17 AM
Interesting perspective.
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03/11/2009 08:17:18 AM
Awesome photo - Looks like a painting. Great Light and color. Really nice. 9
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03/11/2009 03:41:35 AM
Well framed
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03/11/2009 12:51:31 AM
Nicely framed farm country through the covered bridge. Beautiful sunset colors. I like that you're not centered in the bridge.
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