Author | Thread |
12/21/2005 09:58:43 PM |
rofl this is too funny. Gotta favorite it because it's so twisted; no pun intended. |
08/05/2005 10:35:57 PM |
hahahahah...... I would have loved to been member when this challenge came up. You would have got a 10 from me just for making me laugh so much. |
04/19/2002 12:45:00 AM |
I think we are looking at the next David Lynch or maybe S. Kubrick. |
04/18/2002 07:57:00 PM |
re: 5) jon sucks
see previous: max - 4/13/2002 FAGGOT
addendum: <3 |
04/18/2002 12:36:00 PM |
Frankly, I find this and some of ryano's other images pretty damn humorous in a darkly disturbed kind of way. Keep up the great work, you pube-shooting psycho! Without visionary artisitic leaders such as yourselves, the world would be a grey, boring, overly-anal shithole. VanGough, Picasso, Escher - they too were all misunderstood. (Oh gawd, did I just unconciously compare "Lone Pubert, ye hardly knew we" to "A Starry Night"?) LOL! |
04/18/2002 11:59:00 AM |
04/17/2002 08:39:00 AM |
I don't feel that this photograph is visually uninteresting, at all. I think that the pubic hair, as grotesque as pubic hairs may be, is very crisp and really stands out in such a dark image. It's almost as if I should brush it off my own computer screen. |
04/16/2002 09:30:00 PM |
04/16/2002 07:32:00 PM |
Hello Ryano, you controversy-sparking photographer you! Not unlike like my much-loved Mapplethorpe. Good for you for keeping us on our toes! I happen to enjoy your pictures because they are so unpredictable and always make me laugh. I am still laughing about the "location-Mother F***er" on your self portrait--not mention it was a cool picture! Keep 'em coming! |
04/16/2002 06:51:00 AM |
to my dear friend ciscocali,
yes i am just a voter and a professor. i vote on pictures here in the same way i grade my student's homework--with a keen eye and complete impartiality. i do not have time to photograph just like i'm sure you do not have time to write textbooks on the human psyche. we both do what we do and who is to judge that a photographer is better than a voter. is an athelete better than a judge? the judge has the final say. we all know that if an athlete felt his pride was hurt in anyway, he would not hesitate to criticize the judge. your comments were made out of anger which is a perfectly normal reaction of the homo sapien. it should be brought to your attention that you and your submissions aren't in anyway needed for the growth and survival of dpchallenge. i do not think the three gentleman who created this site gave of their time and hard work so you could tell them "Better ways to take a picture of pubic hair". i hope either an apology, silence, or a simple exit will follow this post. thanks. |
04/16/2002 05:39:00 AM |
You know, I should have addressed ciscocali directly. For someone who speaks so strongly of class and taste, you sure don't hold back on the tactless attacks on everyone who doesn't agree with you. Why, it took you a mere four sentences to go from insulting rynao, to insulting professor, to insulting all us clueless tools who don't know what photography 'stands for' today. Why don't you tell us? I'm so happy that I've finally met the arbiter of all things digital, now I have someone to answer my burning questions about photgraphic propriety and the online social graces. And shame on you for criticizing professor for not submitting, as if that were a reason he couldn't comment inteligently. Where are your Curves and Stopped Motion pictures? I really did like your architecture submission, back it up with another submission or pipe down. |
04/16/2002 05:36:00 AM |
ciscocali, I'm glad you could come with a more idiotic response than your previous.
Either way, there is a lot good about this picture. It's real, it's raw, and causes many different reactions as seen from the various comments. It's obviously sparked something in you. Who says art can't be controversial? |
04/16/2002 05:18:00 AM |
Man, langdon is a fierce webmaster!</p>I also think ryano gets much lower votes than he deserves because people (in general) are too uptight. I mean, come on... it's just a toilet! Toilets get pubic hairs on them. Should we all just pretend that toilets are sparkling temples of hygene?</p>I found the last two of his photographs quite interesting, he actually *has* a visual style, and is not just snapping at random. Frankly, I look forward to seeing what he's going to submit next. A lot of my favorite artwork makes me flinch... isn't 'art' more about a person's visceral reaction to it than any post-viewing, intellectual, subjective evaluation of it's 'beauty' or 'merit'?</p>To those of you who're demanding that he leaves... not everyone sees the world like you do, I'd appreciate you toning down the vitriol. And to max, the proud owner of our first 'FAGGOT' comment, if the thought of a guy being close enough to another guy's pubes to photograph them, even an unattached one, is enough to get you so hot and bothered... wow. I hope the pubes at your workplace don't turn *you* gay. Better check under the seats. |
04/15/2002 05:31:00 PM |
Better ways to take a picture of pubic hair - by langdon.
1. Add hair spray. 2. Dip in milk 3. if you run out, ask your mom for some of her's
my point is. there is nothing good about this pathetic picture. There is no way to make it better. Is it really a good idea? If it's such a great idea why don't we make it a topic for everyone. Instead of a self portrait, why don't we call it "PUBES" the curlier the better. The problem is, no one here has any sense of reality. This is a photography contest. Trash really isn't accepted here, or maybe I'm wrong, obviously no one that runs this site was SMART enough to disqualify this stupid pathetic so called picture. It is very obvious that the person who took this is immature. It is very obvious that the person who took this has no class and really is not suitable to be in this type of a contest. If you're asking me for a constructive comment, good luck because I don't have one !!!!!! |
04/15/2002 02:53:00 PM |
I said bite your tongue because you were obviously misinformed when you made your idiotic comment.
Need I remind you that the point of making comments is for providing constructive feedback for the users in our community, not to let users know that, in your opinion, they don't have a clue about photography. |
04/15/2002 02:27:00 PM |
A voter with poor taste. Bite your tongue langdon !! |
04/15/2002 01:38:00 PM |
Bite your tongue ciscocali ! professor is a voter. |
04/15/2002 12:52:00 PM |
hey professor. You're doing all this talk and you haven't even submitted anything yet. What's the point of backing ryano anyway, to look like a hero? Does anyone know what photography stands for anymore? What ever happened to the artistic values. I don't think professor is still trying to figure out how to use his flash button. Beside the true facts that I just mentioned. This picture, is absolutely tasteless. Why waste the time to even upload such an insane picture. So ryano, you're going from bathroom to bathroom looking for pubes. Okay, education, education, education. Need I say more. |
04/15/2002 12:49:00 PM |
I'm in agreement with the professor. Your shots consistently receive in my opinion much lower scores than they deserve, either because of the subject matter, the title, or both. I'm not all happy thinking of a dirty toilet, but it's a good ominous photograph of an interesting subject. Glad to see you continuing to submit despite the bad votes, I enjoy your pictures immensely. |
04/15/2002 09:11:00 AM |
i do not understand all of the negative feedback. i think most of you are fools especially ciscocali. this is a picture that everyone can relate to. everyone has seen a dirty toilet. everyone has seen a pubic hair. so why take offense? none of you seemed to take offense when the pube was attached to someone's butt as in "his and hers". ryano has tried to present a mature subject matter for a mature audience. if you're not mature, don't act like you're mature by attacking something that was pretty darn funny. i appreciates ryanos willingness to submit a funny picture and sacrifice his rating rather than be all proud and submit a self-exalted gotta-win picture and sacrifice his humorous personality. |
04/15/2002 12:27:00 AM |
ok, 1) it's not my toilet, it's the toilet at my work, nor is it my pube 2) this isn't the toilet seat, it's the top rim of the bowl (like anyone would sit on this) 3) i never touched a god damn thing, this is exactly how i found it 4) the only alteration i made was brightness & contrast (the original is much darker) 5) jon sucks 6) i spent no more than a few minutes getting this shot, so i agree with all the "technically" bad comments
glad i could give you guys something to talk* about. thanks for all the 1's.
* // * // * // * //
p.s. special thanks to ciscocali for the _best comment ever_. |
Comments Made During the Challenge  |
04/14/2002 10:00:00 PM |
Didn't care for the subject matter. |
04/13/2002 09:51:00 PM |
wish it had been in color |
04/13/2002 07:47:00 PM |
Nice light, appropriate mood. |
04/13/2002 06:37:00 PM |
04/13/2002 11:13:00 AM |
One of the greatest titles yet to grace dpchallenge, although the image is a bit dark. |
04/13/2002 10:24:00 AM |
What's the wire on the bottom? I think the effect might be better if the contrast is increased. |
04/12/2002 09:32:00 PM |
04/12/2002 07:50:00 PM |
Would have been so much better w/o Pubert and the dirt on the rim. |
04/12/2002 09:42:00 AM |
04/11/2002 06:47:00 PM |
You are definitely not a photographer. I assume you are still a teenager just fooling around with dad's camera. I suggest you leave this site because you have no class and no taste whatsoever. |
04/11/2002 03:05:00 PM |
I don't care for this photo at all. It is to dark and of course very discusting. Maybe it would look better if you cleaned the toilet and the put the pubic hair back on. I sure hope this isn't your toilet! :) |
04/11/2002 01:00:00 PM |
*snark* Did you try cropping this to get rid of the shadow on the top of the rim? |
04/10/2002 09:53:00 AM |
A bad picture of juvenile subject matter. Report at 0500 for latrine cleaning duty. |
04/10/2002 03:59:00 AM |
Imaginative, simple subject. Like it. Could use more light. |
04/09/2002 09:03:00 PM |
oh, my god. This gets comedy award for this week. |
04/09/2002 11:22:00 AM |
not a good exposure. too dark. |
04/09/2002 10:36:00 AM |
I can see this was taken for it's shock value. I'm not crazy about the subject but that aside, it is well done as far as your lighting, placement, and focus. Oh and by the way, your toilet could use some cleaning. |
04/09/2002 09:37:00 AM |
Sorry, I must be dumb but just dont get it. Not only the title, but it seems pretty dark and I don't know what I'm looking at |
04/09/2002 06:22:00 AM |
i gotta say i really like the curve, but ewww! |
04/09/2002 05:54:00 AM |
04/09/2002 03:55:00 AM |
04/09/2002 03:14:00 AM |
Curves on curves. Funny title. |
04/08/2002 08:54:00 PM |
That is just plain gross. |
04/08/2002 06:13:00 PM |
bog off! - one hell of an idea - definately a curvy curl! is the title from a line from 'The one that got away' ! |
04/08/2002 04:30:00 PM |
funny title, shitty picture. |
04/08/2002 04:08:00 PM |
'we hardly knew ye'. dumbass. |
04/08/2002 04:07:00 PM |
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. And a great picture too! |
04/08/2002 03:34:00 PM |
Twisted concept, but better luck next time. |
04/08/2002 12:41:00 PM |
repulsive subject, excellent picture, results in powerful illustration perhaps for an ad for toilet seat covers |
04/08/2002 11:30:00 AM |
Nice focus on the the thin curve. |
04/08/2002 09:55:00 AM |
I think I may need some help in finding the humor in this photo... |
04/08/2002 09:52:00 AM |
urgh. Did you have to share ? I recommend bleach.
Focus isn't very sharp through the whole hair - spoils it technically |
04/08/2002 09:02:00 AM |
stupid title = vote of 1. |
04/08/2002 06:17:00 AM |
would have been better without the hair and debris. Lack of tonal range. |
04/08/2002 02:07:00 AM |
ingenious... yet slightly disturbing. most laughable. |
04/08/2002 01:30:00 AM |
I think I'm going to cry. Um, excuse me while I go wash my hands repeatedly and obsessively. |
04/08/2002 12:46:00 AM |
he doesn't look very alone! eeewww. |
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