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mid morning
mid morning

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Deep DOF (Advanced Editing II)
Collection: 2004
Camera: Olympus C-5050Z
Location: Nancy Greene Lake, BC, Canada
Date: Jun 1, 2004
Galleries: Landscape, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Jun 4, 2004


Place: 6 out of 158
Avg (all users): 6.9381
Avg (commenters): 8.5667
Avg (participants): 6.7604
Avg (non-participants): 7.1122
Views since voting: 3238
Votes: 194
Comments: 38
Favorites: 8 (view)

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04/03/2006 01:39:56 AM
Very reminiscent of Ansel Adams - great B/W tones and nice capture of a dramatic moment.
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06/14/2004 12:23:16 PM
Love the tonal range Ursula!! Awsome stuff!! :-)
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06/14/2004 12:18:39 PM
Man i can't wait to see wht you're gonna be able to do when you get that D70. awesome :)

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06/14/2004 12:17:22 AM
This is brilliant work, Ursula. I'm in awe.
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06/14/2004 12:05:07 AM
Simply stunning...I don't have words to express!!! Congrats on your top ten finish! ;O)
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/13/2004 11:37:18 PM
Can't wait to find out what Ansel Adams uses for a screen name. Welcome to DPC! 8
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06/13/2004 09:18:26 PM
Nice depth, nice composition, nice reflection and skyline. 8
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06/13/2004 03:44:48 PM
Stunning image, very pleasant to view.
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06/13/2004 03:29:21 PM
Very well done. This is a 10
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06/13/2004 02:50:30 PM
I can perhaps dream of capturing a photo like this! Focus and dof are just perfect. Superb composition. Probably the blue ribbon for this challenge. 10
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06/13/2004 02:09:29 PM
Beautiful! I like composition and the higjlights on the water. Maybe the dynamic range seems no to be very wide, specially on the forest on the left??

I wonder how the colourful picture looks like.
Anyway, congratulations on your work.
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06/13/2004 01:09:37 PM
Outstanding!!! Perfect and very detailed....I hope this ribbons! Good Luck!
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06/13/2004 09:57:33 AM
Spectacular. Can't wait to see where this finishes, I predict at least a top 10.
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06/13/2004 03:23:20 AM
A bit on the dark side for me. But I do love the level of detail you've managed to capture. Excellent composition. 7
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06/12/2004 09:09:07 AM
There are not enough superlatives to describe how great this image is. Outside of being slightly dark on the left side of the image this is perfection. Outstanding, wonderful work. A very memorable image that transcends the challenge and moves into fine art photography. Kudos to you.
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06/11/2004 05:03:09 AM
nice tones, sharp, 9
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06/10/2004 11:50:04 PM
very nice...excellent focus and saturation
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06/09/2004 06:40:34 PM
Great use of contrast. I love it. I can see this picture hanging in my house.
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06/09/2004 04:48:31 PM
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06/09/2004 04:05:23 AM
Great photo. Was this completely adjusted in photoshop, or was it shot with a filter? Almost looks infrared the way the sky is darkened and the white shrubbery.
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06/08/2004 07:13:51 PM
Simply breathtaking...I am in awe. :o)
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06/08/2004 10:52:18 AM
Stunning. Congrast.
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06/08/2004 06:51:15 AM
As I see this, the trees on the left lack some definition, and I think that hurts the image - the excellent toning of those on the right is unbalanced by it. Good clouds, good reflections, and I like the foreground log-thing, although i might have wanted more definition there too. Ultimately, I think the composition isn't great - what you seem to have captured is the surroundings of an empty space: my eye is drawn constantly to the join of that right hand stand of trees and those on the far side of the lake, and there isn't that much there to hold interest, to focus the eye. The bright part of the clouds pulls the eye, and you end up wandering through the image, with no point to hold the attention. Strong efffort, nontheless. 7
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06/08/2004 01:58:32 AM
very nice
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06/07/2004 09:27:10 PM
a winner
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06/07/2004 08:16:57 PM
Not normaly into B&W but this is great.
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06/07/2004 07:26:25 PM
Really good submission for this challenge. It's near perfect. I really love the sky and the black and white - it has a very ansel adams feel. 10
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06/07/2004 04:55:28 PM
Yup - that's deep alright. If not in the top 3 then this will be on the front page, deservedly. Great scene and lovely contrast - although the left side appears a little too burned and is heavy as a result.
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06/07/2004 04:18:21 PM
Very moody & atmospheric shot with the tree branch ? in the foreground helping to tie in the deep dof perfectly.
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06/07/2004 03:33:11 PM
I am not sure b/w is the best choice, a lovely picture nevertheless.
The horizon looks slightly tilted.
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06/07/2004 02:28:12 PM
This is a beautiful scene that works very well in black and white and also meets the challenge theme well. It is one of my top choices.
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06/07/2004 09:20:02 AM
Ahhhhhh... Lovely work, meets the challenge perfectly. Great tonal range, with details visible in both the blacks and whites. Good choice for a b/w shot - those clouds really give the image punch.
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06/07/2004 07:30:57 AM
One of my favs so far. Meets the challenge 100%. Great reflections. Great contrast in lightings and composition.
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06/07/2004 02:48:52 AM
Very Ansel Adams.
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06/07/2004 02:24:41 AM
Beautiful, I would love to see the colour version
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06/07/2004 01:45:24 AM
Gorgeous, only comment is that a bit more foreground, but that's just me being nitpicky 9
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06/07/2004 12:41:20 AM
This is just beautiful. B&W fits perfectly with it. Great composition too.

Good luck...
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06/07/2004 12:34:10 AM
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