RAW to jpeg conversion in Adobe RAW 4.2, Duplicate Layer, Auto-Levels, Duplicate Layer, Master Opacity Change, Overlay Blending, Stamp Visible, Master Visibility Change, Screen Blending, Multiple Opacity Changes, Duplicate Layer, Cropped, Flattened Image, Resized, Duplicated Layer, Auto-Sharpened, Opacity Change to 50%, Merged Down, USM, Spot Healing Brush to Remove White Smudges, Saved for Web...
(Full view of the macro subject.)
Thank you all for the kind words and the encouragement. It was nice to see a high score for such a utilitarian object. Yet, I believe we do feel that the patina and texture of this particular fire hydrant made a worthy piece of "eye-candy."
Thanks again. :)
Place: 67 out of 177 Avg (all users): 5.6014 Avg (commenters): 7.2000 Avg (participants): 5.4737 Avg (non-participants): 5.7581 Views since voting: 930 Views during voting: 241 Votes: 138 Comments: 7 Favorites: 0
Initial impression: Pretty colours, and I never would have guessed that it was part if a fireplug!
Technical: DOF is good, lighting good. My eye is doing a lot of roving around looking for a focal point. As has been noted there is a lot to look at here. In this challenge, it works well because you want to keep the viewer guessing, but don't use this as a fallback.
Wondering why such a fast shutter speed? A slower shutter, even handheld (see no mention of use of a tripod) could have given you a shot with much more depth and texture, and less reliance on pp tricks.
Artistic: Favourable comments from viewers and a respectable score, who's to argue with that?
Overall: A little too much for me personally in terms of pp, but it did well and it is nice to see the thumb of the hydrant and area you macro'd in on.