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I'm A Cat
I'm A Cat

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Painted Face (Basic Editing)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 800
Date: Nov 6, 2009
Galleries: Children
Date Uploaded: Nov 6, 2009

This is one of my friends who was playing around.

Place: 31 out of 31
Avg (all users): 2.2446
Avg (commenters): 1.8182
Avg (participants): 2.2500
Avg (non-participants): 2.2442
Views since voting: 1761
Views during voting: 566
Votes: 323
Comments: 26
Favorites: 1 (view)

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07/05/2012 09:08:13 AM
Originally posted by Art Roflmao:

I was going to steal this and make a print, but was foiled by your watermark. >:(

i almost choked
05/05/2010 06:05:05 AM
I was going to steal this and make a print, but was foiled by your watermark. >:(
03/01/2010 08:50:05 PM
Congradz on brown Jacob...
11/18/2009 12:11:00 AM
Ouch. Well, no direction to go but up, right? Congrats on the brown, however! There is some (debatable) value in achieving one. (I am quite fond of mine!)
 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/17/2009 10:14:32 PM
definitely going for the brown, congratulations
11/17/2009 02:43:51 PM
this is not a painted face
11/17/2009 10:18:23 AM
No painted face..image is too small and quality is lacking...5
11/17/2009 06:01:28 AM
It's a good idea to submit your image at a bigger size so it shows the photo at it's best. The guidelines to the sizes are linked from the rules. If you're not sure how to get your image this size you are very welcome to site mail me, or start a thread and someone else will help you.
11/16/2009 06:46:17 PM
out of focus, poorly composed, just a snap shot, did not use all your pixels
11/16/2009 01:49:14 PM
I feel obligated to explain a lowball vote, though I am surely not the first to leave these comments.
-pic is way too small, you should use the allowed pixel value on at least one side.
-Blurry and flat looking, as if it was taken with a phone-cam. Some common adjustments could help it a bit. (Such as levels, curves, contrast, sharpening)
-I don't see any face paint. Unless it is her makeup.
-At a filesize of less than 8k, there is surely a ton of JPEG compression taking away from the clarity of the image. Always use the least compression you can and still sneak in under the filesize limits.

11/15/2009 04:21:10 AM
OK.......Firstly, when submitting, use all of the allowable pixels........This photo shows up very small and ay details are hard to see......People will mark you down if you submit something significantly smaller than the allowable.
Secondly, you will be getting a lot of Did Not Meet Challenge (DNMC) votes, as her face is not clearly painted. Meeting the challenge strongly will gain you marks. Many people will give this a quick look, not see the connection, and therefore vote you low.
Technicals, the focus is not sharp. Make sure your photos are sharp, and when resizing, use the sharpening tools if required. The light is very harsh, and the crop is really awkward. Pay a lot of attention to the composition on the photo, cropping the very top of her head doesn't work, and the partial hand also.......
11/14/2009 09:53:18 PM
11/14/2009 04:56:30 PM
A shitty cat.
11/14/2009 02:21:00 PM
too small and needs to be infocus
11/12/2009 01:17:23 PM
uhm..... not quite sure whats going on here. Well I like the angle and composition, with a painted face, B&W (always good for shots with technical imperfections in them) and bigger this could be an interesting photo.
11/12/2009 07:12:16 AM
I don't know whay, but it made me smile. But it's a so bad qualitiy, so small, I won't vote on it.
11/11/2009 10:56:32 PM
pretty lame
11/11/2009 08:26:15 PM
Photo is WAY too small, and the focus is very soft. On top of that I don't see how this photo meets the competition. Because of those reasons I gave this a 1
11/11/2009 08:17:59 PM
First, this loaded really tiny. Pay attention to the file size when you're uploading. Second, I don't see how this meets the challenge.
11/11/2009 06:37:48 PM
Small, phone cam, bad res, oof, blurry, no makeup and colours are way off. I'm amazed you even submitted this.

Not going to give you a 1 because you may be going for the brown, which is just plain silly.

11/11/2009 02:01:40 PM
where is the painted face? and the quality is terrible.... im sorry, but i do not get the intention behind this.
11/11/2009 10:28:37 AM
Sorry, but this is perhaps the toughest competitive photography site in the world. You really need to learn the basics of photography, and be willing to accept criticism if you are ever to improve. If you are not mature enough to realize that you have to develop basic photo skills, then you might not enjoy participating on this site.

The point of view (POV) is interesting but that's it.

Otherwise, this pic is just an extremely undersized, very blurry, poorly composed, badly cropped, blown-out, out-of-focus snapshot. And as there is no indication of any kind of face paint whatsoever, you really are wasting your time entering this challenge.
11/11/2009 05:20:00 AM
I presume you've uploaded the wrong picture here...
Unfortunately I just can't give a high score to this image.
Better luck next time.
11/11/2009 05:17:20 AM
I don't see how this meets the challenge; beyond that it is out of focus and way too small
11/11/2009 04:59:19 AM
i really do not understand why put here photograph like this... it's too little, there isn't nothing on the maf zone... mmhhh... sorry... no vote for me.
11/11/2009 12:27:18 AM

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