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School's Out
School's Out

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study 2010-02 (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Nikon D200
Lens: Nikon AF Zoom-Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 VR DG IF-ED
Location: Jonesboro, Arkansas
Date: Feb 8, 2010
Aperture: f/2.8
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/125
Date Uploaded: Feb 16, 2010


Place: 9 out of 379
Avg (all users): 6.8255
Avg (commenters): 9.0000
Avg (participants): 6.8421
Avg (non-participants): 6.7714
Views since voting: 2412
Views during voting: 274
Votes: 149
Comments: 27
Favorites: 8 (view)

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03/11/2010 07:46:14 PM
wow 9th place!! good job! :)
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03/09/2010 04:13:21 PM
I love this photo - it really expressed the emotions I remember feeling! Great photo.
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03/09/2010 09:51:24 AM
Love it! Frolicking children make life fun:-) Funny how a dreary and cold day can seem so warm b/c of a carefree child, well done!
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03/09/2010 03:55:44 AM
Lovely, Kim! Congrats on the top ten!
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03/08/2010 11:45:29 PM
Well done. One of my favs. Congrats.
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03/08/2010 04:54:00 PM
Congrats on a very very lovely image!! (And the top 10 in a FS, that's cool too.)
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03/08/2010 04:32:58 PM
I love your PP in this shot. It's just gorgeous and suits the image perfectly. Very sweet image.
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03/08/2010 07:40:10 AM
The thing that grabs me about this image is that her clothes are the only true black in the image. It's a sort of reverse of the usual trick of making the subject the brightest part of the image to get the viewers focus. Congrats on the top 10, the effect works marvelously.
Get her a P&S.
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03/08/2010 07:06:34 AM
Well done. The snow we had here in the south was beautiful!
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03/08/2010 06:30:12 AM
Congratulations Kim on your top ten finish, love the pose lighting, processing and mood you have captured. Looks like you have a natural model in your daughter.
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03/08/2010 05:28:07 AM
Amazing atmosphere, really beautiful.
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03/08/2010 02:31:17 AM
Nice use of Short DOF. Well done.
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03/08/2010 01:27:24 AM
Love this - emotive - great processing
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03/08/2010 12:53:31 AM
This was taken on the same day as the Head Wear challenge. Nadine_Vb is so smart and I'm thrilled there is actually someone who recognized an image of MINE. Wow, I'm honored. Thank you paulbtlw, I took a look at njsabs' work and I appreciate the reference and she is now one of my fav photogs. And no, Ja-9, she did not catch a cold. In fact, she would run right back to me to take a look at the image on the back of the camera (preview screen) to see how it looked. If she wasn't happy with it, she would insist that we shoot it again. All at the tender age of 5. Lord help me when she's 15!!! Thanks for the comments folks! Kim
03/08/2010 12:42:49 AM
Oh this is so gorgeuous, I did'nt see it during voting, but would've given you a 10, I don't know how anyone can give this a one or two, how mean. Well done. i've added it to my faves.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/07/2010 05:52:01 PM
Gotta' love the outfit :-) The pose just screams "carefree!"
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03/07/2010 10:30:25 AM
This looks familiar. I dare to believe this is a photograph made by kvickrey.
I love the complete setup around this: the environment, the border, the black&white... Some parts of the photograph are leaning to the pinhole effect. I have handed out some tens in this challenge and yet another 10 is coming out your way
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03/07/2010 09:10:01 AM
I'm going through the entries, stopping at those images I feel have had the benefit of an unconventional eye and dwelling a little longer to try to see and appreciate what you saw. This is one of those images.

Positives: I love this - puts me in mind of an njsabs piece (though I know it isn't). Great colours, great restriction on the light, fabulous composition and even the somewhat unsubtle vignette works.

Critical stuff: Perhaps a tad more sharpness on the child might have improved the image or it might have just interfered with the diffused look.

Overall: Great work.
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03/06/2010 09:38:35 PM
Wonderful joy to this!
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03/05/2010 02:49:11 PM
love this...I will have to move it up...she didn't catch a cold did she
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03/04/2010 08:47:51 PM
Hope this ribbons.
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03/04/2010 06:39:20 PM
10...Nothing else to say!
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03/03/2010 05:50:10 PM
this is my favorite photo I have seen to date on DPChallenge, and is the only 10 I have given out in over 14,000 votes. Absolutely spectacular shot
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03/02/2010 01:30:57 PM
Absolutely wonderful! Great energy, emotion, and perfect tones. Beautiful.
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03/02/2010 12:19:31 AM
I love the light in this photo.
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03/01/2010 12:41:22 PM
This is gorgeous. Gave you an 8 last night...however the more I look at the image the more I like it. 9
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03/01/2010 05:20:19 AM
excellent shot in the back :-)
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