Author | Thread |
12/06/2002 05:03:28 AM |
I have to admit the reason I liked this image is actually because of the way the houses were the second main subject and so instrusive into what would otherwise be a regular farming photo - fitted the title.
Only change I'd make would be to swing the whole lot lower - too much sky for me - and have more foreground instead - still with same DOF on background housing estate and still with tractor exiting shot.
Kavey |
12/06/2002 12:24:52 AM |
Thanks timj351 for following critique,
I think farms and tractors always make for good photos. I think it is the hardwork and freedom they seem to convey. I wish I could see a little more of that sense from this photo. It is the row of houses and the amount of sky that is being shown that detracts from this sense. I think if you were to use a faster aperture setting of F2 to F5.6 then you could have blurred the background and some of the foreground in order to isolate the tractor and focus our attention on in. I would also prefer to see more of the field in the foreground. After all, it is the tractor and the field that is the subject. Perhaps even trying it so that the horizon line is only a third of the way from the top. I would have to see it to know for sure. Framing the tractor so far to the left seems to crowd the edge and I feel it would work better compositionally if you centered the tractor and plow. This way the tractor would still be a little heavy on the left making it interesting but not so much that it crowds the edge. I know this probably would not be possible but it would be interesting to me to see this image from higher above the ground so as to see more of the crop lines. Simply showing more of the field would accomplish this somewhat as well. The orange of the tractor with the blue of the farmer contrasts nicely with the green grass. For the most part I find this to be a good photo which could use a little work with the DOF and composition. As for meeting the challenge, I think this photo is a very good choice and one that helps to tell a story.
Tim Jensen
Thank you for the in depth critique of my recent photograph "Farmers Losing Ground". As I read it I get the feeling you missed the concept of the picture. It was my intention to show that the farmer was being crowded off his land by the urban scrawl in the background. I intentionally worked at getting the most DOF that I could so as much of the field, tractor and houses were in focus as they are all part of the subject. I took several pictures and elected to use one with the tractor on its way out to emphasize that he was literally on his way out of the picture. Knowing that you were unable to know the conditions I was faced with in getting close enough to take the picture, I want to let you know that I had to take the picture over the top of a high fence enclosing yet another new housing development on the near side of the field. This disallowed the possibility of getting more of the field in the foreground, which I also would have liked to see.
I do however appreciate the extra effort that you and the rest of the Critique Club put into your evaluations of our pictures. Your suggestions have been a help to me and I will remember to incorporate them in my future photos. I have gained a great deal from this site and will always remain open minded about any suggestions that you have to offer. Your pictures are among the ones that I look forward to seeing each challenge, as they are always a cut above the rest of the field.
Keep up the good work and thank you,
Dick Pattee (Autool)
12/03/2002 02:07:00 AM |
I think farms and tractors always make for good photos. I think it is the hardwork and freedom they seem to convey. I wish I could see a little more of that sense from this photo. It is the row of houses and the amount of sky that is being shown that detracts from this sense. I think if you were to use a faster aperture setting of F2 to F5.6 then you could have blurred the background and some of the foreground in order to isolate the tractor and focus our attention on in. I would also prefer to see more of the field in the foreground. After all, it is the tractor and the field that is the subject. Perhaps even trying it so that the horizon line is only a third of the way from the top. I would have to see it to know for sure. Framing the tractor so far to the left seems to crowd the edge and I feel it would work better compositionally if you centered the tractor and plow. This way the tractor would still be a little heavy on the left making it interesting but not so much that it crowds the edge. I know this probably would not be possible but it would be interesting to me to see this image from higher above the ground so as to see more of the crop lines. Simply showing more of the field would accomplish this somewhat as well. The orange of the tractor with the blue of the farmer contrasts nicely with the green grass. For the most part I find this to be a good photo which could use a little work with the DOF and composition. As for meeting the challenge, I think this photo is a very good choice and one that helps to tell a story.
Tim Jensen
Comments Made During the Challenge  |
12/01/2002 11:14:00 PM |
Great use of space. Nice shot. |
12/01/2002 07:38:00 PM |
Really nice shot. I love the colors of the foreground vs. the tone of the background. Your use of negative space is good too. Great job. DPz |
11/30/2002 09:51:00 PM |
This is an excellent portrayal of a real story - my favourite - hope you win ! |
11/30/2002 12:15:00 PM |
Yup. Great juxtaposition. I would have preferred something a little less two dimensional. |
11/29/2002 03:30:00 PM |
Poignant title and a good concept as journalism. 8 |
11/29/2002 12:39:00 PM |
11/29/2002 01:11:00 AM |
Great composition. Good idea too. |
11/28/2002 08:44:00 PM |
Needs focus. Too much sky in my opinion. It's hazy and doesn't add to the photo. The gractor with the houses crowding the land out are your subjects. Come down on them. Maybe add land in front of the tractor. Just my personal opinion. Nice idea and good topic though. PTL6 |
11/28/2002 08:29:00 PM |
Good photo for the environmental story. Was this taken in California's central valley? JEM |
11/27/2002 09:58:00 PM |
really nice, guess he would've thought it rude if you'd come romping out through his neat rows to get closer to him, this works though. |
11/27/2002 09:08:00 PM |
Loosing ground. LLoks like he is on the phone. Hmmmm Not in focus. I think you have too much sky in there. |
11/27/2002 06:31:00 AM |
Really like this one. Great lines. :) Kaz |
11/26/2002 05:59:00 PM |
great statement .. sad .., very good composition i think. |
11/26/2002 04:58:00 PM |
11/26/2002 01:16:00 PM |
This is an excellent shot! This one doesn't even need a title; this pic says it all. My only suggestion: Have more field, less sky. 10 |
11/25/2002 10:54:00 PM |
the panarama view really adds to the impact of the title/photo combination ~anachronite |
11/25/2002 09:26:00 PM |
Very thought provoking, high impact where meaning is concerned. Can definitely see this on the front cover of a magazine! -9- CreativeDotCom |
11/25/2002 05:43:00 PM |
I know I am suppose to be voting on Pics. but so many have lost the concept of what photojournalism really is, but this is well done with the scheme contrast. |
11/25/2002 04:55:00 PM |
Fantastic idea. Good eye. Justine |
11/25/2002 04:52:00 PM |
11/25/2002 03:53:00 PM |
Wonderful shot and so true..... |
11/25/2002 01:32:00 PM |
Quite a nice shot. I like that you've kept some separation between the top of the fence and the houses. I think the tractor should have been in the right hand side of the frame - so that it had somewhere to drive into. What are those black things in the sky? Unfortunately they're quite distracting. |
11/25/2002 01:09:00 PM |
I like this image because it tells a story. |
11/25/2002 10:44:00 AM |
Cute, I like it. Good DOF. Too bad the sky wasn't blue... |
11/25/2002 09:43:00 AM |
I like this a lot. The picture tells a story, and the colors are good, and the houses in the background are all under contruction. Well done. |