Author | Thread |
12/08/2002 01:04:25 PM |
Hello Aldo, don'twonder why you get another critique this late,but your photo was assigned to me in context of the Critique Club (maybe you read about that in the forum). So here it goes:
First of all I want to say that it's a bit hard to critique this photo. It's a photo of a photo and as such I won't critique your (very nice) photo of the peacock but the photo of the magazines.
Composition: I like how you used several NGs and the way you placed them a little bit rotated. This makes them look like an ordinary pile of magazines on your desk. To make it look even less staged you could have zoomed out a bit more and shown one or two objects which normally lie on a table, e.g. a pencil or something like that. But I guess you wanted to show as much of the cover as possible.
The dark edge of the table in the upper right corner is a bit distracting. I also think the photo would look better with a bit more space on the left side like on the right side.
Lighting: The light seems to come from the lower right. I like how it creates some shadows giving the photo more depth and making it visible that this is a thicker magazine and not just a sheet of paper. But I think there is a shadow in the lower left corner which is probably you standing before the light source. This makes the cover of the front magazine a bit unevenly lit.
Focus: All is well. As far as I can see everything of the front magazine is in focus.
Art: Maybe it sounds a bit nitpicking but I don't think the photo fits to the challenge. The photo of the peacock would, but the photo of a magazine showing the peacock does not. However, fulfilling the challenge is only one or two points on my scoring scale and considering the high creativity and fun factor I still think it's a good photo. |
Comments Made During the Challenge  |
12/01/2002 04:22:00 PM |
Witty and good photo. I received my first issue as a subscriber just this week. Your photo is just the sort of thing I'd be happy to see on the front cover. 8, Kavey |
11/28/2002 08:20:00 PM |
A clever idea well done. To me, it straddles the line between fair use and infringement -- as a personal project or parody it should be OK, but I wouldn't suggest trying to sell any reproductions...if the peacock photo is your's you'd be better off using a similar name, something like "Natural Cartographic" which would suggest but not copy... |
11/27/2002 09:19:00 PM |
Very Nice. Fine job. I appreciate the work yo put into this picture. Lnede |
11/27/2002 09:05:00 PM |
11/27/2002 07:53:00 PM |
*smile* I got it! ...needed a bit! It's a good idea - I like it! 9 for an original idea plus really professional execution... KAOS |
11/27/2002 01:19:00 PM |
11/27/2002 12:32:00 PM |
That cover photo is a great photo. Did you take it, or was it really a NG cover? I have a hard time voting because of that question. If you took it, it really would be great PJ for a mag cover based on the article title. If, however, you simply took a shot of an existing cover, it would only be a picture of a magazine. I see the DP Challenge line, so I suspect it's your shot. Thus, I'm giving you some benefit of the doubt, but because you haven't shown this to be your shot, I'm taking a couple away. Fair enough? 7 nards656 |
11/27/2002 12:30:00 PM |
Obsession is right! I like the colors on this, and teh lighting works well. However, your crop leaves me feeling like it is a little flat. Maybe some kind of different perspective would give it more feeling of depth. karmat |
11/27/2002 03:39:00 AM |
Very original..and a nice shot, except for the shadow in the lower left. -9 |
11/26/2002 06:25:00 PM |
Congratulations for making the cover! Very cool idea and well executed. The picture of the peacock is nice, good pose of the bird and good texture of the tree. The piling of the magazines is a nice detail. |
11/26/2002 03:53:00 PM |
I think that a photograph of a photograph is a bit of a cheat. But still, I like this a lot and have made it one of my top 5 this week. Jak 8. |
11/26/2002 02:14:00 PM |
Very creative concept, with great color! Kaz |
11/26/2002 02:01:00 PM |
interesting :) Good work with the concept :) - setzler |
11/25/2002 10:40:00 PM |
Great idea. Looks too faked - something abut the way the peacock is on the tree. Too much greenery in the background - almost hides the bird. Good composition just needs better execution. PTL6 |
11/25/2002 09:38:00 PM |
I find it to be a rather iffy interpretation of the challenge, but it is indeed creative...! |
11/25/2002 07:42:00 PM |
Nice clear shot with good lighting, and I like the composition. The shot of the peacock is actually quite nice!! The shot on the "cover" of the NG is definitely photojournalism, but is THIS shot photojournalism?? lhall :) |
11/25/2002 04:49:00 PM |
Is that a picture you really took of the peacock? If so, GREAT job on this! |
11/25/2002 02:40:00 PM |
I had given this a 2, until it hit me... you MADE the cover! Now I'm looking at the Peacock photo in a new light. You get more points! |
11/25/2002 02:17:00 PM |
A+ for creativity, cleaver, good work!!!!! BRAVO! Justine. |
11/25/2002 12:34:00 PM |
11/25/2002 12:29:00 PM |
11/25/2002 11:19:00 AM |
Ahhhh we all have dreams! Good shot ! 7 kosmik |
11/25/2002 09:22:00 AM |
Trouble with original ideas is that someone elsse always seems to have them at the same time. |
11/25/2002 01:05:00 AM |
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