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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Photojournalism (Classic Editing)
Camera: Casio QV-4000
Location: U5 Samariterstrasse, Berlin
Date: Nov 21, 2002
Aperture: f/2.0
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/10s
Date Uploaded: Nov 24, 2002

This is a "solemn vigil" (sorry if that translation for "Mahnwache" doesn't fit. I looked it up in a dictionary.) for Silvio Meier who was murdererd 10 years ago by Neonazis at this place. The local Antifa group organizes this event every year to remember him and the fact that Nazi structures are still active.

Place: 46 out of 147
Avg (all users): 5.6543
Avg (commenters): 6.3158
Avg (participants): 5.4717
Avg (non-participants): 5.7730
Views since voting: 1069
Votes: 269
Comments: 22
Favorites: 0

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12/03/2002 03:25:00 PM
After reading your comments, you picture has more power and meaning for me. I am not a proponent for seeing comments, but in photojournalism, I think the story and pic work together.

I think it was a well chosen subject, and fit the challenge well. The lines on the wall do a good job of giving the picture "motion" so to speak; it is not a static picture. Not shooting it straight on was a wise move, I think, otherwise, it would be flat and dull. Not sure how much you were able ot move around, and I can understand not wanting ot intrude, but I think framing it differently might have given it more balance. Right now, the girl weights the left side, adn teh flowers the bottom, but then there is a whole lot of space in the upper right. It is not enough to be truly effective as negative space, in my opinion, though it is close. Maybe a different perspective (more to your right) or a lower camera angle would help fill the frame more.

Technically, I understand why it is a bit fuzzy. I think I mentioned in my original comment why I can understand not using a flash. Challenge or not, it may have seemed irrelevant. I also understand why you didn't use a tripod. Was there somewhere you could have sit down or somehting you could have sit the camera on? It wouldn't have eliminated any motion blur, but it would have cut down on the blur caused by camera shake. I like the yellows and the contrasts with the red. It gives the picture an urgent feel, if you know what I mean, kinda like in an emergency. The flames are nice, but I do think a more solid focus would have helped overall. I know you said the girl wasn't the main subject, but would it have been possible to have made her as such. It would have included the human element as well as memorializing the event. Otherwise, it may have helped to wait until the area was clear of people (provided you didn't have time constraints).

Overall, I liked your picture, though I did feel that the lack of focus kept it from being as effective as it could have been.
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12/02/2002 07:42:00 AM
The scene was taking place in a subway tunnel and the lighting conditions were dim, so I had to use a slow shutter. I didn't have my tripod with me (and wouldn't have used it under these circumstances anyway) so the camera was handheld. That's why the photo is a bit unsharp and lacks focus.

I think a photo can not tell the whole story. It can just make you start thinking about the story behind it and show a small part of the whole thing. That's the difference to a film ;-). I thought of using a more explaining title but then I didn't like that.

I also converted the photo to black&white and it doesn't look bad but I like the original better. The red of the candles and the flames come out better.

I wanted to crop a bit more from the right side of the photo. But then I also would have had to crop something from top top or bottom which I didn't want. So I left it as it was. Now thinking about it I wonder how a portrait format would look like. But I'm really looking forward to the new site rules allowing more flexible sizes :-)

Btw.: while the girl on the left is important because she gives the photo the emotional "touch" to make it work, she was not the "subject" of the photo. The actual subject were the candles and flowers.

Thanks again for your comments and helpful suggestions.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/01/2002 06:29:00 AM
The person lighting the fire is a nice touch. DPz
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11/30/2002 08:20:00 PM
Too much blank wall space - near closer shot of candles, etc.
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11/30/2002 12:42:00 PM
Wish we knew what this was in remberance for. Otherwise, a very nice shot. Even without knowing, it is newsworthy. The focus seems only just a tad soft for my personal taste, but lighting and angle and framing/cropping are all good. Good luck in the challenge. ~Heather~
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11/29/2002 12:14:00 AM
Well captured and I'm sure it was a touching moment. The perspective is very good, and having the young lady in the corner works well.
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11/28/2002 08:54:00 PM
Nice shot. Good catching the person trying to light the candle. Good attention to detail. Maybe crop off a little empty wall on the right and get a little more of the person. Just a thought. But good clear photo Nice focus. Good composition with good execution. Nice subject. PTL
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11/27/2002 02:01:00 PM
The composition of the lines and flowers/candles draws the eyes upward and to the left, and I think that is very effective. Also, the contrast of the yellow and red is nice. I suspect it was a low light situation (and for obvious reasons you didn't wnat to use the flash) and the result is a less than completely focused picture. Otherwise, very nice. karmat
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11/27/2002 02:47:00 AM
I would have cropped the flowers and drain out and made the person and the candles the focal point.
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11/26/2002 09:52:00 PM
Ouch... Powerful image well shot... How does this look in BW? The color is probably best, but this shot is the kind that might work well in BW... But that's just me :) ~ MyQyl ~
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11/26/2002 03:38:00 AM
Not a bad shot. Better than average.
11/25/2002 11:05:00 PM
might be better a little backed off.. maybe?
  Photographer found comment helpful.
11/25/2002 04:07:00 PM
Nice - I'd give it a 9 if it were a little better focused.
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11/25/2002 03:16:00 PM
Moving shot.
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11/25/2002 02:56:00 PM
Stephan - hab ich dich! *smile*
Ich weiß zwar nicht, was passiert ist, schaut traurig aus! Und - irgendwie nach einem berliner u-bahn tunnel!
Dein bild lebt -glaub ich- aus der bewegung, halt dadurch, daß das mädchen die kerze anzündet...
Ich hättmich nie getraut, da zu fotografieren, menschen und so... aber du hast es gut hinbekommen! Die entstehungsgeschichte zu dem bild interessiert mich!
...endlich ein bild, was eine geschichte erzählt, ohne worte zu brauchen!!!!
Good luck for the challenge...

Martina. (ahja - 9 aus oben genannten gründen...)
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11/25/2002 12:56:00 PM
I wish this picture has less dead space.
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11/25/2002 11:53:00 AM
Great composition. It is hard to find what is exactly in focus.
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11/25/2002 11:09:00 AM
The photo doesn't tell enough of the story. Technically, it's very good, but I feel like I'm missing out on the real impact that this picture could have by not knowing why there is a remembrance.
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11/25/2002 10:00:00 AM
Very realistic and touching. I would have prefered a sharper focus.
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11/25/2002 07:33:00 AM
my photo this week has the same idea...good job- tg
11/25/2002 01:20:00 AM
images like this always touches my heart.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
11/25/2002 12:51:00 AM
Very nice, excellent journalism... I'm giving this a 9!
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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