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1st PlaceRushing to the Next Assignment

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Camera Bag (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Nikon D90
Lens: Sigma 10-20mm f/4-5.6 EX DC HSM for Nikon
Location: Somewhere in the north west of England
Date: May 13, 2010
Aperture: f22
ISO: 100
Shutter: 3 secs
Galleries: Action, Transportation
Date Uploaded: May 15, 2010

Spent too much time taking dozens of these shots and then even longer processing a short list before finally choosing one. I just hope it's worth it.

post challenge____________

It's a great thrill to share this success with 'Team UK' who I recently joined.
Thanks to everyone that voted and commented.

For those interested in how it's done - especially Thingfish....
About the shot:
I recently bought a 'Phottix Cleon 1'wireless shutter release off Ebay. (Delivered directly from Hong Kong for £18 inc. shipping)It works flawlessly and comes highly recommended. In the picture, the remote is in between my fingers and the steering wheel.
My tripod has legs which move independently, (some are braced)this allowed me to wedge two of the legs behind the front seats while extending the third one horizontally into the back of the car, where I locked it tight against a sturdy surface.
This way, as long as you're on a straight smooth bit of road your hands don't have to move and the camera will remain aligned with the car for the required 3 second exposure.
I used the 10mm end of my Sigma 10-20mm zoom lens.

The Caris a Citroen C4 Grand Picasso.

Place: 1 out of 208
Avg (all users): 7.0887
Avg (commenters): 8.3750
Avg (participants): 6.6364
Avg (non-participants): 7.4493
Views since voting: 12854
Views during voting: 396
Votes: 124
Comments: 57
Favorites: 22 (view)

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08/04/2013 02:05:34 PM
Still amazing!

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05/30/2010 10:05:28 PM
Great image. Yes it's been done before but so has a portrait, millions of times, what's the point? Every time I see this so well executed I get all inspired to try it out and I will. Thanks for the inspiration and congrats on a fine image.
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05/29/2010 10:50:14 AM
Originally posted by basssman7:

Great effort and a nice image. However I just see way to many of these images. Mount the camera on a pod in or outside of the vehicle and head down the highway snapping away. The image would normally be an 8, but for lack of originality it is now a 5. sorry.

There is famous Munich comedian (Karl Valentin) who said: "It has all been said, but not by all" which would translate for photography to "It has all been photographed before, but not by all."

So one could just sit in a corner and wait for the one idea that hasn't occured to anyone before - how boring.

Some time ago, I took a photography course at the local adult education center there had a much better suggestion: First imitate, then inovate.

In short: Who cares if it has been done before?

To me this is an absolutely stunning shot, fits the challenge perfectly, and one of the few examples where the title actually adds to the concept in the picture.
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05/28/2010 06:38:48 AM
Originally posted by larushka:

Originally posted by basssman7:

Great effort and a nice image. However I just see way to many of these images. Mount the camera on a pod in or outside of the vehicle and head down the highway snapping away. The image would normally be an 8, but for lack of originality it is now a 5. sorry.

These type of comments continue to annoy me. I've been an amateur for years, now moving up to prosumer. Recently started submitting photos to DP challenge. This might not be original to you, but it is to me. And anyhow, what in life IS truly original? Do we slam Ansell Adams for taking photos of the same mountain scenery again and again? Or Monet for painting water lily after water lily. Surely it is the quality of the picture, the composition, color, clarity, framing, etc. that should count. Originality might be worth 1 point in a particular challenge if there are many of a similar shot, but that's about all.

I agree with you larushka! The comment is small-minded and shortsighted. The image here is excellent. It's a good concept that was very well executed. In addition, the photographer was kind enough to share how he did it, so that others could learn from him. I appreciate both the image and the open attitude of this photographer.
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05/27/2010 08:02:02 PM
Wow, I can just feel the movement. Really awesome shot. :)
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05/27/2010 01:20:23 PM
congrats on the excellent work and deserved blue ribbon!
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05/26/2010 02:56:44 PM
Great visual! Gives the viewer a great sense of speed and motion. I have fond memories of narrow hedge row lined roads of G.B. Cheers
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05/26/2010 01:20:01 PM
Originally posted by troysmith80:

Nice shot

I believe the car is a Citroen C4 Picasso, is that right?

It's a Citroen C4 Grand Picasso. (The "Grand" part alters the shape of the back end and makes it a 7 seater.)
05/26/2010 12:11:09 PM
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05/26/2010 10:05:45 AM
Nice shot

I believe the car is a Citroen C4 Picasso, is that right?
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05/26/2010 07:11:19 AM
What amazes me is how you put the steering wheel on the wrong side of the car! ;->
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05/26/2010 02:07:49 AM
What kind of car is that?
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05/26/2010 01:54:16 AM
Originally posted by basssman7:

Great effort and a nice image. However I just see way to many of these images. Mount the camera on a pod in or outside of the vehicle and head down the highway snapping away. The image would normally be an 8, but for lack of originality it is now a 5. sorry.

These type of comments continue to annoy me. I've been an amateur for years, now moving up to prosumer. Recently started submitting photos to DP challenge. This might not be original to you, but it is to me. And anyhow, what in life IS truly original? Do we slam Ansell Adams for taking photos of the same mountain scenery again and again? Or Monet for painting water lily after water lily. Surely it is the quality of the picture, the composition, color, clarity, framing, etc. that should count. Originality might be worth 1 point in a particular challenge if there are many of a similar shot, but that's about all.
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05/25/2010 02:29:47 PM
Great clarity. Well done.
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05/25/2010 02:57:06 AM
Way good shot. Amazing sharpness for 3 seconds. Well done.
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05/25/2010 02:03:36 AM
Thanks for the explanation Dave. I'll be sure to try it myself soon. And congratz on the Blue. :)
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05/24/2010 11:25:35 PM
Bravo.....excellent image for a difficult challenge to make interesting.
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05/24/2010 06:55:53 PM
WOOT! David has discovered the magic of D90 and the Sigma 10-20mm! ;-) Congrats on the blue, great shot.
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05/24/2010 05:46:45 PM
Congrats..Whats the number 28 or 26 in the middle of the dash? How fast your going? Neat Image.
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05/24/2010 03:24:50 PM
wow!! very nice!!! Congrats!!!
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05/24/2010 02:57:58 PM
This is super! Congrats!
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05/24/2010 02:33:10 PM
How appropriate that you are TEAM UK and you are on the right side of the car ;)
Great shot with amazing energy. Very fun. GOdd to hear I'm not the only one that spent too much time =)
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05/24/2010 12:19:12 PM
Yep, it was worth it! Great work, David and congrats on the Blue.
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05/24/2010 12:10:50 PM
Looks like it was very worth it!! Congratulations on your blue ribbon. This is a great shot. I didn't vote in this challenge - but I would have scored this one high.
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05/24/2010 10:50:23 AM
Guess it was worth it! :) Congrats on your blue and a fun image.
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05/24/2010 09:03:20 AM
Congrats on the Blue! I like these type shots. ;-)
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05/24/2010 08:52:59 AM
So cool! Noticed the OM-1 too :) Awesome camera.
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05/24/2010 08:30:18 AM
Huge CONGRATS !!! Brilliantly done !
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05/24/2010 08:28:25 AM
It was worth it! Great shot! =D Congrats on your ribbon
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05/24/2010 07:25:50 AM
ahaaaaaa fantastic image love everything about it
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05/24/2010 06:54:31 AM
great work!
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05/24/2010 05:59:58 AM
Originally posted by basssman7:

Great effort and a nice image. However I just see way to many of these images. Mount the camera on a pod in or outside of the vehicle and head down the highway snapping away. The image would normally be an 8, but for lack of originality it is now a 5. sorry.

I think that is a bit harsh Ernie, especially considering 3 of your top scores fall into the 'not original' bracket


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05/24/2010 05:50:15 AM
Well done David, I thought this would be a top 3 finish.

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05/24/2010 04:13:24 AM
Congratulations - knew this stood a good chance from the first time I saw it.
Well deserved.
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05/24/2010 03:48:44 AM
Very nicely executed. I have always been interested in knowing how a shot like this is achieved and I therefore hope you will give a detailed report in the photographers comment window. (or send me a PM explaining how)
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05/24/2010 03:44:32 AM
Congratulaltions, this is a great shot. Guess you had to find a piece of straight road so you could keep your hands steady on the wheel for three seconds.
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05/24/2010 03:13:03 AM
Fantastic shot David and a well deserved blue
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05/24/2010 02:49:20 AM
Congrats on the blue here. Lovely shot and despite having seen this type of shot on many occasions, it remains a fascinating picture, creative with bag and cams on the top...just dont brake suddenly. I suggest you use the seatbelt next time for your babies

Message edited by author 2010-05-24 02:50:42.
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05/24/2010 02:46:53 AM
Awesome shot David, well done and congrats on the well deserved ribbon :)

@Membercurtpetguy ... the steering wheel is on the proper side ;)
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05/24/2010 01:10:37 AM
I guess it was worth it, huh? Outstanding image, excellent rendering. Congrats on blue!
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05/24/2010 12:28:58 AM
Ive been trying for the same shot. I've looked at hundreds on Flickr for tips. This the best Ive seen by a long measure.
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05/24/2010 12:05:04 AM
Looks like it was worth it to me. Well done.
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05/24/2010 12:04:37 AM
Congratulations! cool shot
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05/24/2010 12:02:55 AM
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05/24/2010 12:02:29 AM
Hey how did you get the steering wheel on the wrong side,lol
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/23/2010 11:21:57 PM
Such a cool shot and I love the effect.
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05/23/2010 06:44:51 PM
Very creative!
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05/21/2010 06:35:25 PM
Wow. This one made my head jerk back. Such impact. 9
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05/20/2010 10:13:18 PM
great shot....and I want your car :) LOL
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05/20/2010 02:59:12 PM
Great effort and a nice image. However I just see way to many of these images. Mount the camera on a pod in or outside of the vehicle and head down the highway snapping away. The image would normally be an 8, but for lack of originality it is now a 5. sorry.
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05/20/2010 05:53:09 AM
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05/19/2010 06:51:59 PM
OMG .. spacey .. brilliant .. ribbon .. !!..:) 10 .. :)
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05/17/2010 08:27:29 PM
Love this image ! Cool and sharp ! Brilliant car interior detail.
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05/17/2010 04:26:33 AM
Very nicely executed. I have always been interested in knowing how a shot like this is achieved and I therefore hope you will give a detailed report in the photographers comment window. (or send me a PM explaining how)
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05/17/2010 04:02:13 AM
amazing 10
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05/17/2010 03:04:14 AM
Great shot but the camera bag is just a very minor part of the image. 6
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05/17/2010 01:02:19 AM
Hey! You're driving on the wrong side of the car!!!! Incredible clarity and color. Terrific motion blur. Front page
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