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New York 2012 Olympic Games
New York 2012 Olympic Games

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Photojournalism (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot S30
Location: Rockefeller Center, NYC
Date: Nov 19, 2002
Aperture: f/5.0
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/2 sec
Date Uploaded: Nov 24, 2002

sorry - didn't have my tripod w/me that day and it was completely dark when i took the photo (the area is pretty well lit so its hard to tell what time it might be from the photo)

Place: 65 out of 147
Avg (all users): 5.3529
Avg (commenters): 6.2333
Avg (participants): 5.1538
Avg (non-participants): 5.4762
Views since voting: 1145
Votes: 272
Comments: 32
Favorites: 1 (view)

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12/02/2002 03:43:00 AM
I REALLY liked this shot and thought you had a top 3 photo on your hands.. Ah well, better luck next time..
12/02/2002 12:34:00 AM
for all your votes - thanks! i took this photo when i was showing my cousin around NYC, it was night time, and i intended to return w/my tripod but time and weather didn't permit me to. i really thought this was my weakest photo that i had submitted here but i did better than all the others. . .

i really appreciate all of the comments (except the idiot who said 'patriotic crap' because 1) olympics are very international 2) you don't know that the flags are the US state flags, it could have been flags from around the world and 3) patriotic crap makes front covers of newspapers and magazines). i recognized the shortcoming of the photo before submission but unfortunately the system doesn't allow us to tell something about taking the shot.

i really felt that even with its imperfections (the blur), this photo could have been a small photo accompanying a newspaper article on NYC's efforts to win the olympics in almost any paper (assuming they also didn't have time to return with a tripod), and given its obvious weaknesses I'm happy that most of you liked it.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/01/2002 06:28:00 PM
nice colors!
12/01/2002 04:26:00 PM
Like blur in flags but would like more crisp focus in building itself.
8, Kavey
12/01/2002 06:54:00 AM
Too much blur on the flags for me, and I think the whole of the NYC 2012 banner should have been in shot as that would appear to be the point of the photo.
Otherwise a good shot, the lines of the building and flagpoles are very strong.
11/30/2002 11:15:00 PM
cool shot, should place well,IMO. Maybe a bit too much movement in the buildings.
11/30/2002 04:35:00 PM
Patriotic crap.
11/30/2002 02:47:00 PM
Superb colours!! Potential winner...
11/30/2002 03:11:00 AM
Nice movement effect on flags, strong lines and colors, would be a winner without this lack of focus on the rest of the image
11/29/2002 12:59:00 PM
would have been a great shot had you managed to keep the background steady
11/29/2002 04:51:00 AM
This looks like it was shot out of the window of a moving cab. It is really not very clear. The big NYC sign should really be the center of attention here. This has the potential to be a decent photojournalism shot, but in this condition I don't see it making the paper. - Inspzil
11/28/2002 02:09:00 PM
Hot stuff! I wish your lens were just a little wider to include all of the 12, but I know that limitations all too well.
11/28/2002 05:14:00 AM
This is a beautiful photo. Good Luck. 10. byetko.
11/28/2002 03:58:00 AM
I'm sure this breaks more rules of photography than it sticks to, but I like it. Strong vivid colours and a nice use of motion blur. It's a shame that the top of the building isn't a little more in focus.
11/28/2002 03:22:00 AM
probably one of the only ones I will rate above a 7 this week... perfect photojournalism shot.. 9 marksimms

just finished voting.. upped you to a 10 now.. probably this weeks winner. second place at the very least.
11/28/2002 02:46:00 AM
Very nice, excellent saturation of colours and good movement. Would have maybe worked a bit better with less motion blur on the buildings, but it adds motion and excitement as it is. Top 5 this week from me.
11/27/2002 09:54:00 PM
one sweet day editors will let blurry yet artistic photos be published but man, i've got an awful feeling that day's gonna be a long time coming.
11/27/2002 01:36:00 PM
The mood and the spirit of the event is so well captured that it makes you feel as the games have already arived. The colours, use of slow exposure, the bluriness, and the clear blue sky are great. The one thing that would make it even more appealing to me would be a bit lighter shade of blue in the sky. Excellent work, very well seen; thank you, and good luck.
11/27/2002 12:13:00 PM
I enjoy the effect of the fluttering flags andrewm
11/27/2002 12:16:00 AM
way too distorted... and doesn't really meet the challenege, especially the part about being worthy of the front page
11/26/2002 09:58:00 PM
Too much out of focus here - motion & too shallow a DOF.

Jim msp
11/26/2002 05:53:00 PM
i love the colors and compositon. i wish the bldg wasnt blurred, altho the flags i dont mind.
11/26/2002 03:28:00 PM
Though I rarely ever see a newspaper picture with an element that's out of focus, this is something that could definately make it on a magazine. I think the composition is great and the blurred colors of the flag create a paintery effect. Highlights are slightly blown on the poles, but I have no idea how to avoid such a problem. Well done.
11/26/2002 11:13:00 AM
I can understand blur on the flags, but the building is shaky too.
11/26/2002 03:57:00 AM
Good title. Too much commotion.
11/25/2002 05:36:00 PM
it would be neater if it were tripod and the building was sharp
11/25/2002 04:41:00 PM
If you had used a tripod to keep the buildings and scafolding in foucs it would be really good.
11/25/2002 02:10:00 PM
Neat shot...night time? Like it. Justine
11/25/2002 12:32:00 PM
flags may be a bit too blurry and I wish I could see more of the sign. Nice colors
11/25/2002 12:03:00 PM
Excellent colour
11/25/2002 01:53:00 AM
You need to always have a story that can easily be inferred through your photos, what is the story here?
11/25/2002 12:49:00 AM
Interesting subject, but the blur makes me dizzy. Good try!

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