Author | Thread |
06/24/2013 04:03:58 PM |
I keep looking at this image and at the original one and of course that the processed one has a lot of pictorial qualities.
Nevertheless, the original is more mysterious, more photographic in nature; with the mist and less contrast it transmits an abundance of feelings; the longing is almost unbearable and so is the imminence of some danger (thus the "hero" in the foreground). For this reasons also it might get lost in the shuffle of looking at crisp and colorful images.
My point is that sometimes we push our technology in favor of a quick appreciation and perhaps we shall try on occasion to hold the processing back to a less spectacular first impression and in favor of a subtler and slower evaluation. (i.d. try to make the image with more greys, more mistier etc)
Am wondering if all this rambling is not caused by comparing these two pictures side by side.
Edited for sp
Message edited by author 2013-06-25 00:37:36. |
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11/14/2011 12:58:02 PM |
Just noticed this image, Robert. Quite spectacular! Those colors are heavenly!! And the combination of HDR+Simplify very inspired! Making note of this to self.. |
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06/16/2010 02:23:36 PM |
C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s ! ! ! :) |
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06/15/2010 08:29:35 PM |
thought this might be yours Robert..
beautiful image! congrats on Top 5! |
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06/15/2010 03:16:18 PM |
you made a beautiful (almost) painting out of a dull original which most of us would not bother to keep. Good job Robert, and a well deserved HM! |
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06/15/2010 04:03:40 AM |
This really has everything going for it. It's interesting to look at and is very well done. Congrats on the HM, Robert. |
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06/14/2010 08:51:21 PM |
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06/14/2010 08:03:42 PM |
WOW, this is beautiful!!!! |
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06/14/2010 06:54:10 PM |
Beautiful Robert! The trees really stand out and give a soft feel to the scene. |
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06/14/2010 06:22:31 PM |
Beautiful! congratulations! |
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06/14/2010 05:30:44 PM |
A gorgeous image Robert. A favorite from the challenge. Congrats!! |
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06/14/2010 03:12:42 PM |
My goodness, what 2 doodleheads gave this a 1. If people are going to be that silly - we should be able to know who they are - maybe it will make these idiots think twice if everyone could see them on the site. Frankly I thought this deserved a ribbon. Sure the top three were nice but I've seen far too many of the same thing a hundred times on this site. |
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06/14/2010 02:43:58 PM |
LOVE it! Was looking for this image post challenge to show to a friend, but couldn't find it.
Great work Bear! Guess you truly deserve that Greek island now;-) |
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06/14/2010 12:34:10 PM |
This is SO GOOD! Man! We need more ribbons this week! |
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06/14/2010 10:49:28 AM |
Nice work, great colors, Congrats! |
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06/14/2010 10:33:34 AM |
I sooo thought this was yours beautiful, nice finish |
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06/14/2010 10:21:23 AM |
Man!! look at the difference from the original. SUPERB editing , Congrats on the HM!! |
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06/14/2010 08:34:43 AM |
I pickred this as a ribbon winner for sure. One of my 10's and added as a favorite. Great job Robert. |
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06/14/2010 07:31:04 AM |
So painterly. Absolutely GORGEOUS. Congrats on top 5 |
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06/14/2010 06:29:24 AM |
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06/14/2010 05:29:37 AM |
Love this pic, I'm going to add it to my faves. |
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06/14/2010 02:17:30 AM |
oh so close, bear. Great image! At first glance, I thought the name of the red boat was "NERD". Anyway, congrats on 4th! |
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06/14/2010 02:11:40 AM |
This is lovely. Has a great painterly feel to it. |
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06/14/2010 01:44:10 AM |
This is really a stunning shot - your eye just keeps moving through it - and it's beautifully processed. |
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06/14/2010 01:01:48 AM |
This photo is beautiful and I'm surprised it didn't get the blue. Awesome job. |
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06/14/2010 12:55:53 AM |
WOW!!! A very unique HDR and 9 faves. Congrats Rob |
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06/14/2010 12:38:03 AM |
Very peaceful image Robert. Congrats on HM! |
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06/14/2010 12:29:27 AM |
Beautiful pastel feel to this. Wonderful shot Rob. |
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06/14/2010 12:19:44 AM |
Well done Bear... I wouldn't have guessed! |
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06/14/2010 12:12:26 AM |
Looks almost like a painting. Congrats on the HM! |
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06/14/2010 12:09:53 AM |
Gorgeous shot, congratulations on 4th! |
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06/14/2010 12:09:24 AM |
Well, congrats on the green. Too bad we couldn't both have been on the front page together. Let's go bum rush william88!!! |
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06/14/2010 12:07:12 AM |
Originally posted by Yo_Spiff: Thought this could be yours. |
I think any entry with the word "Skiff" in the title is a dead giveaway. :) |
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06/14/2010 12:05:17 AM |
Thought this could be yours. Strong showing in a tough challenge. Congrats on another piece of profile bling! |
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06/14/2010 12:04:31 AM |
Go Bear ! I finished voting tonight. I voted on this 5 mins before the end. I gave you a 7. |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
06/13/2010 10:49:29 PM |
Stunning 10 all the way and a fav.. |
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06/13/2010 10:39:04 PM |
I would crop about half of the tree on the left side. Cropping is tough, we never want to eliminate some nice details but everything needs to serve the composition as a whole. |
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06/13/2010 10:13:13 PM |
Nice image! There seems to be a bit of banding in the sky, and I'm not so keen on the super-smooth, but low-detail look.. For me HDR is all about high-detail! :) Still, a solid 7. |
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06/13/2010 06:34:21 AM |
The aerial perspective and DOF is wonderful and I like the rhythm in your title and photograph along with its implied leading line. I find my eye skips along from red skiff to blue then to geese but this compositional element itself is not enough to prevent the image from losing some of its poetry for me. The mood is ambivalent. Colors go from bold to muted, grass too yellow a green, yet sky too drab a purple. The sky appears flat lacking any detail. It looks as though you've used a GND (maybe too strong a one). My guess is you over processed the overall image to make up for the flat available light.
Also, whatever is sticking up out of the red skiff is distracting. One other nitpick is the positioning of the blue skiff. I know you have no control over this matter, but I wish it were facing towards the tree so that we could see more of its port side to serve a better foil to the red boat. Finally, the pink lifesaver is the straw for the camel and really does this image in, though I think a lot of the voters will like it and vote it highly. |
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06/12/2010 09:38:36 AM |
The processing makes this look like a cartoon backdropped with a real image. A little less processing I think would make it look more natural. |
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06/09/2010 11:19:20 PM |
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06/09/2010 05:30:31 PM |
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06/09/2010 11:15:27 AM |
lovely morning image, nicely done |
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06/08/2010 11:40:06 PM |
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06/08/2010 10:09:25 PM |
The depth in this capture is amazing. A great capture and well processed. On second look I just bumped your score up 1. |
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06/07/2010 10:25:27 PM |
Lovely. The Hero on the boat is a nice addition. |
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06/07/2010 07:53:23 PM |
Nice mood portrayed in this shot. Wish the lead boat was crisper in sharpness (leaving the rest of the image as is) , Nice creation , 7 |
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06/07/2010 05:05:12 PM |
very nice; I like the dreamy effect this has |
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06/07/2010 04:17:51 PM |
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06/07/2010 10:19:00 AM |
I love the painting like feeling of this.. Really beautiful. |
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06/07/2010 08:13:38 AM |
Oh wow, the mist (and possibly lite wind) gives this a dreamy, painted feeling. Very cool. |
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06/07/2010 02:01:33 AM |
This feels like a painting, great job! |
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06/07/2010 12:40:16 AM |
I like. Strong colors, but not over the top, and very clean looking. |
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