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Grog is great offerer-of-protection. You call Grog. Get free rate quote.
3rd PlaceGrog is great offerer-of-protection. You call Grog. Get free rate quote.

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Stock Photos: The Operator (Advanced Editing VII*)
Collection: 2010
Camera: Canon EOS-50D
Lens: Tamron SP AF 10-24mm F3.5-4.5 Di II LD for Canon
Location: My dining room table
Date: Aug 2, 2010
Aperture: F5.6
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/60
Galleries: Humorous, Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Aug 3, 2010

Post-challenge notes:
Did this as a gag entry, figuring it would hold it's own but not thinking it could do this well, until it started out at way over a 7 and stayed high. Dropped very slowly over the week, but still came in as one of my highest.

Even more than the votes, I appreciate all the great comments and faves. This set a new in-challenge record for me for both. 45 comments and 6 faves, Wow! my previous best was 36 comments for the shoehorn fly.

A few people questioned whether this really could be used as a stock photo. I think it absolutely could. If you think about it, many advertisers might be able to use such an image in a print ad. (Especially to illustrate their competition) I just might submit this to a stock site and see if it sells at all.

There was also a more subtle connection to an existing set of ad campaigns by the Geico insurance company. I did realize that this connection would not be recognized by anyone outside the US, so for the benefit of those folkse, here are the Geico caveman commercials.

The green tail that Grog has squashed is supposed to be another reference to Geico, their annoying Gecko mascot, whose English accent gets more pronounced with every commercial. Grog HAD to squash him. Not a lot of meat in a Gecko, though. The tribe will go hungry tonight.

Update: Posted this on Flickr and it looks like it got explored after the first day. Apparently, people everywhere enjoy seeing me humiliate myself in a cheap caveman outfit.

Update: Used on The Consumerist 8/24/11. Made an effective stock illustration, I would say!

Place: 3 out of 26
Avg (all users): 6.7500
Avg (commenters): 8.1905
Avg (participants): 7.0588
Avg (non-participants): 6.7280
Views since voting: 6712
Views during voting: 607
Votes: 256
Comments: 93
Favorites: 14 (view)

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01/05/2013 12:29:01 PM
The birth of Grog...? Guurl get palpitashuns from piktograff
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10/11/2011 07:33:20 PM
aahahaha omg i almost pissed myself laughing your hilarious!!!
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03/15/2011 01:52:52 AM
See, I'd have missed the whole squashed gecko thing, too. I just thought it typical of what I remembered from "operators are standing by". You did a great job dolling up the eyes!
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08/16/2010 06:12:44 PM
Way to go. Hope to see more of Grog in the future!
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08/16/2010 12:18:40 AM
Congrats on the ribbon Steve!! Great photo!
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08/15/2010 02:40:21 PM
Always love your gag photos, Steve! Congrats on the ribbon!!! :)
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08/14/2010 08:03:58 PM
Missed this one during voting. I love it. Congratulations on the ribbon.
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08/14/2010 12:04:16 AM
Grog do good! Based on computer, Grog should get new club!
Congrats on your ribbon, Steve.
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08/12/2010 06:09:17 PM
Great sense of humor, well done! Congrats on the ribbon.
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08/12/2010 04:28:44 PM
Well done. Congratulations on the ribbon. Loved it when I saw it and I'm really glad you placed so well.
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08/12/2010 10:40:08 AM
Originally posted by RianBotes:

A bath now and again would maybe have lifted this to a blue..lol. The Mud is a cool touch...oops..that is mud right? :)

Hair, makeup and wardrobe courtesy of Cowtownmom.
08/12/2010 10:07:31 AM
Congrats Steve. You did it again. You should maybe have another look at that wardrobe of yours. A bath now and again would maybe have lifted this to a blue..lol. The Mud is a cool touch...oops..that is mud right? :)
Enjoying this with my wife
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08/12/2010 09:27:46 AM
Lol. You make my day sometimes Steve!! lol
As always great sense of humour in your shot
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08/11/2010 11:06:59 PM
Very funny & creative.....Congrats!!!
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08/11/2010 09:54:55 PM
What an image! Congrats on the Yellow Steve, for a very funny shot that could definitely be used in an ad!
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08/11/2010 09:28:15 PM
Great hilarious shot Steve. Congrats on the yellow!
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08/11/2010 07:23:07 PM
You got a 10 from me! I LOVED the humor of this. As regularly happens, your sense of humor (also, often, beauty), aligns with mine. :) Congrats!
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08/11/2010 07:09:10 PM
I absolutely loved your shot Steve...The Geico tail is classic.
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08/11/2010 05:45:08 PM
I happen to be an Insurance Agent for a competitor to the Gecko people b- I must say that I enjoyed your entry for several reasons!

Nice job, Steve.
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08/11/2010 02:00:55 PM
Hilarious! And well done! Congrats, Spiffy!
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08/11/2010 01:26:48 PM
Waw Steve, this has to be one of your best for sure, I like the creativity in here, too bad I didn't vote this challenge, but if I did, this would've been 10 for sure .. very well done buddy :)
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08/11/2010 12:43:21 PM
ahhh, this is great!!! Love the concept, me I like the hairy arms the best...warm a woolly right
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08/11/2010 11:53:46 AM
Wow...Grog really knows how to make a fashion statement...from his grungy hair right down to the dirt in his finger nails! Thank you for this laugh! Congrats on a well-deserved ribbon!
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08/11/2010 11:52:25 AM
OMG this is hilarious!!!! Congrats Steve on your Yellow ribbon!
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08/11/2010 11:22:50 AM
Congrats Steve :)
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08/11/2010 10:22:56 AM
Congrats Steve on your yellow ribbon. It's great to see your smiling face on the front page. :)
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08/11/2010 10:04:12 AM
This is brilliant. LOL
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08/11/2010 09:05:11 AM
Originally posted by love:

I can only imagine what goes on in your bedroom Steve!!

I don't think I want to !! ;-)
GREAT shot, Steve! Congrats on the ribbon.
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08/11/2010 08:50:23 AM
You need to give up shooting anything else but grog! Your Grog shots are doing spectacularly well!

Congrats on a great yellow!!
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08/11/2010 08:09:18 AM
O.M.G. I open my email and this is what I see first thing in the morning. It was a good thing I was not drinking a hot beverage at the time! Congrats on yet another ribbon.

I could see a company using this for a "we don't outsource customer service"-type promotions.
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08/11/2010 07:40:41 AM
Snarfles proud Grog win shiny yellow thing. Snarfles send mastodon ribs recipe to Ooga so she make Grog congraitu err congratch...good-Grog-winning-meal.
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08/11/2010 06:40:35 AM
I can only imagine what goes on in your bedroom Steve!! A big congrats to you!!
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08/11/2010 03:21:09 AM
Please forward my congratulations to Grog on his first ribbon! Great concept.
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08/11/2010 02:51:18 AM
You did it! Congrats!
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08/11/2010 01:47:48 AM
Awesome finish Grog!!!!!! Congrats on all your new "bests".
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08/11/2010 01:41:17 AM
This should have done better than 3rd. A great shot and an amazing concept.
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08/11/2010 01:18:17 AM
Congrats Grog :) And thank you for your explanations about the gecko.
@mycelium: LOL!
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08/11/2010 01:02:18 AM
I Love Grogg.. had to LMAO @ this one!!!
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08/11/2010 12:59:59 AM
Congratulations on your ribbon!
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08/11/2010 12:58:58 AM
Congratulations Spiff. A bit of humour can go a long way.
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08/11/2010 12:37:03 AM
Good job buddy. ths is awesome
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08/11/2010 12:34:01 AM
congrats spiff! loved it!
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08/11/2010 12:14:45 AM
Very funny & excellent use of model :)
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08/11/2010 12:14:06 AM
Congratulations, Judi! Proof that sexy will always sell.
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08/11/2010 12:11:14 AM
It's so easy, a caveman can do it. lol way funny. Congrats on the yellow!
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08/11/2010 12:07:32 AM
Jaysus... Grog got a RIBBON?
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08/11/2010 12:03:40 AM
woo-hoo..Look at you! A Big CONGRATS on 3rd!
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08/11/2010 12:02:28 AM
congrats on the ribbon.. 25 10's! nice nice!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/10/2010 11:51:16 PM
lololol...Nice idea..7
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08/10/2010 11:33:20 PM
Oh, hi, Judi! You look so fabulous in leopard print.
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08/10/2010 09:58:08 PM
This is an ursula shot if I ever saw one.
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08/10/2010 05:31:03 PM
Grog get 10 from me.
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08/10/2010 07:23:59 AM
Different, definitely different! I'm just wondering who exactly would use a shot like this and what they would be trying to sell!

On the shot itself, I like it, it's clean, amusing and well put together.
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08/09/2010 11:30:35 PM
Grog is funny! Great shot.
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08/09/2010 09:03:22 PM
Clever idea, not sure how many businesses would use something like this. lol. Maybe you could start a new trend! :-)
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08/09/2010 03:43:36 PM
LOL let me guess...Either Steve or Ellen. I like the shot.
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08/09/2010 08:03:25 AM
Very funny shot :-)
My own entry is doing pretty well right now, and I figure this one is my main competition ;-) I will also vote fairly, doing otherwise would be pretty pathetic.

Technically, this is a very good shot, although the plain white background is very "dense" and distracting in my eye... However, most stock photos comply with this "rule", so I have to say that your entry is way more a stock photo than mine. Congrats :-)

Oh btw, what is this poor green thing that got crushed?
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08/08/2010 10:55:31 PM
windy title hurts very creative try here.
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08/08/2010 07:50:32 PM
Seems slightly soft focus-wise, but good composition.
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08/08/2010 01:58:46 AM
Nicely stitched hem on the shoulder there. ;-Þ
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08/07/2010 07:38:39 PM
I feel like I know you. :)
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08/07/2010 08:58:24 AM
Grog takes good picture. Grog wants a 10? Grog gets a 10. Good Grog!

I love this image, I can see it being used by advertisers, I can see it being used by companies too...and it is certainly creative and innovative!
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08/07/2010 05:13:07 AM
Grog very photogenic.
Piece of wood not good for operator. 10 to grog
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08/06/2010 07:56:27 PM
Ha! I hope you use this model more and more - he's perfect!
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08/06/2010 07:56:11 PM
yo_spiff! I recognize you haha
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08/06/2010 07:31:41 PM
Love the title! Almost perfect - just wish there was more separation between the desk and the background.
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08/06/2010 04:02:08 PM
Grog..Will call when I need protection...great and fun shot, if Grog ever comes to Arkansas..I have a Customer Service Rep job holding for you...LOL
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08/06/2010 10:34:09 AM
This is pretty damn good technically. Well done.
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08/06/2010 10:22:09 AM
Funny and well taken.
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08/06/2010 10:20:46 AM
ROFLMAO!!!!! Grog sure gets around!! This is AWESOME!! 10+
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08/05/2010 06:59:44 PM
go Grog!
You should definitely finish in the top 26 =¬)
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08/05/2010 04:22:08 PM
Hehe Steve. Nice concept mate! Not sure if you have a local office in South Africa?
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08/05/2010 09:07:32 AM
ROFL Hilarious.
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08/05/2010 06:32:00 AM
A very niche company might actually buy this if it fit their advertising. So not sre about the "stock" side of the challenge, nevertheless, great concept and execution!
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08/05/2010 04:50:30 AM
9 for fun factor ! :)
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08/04/2010 06:13:00 PM
I have to assume that you've just killed that cute little gecko?

Well done Steve.... :)

Where in the hell did you find that shirt anyway? :)
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08/04/2010 01:42:59 PM
LOL!! Love it!
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08/04/2010 01:38:53 PM
You KNOW you're going to win, right? Hilarious. That wig was a great investment.
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08/04/2010 01:35:34 PM
Perfect! If there was only an 11!
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08/04/2010 11:27:00 AM
great shot!!! for me on the podium, you have had a great idea and the realization is fantastic!
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08/04/2010 11:22:41 AM
Excellent job!!!!!!!!!!
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08/04/2010 10:58:29 AM
oh, yeah! that's funny!
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08/04/2010 10:54:58 AM
wow super a ten from me
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08/04/2010 10:32:09 AM
I hope this blue's! Great use of imagination, creativity, and a great shot too!!
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08/04/2010 09:26:48 AM
Haha.. this is a great capture.. something tells me stay away from capital one cards! 9
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08/04/2010 09:13:50 AM
This could totally be picked up by Geico (So easy, a caveman could do it). Love the dead lizard. I don't really like how the desk is bright white, it gives a floating feeling to the computer.
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08/04/2010 07:35:14 AM
Snarfles glad to see Grog! Grog kill green monster with club. Lunch now, Grog? ;-0 8
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08/04/2010 04:08:35 AM
Awesome Steve, congratulations in advance for the photo that will break the record for comments while in voting :)

Nice to see Grog back, it's a real DPC character by now.
Good luck with this photo, hope to see it in the podium.
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08/04/2010 03:33:47 AM
Heh. Looks like I can look at your email now :)
It's pretty good. Shame you didn't have an old screen you could bash in with your branch.
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08/04/2010 01:07:48 AM
Ooga think Grog make good living for Ooga. Will have to keep Grog in cave but will have to toss the shiny black thing in fire. Ooga can't eat shiny thing but will keep the other end of what is under big stick thing. But Grog has to promise not to hit Ooga with stick thing when she puts shiny thing in fire.
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08/04/2010 12:42:58 AM
Ha Ha - good one Steve (or is it your wife's shot?)

I like the use of white. Not sure what's being clubbed though?
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08/04/2010 12:39:43 AM
Not sure this really works. Clearly stock though. Could/should be sharper and clearer. OOB
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08/04/2010 12:15:03 AM
Not going to vote because I'm sure I know the photog.....wouldn't want to go down that road. But I like the outfit and the idea and great execution of it!
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