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1st PlaceLightheaded

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Visual Puns II (Expert Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-5D Mark II
Lens: Canon TS-E 17mm f/4.0L MF
Date: Apr 21, 2011
Aperture: f/16
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/80 sec
Galleries: Digital Art
Date Uploaded: Apr 21, 2011

English not being my mother tongue, I did some research to embed as many puns as I could into my submission. There are at least 4 of them here, can you spot them? :-)

1. Easiest one: the head is floating in the air like a balloon, obviously, the girl must be light-headed.
2. There is a strong light at the end of the road, and the girl is heading to it: she is light-headed.
3. It's getting harder now: the giant hands over the horizon suggest that a very big creature is standing there. If this assumption is true, then his head must be that strong light: the giant is light-headed.
4. The whole scenery is distorted, as if the viewer himself had vision problems, like when you are light-headed.

Some could also add that the creator of the picture must be somehow light-headed too, but I will not count this one ;-)

Technically, nothing too complicated here:
- The flower field was shot at 17mm, then distorted using the "liquify" tool in Photoshop
- The sky was shot the same day, although separately and underexposed, in order to get some dramatic clouds
- The moon was shot at 600mm, then distorted too
- Hands and model were shot at home in front of a strongly lit white background, in order to comply with the scenery's lighting

Thank you all so much for the fantastic votes and comments!


Post challenge:
I am quite disappointed that i missed the 8 mark by only 1 point! A 3 instead of one of these 2 votes would have been enough. Better luck next time! Anyway, still a new PB, so I can't really complain.


I received a few requests of people interested in processing details. I consider myself as a beginner with Photoshop, so I don't think my advices would be of great value. However, if anyone is interested, here is a link to a down-sized PSD file of this project (the very last step, creating the final mood, has been flattened though, I'd like to keep some little secrets ;)) It is also quite messy, I apologize about that. Hope it can be useful to someone!

Place: 1 out of 70
Avg (all users): 7.9938
Avg (commenters): 9.0789
Avg (participants): 8.0244
Avg (non-participants): 7.9833
Views since voting: 13974
Views during voting: 633
Votes: 161
Comments: 108
Favorites: 43 (view)

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01/09/2012 09:11:36 PM
My favorite thing about this image is the comment "I'm a beginner with Photoshop."

Bravo, gyaban. You are prodigious, sir.
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08/02/2011 09:31:50 AM
Awesomely Strange. Great work!
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05/05/2011 04:22:07 PM
that's just amazing, you're so creative, congrats on the ribbon
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05/02/2011 08:17:14 AM
Originally posted by Maver:

you're work is fantastic... just amazing! were you a graphic designer before a photographer? just asking because most people I see that can pull these composites off have some experience in graphic design... none the less, amazing!

Thanks a lot. No, no experience in anything involving graphic design. I extensively studied music though, as my mum is an opera singer, but that's the only art I really studied before starting photography.
05/02/2011 07:44:15 AM
you're work is fantastic... just amazing! were you a graphic designer before a photographer? just asking because most people I see that can pull these composites off have some experience in graphic design... none the less, amazing!
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05/01/2011 07:55:23 PM
Congratulations on a fantastic image. I knew this would take the prize. Your creativity and technique is outstanding.
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05/01/2011 02:04:48 PM
You are the master of imaginary!!! Congrats again and oh so close to that 8. I didn't vote in this image but I wish I would have. I would have given this a 10. Maybe that would of pushed you back up to the 8 range.
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04/30/2011 11:46:30 PM
This shot is unreal. Incredible
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04/30/2011 11:32:27 AM
You truly are an artist, another great work of art and another well deserved blue ribbon.
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04/30/2011 11:31:49 AM
Fantastic work, congratulations! Thank you also for the information on how it was made.
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04/30/2011 11:19:50 AM
Absolutely BRILLIANT in every way! A real piece of art! Hope that you're going to frame it because it's a real piece of artwork. Congrats!

ETA: This type of photographic work would be EXCELLENT for children's books and magazines as illustrations! You might want to send some of your pieces to a publishing company and see if they are interested in you doing some freelance work for them. You could be a children's book and magazine collage illustrator! Seriously! :)

Message edited by author 2011-04-30 11:23:26.
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04/30/2011 12:15:38 AM
Congratulations. Another amazing piece. Keep em' coming!
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04/30/2011 12:10:02 AM
Originally posted by gyaban:

"Back in June 2009, I was in search of an occupation to fill my Saturdays. Some of my friends where talking about photography at work, so I gave it a try"

Originally posted by gyaban:

I consider myself as a beginner with Photoshop,

You make me sick.... :)

I cannot be more jealous of a 'beginner'. You are truly an artist. Your material oozes originality and style, and I cannot wait to see when you are no longer a 'beginner'.

Message edited by author 2011-04-30 00:10:56.
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04/29/2011 10:27:37 PM
10 from me, but you might as well blame one of the 9s for not being a 10.

At any rate, your artistry really shines in this. Your straight photography is obviously excellent, but what you manage in these expert editing challenges ... c'est vraiment magnifique!

And despite English not being your first language, putting 4 quite different meanings of "lightheaded" into this is simply amazing. Especially #2!

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04/29/2011 07:46:49 PM
Good grief Christophe, if you're a PS noob then I'm Michelle Obama. Yet another absolutely mind-bogglingly creative entry and winner from the most modest DPCer! Congrats on the blue! :-)
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04/29/2011 06:27:00 PM
Fantastic. I knew this one would take the blue but I was out with my prediction of its author and was kicking myself when I realised who was responsible for this art piece....amazing work...congratulations.
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04/29/2011 06:20:47 PM
Outstanding. I'm so glad the voters got it. What a stand out!!
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04/29/2011 03:53:16 PM
WOAH p.b! and 4 puns in one.....my god man, you are a genius.
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04/29/2011 02:32:38 PM
Geeze, how close can you get to an 8? Sigh... Brilliant!
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04/29/2011 01:40:29 PM
This is fantastic, reminds me of Salvadore Dali.
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04/29/2011 01:19:20 PM
I knoew this was yours the first time I saw it Christophe, due to the creativity and outstanding processing! Congrats on the well deserved blue!
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04/29/2011 12:52:36 PM
Great job on the composition, lighting/shadow detail, and processing! I wonder if an undistorted moon would have pushed this over the 8.0 mark.

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04/29/2011 12:31:15 PM
Originally posted by dianapf1:

Have you thought about doing signed prints?

Nope, I haven't really tried to make any money of my photos yet.
04/29/2011 12:25:42 PM
i like it
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04/29/2011 12:25:25 PM
Amazing! Congrats ;)
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04/29/2011 12:03:06 PM
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04/29/2011 11:30:45 AM
Have you thought about doing signed prints?
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04/29/2011 10:28:33 AM
Originally posted by MattO:

it looks more like Tim Burton digital art than photography to me.

This is not something I deliberately planned though: in fact I was myself surprised by the overall look of the result. I did not use any complicated PS stuff here, not even any Nix or Topaz plugin: mainly masking, curves, some dodge & burn, and of course the liquify tool. I simply tried to reproduce the vision I had in my head, without taking care of keeping it photo-realistic or not, this was obviously not my point here.
04/29/2011 10:13:57 AM
I'm glad everyone likes this, but it looks more like Tim Burton digital art than photography to me.
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04/29/2011 09:44:16 AM
I could of guest. The "Master".....Congrats!

Message edited by author 2011-04-29 15:07:41.
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04/29/2011 09:17:25 AM
Congrats on the blue!! Well done!
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04/29/2011 09:07:10 AM
Congrats on the well deserved blue!!
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04/29/2011 08:54:57 AM
Wow! I didn't vote in this challenge but I wish that I had just to give this super image a 10.
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04/29/2011 08:41:12 AM
How utterly amazing!!!
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04/29/2011 08:28:09 AM
Print pls :-)
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04/29/2011 08:23:47 AM
Congrats on a very creative and well thought out image Christophe!
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04/29/2011 07:27:51 AM
It looks a bit like Dali. I am surprised nobody mentioned it.
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04/29/2011 07:13:27 AM
Think we all knew it was yours. Superb image Congrats on ribbon and PB.
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04/29/2011 07:07:41 AM
Such an easy pic to choose for the blue!! Congrats!! Amazingly creative!!
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04/29/2011 06:53:30 AM
Such a stunning image! I've never seen so many 10's voted on one image. 11 votes below 5???
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04/29/2011 04:40:03 AM
One of the most amazing images I have ever seen here on DPC... I think you deserved an 8+


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04/29/2011 04:32:01 AM
I feel guilty for not giving you top marks after reading your explanation, still a fantastic score and another brilliant entry.
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04/29/2011 04:25:43 AM
Amazing. Brilliant. Ungraspable. Great work you deserve two ribbons for this one.
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04/29/2011 03:58:59 AM
No suprise this won, it is outstanding work. I have immense respect for anyone who can produce such amazing work.

Well done!

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04/29/2011 03:09:17 AM
Originally posted by FocusPoint:

"Better luck next time! "

You're right, poor wording there! Don't get me wrong, I'm still extremely happy and thankful about such a high score :-) It's just that 1 missing point... dang.
04/29/2011 02:58:19 AM
"I am quite disappointed that i missed the 8 by only 1 point! A 3 instead of one of these 2 votes would have been enough. Better luck next time! Anyway, still a new PB, so I can't really complain."

we all hate you now :-\
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04/29/2011 02:31:32 AM
Originally posted by gyaban:

Thanks :)
Yes, "Record personnel" would be a good translation.
Not so many layers here: 8 original photos, and around 60 layers in total (most of them being adjustment layers).

Ah, bieh. Donc, felicestations pour votre record personnel!
Le prochain doit etre plus que 8! N'est ce pas excitant? :D
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04/29/2011 02:21:55 AM
Originally posted by NiallOTuama:

Oh man you were only 1 vote away from an average of 8! I feel bad for giving you a 9 now :)

And... allez tes bleus! :)
Qu'ai-je te dire? Le bleu et un PB (PB est PB en Francais? Ou RP? Record personnel? Ou meilleur performance?)
Combien des images est ici? Et combien des layers?
Tant de questions!

Thanks :)
Yes, "Record personnel" would be a good translation.
Not so many layers here: 8 original photos, and around 60 layers in total (most of them being adjustment layers).
04/29/2011 02:06:51 AM
Oh man you were only 1 vote away from an average of 8! I feel bad for giving you a 9 now :)

And... allez tes bleus! :)
Qu'ai-je te dire? Le bleu et un PB (PB est PB en Francais? Ou RP? Record personnel? Ou meilleur performance?)
Combien des images est ici? Et combien des layers?
Tant de questions!
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04/29/2011 02:06:39 AM
Was there any doubt this would get the blue? Great job!
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04/29/2011 01:52:41 AM
YAHOOOO!!!! so happy this got first i gave ya a 10. yes one of the 55 10's!! congrats! go celebrate!
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04/29/2011 01:26:24 AM
And again, you continue to AMAZE me!!!
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04/29/2011 12:59:48 AM
Wow! You truly are a master!!!! Congrats!
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04/29/2011 12:34:29 AM
That is sooo cool!!!!
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04/29/2011 12:24:36 AM
Congrats Chris a new PB, 55 1's, and I've never seen such a high AVG (commenters 9.07)
WHoot well done.
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04/29/2011 12:21:48 AM
As usual I am amazed that 4 people gave this a 2 - DNMC?? More like envy.
Congratulations, Christophe. An 8 was so close. I am sure you will get it soon in spite of all these low voters.
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04/29/2011 12:16:19 AM
Didn't get to voting or commenting on this challenge, Chrisotphe, but holy wow!! I just LOVE rollover to see what you've come up with next. Check out that voting pattern! 55 tens!
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04/29/2011 12:13:57 AM
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04/29/2011 12:11:00 AM
The Expert of Expert Editing ;)
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04/29/2011 12:09:32 AM
Congrats...well deserved!
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04/29/2011 12:03:53 AM
Wow... look at that score ;)
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/28/2011 11:28:17 PM
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04/28/2011 11:24:05 PM
Very nice surreal image. Wonderful processing and story.
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04/27/2011 08:43:59 PM
A scary world indeed.
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04/27/2011 04:29:39 PM
more than slightly deranged :-)
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04/27/2011 09:57:25 AM
gosh, i wonder who's shot this is ;)
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04/27/2011 09:31:35 AM
This is just Awesome! So good, I don't think there is a flaw to be found
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04/26/2011 06:06:57 PM
Fantasy! Love it!
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04/26/2011 03:24:39 PM
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04/26/2011 10:21:34 AM
I'm going to suggest that we simply suspend voting now, give you the blue, red AND yellow ribbons, and be done with it :) Nothing else comes close to touching this one!
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04/25/2011 07:09:31 PM
Regardless of your mental state you should always promote safety. Where̢۪s here helmet and are those appropriate shoes for bike riding?? Sorry, I have to deduct 3 points from my vote and only give you a 10.
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04/24/2011 09:49:27 PM
This is so creative!
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04/24/2011 06:35:27 PM
Creativity in abundance.
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04/24/2011 01:38:04 PM
Just fantastic. This looks like a winner.
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04/24/2011 12:27:47 PM
This is the winning picture, no doubt about it.
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04/24/2011 11:15:23 AM
exceptional ps skills, blue (not voting)
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04/24/2011 09:28:57 AM
This is fabulous - well done. My favourite in the whole challenge !
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04/24/2011 05:22:54 AM
THe bluey for sure, excellent Chris.
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04/24/2011 03:28:28 AM
This has to be Christophe and this photo has to ribbon. Your creativity and imagination are truly inspiring... 10.
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04/24/2011 01:11:21 AM
Awesome image and editing!
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04/23/2011 09:07:51 PM
Excellent. Half-way through voting, and this is the first one I actually really like. Guessing it's a Gyaban entry?
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04/23/2011 05:17:38 PM
Amazingly bizarre
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04/23/2011 10:50:18 AM
This is wild.
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04/23/2011 10:07:32 AM
Very creative and exceptionally artistic.
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04/23/2011 08:21:39 AM
WOW. Nicely done, shows what I think is a very high level of skill and vision.
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04/23/2011 07:23:49 AM
Well, Christophe, I would be very surprised if it wasn't yours. I can recognize your hands! :)
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04/23/2011 06:50:08 AM
Best in show.
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04/23/2011 02:18:39 AM
fantastic composition, like you always do, On the voting stage the username is hidden but I'm guessing its you, gyaban or nightpixels?
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04/22/2011 08:02:20 PM
Im having a hard time being fair to this image. The rules say that we are to vote keeping in mind this is a photographic challenge, and there is very little in this image that hasn't been stretched like taffy. We are well into the arena of digital art.

However, all your components are photographic and your pun is carried deep into the image not just having the model be lightheaded, but inducing that feeling in the viewer with the swirling twisted vision of a migrane headache, where all of the parts dance a twirl as if we are about to faint.

So what should i do? Vote you down because what you did goes too far? Or vote you all the way up because what you did is brilliant, and every tug and pull is in service to the artistic vision. I will contemplate and seek clarity.
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04/22/2011 07:57:30 PM
Awesome work! 10
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04/22/2011 06:18:23 PM
Amazing digital art! gyaban?
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04/22/2011 06:01:11 PM
What an amazing work! 10
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04/22/2011 05:12:58 PM
Obviously , a work of art and probably a ribbon
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04/22/2011 04:53:28 PM
This has Christophe's signature all over it, it's amazingly well done, and if it's not gyaban please consider the highest compliment! Well done!!
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04/22/2011 04:24:17 PM
C'est toi!
I think a few things about this. The first is blue. The second is wow. The third is potential PB. It's so well done!
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04/22/2011 02:24:59 PM
Brilliant. 10
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04/22/2011 02:21:45 PM
looks amazing
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04/22/2011 01:04:38 PM
Is this that man again? My tip for the top place.Great image.
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04/22/2011 12:46:29 PM
You can hold your head high for this one. Great job artistically and technically.
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04/22/2011 10:58:14 AM
Holy crap....Lol....It just doesn't get any better then this. Great idea, awesome processing. Can't wait to see the master that put this one together.
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04/22/2011 09:42:21 AM
There ya go. This is fantastic. This challenge may turn into who has the most wizardry with editing. So surreal. I can see this in a contemporary art exhibit. Nice going. 10
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04/22/2011 05:00:13 AM
Very striking. Love this but would have prefered it without the hands, doesnt seem to fit IMHO. Great shot nonetheless.
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04/22/2011 02:13:59 AM
gyban?? must be =)
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04/22/2011 12:57:16 AM
This is fabulous. (Gyaban?) Another for the front page.
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04/22/2011 12:54:18 AM
Unmistakable who this is...
Again the processing and idea is practically flawless. From the fog / mist that is floating across the field of flowers to the bizarre hands (no ring this time I see!) to the tyre marks in the dirt road it is a masterpiece.
The only thing that does seem a bit odd is that we can̢۪t see her right hand holding the handle bar - I know the angle probably blocks her arm and you probably chose this to match the equally weird thought process and end product. The cropping of the rear wheel does not bother me at all even though I did notice.
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04/22/2011 12:19:06 AM
This looks like a gyaban image. Fantastic. Reminds me of Alice in Wonderland.
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04/22/2011 12:14:52 AM
Wow. Great work.
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04/22/2011 12:11:24 AM
OK, that's gotta be a winner! Deliriously well done. Is it "photography"? Not really, but who cares? 10
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