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Peach Wine Processing
2nd PlacePeach Wine Processing

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Symbolic Still Life (Basic Editing)
Camera: Pentax 645D
Lens: Pentax FA-D 645 55mm f2.8
Date: Jun 13, 2011
Date Uploaded: Jun 13, 2011

Symbolic? I certainly think so

score? gotta be a 6.4

The meaning behind this image was supposed to convey "even though the pressure seems unbearable at times there is usually something wonderful at the end of it."

Place: 2 out of 88
Avg (all users): 6.7697
Avg (commenters): 7.3333
Avg (participants): 6.5455
Avg (non-participants): 6.8433
Views since voting: 4536
Views during voting: 371
Votes: 178
Comments: 26
Favorites: 5 (view)

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06/24/2011 04:20:59 PM
Really enjoyed this photo Marac. Congrats!
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06/24/2011 12:09:32 AM
Great image! congrats!
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06/23/2011 05:48:58 PM
Well done Mak (and that is what I am eating now at home directly from budapest to my kitchen!!)!!!!
The only comment I have is for those two people who managed to give you a 1!!
Well done for them too.....at least we know they are learning to count...maybe a day they will learn there are other numbers too.but that's ok.
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06/23/2011 05:31:40 PM
Congrats on your ribbon! A beautiful still life and message.
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06/23/2011 02:55:40 AM
Shame on me, i forgot to comment on this during the challege, it was very well executed, congrats on your ribbon.
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06/22/2011 10:21:34 PM
Well, that's a nice, clean job. It didn't seem particularly "symbolic" to me, more like "literal", but it's certainly well-made :-) Grats on the ribbon!
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06/22/2011 05:50:41 PM
Nice! Well done matey.
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06/22/2011 03:26:58 PM
Grats on the ribbon for this beautifully lit image, but I was hoping you would explain what symbolism you saw in it and what the assembled objects stood for. It is a lovely still life.
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06/22/2011 12:31:03 PM
Extremely nice picture, it was one of my top pick. I love the color harmony, it contrasts with the inherent violence of the pressure. And it also makes me hungry, now I want a peach! ;-) Congratulations.
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06/22/2011 12:26:31 PM
Congratulations on the ribbon.
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06/22/2011 08:37:48 AM
Heh, Ace!!! Nice to see you in the win category again. WOO HOO~~
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06/22/2011 08:04:52 AM
Originally posted by MAK:

Originally posted by whiteroom:

i would have titled it "hard pressed" or something.. congrats on the ribbon

That's great Leslie, I am so crap at titles.. The meaning behind this image was supposed to convey "even though the pressure seems unbearable at times there is usually something wonderful at the end of it." bit too long for a title but yours made it work.

If you would have had a title like that (though distilled a little :) you would have slaughtered my image.

This shot is so incredibly stunning, I gave it a 7, but simply because my little brain couldn't come up with the symbolism. It seemed more like an informative shot than a symbolic shot. That's my fault and lack of imagination -- though I looked at it a long time trying to figure it out. Absolutely beautiful -- and congrats on the red!
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06/22/2011 07:42:07 AM
Under pressure, indeed! Good work, it takes a lot of pressing and distilling to produce quality product. Congrats on the red :-)
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06/22/2011 05:01:12 AM
Originally posted by whiteroom:

i would have titled it "hard pressed" or something.. congrats on the ribbon

That's great Leslie, I am so crap at titles.. The meaning behind this image was supposed to convey "even though the pressure seems unbearable at times there is usually something wonderful at the end of it." bit too long for a title but yours made it work.
06/22/2011 03:41:16 AM
Fantastic shot, MAK. I love your still life work (and the rest of your work as well ;-) Congrats on the ribbon.
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06/22/2011 03:07:43 AM
Congratulations! Looks like your loving that Pentax !
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06/22/2011 03:00:10 AM
i would have titled it "hard pressed" or something.. congrats on the ribbon
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06/22/2011 01:58:19 AM
Great job, Marac. Congrats!
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06/22/2011 12:38:28 AM
Congrats, Marac a fine image
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/19/2011 04:51:26 PM
Peach wine sounds delicious! All the items here are very well pit together. Great job
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06/18/2011 07:13:40 PM
Really nice. The background and lighting are perfect. Beautiful
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06/17/2011 04:00:26 PM
Beautiful still life shot. Really enjoying the lighting and colors. But I'm struggling on the symbolism.
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06/17/2011 09:29:06 AM
I'd love to hear what this means to you. This one was the first that I've seen in the bunch that has sent my mind afire. The photo could mean any number of things, but the one that I like the best that I came up with is that the peach (as it so often does) represents the female. The wine represents the perfect female. And the press represents some of the things (plastic surgery, etc) that females do to try to become the "perfect female." I"m probably way off on this, but I really liked that idea.

As for the photo, the technicals are great and I love the simplicity of your set up.
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06/15/2011 07:34:44 PM
I just love it, looks like a painting!!!like the shade on the brown coulour and its grade.
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06/15/2011 12:36:27 PM
Beautiful tones, and the lit portion of the bg is really beautiful. Dark colors are very difficult to light, and if this were not basic, the velvet would have benefited from some dodging :-)
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06/15/2011 01:51:49 AM
Lovely, not much use of symbolism, if any; bu, it is a well composed and crafted still life.
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