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 This image was disqualified from the Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives challenge.
Silver Dollar Diner, Newport News, VA
Silver Dollar Diner, Newport News, VA

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives (Advanced Editing VII)
Collection: Portfolio
Camera: Canon EOS-7D
Lens: Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM
Date: Jul 5, 2011
Date Uploaded: Jul 7, 2011

[Jul. 14th, 2011 11:01:23 PM]

Absolutely floored... a 7.3 going into the last day? Wow....

I was very self conscious taking pictures in the diner. I figured there's enough tourists around our area, I could just pretend to be one. I didn't ask permission, I just figured I'd take pictures until they told me to stop.

They didn't.

I was nervous enough that I didn't change things up much. And I didn't really know what I was doing. So I took probably about 100+ shots, and only ended up keeping about 10 and processing about 5. I thought this one was fun, but I was incredibly shocked that it went over so well!!!

I liked the idea of this one a lot, but wasn't crazy about how it turned out.

Same with this one:

There were too many colors to make it work in color. I wanted a simpler time, So I chose b&w over color

Thanks all!! What a week!


In case you're wondering, here's the deal: on Monday night at 11:30 pm, I realized that I should submit my original, since I was still above 7, and since my son and I were going out of town at 5 the next morning.

I couldn't find it!!! I found other photos from that shoot, but not the actually entry original. I had run out of room on my hard disk that past week, so I deleted all outtakes. Usually I don't delete any photos from a shoot until the challenge is over, so I don't accidentally delete the original. But I had so many lousy shots that night, that I just decided to be careful and keep the original.

Obviously I wasn't careful enough!!

My wonderful husband has been running recovery software for the last 26 hours, trying to find it. It's coming up with a huge number of partial, unlabeled files. I'll check them out when I get home from the trip, but it wasn't fair to make him slog through it all. Plus, giantmike deserves his time one the limelight.

New tradition!!! back up the original before submitting! I never bothered, since the raw file was always good, never changed when editing. But it doesn't help if you accidently delete!!

Congrats to the new ribbons and top tens!

P.s., did I really have to lose the original on the one profile shot that wasn't wildlife???

P.p.s, my apologies to lydiatoo!! The bet is back on!
Disqualification Details
You must retain your original, unedited file (exactly as recorded by your camera), and provide it to the Site Council along with a list of your editing steps within 48 hours of any validation request. Files that have been saved or altered with any editing or transfer software are NOT originals.

Views since voting: 2966
Views during voting: 335
Comments: 59
Favorites: 2 (view)

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07/30/2011 05:12:33 PM

very sorry to hear about the DQ for this image. you captured what i was thinking when i made this challenge suggestion so well.

if it is any consolation, at least we were all reminded to backup, backup, and backup again!! ;-)

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07/28/2011 12:20:24 PM
Just now saw this was DQ'd. A pity, because it's such a stunning entry. Congrats on your ribbon, regardless.
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07/22/2011 04:16:38 PM
I just noticed this was DQ'ed. Beautiful picture and sad story. I hate worrying about hard disk space. I have accidentally deleted keepers when I meant to clear out the outtakes. For all the talk of squirrels, you are one versatile photographer.
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07/20/2011 11:10:33 AM
I have done the exact same thing. Ran out of room, and accidentally deleted the original several days later. Sorry to hear about the DQ.
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07/19/2011 07:18:52 PM
When I saw the change on the front page and noticed it was yours that was missing I wondered what on earth could have happened.

That's a real shame, I just did a massive tidy of my library and realised just afterwards that I had accidentally deleted a bunch of RAW originals and left the Photoshop edits, it's easily done. Mind you, mine didn't cost me a ribbon!

Sorry to hear about the loss of ribbon, I'm absolutely sure you'll make it back!
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07/19/2011 02:53:28 PM
The squirrels were jealous and ate the original! Sorry to see this DQ...:-(
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07/19/2011 12:20:04 AM
Oh my goodness, so sorry about that! I unfortunately know exactly how you must feel! :( Still a brilliant shot to me....
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07/18/2011 09:57:33 PM
See what happens when you don't have a squirrel? Bad luck Wendy. Still a great shot though.
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07/18/2011 06:03:32 PM
I have never read such a gracious note regarding the loss of a ribbon via a DQ - grace under fire doesn't even come close to your remarks. I only hope I would be so thoughtful if or probably when it happens to me. But I wouldn't be hehehe
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07/18/2011 03:05:07 PM
Look on the bright side; if this had stayed on your profile page, we might have actually been forced to accept that you can shoot stuff besides birds and squirrels, and you wouldn't be under the radar anymore. Whew! That was a close call! Crafty DQ!

Message edited by author 2011-07-18 15:06:08.
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07/18/2011 12:21:07 PM
OH...noooo.... I'm sorry, Wendy.

I hope you're having a great trip to make up for it just a little.
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07/18/2011 12:58:57 AM
Geniunely loved this shot, terrible shame to see it DQ'd, never the less, was one of my fav's.
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07/18/2011 12:38:37 AM
So have you decided not to submit your proofs to allow the rest of us a shot at a ribbon from time to time? A fine show of noblsseoblige my dear.
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07/17/2011 11:52:54 PM
I'm happy to get the yellow, but not at the expense of this photo! This thing is just wonderful. The black and white conversion is so perfectly done that I will be looking to this photo for inspiration later on.
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07/17/2011 11:52:46 PM
That (DQ) sucks, but it's still a great shot.
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07/17/2011 11:27:37 PM
Bummer! Sorry about the DQ. But as you so graciously said, it's good for GiantMike, and we all know what a GREAT photographer you are. ;) So, do you now have to pay LidiaToo?
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07/17/2011 09:45:59 PM
That's too bad losing the original. Sorry about the a DQ. This is a great image.
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07/17/2011 09:20:51 PM
Oh geez. What a shame.

This just rocks.
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07/15/2011 02:42:33 PM
Great deep DOF, excellent B&W. You do it all well!
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07/15/2011 02:34:32 PM
Congrats on your Red Ribbon! One of my favorites in the challenge so I'm happy to see you scored so well with it!
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07/15/2011 12:55:42 PM
Ribbon Hog (-: Most Excellent. I was on vacation and did not have time to shoot for this one, was a little down about that now seeing all the great entries.
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07/15/2011 12:09:25 PM
Loved it from the start. Great image, great finish.
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07/15/2011 10:39:30 AM
Where's the squirrel? :P

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07/15/2011 10:38:47 AM
yeeee hawwww....love this shot...Congrats!!!
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07/15/2011 07:44:32 AM
Okay, I give up.

Where's the squirrel and the bird?

Kidding! This is simply fabulous. Congratulations.
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07/15/2011 05:41:16 AM
Congrats on the ribbon,another cracking image.
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07/15/2011 04:18:27 AM
This works great in B&W. Congrats on the red!
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07/15/2011 02:10:28 AM
Congrats, Wendy. Fabulous entry. Beautifully pp'd.
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07/15/2011 01:04:38 AM
Incredibly well-done! Congratulations!
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07/15/2011 12:59:13 AM
Great period feel, congrats.
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07/15/2011 12:56:55 AM
Well deserved ribbon Wendy.
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07/15/2011 12:45:01 AM
yes...brilliant!!! Congrats on your ribbon!
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07/15/2011 12:23:47 AM
Great job Wendy. Congrats once again. :)
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07/15/2011 12:17:31 AM
Yeah... *sigh* This is good.

*mumbles* Congrats...

(seriously, Wendy! This is really great. You ARE the greatest photographer ever... almost. *grin* )
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07/15/2011 12:14:55 AM
very hapy to have finally given you a ten. awesome work congratulations :)
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07/15/2011 12:11:33 AM
Congrats on the ribbon, Wendy. Hope it holds up!
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07/15/2011 12:08:39 AM
Super choice to do this shot in B&W - the chrome is so shiny and the details are perfectly crisp - great job - congrats!

pssst art - the squirrel is hiding behind the cash register.
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07/15/2011 12:03:29 AM
I'm lookin, I'm lookin, I'm lookin, but I don't see the squirrel! :P Congrats! Great image!
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07/15/2011 12:01:42 AM
Wow Wendy, your just too good at this. Congrats on another ribbon.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/14/2011 11:46:50 PM
perfect match for the challenge
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07/14/2011 06:30:03 PM
I hope this ribbons. Wonderful classic view of a diner, and nice composition as well.
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07/14/2011 04:34:12 PM
while this is a lovely B&W with lots of great detail and good tones, I feel like Im missing out on the colors which are so much of the diner experience. Never the less lovely image, top ten.
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07/14/2011 11:30:57 AM
fantastic in b&w, excellent choice great setup and perfect lighting. 10
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07/14/2011 11:05:59 AM
This deserves to be sitting at the top of the pack, nicely thought out and executed, hope things turn out OK.
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07/13/2011 09:55:38 PM
The best in the challenge for me...10
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07/13/2011 06:39:05 PM
I like this image. I think the composition is strong. The repeating chairs are very appealing and the slight grunge look caused by the grain is excellent. I think the contrast is a bit too strong, however. It's a bit hard to see what's happening beyond the chairs.
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07/10/2011 04:18:44 AM
Cool angle and pov plus great processing and b&w conversion.
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07/09/2011 05:12:07 PM
Nice bw.
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07/09/2011 05:35:47 AM
One of my favorites in this challenge. The gleaming black and white conversion fits perfectly with "Silver", the composition is well-planned particularly with camera lower than stand-up height, and including a person lends interest.
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07/09/2011 02:37:08 AM
Pretty sweet pic of a diner. I like how the chair backs are "uniform" in facing toward you (don't know if it was happen stance or orchestrated...). I like the composition of filling the frame (not much wasted space). I like how the viewer is lead down the counter chairs to the table. My pick of the challenge. (Just curious though, maybe an outtake in color for comparison...)
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07/08/2011 07:51:47 PM
Great shot. The black and white works very well, and the inclusion of people really adds something.
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07/08/2011 02:52:28 PM
This is the shot I went out to get at our local Steak n Shake, So I am beyond jealous! LOL I had the whole thing invisioned just like this... So since You did my idea and my idea was perfection, well I can only give you a 10!
( they wouldn't let me shoot inside, Last burger I'll be eating there!!!!)
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07/08/2011 12:46:07 PM
Processing fits this image a treat.
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07/08/2011 09:16:09 AM
What a great shot, so chromium laced it just shines. great composition too!
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07/08/2011 09:09:24 AM
Interesting set-up. I like all the stools lined up. B&W looks great.
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07/08/2011 08:30:01 AM
Good tones! Nice light! The chrome and stainless steel really shows well!
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07/08/2011 02:09:34 AM
Love that you went black and white
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07/08/2011 01:48:22 AM
Another one with cool chairs- nice work!
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07/08/2011 12:46:45 AM
THis is the 1st entry I've seen so far, and can't expect they would get any better. 10
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