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Geothermic Activity

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Without the Hand of Man (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot G2
Location: Ogden Utah
Date: Dec 12, 2002
ISO: 50
Date Uploaded: Dec 14, 2002

A hot spring here in Utah. I was kind of disapointed when I first saw it because I was expecting a great big pool with great colors. It was really smelly and it was kinda neat that water was coming out of the mountain and steaming.

Place: 28 out of 60
Avg (all users): 5.8471
Avg (commenters): 6.6667
Avg (participants): 5.7925
Avg (non-participants): 5.9375
Views since voting: 1154
Votes: 85
Comments: 13
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/21/2002 01:15:58 AM
Interesting. I'm not quite sure what it is, but it looks untouched by man. Uless it's from a nuclear power plant run off, and then I'd have to wonder, but looks good to me. Focus and clarity are good, and the angle and framing/cropping are good too. I like the foggy look. Good luck in the challenge.
12/20/2002 05:56:05 AM
Very cool location. I love the steam and the red.. stuff on the side (it can't be lava, can it?). It's a weird, alien landscape, nicely framed. The light seems a tad harsh, and maybe you could have cropped it more, because those rocks in the foreground are a little bit busy. Nice work though.
12/19/2002 02:13:16 PM
Nice colours, perhaps a little too nice. Good composition. Well done. High score from Sweden.
12/19/2002 10:21:59 AM
challenge met. i like the contrast between the stones and whatever covers it (the brown stuff) and the steam. the foreground is nice and colorful, crisp and focused, and it almost looks like the end of the world where it stops and the steam rises. i think i would have considered cropping more off the top, especially where the steam is not so predominant and the green background on the other side comes through.
12/18/2002 11:34:47 PM
Interesting colors and texture.
12/18/2002 01:13:41 PM
An interesting phenomenon, assuming it's not really a sewage leak of some sort :)
12/18/2002 01:01:23 AM
Pretty cool although I'm not sure what I am looking at. Looks like fog with a chemical spill...I have to take your word for it. DPz
12/17/2002 07:25:37 PM
Cool shot! The minerals in the water make the rocks a great redish color. 8 Swash
12/17/2002 12:59:36 PM
Great one.
12/17/2002 08:04:35 AM
Good idea, one of the images this week that fits the closest to the assignment. composition not focused enough on the main subject too my taste and a little confused.
12/16/2002 02:29:55 AM
Very nice variation.
12/16/2002 01:59:09 AM
the harsh contrast between the steamy area and the clear area doesn't look too great in my opinion. The colors in the forground are nice, but contrast too much with the softer fogged over colors in the back. a Lower crop might have helped reduce that contrasting feel in this shot.
12/16/2002 01:56:56 AM
Great shot I really like it.

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