DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
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The Laughing Woman
The Laughing Woman

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study 2011-09 (Advanced Editing VII)
Collection: Challenges 2011
Camera: Canon EOS-7D
Lens: Canon EF 24-105mm f/4.0L IS
Location: Chinatown
Date: Sep 23, 2011
Aperture: f/7.1
ISO: 160
Shutter: 1/200
Date Uploaded: Sep 23, 2011

Couldn't resist. Really shouldn't enter it in Free Study because, well, street photographers are the slime of the earth, don't you know....

Except that Jagar guy - he's OK. The rest of us, though, are rude and opportunistic, and fail to control the elements of our photographs.

(Heh! Just kidding. Just giving Gyaban a bit of a hard time. I do realize street photography is not up the alley of most. I happen to enjoy it, though!)

I had posted this in Wendy's no-Thursday non-challenge thread, but had several people tell me I should put it in the Free Study. Sadly, all the people I *need* to vote on this have seen it. Oh well. Let's see how it goes, shall we?

And no, I don't know the other photographer. She did come over to me and tell me I couldn't have any frames with her client in them. This one does not. To be fair, the laughing woman (who had nothing to do with the other photog or her client) kept trying to hide her face from me if I had my camera up, so I probably WAS rude and opportunistic. But it was just so funny....

[Oct. 1st, 2011 10:32:02 AM]

And I realy shouldn't have entered this in the Free Study. I am a VERY VERY slow learner, it appears!

[Oct. 3rd, 2011 08:04:31 PM]

So with 72 votes, I'm at a dead even 5.5000. I looked at Gyaban's portfolio, and my score in this FS is lower than his lowest score, ever. In fact, he has only four scores lower than my DPC average. This, my friends, says a LOT. It says that if you want to learn more about photography, visit his portfolio. Watch what he enters. Learn from the master!

So what are you still doing here? Go on! Get out of here! The credits done run and the fat lady done sang!

[Oct. 4th, 2011 07:48:54 PM]

But if you're still here, what I will say is that I am absolutely delighted with the comments. Thank you VERY much! And glad I made some of you laugh. That's worth the price of admission.

Place: 159 out of 297
Avg (all users): 5.7031
Avg (commenters): 7.0625
Avg (participants): 5.7263
Avg (non-participants): 5.6364
Views since voting: 897
Views during voting: 227
Votes: 128
Comments: 35
Favorites: 3 (view)

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10/17/2011 11:49:09 AM
Love the shot. Love the story even more.
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10/17/2011 11:07:28 AM
Indeed, Deb. Look to the gifts you DO have!!!! And stop letting a single person rain on your parade!!!!

Didn't notice the laughing bag at her feet before... Congrats on the the bling.
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10/17/2011 10:30:02 AM
I just had to revisit the Laughing Woman after seeing that Paul had put it up on the PH thread. First, the score is a bit of a disappointment. This deserved much better. However, the comments are incredible. I have an Apple entry in voting now sitting at 6.4 with 3 pleasant comments. I would trade it in a heartbeat for this 5.7 image with 32 comments. Gyaban is a very talented guy, and he may be the master of producing images with broad appeal. But, there is plenty he could learn from studying Melethia's portfolio. Beautiful shot.
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10/14/2011 12:19:20 AM
very nice...more street photography should be in color. Who is this client who can rewrite the rules of in public photography?
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10/10/2011 01:45:23 AM
This is a wonderful photo... a superb capture...
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10/09/2011 10:24:00 PM
Originally posted by posthumous:

p.s. there's more to photography than tying balloons to toy elephants, and you just proved that.

Please reread this Deb from time to time.
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10/08/2011 07:10:27 PM
People obviously did not take the time to stop and look at the magic in this photo. Without the laughing woman you'd have a bench and a photog in some strange yoga pose. Keep on capturing stuff like this and don't forget to share! :)
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10/08/2011 05:03:22 PM
Deb, this is probaly one of the best and most fun shots I have seen for ages, awesome, I will never understand why people vote th way they do.
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10/08/2011 12:45:59 PM
p.s. there's more to photography than tying balloons to toy elephants, and you just proved that.
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10/08/2011 12:44:49 PM
this is magnificent. It definitely would have gotten some bling from me if I knew what day it was.
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10/08/2011 09:24:53 AM
I wondered if this was yours. It's fabulous Deb, and happy to see it end at 5.7
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10/08/2011 07:39:54 AM
photo is funny, comments are even better
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10/08/2011 05:45:37 AM
I loved this and gave it a 7. I actually thought it was staged! If I had known it wasn't I think I would have voted higher.
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10/08/2011 01:24:13 AM
What's not to love? Fabulous composition, but first I die laughing. Can't help wondering what was her client. And if I weren't at this late hour glued to my chair I would get up and try that stance.

When you wear that camera your life is charmed.
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10/08/2011 12:41:32 AM
You, Deb, delight me.

Most all the time. :D
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10/08/2011 12:13:19 AM
Glad to see this was yours! It got an 8 from me. Look at all the positive comments and you'll see that you nailed this one. Now quit comparing yourself to Gyaban! That's comparing cameras and bicycles and it's not good for you.

Message edited by author 2011-10-08 00:14:43.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/07/2011 10:31:05 PM
Good street photography. Fun. Funny. Nicely composed and well balanced. An eight for you.
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10/07/2011 12:52:55 PM
Incredibly funny.... really. what a HOOOOOOT.... love it!!!
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10/07/2011 12:05:11 PM
Apologies - no time for a 'Longer Look' comment before challenge end. I'll come back after.

Back to update this comment. Apologies, I'd forgotten I'd be in an Internet black hole before rollover.

I'm going through the entries, stopping at those images I feel have had the benefit of an unconventional eye and dwelling a little longer to try to see and appreciate what you saw. This is one of those images.

Positives: What a great scene - has my eyes and brain going around in circles - laugher, photography, me, laugher, photographer, me... It actually makes my head bob back and forth like a chicken!

The photographers stance is most amusing and gives us pause for thought about how we might look when we are out and about. The laughing woman is of course key - not least because she looks so terribly jolly!

Critical stuff: Although I like the high saturation, I'm not fond of the red hue of their skin - makes me want to drop a Nik control point onto the skin and selectively pull the saturation back a bit in this areas. I also might've cropped the bench at the mid-point - but I can see the merits of keeping it whole (though I do dislike the plaque!)

Overall: Well seen, well taken. Very nice end result.

Message edited by author 2011-10-17 08:11:03.
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10/06/2011 02:06:50 AM
Wonderful street capture. like all the red elements too. It's a natural diptych.
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10/06/2011 01:33:48 AM
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10/05/2011 06:17:14 PM
wonder if that pictures going to be in a challenge . . .
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10/05/2011 01:40:16 PM
Not the craziest photographer pose ever, Snaffles has her beat by a mile for an awesome shooting stance. Well worth a chuckle, however!
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10/04/2011 05:39:29 PM
Love this! ah what us photogs go through ;) Hope this shot does well. It's a gem of a street shot. All candid I presume?
(none voter, just commenting)
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10/04/2011 09:38:48 AM
So much to love about this candid moment. It is hard not to look at the laughing woman and not smile. I like the read and blue tones. Nice shot -- it is good to revisit this one. Hope it scores well.
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10/04/2011 12:42:00 AM
Fun Shot!!!!
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10/03/2011 09:52:34 PM
Great catch
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10/03/2011 11:33:16 AM
Not very flattering pose that! Thx for the giggle.
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10/02/2011 05:10:13 PM
And she had reason for laughing :) Well captured
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10/01/2011 10:34:25 PM
That is funny.
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10/01/2011 09:25:06 PM
Even her bag chuckles!
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10/01/2011 09:24:41 PM
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10/01/2011 01:18:58 PM
Made me smile, too.
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10/01/2011 08:00:56 AM
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10/01/2011 12:55:23 AM
yeah baby
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