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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Nude II (Advanced Editing II)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Location: My bathroom
Date: Aug 21, 2004
Galleries: Emotive, Nude
Date Uploaded: Aug 17, 2004

Lots of post processing. I dodged and painted out the outside of the photo for sort of a frame within a frame, only leaving the shower head. I upped the contrast. Unsharp mask, and resize, and I believe that's everything.

Place: 66 out of 87
Avg (all users): 4.9913
Avg (commenters): 5.8788
Avg (participants): 4.6579
Avg (non-participants): 5.0858
Views since voting: 3185
Views during voting: 1022
Votes: 344
Comments: 41
Favorites: 8 (view)

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11/08/2004 04:08:20 PM
Very effective photo. Good job (Adding to favorites)
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10/03/2004 03:32:27 PM
Not nice at all, well done...sad and touching image. I love the overwhelming whites. It was suggested below that darks would have suited the mood but I tend to disagree. The bright white makes it seem like it has been photographed 'from the other side'. Great photo...but again, very sad. I would have given this a 9 or so.
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08/30/2004 01:58:30 AM
Ouch .. you got robbed. I expected a better placing than this .... don't let it get you down, I guess it wasn't nude enough. Keep it up and all you can do is learn from this. :)
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08/30/2004 12:34:30 AM
I scored this a 9. It was one of my favourites of the challenge for its pure originality.. can't believe it finished so low. It was very well done.
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08/30/2004 12:22:14 AM
I really can't believe this scored as low as it did. I guess it wasn't enough of "a nude" for a lot of people. Already five favorites though, so a gutsy shot does pay off in some ways. I hope your score isn't too discouraging, this is one of the best shots I've seen here in a while. Keep it up.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/29/2004 05:57:04 PM
This shot is really incredible. I really like the skewed shape of the shower door with the showerhead just above it. The white background with high-contrast black subject all produces a very impressive result. The details are all perfectly executed as well, the streaks on the glass, the pose of the model, the level of visability through the glass. Awesome. My favorite shot in the challenge.
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08/28/2004 02:09:15 AM
I like it.
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08/27/2004 07:51:32 PM
you're probably not doing as well as you would like with this shot, but I think its very powerful. The stains on the shower really speak of a desperate struggle and the crumpled, hardly discernable form as seen from the angle we have brilliantly conveys your message. I like this shot a lot, and I think it fits the theme in an unconventional way.
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08/27/2004 02:39:54 AM
That is amazing. Wow. That just penertrated the boring old browsing...it struck something in me...a that-someday-might-be-me fear. Thank you. That is beautiful.
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08/26/2004 07:43:57 PM
fiendish.Like how you you presented the bath with only shower door and head, wish you had the water running out though.
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08/26/2004 04:02:31 PM
I see a body crawled into the corner and some streaks (blood ?) at the glass, with a title that suggest horror ? But still I don't really get it and find it an obscure, unattractive image. It doesn't have to be attractive if it would create another type of emotion in me, but it does not. Sorry.
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08/26/2004 02:28:28 PM
Guess it must be a nude, since it's in a shower, but it's too gross for anything that I'd want in my own personal collection. Couldn't find that much to positively rate it for when taking into account what I expected a "nudes" challenge to be.
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08/26/2004 10:40:14 AM
great shot but need a bit more transparency to see more of the figure
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08/26/2004 02:01:26 AM
oy.. you touched my morbid bone :) wonderful, if sick, concept.
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08/25/2004 08:17:57 PM
This is a deeply disturbing photo. The emotional content tops the chart in this challenge. Obviously subject matter and composition are its strongest features. (10)
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08/25/2004 12:27:27 PM
Ummm... this was the nude challenge not the suicide challenge. It's an excellent photo however. I just don't get that the model was nude.
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08/25/2004 08:28:50 AM
I'm guessing chocalte sauce in the shower to achieve this effect? Very cool high key image and bravo for taking an "in your face " approach. Good work.
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08/25/2004 06:07:58 AM
This is simply an amazing image. The high-key treatment and retention of detail where it counts is awesome. I absolutely love it - well done (10)
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08/25/2004 05:19:25 AM
It's been a keen debate on DPC for quite some time whether we really need images like this. In itself not a bad photo although it looks like poor photoshopping around the door.
Don't know whether it's the shock factor or not but my first thoughts were unneccessary and gratuitous. However, more to the point in a photo challenge - very poorly executed (no pun intended).
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08/25/2004 12:52:28 AM
wow scary photo.....defiantly inflicts emotion.....well titled
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08/24/2004 06:33:46 PM
Good for a splatter contest not nude contest.
Good photo.
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08/24/2004 05:48:02 PM
defintly artisticaly strong, worth a 7 on that, but the white surroundings just threw me off.
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08/24/2004 06:17:02 AM
Great high key shot. In my top 10... (10)
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08/24/2004 05:07:32 AM
awesome! I'm usually not a big fan of artsy very high contrast photos, but this is too cool! I love how it looks like the shower head is just floating in white space :)
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08/24/2004 02:44:01 AM
Powerful image. I'm not sure what, but it seems to lack something though? I think it looks too staged. Maybe if there were details outside of the shower it would feel more real. I'm sure you'll get plenty of comments on this one. Great image.
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08/23/2004 11:04:03 PM
I found this over the top disturbing.
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08/23/2004 10:39:14 PM
Disturbing... Not sure I like it.... Powerful picture though, so 8
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08/23/2004 08:38:34 PM
A disturbing and powerful image. I think the shower head just sort of floating there distracts.
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08/23/2004 04:39:01 PM
A bold entry. It makes me uncomfortable, and for that I guess it's successful. Just not subject matter I really care to dwell on though. I find myself immediately wanting to move to the next image.
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08/23/2004 03:06:04 PM
Intense scene.
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08/23/2004 02:26:34 PM
is this the Hitchcock theme revisited ?
08/23/2004 11:11:00 AM
Very well done and disturbing. I gotta give you credit for being different!
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08/23/2004 10:09:23 AM
Graphic and interesting.
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08/23/2004 04:46:43 AM
very hard hitting. I must say the lower portion of this image would get a 10 from me if it was the only part of the photo. Th dark tones and high contrast along with a perfect pose bode very well to me. As it is, with a bright white background it looks as if it's floating in mid air which hinders my vote.

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08/23/2004 04:11:43 AM
This is a very effective image. There's a lot of emotion going on. I'm not totally sure what's going on- suicide? Even so, this has such emtion and feeling and the starkness of the black and white and the stark contrast is awesome- 10
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08/23/2004 12:54:45 AM
Good imagery here. The hand prints add a lot to it. Tho I'm not sure why a shower would cause him to be defeated...
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08/23/2004 12:45:21 AM
powerful image, almost too powerful though. if i were a doctor i would recommend seeing a pychiatrist but as an artist i would say very emotional, and great use of the strong black and whites and strong perspective to make the photo even more intense
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08/23/2004 12:41:50 AM
Yikes, very disturbing.
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08/23/2004 12:25:36 AM
This is a neat high key concept. However, the high key nature of it seems to be contradictory to the theme of the shot. "Defeat" or despair... death... depression... whatever may be implied here is normally associated with negativity and darkness. Just something to think about when you are promoting an idea :) If the elements of the composition are supportive of that theme rather than contradictory, your idea may be better received....
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08/23/2004 12:20:27 AM
i don't get it did he die
08/23/2004 12:06:20 AM
Quite a dramatic shot! I don't know about a it being a nude shot, but it is still impressive!
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