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| 10/12/2005 10:25:14 AM |
Breakfast Meetingby RN PattiComment: It´s a sin that the picture his fuzzy, like taken out of a window with bad glass or just a ceap camera most likely, because the frame is nice. I love birds my self and pictures like this one, but the quality is missing. 4 |
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| 10/12/2005 10:18:51 AM |
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| 10/12/2005 10:10:02 AM |
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| 10/12/2005 10:08:21 AM |
Because it's Fridayby fstopopenComment: This moment seemes so inocent : ) and I´m a sucker for beer, so 9 from me : )
The DOF does a great deal for this image and sharpness is good. |
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| 10/12/2005 09:52:24 AM |
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| 08/29/2005 03:32:43 PM |
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| 08/22/2005 10:00:59 AM |
Nature's perfect designby DogAngelComment: gæti þetta verið Lena? : )
Vel farið eftir þumalputta reglum um uppsetningu á myndefni. Góð skerpa og flott hvernig bakgrunnurinn er einföld náttúra og nakinn lÃkaminn fellur vel inn. Flott mynd, nema mér finnst titillinn ekki passa við myndina, sennilega vegna þess að hún er svo sorgmædd á svipinn. |
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| 08/22/2005 09:52:21 AM |
Whisper in the airby DufusComment: nicely done. If anything, I wish your model where not lokking "out" of the frame, but in to the frame. It leaves so much emty space on the right side of the photo. But nice ; ) |
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| 06/03/2005 11:06:06 AM |
Cleaning the wheat from husks by XileboComment: Til hamingju með bláa borðan!! ; ) Flott mynd sem hefur allt, fallega liti, bakgrunn og bara mjög skemmtilegt skot.
Sérstaklega gaman lÃka að sjá þig vera með bláan borða, þvà þú ert svo dugleg að taka þátt à umræðum og kostningum á dp og ljósmyndakeppni.
bara innilega til hamingju, vel verðugur sigur ; ) Congrats Message edited by author 2005-06-03 11:07:33. |
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| 05/06/2005 07:27:16 AM |
Sadness from withinby garlicComment: I like the background, the blue neon glow givers the image "spaced" look along with the kids expression, nicely placed in the frame. |
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