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Comments Made by blackenedwhite
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Light Study #13
05/31/2006 12:38:32 AM
Light Study #13
by esdarby

Oi, nice colours. And lighting -- if not a bit too harsh towards teh leftmost grapes.
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The Great Expectation
05/31/2006 12:33:59 AM
The Great Expectation
by Photopromo

Oi, nice. The cloth (tulle?) adds a lot to the composition.
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05/31/2006 12:31:10 AM
by Pedro

Oi, ten points for the creepy mask. Yeah.
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Queen of the Laundry Pile
05/30/2006 11:52:24 PM
Queen of the Laundry Pile
by margiemu

CTPII, yeah.
Oi, you broke the 6 barrier. Good for you!
You met the challenge head-on and finished with aplomb. The subject you chose (yeah, you) tugged at a lot of "I can relate" strings and probably gave you that high score.
Your technicals and color handling is improving (a lot) and a bit more PP skillz and you're good to go.
Congrats on your PB.
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Seattle Temple
05/29/2006 01:51:39 AM
Seattle Temple
by margiemu

Oi! from the CPT MkII.
Wow, can't think of anything to say...
I like the architecture of the building. It's "clean" and "modern" and all that. Composition's okay. Could be better, could be worse, but definitely on the good side.
Bump up the contrast, shift the sky's hue to a bluer hue, ease up on the sharpening, and I guess we'll have ourselves a postcard. Yeah, and a little recomposition, I guess.
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Driving People Crazy
05/29/2006 01:32:26 AM
Driving People Crazy
by margiemu

CTP II, yeah.
Heh, your subject's a dork.;-p
Not movie poster material, though. It's more along the lines of propaganda material.;-p
Not really against the faked motion blur, just control and tighten that selection. The sloppy application of blur doesn't do your photo wonders.
Hey, at least it's not a snapshot anymore. Yeah.
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St. James arriving to the temple
05/29/2006 12:23:34 AM
St. James arriving to the temple
by alexgarcia

CPT MkII, clocking in.
Not very familiar with religious establishments but if I see correctly, you wish to give the impression that the two statues, had they not been inanimate, have travelled faaaaaar and away and have arrived at this particular edifice, is that about right?
LOL, if it is. Droll humour, yeah. The lighting's a bit flat, though, innit? Also, the whole thing lacks punch. A different angle, perhaps, or recomposition? Whatever man, it's an okay photo all in all.
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Daddy and son visiting London
05/28/2006 11:59:52 PM
Daddy and son visiting London
by alexgarcia

Oi! from the CTP MkII. I shall not be going with the usual format as it feels cold and impersonal, IMO.
The shot's mildly amusing, in a british sort of way. Subject abounds with dry humour, and for just that I believe it should've placed higher. Yeah.
I guess there should be more lenscaps and less London, though. I mean, father and son and just Big Ben on the bg would've maaade your shot.
Congrats on integrating "cute" and "London" in one photo. Yeah.
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Sleep Like a Baby
05/14/2006 11:36:45 PM
Sleep Like a Baby
by margiemu

From the CTP MkII

First Impression: A snapshot. Snapshots don't do well, IMO. Forgot to set the WB? It's a bit too blue for my tastes. 4... sorry.
Composition: Comp's okay, if not a bit too bland. If it's not a snapshot, it looks a lot like one. Crop's a bit too tight. 5.
Subject: Cute kid, nice face. I have nothing against kiddie shots, done properly. 6.
Technical: Lighting and white balance. This tanked your shot, a lot. Nothing a little PP won't fix, though. It's nice to see you pulled up to 620px.
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just before dawn
05/14/2006 11:18:24 PM
just before dawn
by margiemu

From the CTP MkII

Sorry, couldn't help but look at other people's comments to see what's been said and what's not.
Whatever I have to say has already been said. And I'd have to agree with Gunnsi as his crits echo mine, word for word (minus the "I love sunsets" thing ;p).
All I could add, I guess, is that try using levels or brightness contrast to cut through that muddy look.
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