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| 05/28/2006 11:59:52 PM |
Daddy and son visiting Londonby alexgarciaComment: Oi! from the CTP MkII. I shall not be going with the usual format as it feels cold and impersonal, IMO.
The shot's mildly amusing, in a british sort of way. Subject abounds with dry humour, and for just that I believe it should've placed higher. Yeah.
I guess there should be more lenscaps and less London, though. I mean, father and son and just Big Ben on the bg would've maaade your shot.
Congrats on integrating "cute" and "London" in one photo. Yeah. |
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| 05/14/2006 11:36:45 PM |
Sleep Like a Babyby margiemuComment: From the CTP MkII
First Impression: A snapshot. Snapshots don't do well, IMO. Forgot to set the WB? It's a bit too blue for my tastes. 4... sorry.
Composition: Comp's okay, if not a bit too bland. If it's not a snapshot, it looks a lot like one. Crop's a bit too tight. 5.
Subject: Cute kid, nice face. I have nothing against kiddie shots, done properly. 6.
Technical: Lighting and white balance. This tanked your shot, a lot. Nothing a little PP won't fix, though. It's nice to see you pulled up to 620px.
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| 05/14/2006 11:18:24 PM |
just before dawnby margiemuComment: From the CTP MkII
Sorry, couldn't help but look at other people's comments to see what's been said and what's not.
Whatever I have to say has already been said. And I'd have to agree with Gunnsi as his crits echo mine, word for word (minus the "I love sunsets" thing ;p).
All I could add, I guess, is that try using levels or brightness contrast to cut through that muddy look. |
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| 05/14/2006 11:09:48 PM |
Room With a Viewby margiemuComment: From the CTP MkII
Why don't you go a full 640? It's as small as it is without you shortening it up a bit more. Your 20D can handle a lot more than that.
One of your better shots, IMO. Still wanting in the PP department, but getting there.
A polarizer (or some PP) would've cut through the haze, as it takes a lot of punch from the shot.
Great take on the challenge. |
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| 05/14/2006 11:04:15 PM |
barn hingeby margiemuComment: From the CTP MkII
Here to add another comment on this photo.;p
Getting just one comment's a bit harsh. Anyways, I guess this one didn't stand out amongst the other entries in this challenge.
It doesn't say much, and it's not eye candy. A bit of PP would've placed it higher, but PP could only get you so far.
It's an average shot. You could do better.;p |
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| 05/14/2006 10:55:18 PM |
Never alone with a xianartComment: hookay, apologies for for having such a small brain.;p
now that you say it, the fg kids does have a point... wow. didn't see it that way. thanks for showing me. now i like this photo better.;p |
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| 05/14/2006 10:35:19 PM |
You can't judge a book by its coverby alexgarciaComment: From the CTP MkII
Okay, I'll be trying a different crit format for this particular entry. To keep it short and sweet.
What Works:
The lighting's great, the exposure's great, the subject's funny. This particular mix got it placed where it is right now.
What Needs Improvement:
The shallow DOF. And the page misalignment. But I guess you know of these by now. These prevented you from placing higher, IMO.
Minus minor nitpicks, it IS a great entry for the challenge. Congrats on your current PB. |
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| 05/14/2006 10:22:23 PM |
Lonely treeby alexgarciaComment: From the CTP MkII
First Impression: It's an average photo... it doesn't have much to offer, IMO. Sorry. 4 or 5.
Composition: Your comp on this photo is what keeps it standing however the other departments get tanked. 5 or 6.
Subject: When you said lonely tree, I'd've expected more tree and less not tree. 4 or 5.
Technical: DOF's a bit too shallow, and shot's a bit underexposed. 5.
Summary: Okay, this ain't one of your best photos. T least the ones that followed it did good, right?
Disclaimer: The following crits are personal opinions, not photographic dogmas. Please see them as suggestions, not claims of mastery nor a show of hauteur.;p
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| 05/14/2006 10:13:48 PM |
982 years oldby alexgarciaComment: From the CTP MkII
First Impression:
Nice. The photo pretty much speaks for itself... doesn't need a title although it does get strengthened by it. 7.
Composition: Isn't it a bit tilted? Anyways, off-center works. But I'm left wondering... wouldn't it have worked better had it a vertical composition and about 50% skyspace? Just musing... 6 or 7.
Subject: It's a great subject and it DOES meet the challenge. An 8 or 9 from me.
Technical: I guess it's properly exposed... if not a bit on the dark side. Personally, I'd give it more contrast, but I guess it's fine as it is. 6.
Summary: A top-notch photo, IMO, with a potential for greatness -- with proper tweaking. Congrats on the top 25.
Disclaimer: The following crits are personal opinions, not photographic dogmas. Please see them as suggestions, not claims of mastery nor a show of hauteur.;p
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| 05/12/2006 03:34:57 AM |
A Stitch in Time Saves Nineby xianartComment: From the CTP MkII
First Impression:
Clever, could be better. 5.
5. The composition's okay, but could be better. Maybe a more skewed angle?
6 or 7. Clever. Prolly more than most of the entries in this particular challenge.
5. Lighting works. But could be better. I guess a better or brighter lit entry would've placed you higher.
All in all, a great take on the entry. There's room for improvement, but doesn't it apply to all of us?;p
Edit: Coding. Message edited by author 2006-05-12 03:35:42. |
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