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Registered Userbushfrenzy

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Comments Made by bushfrenzy
Showing 1 - 10 of ~13
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NO! I'm not ready to let him go!
02/24/2003 05:21:30 PM
NO! I'm not ready to let him go!
by Sonifo

great lighting, especially on the background. not sure of the props used and there connection to the title.
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Loading Only
01/27/2003 10:08:43 PM
Loading Only
by Gotcha

Your post-processing judgement is spot on for this photo. I think the colors you have selected to use go perfectly with the "old" feel. The yellow of the truck, the brown of the rust, and the color of the sign (give's it a vintage silent movie feel) are brilliant. Composition wise is perfect as well. Great angle to capture both the truck and sign. I would have preferred to see more of the front of the truck as well and maybe would have increased the angle more to take out the truck in the background (which is a little hot/bright). I give it a 9.
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01/17/2003 11:50:59 AM
by KimInNB

I would have liked to see more of the darker trees with snow on them to get a good contrast. I like how the trees with no leaves and snow looks like they are painted onto the picture.
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The Hill In Infrared
01/17/2003 11:48:52 AM
The Hill In Infrared
by Davenit

Decent landscape but I feel the houses take away from the view.
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Oak Tree
01/17/2003 09:55:24 AM
Oak Tree
by Gotcha

I like this photo but feel it could be a little better. I like the fact that the hill drops off on the right, which give a sense of height and nothingness out that way. I think if you were a bit lower or somehow got the entire tree branches into the sky, it would be perfect. Also, I would have liked to see the bush gone and the grass green (2 things not in your control).
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Beach Landscape. A closeup
01/17/2003 09:51:56 AM
Beach Landscape. A closeup
by cbonsall

Right side is a little too dark. If it was a little brighter, and kept the light/dark aspect that you were going for, it would have helped. I think this may be perfect in B&W. Great lines!
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Given to Fly
01/06/2003 12:54:14 PM
Given to Fly
by welcher

Another inspired photograph/song title. I think it sould have used a little more of the boy (waist up) and a little less sky. Also, i think his head shouldn't be cut out on the left.
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''Take Me Out To The Ballgame''
01/06/2003 12:51:40 PM
''Take Me Out To The Ballgame''
by David Ey

good angle! writing on the baseball distracts me. probably better off with just the white ball and red stitches.
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Beethoven - Piano Sonata No. 8 in C minor
01/06/2003 12:49:37 PM
Beethoven - Piano Sonata No. 8 in C minor
by mariomel

Girl needs to be a little darker for a perfect silohette.
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Here Comes The Sun
01/06/2003 12:44:51 PM
Here Comes The Sun
by jimmythefish

Nice picture! I like seeing the boat. A few sun rays would have made this perfect. A little bright in the cloud.
Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 1 - 10 of ~13

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