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Registered Userciscocali

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Comments Made by ciscocali
Showing 31 - 40 of ~45
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Lone Pubert, ye hardly knew we
04/15/2002 12:52:00 PM
Lone Pubert, ye hardly knew we
by ryano

hey professor. You're doing all this talk and you haven't even submitted anything yet. What's the point of backing ryano anyway, to look like a hero? Does anyone know what photography stands for anymore? What ever happened to the artistic values. I don't think professor is still trying to figure out how to use his flash button. Beside the true facts that I just mentioned. This picture, is absolutely tasteless. Why waste the time to even upload such an insane picture. So ryano, you're going from bathroom to bathroom looking for pubes. Okay, education, education, education. Need I say more.
Lone Pubert, ye hardly knew we
04/11/2002 06:47:00 PM
Lone Pubert, ye hardly knew we
by ryano

You are definitely not a photographer. I assume you are still a teenager just fooling around with dad's camera. I suggest you leave this site because you have no class and no taste whatsoever.
The Whirlpool
04/11/2002 06:42:00 PM
The Whirlpool
by Seir

Are you listening to me?
04/10/2002 06:23:00 PM
Stallions at the Speed of Light
04/10/2002 06:35:00 PM
Stallions at the Speed of Light
by jmsetzler

That's impressive
04/10/2002 06:37:00 PM
by bobgaither

Doesn't really hit the subject on curves but that is one awesome picture.
Magical Curves
04/10/2002 06:20:00 PM
Magical Curves
by David Ey

you must be an engineer
Photographer found comment helpful.
Colorful Vases
04/10/2002 06:24:00 PM
Colorful Vases
by BambooChica

Not bad. need to get the correct vase in focus
Las Vegas Ejaculation
04/10/2002 06:19:00 PM
Las Vegas Ejaculation
by ross

The title needs to be revised. It almost ruins the picture.
Play Ball
04/10/2002 06:25:00 PM
Play Ball
by Corey

Photographer found comment helpful.
Showing 31 - 40 of ~45

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