Author | Thread |
10/25/2002 03:06:56 AM · #1 |
OK, read this...
'Use a single, artificial light source to dramatically light the subject of your choice. Your photograph must be taken this week (10/14-10/20). Good luck!'
OK, that tells me to pick an object, pace a light in its near vicinity, make it look dramatic, take a picture...Then someone says this..
"Looks very staged, but attempts to pass as a real phenomenon. This seems like a contradiction to me, so it doesn't play well as well as it would if it were an actual captured moment".
I give up, I really do.. Of course it was staged, it was by no means supposed to be a natural moment, rarely in life do torches (flashlights to you, my american friends) fall behind these kinds of objects and cast light THIS dramatic.. If the challenge was called "Candid Lightsource", then they would have a point.. Otherwise I am slightly miffed.. And the bugger marked me down for it...
10/25/2002 04:41:29 AM · #2 |
Mark don´t bother! It´s a fantastic shot and absolute legal. /carsten
* This message has been edited by the author on 10/25/2002 4:39:19 AM. |
10/25/2002 04:43:16 AM · #3 |
Originally posted by marksimms: OK, read this...
'Use a single, artificial light source to dramatically light the subject of your choice. Your photograph must be taken this week (10/14-10/20). Good luck!'
OK, that tells me to pick an object, pace a light in its near vicinity, make it look dramatic, take a picture...Then someone says this..
"Looks very staged, but attempts to pass as a real phenomenon. This seems like a contradiction to me, so it doesn't play well as well as it would if it were an actual captured moment".
I give up, I really do.. Of course it was staged, it was by no means supposed to be a natural moment, rarely in life do torches (flashlights to you, my american friends) fall behind these kinds of objects and cast light THIS dramatic.. If the challenge was called "Candid Lightsource", then they would have a point.. Otherwise I am slightly miffed.. And the bugger marked me down for it...
You're always likely to get this type of comment with every challenge, my reflections submission got a comment which just said "seems contrived." Like you I was not aware that my photo had to be spontaneous!
Anyway, I'd best get going now, I must try to find that naturally occuring Illusion! ;-)
10/25/2002 08:05:56 AM · #4 |
Originally posted by timwatts: Originally posted by marksimms: [i]OK, read this...
'Use a single, artificial light source to dramatically light the subject of your choice. Your photograph must be taken this week (10/14-10/20). Good luck!'
OK, that tells me to pick an object, pace a light in its near vicinity, make it look dramatic, take a picture...Then someone says this..
"Looks very staged, but attempts to pass as a real phenomenon. This seems like a contradiction to me, so it doesn't play well as well as it would if it were an actual captured moment".
I give up, I really do.. Of course it was staged, it was by no means supposed to be a natural moment, rarely in life do torches (flashlights to you, my american friends) fall behind these kinds of objects and cast light THIS dramatic.. If the challenge was called "Candid Lightsource", then they would have a point.. Otherwise I am slightly miffed.. And the bugger marked me down for it...
You're always likely to get this type of comment with every challenge, my reflections submission got a comment which just said "seems contrived." Like you I was not aware that my photo had to be spontaneous!
Anyway, I'd best get going now, I must try to find that naturally occuring Illusion! ;-)
Tim [/i]
Thanks Carsten, I tried not to identify my photo from my initial comment and wondered how you sussed it out, then realised we had correspondence earlier in the week discussing it.. Duh!! OK, t'is not all bad, just recieved another comment from someone else, even though he didn't mark me high, he gave me very constructive criticism and I can see where my photo falls short. THOSE are the kind of coments I really apprieciate.. ( as well as the ego boosting praise from time to time :-) |
10/25/2002 08:22:48 AM · #5 |
From my experience here, it seems that there is a relatively large group of voters that DO NOT like shots that are setup. The believe that every photo they see should be spontaneous.
I believe that these people are used to looking at family albums moreso than attempted artistic photos. When I get a 'contrived' or 'setup' comment on some still life that I shoot, I try to take it as a compliment since that was my intention, even though I know the viewer did not like the shot... :)
10/25/2002 08:38:56 AM · #6 |
Originally posted by jmsetzler: From my experience here, it seems that there is a relatively large group of voters that DO NOT like shots that are setup. The believe that every photo they see should be spontaneous.
I believe that these people are used to looking at family albums moreso than attempted artistic photos. When I get a 'contrived' or 'setup' comment on some still life that I shoot, I try to take it as a compliment since that was my intention, even though I know the viewer did not like the shot... :)
Hang on, are you trying to tell me "Liberty & Justice" wasn't a candid spur of the moment shot?? It was a setup??? Gee Whizz what a swiz, I would of only given that a 9 had I known. ;-)
10/25/2002 08:39:49 AM · #7 |
You know what's funny? Every single shot I've ever submitted, with the exception of 'Upside Down' and 'Candid' has been set up.
And yet I've never gotten a comment about that aspect. Odd, no? : ) |
10/25/2002 09:19:00 AM · #8 |
There is a big difference from actually being set up/ contrived etc, and looking that way.
I think the complaints about 'set up' looking shots are trying to say that they feel the composition or overall look is overly artifical, not just that they know it was set up or not, but that it feels uncomfortable or forced.
Just my 2c
10/25/2002 09:19:21 AM · #9 |
How many of the people that make comments complaining about things being staged actually submit images? Makes me wonder if they could do any better. |
10/25/2002 09:20:26 AM · #10 |
Originally posted by magnetic9999: You know what's funny? Every single shot I've ever submitted, with the exception of 'Upside Down' and 'Candid' has been set up.
And yet I've never gotten a comment about that aspect. Odd, no? : )
Well it would be if it weren't your alter-ego's making all these comments just to knock us back!! ;-)
I'm gonna start commenting on everyone's photos "Looks natural to me" just to see how they like it!!
10/25/2002 09:22:16 AM · #11 |
Originally posted by Gordon: There is a big difference from actually being set up/ contrived etc, and looking that way.
I think the complaints about 'set up' looking shots are trying to say that they feel the composition or overall look is overly artifical, not just that they know it was set up or not, but that it feels uncomfortable or forced.
Just my 2c
That's an excellent point actually :) I never really considered that as an option... unnatural... out of place... not a smooth theme... I will keep that in mind :) thanks gordon!
10/25/2002 09:31:03 AM · #12 |
actually, maybe what they meant was that it looked a little 'too' forced or stiff?
for example on my entry to the 'childhood without children' challenge, "not jills", a number of people did comment that they thought the jacks should be arranged less symmetrically.
that might be the kind of thing people refer to when saying 'too staged'.
Originally posted by timwatts: Originally posted by magnetic9999: [i]You know what's funny? Every single shot I've ever submitted, with the exception of 'Upside Down' and 'Candid' has been set up.
And yet I've never gotten a comment about that aspect. Odd, no? : )
Well it would be if it weren't your alter-ego's making all these comments just to knock us back!! ;-)
I'm gonna start commenting on everyone's photos "Looks natural to me" just to see how they like it!!
Tim. [/i]
10/25/2002 10:03:16 AM · #13 |
You're right! 99% of these are setup, but sometimes the setup doesn't work and looks hokey (a bit too unnatural or fake)! I can't wait to read the comments as this is my first submission to dpc. I know some will have to be taken with a grain of salt.
Oh, by the way, can you guys read the comments before the voting is finished or are you talking about the previous challenge???
* This message has been edited by the author on 10/25/2002 10:02:23 AM. |
10/25/2002 10:11:04 AM · #14 |
goodtemp0, you can read the comments you're receiving while the voting is in progress. just go up to Preferences and check the box that says 'Current Challenge Statistic'. Then you will a) see your score and b) be able to rad your comments during the voting! : )
have fun
10/25/2002 10:11:28 AM · #15 |
You can read the comments on the current challenge (your own photo comments) if you turn that option on in your preferences....
10/25/2002 10:12:52 AM · #16 |
Originally posted by goodtempo: You're right! 99% of these are setup, but sometimes the setup doesn't work and looks hokey (a bit too unnatural or fake)! I can't wait to read the comments as this is my first submission to dpc. I know some will have to be taken with a grain of salt.
Oh, by the way, can you guys read the comments before the voting is finished or are you talking about the previous challenge??
You can read the comments, but you cannot see who made them. To read the comments, click on your score for the challenge that is being voted on. |
10/25/2002 11:04:23 AM · #17 |
I MUCH prefer natural shots ... not necessarily spontaneous ... but photos that are something we could all see if we were in a certain plcae. Then take that photo and make it your own by angle or lighting etc. Studio shots can be great, and there are times and places for it. But sometimes and quite often on here, they do look (for lack of a better word) setup. Now by set up I don't mean setup .. if you follow me. Cause even a natural photo can look setup if you put someone in the foreground pointing or something. What I mean is the photographer missed something, forgot to tidy up a backdrop, vacuum the floor, get his model to pose more natural looking, left a finger print on something, you know what I mean, something that is small and nit picky but draw you away from the actual photo. This is very easy to do in studio shots, and makes them a lot of work, to get a great studio shot you must be immaculate or just so simple it's eyecatching i guess.
my 2 piece. |
10/25/2002 11:33:57 AM · #18 |
I didn't leave that comment, however I left a similar comment on a photo. I stated though that it was just my opinion that I didn't really care for the set up. (not in those exact words, I can't give the photo away, but to that effect). I'll apologize ahead of time if my comment was made on your photo and if it offended you, or to who ever I left the comment for. I did leave my name. Setup is important to a photo,in my opinion and I feel I have an option of liking it, or not. So there are at least 2 people that feel set up is important. On a side note though, I did give the photo an above average score. Also, I did state that it was just MY opinion. Not a misinterpretation of the challenge, just something I didn't like, and I thought that's what we wanted here. Stuff people don't like, so we can imporove upon it. I get more and more confused every day. People bust out in the forums all upset cause the comments they are getting are NICE and don't explain why there is a low score, and that they WANT to know whats wrong with it. Then, when told how people REALLY feel about their photo, they bust out in the forums again. Every comment I make from this moment on will be like 10 comments I have on my photo. "cool". ~Heather~ *ignore me, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed* |
10/25/2002 11:53:21 AM · #19 |
Originally posted by Gordon: There is a big difference from actually being set up/ contrived etc, and looking that way.
I think the complaints about 'set up' looking shots are trying to say that they feel the composition or overall look is overly artifical, not just that they know it was set up or not, but that it feels uncomfortable or forced.
Just my 2c
Well put Gordon. I think the 'garbage' challenge had a lot of shots that were just really unnatural. I'm much more preferential to shots that aren't set-up, BUT some of these challenges don't really allow for a candid sort of shot, and this is definitely one of them. I had 3 pics in the running to be submitted and I picked the one that wasn't setup and that was the reason why I chose it. Now that was stupid!! This was the first one:
 This one was pretty cool too:
10/25/2002 01:08:48 PM · #20 |
Originally posted by inspzil: This was the first one: This was the second one: This one was pretty cool too:
8,6,9 :-)
10/25/2002 01:48:44 PM · #21 |
Just to show we are all different, I would have voted 7,8,6
10/25/2002 08:50:09 PM · #22 |
And even more different.. 5,7,3
10/25/2002 10:53:06 PM · #23 |
Inspzil, I really like the first one except that it has too much space and is centered. Is your original resolution high enough that you could do a vertical crop with the figures off center to the right? Do you have any version of photoshop? It would be real easy to do a constrained ratio crop that could then be resized to 427 x 680. |
10/25/2002 11:48:40 PM · #24 |
I'd just like to say that it's so hard sometimes. You've got artistic value and photographic value. A picture can have "too much" light or contrastor be blurry or tilted or whatever and all be on purpose. Normally people get marked down for that kind of stuff. But does that make it too staged or more candid? The fact that the lighting was perfect and the focus was just right eliminates the possibility of candidness anyway. *laughs* let me just point out that I realize I'm totally ignoring the previous comments that one, moved on from this topic and two, re-defined what "unnatural" meant. |
10/26/2002 12:36:23 AM · #25 |
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