Author | Thread |
11/20/2002 01:39:31 AM · #1 |
OK. This has nothing to do with photography, but... I just want to point out that my grammar isn't always what it should be - especially on the internet. Typos, spelling problems, and grammar mistakes are to be expected in an informal situation such as this forum. However, I'm really bothered by how many people use "loose" when they mean "lose". I know that our language is dynamic and changing. I'm just wondering if this will become so common as to be accepted. (An example of this would be the use of "bring" to mean "take". Have you noticed this?)
11/20/2002 01:56:55 AM · #2 |
Originally posted by indigo997: OK. This has nothing to do with photography, but... I just want to point out that my grammar isn't always what it should be - especially on the internet. Typos, spelling problems, and grammar mistakes are to be expected in an informal situation such as this forum. However, I'm really bothered by how many people use "loose" when they mean "lose". I know that our language is dynamic and changing. I'm just wondering if this will become so common as to be accepted. (An example of this would be the use of "bring" to mean "take". Have you noticed this?)
Well, I think the "lose loose" thing really just has to do with spelling. I am guilty of screwing that one up, but cause of spelling confusion. lol. What really bothers ME though, is my family is all from KY, and I was raised in MI. They say... "I can't reach my back to itch it". It ALREADY itches! They need to SCRATCH it. LOL. Yeah, probably just expect errors like that, and insert the word you think goes there. Cultural differences and language berrier could also be in effect there as well. I wrote emails with a guy that spelled "and" "andt". Ah well. Maybe it's just too late for me. lol. Night night all. ~Heather~
11/20/2002 02:47:25 AM · #3 |
Also, don't forget that English is not the first language for many people. It wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't the second or third for some. |
11/20/2002 02:50:32 AM · #4 |
Originally posted by hbunch7187: ...Cultural differences and language berrier ...Ah well
Yes, what could be marrier? I am trying to start a collection of typos and mis-statements NOT caught by spell-checkers, if anyone has suggestions to email me.
I think so far my favorite is a news article describing a school board junket, involving a lot of entertainment and very little research, as a fete accompli. At least I think it was a typo -- I don't think they're that clever at that paper, and I know their copy-editing's lousy...
* This message has been edited by the author on 11/20/2002 2:48:20 AM. |
11/20/2002 05:52:33 AM · #5 |
Originally posted by GeneralE: ...fete accompli...!!!!!
That one is hilarious GeneralE - Thanks for starting my morning out on such a good note - I needed a good laugh this morning!! Can't stop chuckling about that one, and can't wait to pass it on to a teacher friend! linda
11/20/2002 05:54:44 AM · #6 |
keep me a breast of your list's development. |
11/20/2002 08:17:33 AM · #7 |
My biggest peeve is the NUCLEAR/NUCLULAR one. There is no such thing as a Nucular weapon. |
11/20/2002 08:24:21 AM · #8 |
I really hate the tongue/tounge thing. To me, "tounge" rhymes with "lounge". |
11/20/2002 09:01:15 AM · #9 |
Originally posted by indigo997: OK. This has nothing to do with photography, but... I just want to point out that my grammar isn't always what it should be - especially on the internet. Typos, spelling problems, and grammar mistakes are to be expected in an informal situation such as this forum. However, I'm really bothered by how many people use "loose" when they mean "lose". I know that our language is dynamic and changing. I'm just wondering if this will become so common as to be accepted. (An example of this would be the use of "bring" to mean "take". Have you noticed this?)
If fact it does have to do with photography and lots of other topics as well. Within the large North American participation in this challenge, very little actually realize, not only when judging images or the spelling of contestants but actually when presenting their own photographs, that they are addressing a multicultural crowd. Every time I see spelling and grammar errors in remarks or forums I challenge myself guessing the mother tongue of the author (sometimes to my amazement some seem to have had an U.S. education). Some guys テ「徙ver thereテ「 are putting more effort than you think in their communication skills. Concerning the contestantテ「冱 choice of images an subjects: The テ「徇yth and legendテ「 challenge was a great example, one out of five picture made reference to US endemic subjects (even though the assignment pointed out that choosing widely shared beliefs would be a added value). The most blatant was of course references to the テ「廸eiman Marcus cookie storyテ「, (had to check this one myself on the Internet). On the amusing side and for your enlightenment, テ「廚hineseテ「 fortune cookies were invented in San Francisco and most Chinese have never seen one. Too bad the challengersテ「 nationality is not posted (after the challenge) along with the pictures; there could be some interesting things to learn with this added parameter. Or have some challenge results by regions of the world in the statistics, I have no idea if significant differences would occur but it certainly is worth a try. All that to say, to all of you, continue delivering with talent your surprising and creative images; and to some of you, stop being so insular, broaden you horizons!
JJ, from Switzerland
Any comments on the probable grammatical aberration of my proseテ「ツヲ.in my mother tongue, please.
11/20/2002 09:08:24 AM · #10 |
A few funny mistakes my mom makes on grocery lists.... she tends to write things phonetically..
1. Modsarella 2. Flackies (it's meant to be Flakies... a flaky sweet my brothers like) 3. Porc (we're french) 4. Delli meats (she adds extra letters everywhere)
There are others I can't think of :) You know I've been around the list when all the mistakes are crossed out and corrected ;) |
11/20/2002 09:27:02 AM · #11 |
The most common goof I see ALL the time is "your" vs. "you're" -- that one drives me a bit batty.
GeneralE... I once had typed "Superbowl" in Word (thinking that it was used as just one word) and the spell check suggested "Supurb Owl." I thought that was hilarious. My boss is named Thibadeau, and the spell check wanted to change it to "Thick head," which I'm not going to comment on :) |
11/20/2002 11:30:24 AM · #12 |
personally i dont care as long as the person comes across as reasonably lucid and rational : ). . because, as you say, it is an informal medium and people are in a hurry and there just isn't time to get in a snit about minor things like that .. Not only that but I tend to type dyslexically myself, often typing hear when i meant here and so on. i clearly know the diff, i'm just in a hurry and that's how it sometimes comes out. |
11/20/2002 12:02:20 PM · #13 |
I think that this is the perfect venue to point out a discovery I accidentally made the other day:
Microsoft Word 2001 for the Macintosh accepts "highfalutin" as a properly-spelled word.
Between that and "hootenanny," I'm in hog heaven.
-- Rob 8) |
11/20/2002 01:20:51 PM · #14 |
My biggest one is its vs. it's. But I can deal. After this thread, I will apologize in advance for all of my typos! If you ever get a comment from kamrat, that is me. If it ever says teh or adn, that is probably me too! and most of the time, i am just too durn lazy to use the caps key. And if you think that's bad, you should see me late at night in the chat room!!! hahahahahahhaha |
11/20/2002 01:29:36 PM · #15 |
Originally posted by muckpond: I think that this is the perfect venue to point out a discovery I accidentally made the other day:
Microsoft Word 2001 for the Macintosh accepts "highfalutin" as a properly-spelled word.
Between that and "hootenanny," I'm in hog heaven.
-- Rob 8)
highテつキfaテつキluテつキtin Pronunciation: "hI-f&-'lテδシ-t&n Function: adjective Etymology: perhaps from [2]high + alteration of fluting, present participle of flute Date: 1839 1 : PRETENTIOUS 2 : expressed in or marked by the use of high-flown bombastic language : POMPOUS
hooテつキteテつキnanテつキny Pronunciation: 'hテδシ-t&n-"a-nE Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural -nies Etymology: origin unknown Date: 1929 1 : chiefly dialect : GADGET 2 : a gathering at which folksingers entertain often with the audience joining in
hog heaven Function: noun Date: 1945 : an extremely satisfying state or situation
texttext |
11/20/2002 01:37:38 PM · #16 |
Originally posted by indigo997: OK. This has nothing to do with photography, but... I just want to point out that my grammar isn't always what it should be - especially on the internet. Typos, spelling problems, and grammar mistakes are to be expected in an informal situation such as this forum. However, I'm really bothered by how many people use "loose" when they mean "lose". I know that our language is dynamic and changing. I'm just wondering if this will become so common as to be accepted. (An example of this would be the use of "bring" to mean "take". Have you noticed this?)
Don't forget Indigo, in America, the English language hasn't been spoken here for years :oP
11/20/2002 01:42:55 PM · #17 |
I'm one of those annoying people that is absolutely anal about spelling and punctuation. I TRY not to say anything when I notice it, really I do. My tongUE (I'm with you on that one, lisae) is bloody sometimes, though. ;-) I can't imagine getting on a french message board and trying to communicate, so my hat is off to those who aren't typing in their native language!
* This message has been edited by the author on 11/20/2002 1:40:24 PM. |
11/20/2002 02:12:34 PM · #18 |
Automatic point deductions for anyone who doesn't leave comments using the Queen's English!!
-- Rob 8) |
12/03/2002 04:56:10 PM · #19 |
First language or not - some people can handle three languages better than others can manage one. It's just like any other skill, although it helps to at least try.
Here's something else American education is taking crap for in Europe right now:
Enjoy! ;P
Hmm.... Oops.. I guess I chose an old thread for my first post. Sorry... |
12/03/2002 06:06:54 PM · #20 |
the great thing about the english language is that evolves.
for instance, no one uses to proper english posseive form. it's so antiquated it's not even recognized by by most english professors.
you see, in the english language, the possesive case is denoted by an -es ending. seriously. through hundreds of years of laziness, however the e was dropped, and replaced with an apostrophe.
this sort of thing indicates to me that eventually things like "prolly" will be words.
* This message has been edited by the author on 12/3/2002 6:04:02 PM.
12/03/2002 06:24:30 PM · #21 |
Originally posted by Arachnophilia: this sort of thing indicates to me that eventually things like "prolly" will be words.
Yeah, prolly. ;)
How long before the vowel completely disappears from use? Sheesh, kids and their 'txt msgs'.
12/03/2002 07:19:08 PM · #22 |
I can appreciate a typo resulting from writing fast when posting. I get annoyed though when it's and its and their and there are consistently misused.
Don't care particularly for Netspeak, things such as "me likes, me likes", just as i don't care for baby talk. Wonder what the influence of the net is going to be on language. I frequently find myself actually saying BTW, f2f, dude, and cool. I also say at times "it's deja vu all over again" :) just because it's so hilariously redundant. Sort of as "a verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's written on".
Later, dude . . . |
12/03/2002 07:24:04 PM · #23 |
OMG, I say 'dude' IRL 24-7. It's a gr8 word, BTW. LOL! ;). |
12/03/2002 07:55:55 PM · #24 |
lol, brb, and bbl are useful. people who use "u" for "you" and "2" for "to" or "too" etc annoy me no end though.
i will shorten things for im and whatnot, but not to that extent.
and i do type very fast, which explains me eggregious spelling errors, mixed up word choice (i apparently type phoenetically. lol), and teh occasional missing wors.
but you guys can figure it out.
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