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Showing posts 176 - 200 of 416, (reverse)
05/01/2009 07:21:58 PM · #176
Originally posted by 3DsArcher:

Votes: 36
Views: 59
Avg Vote: 5.1944
Comments: 2

Yay, I got comments, thanks K10DGuy yours was hilarious.

Really? That's weird. I haven't left any comments that were meant to be humorous yet.

lips begin to quiver and eyes get moist.
05/01/2009 07:26:07 PM · #177
Votes: 39
Views: 68
Avg Vote: 5.2564
Comments: 1
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 05/01/09 07:10 pm

K10DGuy comment dance!!
05/01/2009 09:14:12 PM · #178
Votes: 43
Views: 71
Avg Vote: 5.8837
Comments: 1
thought I should post now before it starts to fall,
this is higher than I expected
05/01/2009 09:19:11 PM · #179
Votes: 39
Views: 64
Avg Vote: 4.9487
Comments: 0

I KNEW I should have entered my macro fly with the Icelandic aurora borealis background. :~P
05/01/2009 09:28:29 PM · #180
Originally posted by Jutilda:

Votes: 39
Views: 64
Avg Vote: 4.9487
Comments: 0

I KNEW I should have entered my macro fly with the Icelandic aurora borealis background. :~P

Are you pulling our legs? Damn girl! I'm a little happier with my score now.

Votes: 45
Views: 77
Avg Vote: 5.7778
Comments: 2
05/01/2009 09:46:48 PM · #181
woohoo! Just got my Tom comment! ( Teafran My first comment of the challenge and it was a very nice, in depth one.
05/01/2009 09:51:08 PM · #182
Originally posted by basssman7:

woohoo! Just got my Tom comment! ( Teafran My first comment of the challenge and it was a very nice, in depth one.

Votes: 47
Views: 72
Avg Vote: 5.5957
Comments: 1
Favorites: 0

ditto! Thanks Tom!
05/01/2009 09:54:32 PM · #183
Originally posted by K10DGuy:

Originally posted by basssman7:

Originally posted by Jedusi:

Originally posted by roz:

snip . . just because you think you know who the photographer is doesnt mean you shouldnt vote .
i think the general idea is that if you cant vote unbiased then dont vote ..
& if you know who the photographer is it doesnt always mean that you'll cast a biased vote .. altho sometimes i guess it does .. :)

I'm with Roz - Not sure what people get hung up about - if you like the image vote on it.

Knowing who took it only becomes an issue if you give a biased score because of the person and not the photo.

I could not find the exact rule anywhere, but I am sure I remember seeing somewhere that it is against rules to vote on an image that you have seen and know who's image it is. (that especially comes into play during side challenges like the dpl or dpco when a team helps a member decide which image to enter in a challenge) What I think is interesting is that lots of folks around here enjoy having themselves in a lot of their entries, so everyone that is a regular here knows that it is their entry anyways, but for some reason that is ok.

Ok, back to scores. Mine has been on the rise, finally. :) Still a long way to go, but it is now above my average.

There is no rule about voting on shots when you know the user. There IS, however, a rule about asking people to vote for your photo specifically.

If I know the user, it's because I'm familiar with their work, but that doesn't mean I can't be unbiased.

If I have seen the photo before the challenge, however, then I refrain from voting on it. I figure I've had extra time to think about that photo, and I think it gives it an advantage (or disadvantage).
05/01/2009 09:59:24 PM · #184
Votes: 46
Views: 72
Avg Vote: 4.7609

Geez! This is aweful. Well at least it's been climbing. Started the morning with a 4.1.
I've returned to this site after a 6-year hiatis and it appears the scoring is a lot stingier than it used to be. Practically by 2-3 whole points. YIKES. I must admit the level of photography has gone up tremendously as well - much more competitive, but I guess I'm not understanding how people vote nowadays. Maybe I'll start a new thread to see how people vote. I mean what criteria they use or if most just vote soley on appeal?????
05/01/2009 09:59:24 PM · #185
Originally posted by basssman7:

woohoo! Just got my Tom comment! ( Teafran My first comment of the challenge and it was a very nice, in depth one.

Me too. Made my day and my score went up. THANKS TOM

Votes: 42
Views: 71
Avg Vote: 5.0238
Comments: 1

05/01/2009 10:00:18 PM · #186
Originally posted by K10DGuy:

Originally posted by 3DsArcher:

Votes: 36
Views: 59
Avg Vote: 5.1944
Comments: 2

Yay, I got comments, thanks K10DGuy yours was hilarious.

Really? That's weird. I haven't left any comments that were meant to be humorous yet.

lips begin to quiver and eyes get moist.

What can I say, I'm easily amused :)
05/01/2009 10:01:07 PM · #187
Votes: 52
Views: 79
Avg Vote: 5.9423
Comments: 3

Got my great Tom Comment too! teafran rocks!
05/01/2009 10:09:51 PM · #188
Votes: 50
Views: 85
Avg Vote: 6.0400
Comments: 2

Just climbed above 6, and got two great comments (by themselves, worth entering the challenge for!) Thanks Teafran and Dr.Confuser !
05/01/2009 10:26:14 PM · #189
Just got a great comment from teafran and got a really nice one last night from roz, both were very nice. Doing much better than I expected, I'll be happy to stay above six!

Votes: 48
Views: 74
Avg Vote:6.6250

Message edited by author 2009-05-01 22:26:41.
05/01/2009 10:36:43 PM · #190
Originally posted by idnic:

3... 2..... 1.....

Is it just me or is there a lot of repetition in this challenge? I'm seeing a lot of similarly constructed images and obvious left overs from other current challenges.

Maybe I'm getting grumpy from being almost half way through commenting and rating. :>)


05/01/2009 10:39:04 PM · #191
Originally posted by Teafran:

Originally posted by idnic:

3... 2..... 1.....

Is it just me or is there a lot of repetition in this challenge? I'm seeing a lot of similarly constructed images and obvious left overs from other current challenges.

Maybe I'm getting grumpy from being almost half way through commenting and rating. :>)



Sounds like you're just tired, Tom, so by all means take a break. Start again fresh in the morning.
05/01/2009 10:42:02 PM · #192
Originally posted by glad2badad:

Originally posted by JeffryZ:

Originally posted by BrianR:

Stats: You have rated 435 of 436 images (100%) in this challenge.
You have given an average score of 9.0345.

You gave an AVERAGE score of 9.0? Those could end up getting tossed out by the tabulation system which checks for skewed voting (too many high or low scores). But thank you for taking the time to vote on all of the images.

My guess is he's just messing around and having a bit of fun. No challenge is worthy of an avg vote of 9+ across the board.

your thoughts are right.
Instead of voting 4'5'6's I voted 8'9'10's so as to try and balance out the stupidity :-) of the early voting, probably stupid of me!! BUT there are a great deal of excellent photo's in this challenge.
05/01/2009 10:45:48 PM · #193
Originally posted by Teafran:

Originally posted by idnic:

3... 2..... 1.....

Is it just me or is there a lot of repetition in this challenge? I'm seeing a lot of similarly constructed images and obvious left overs from other current challenges.

Maybe I'm getting grumpy from being almost half way through commenting and rating. :>)



I believed the same was happening as I went through, people are using different files shot for other challenges during the month, and not doing a specific shoot for Free Study.
05/01/2009 10:48:40 PM · #194
Originally posted by moriadelacroix:

I had a question for everyone - when you vote, do you vote on the picture at hand not taking into account the other photos in the challenge, or do you vote in reference to the other photos in the challenge? (I hope my question makes sense).

It does.

Both - sometimes you can't help it but compare to other images in the same challenge. For instance, in this challenge, there seems to be a lot of grayscale imagery with single object color. While the goal is to evaluate every image independantly from the others you know that it's getting to be a bit much when you view the next image and say to yourself "not another one". :>)

It's the same with portraits - you almost have to compare to the other images in the challenge in order to properly evaluate it and give your opinon as to what does and doesn't work.

So far, I'm about half way through and I've got to take a break for a day or so just to get back into being neutral and properly evaluate the submissions. There are so many terrific images, that I'm finding myself scoring higher than I normally do and I score high anyway because of the way I view the rating system.


05/01/2009 10:56:43 PM · #195
Originally posted by Teafran:

So far, I'm about half way through and I've got to take a break for a day or so just to get back into being neutral and properly evaluate the submissions. There are so many terrific images, that I'm finding myself scoring higher than I normally do and I score high anyway because of the way I view the rating system.



Tom - thanks for the great comment!
05/01/2009 11:25:07 PM · #196
Originally posted by Teafran:

Originally posted by idnic:

3... 2..... 1.....

Is it just me or is there a lot of repetition in this challenge? I'm seeing a lot of similarly constructed images and obvious left overs from other current challenges.

Maybe I'm getting grumpy from being almost half way through commenting and rating. :>)



Thanks so much for the comment. I'm not doing too well scorewise but comments like yours help me understand why (and feel appreciated).
There... maybe that will give you inspiration to continue.
05/01/2009 11:53:30 PM · #197
Some asshat just gave me a freakin 1. (with no comment of course, so they do not have to own up to being a troll)

ETA: it dropped me an entire .1 just in that one vote

Message edited by author 2009-05-01 23:54:28.
05/02/2009 12:05:14 AM · #198
Originally posted by Teafran:

Originally posted by idnic:

3... 2..... 1.....

Is it just me or is there a lot of repetition in this challenge? I'm seeing a lot of similarly constructed images and obvious left overs from other current challenges.

Maybe I'm getting grumpy from being almost half way through commenting and rating. :>)



so often in a free study the ppl voting will have seen either the same photograph in a side challenge, a slightly different one in another challenge or one that mimics other shots that have been taken before ..
i didnt think that would be a problem when we are entering something that we feel is our best for the month ...
i would've thought that the voters would take each photograph on its own merits in a free study and vote accordingly .. :)

05/02/2009 12:07:54 AM · #199
Originally posted by steefmcbeef:

reading through this thread makes me nervous to go back and give comments. it just seems like it's not fun for people and it makes me sad.

I would gladly trade points for well thought out (ETA: either complimentary or critical) comments. I got a great comment from Tom ( teafran) that made up for the vote of 1 I got shortly after it. His comment totally contradicted, in a positive way, the 4 word comment I had gotten to that point.

Votes: 53
Views: 84
Avg Vote: 4.7925
Comments: 2

Message edited by author 2009-05-02 00:22:57.
05/02/2009 12:21:10 AM · #200
Thanks, Tom for the lovely comment. "...from your lips to the voters' ears..."
Votes: 54
Views: 82
Avg Vote: 5.9259
Comments: 3
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