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Rocks Have Feelings Too
1st PlaceRocks Have Feelings Too

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Pet Rock (Expert Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-5D Mark II
Lens: Canon TS-E 17mm f/4.0L MF
Date: Oct 10, 2012
Aperture: f/16
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/25 sec
Date Uploaded: Oct 11, 2012

[Oct. 16th, 2012 11:56:30 AM]

Prior to that challenge, I had no idea about what 'Pet Rocks' were. To my knowledge, they never made it to that side of the ocean, and I had to ask the great Internet for some enlightenment. Needless to say the answer left me doubtful, to say the least. Since I don't know where to buy LSD these days, I went back to the good old brainstorming method, and tried to imagine various situations involving pets. After a few different sketches, I decided to go with those 2 persons, walking their respective pets, in a scene including an undergoing rock love affair ;-)

At first, I spent a whole afternoon walking in the woods, and took about 500 photos of different paths. Some were nice, with the sun filtering through the leaves, but despite my efforts to make this background work with the scene, the composition wasn't so good, and all the results were rather disappointing. So 2 days before the challenge end, in a desperate attempt at creating something, I brought my camera at work, and took advantage of my lunch break to quickly reach Berton Street in Paris and photograph it. The street is actually quite narrow, paved, and has nice lamps, so it looked like a nice background possibility. However, it was a cloudy day, with a very flat and diffused light: in order to add visual interested I converted the scene to that foggy night look. This permitted me to turn the street lights on in post-processing, resulting in a much more dramatic lighting of the characters. I believe this is the first time the main light of my background photo is virtual: it was interesting to achieve.

While I was processing the background, my wife was working on the pets. She created the eyes out of cardboard pieces, and glued them to the rocks. The rocks themselves were originally relatively flat, so I deformed the texture in post, to emulate their roundness. We also decided to dress in a way that would match the mood of this old Paris street, like in an old novel. I took the photos at home, using a lighting setup designed to match the virtual lighting of the street. I inserted all the characters in the scene, and created the various necessary shadows (woman on street, man on street, rocks on street, leashes on street, leash and collars on pets). Finally, I gave one of my cats an opportunity to make a little cameo appearance on the roofs, I'm glad several of you did notice it :-)

Thank you all for the great comments and votes! I'm very happy that some found my entry funny, as this challenge was really a call for humor. It definitely is a big pleasure for me to create such fanciful image and to be able to share it!

Place: 1 out of 31
Avg (all users): 8.3548
Avg (commenters): 9.3448
Avg (participants): 7.7500
Avg (non-participants): 8.4712
Views since voting: 6030
Views during voting: 444
Votes: 124
Comments: 61
Favorites: 15 (view)

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10/22/2012 10:34:57 AM
I knew this was yours when I saw it!
Great shot!
Got a 10 from me. :)
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10/20/2012 03:39:50 PM
Stunningly creative! Congrats!!
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10/20/2012 02:55:13 AM
congrats christophe ...Expert Editing blue is always reserved for you.
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10/19/2012 06:48:17 PM
Congratulations, Christophe. Well deserved blue!
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10/19/2012 06:39:50 PM
Doesn't get any better, congratulations.
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10/19/2012 04:16:19 PM
Once again wonderful!
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10/19/2012 03:59:37 PM
Well, as you know...I always enjoy your kitty cat images...;-) I enjoy how this image highlights Mrs. Gyaban's charm and femme fatale mystery which clearly more than just intrigues you. (Appropriately, she is ignoring you...;-p). The supporting roles of the adorable pet rocks casts just the right amount of flavor and fun. Truly, your wife adds a genuine and gracious authenticity to an otherwise silly challenge. She deserves this score and ribbon.
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10/19/2012 03:00:50 PM
Congrats, Christophe. This is, obviously, as usual, the clear top of the heap!
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10/19/2012 02:40:08 PM
Just amazing ... congrats!
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10/19/2012 01:44:16 PM
I like that your lighting "choices" were also believable in this one. Nicely done.
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10/19/2012 01:12:04 PM
I am missing Paris already! Amazing stuff, Christophe :)
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10/19/2012 11:49:28 AM
Congratulations, had to be in my opinion.
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10/19/2012 10:41:54 AM
The lengths to which you go are just stunning, Christophe. To me, perhaps the most amazing part is how your wife goes along with it all, as an active co-creator. This has to be one of the fascinating relationships of all DPC-dom, and so the image greatly amuses me because it echoes that relationship in itself :-) Very well done!
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10/19/2012 09:53:38 AM
Congratulations on the blue, Christophe. Excellent work as always and a treat to read your descriptions. Congratulations to your wife, too.
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10/19/2012 09:30:08 AM
This is creative and very well done.
This was the first challenge I voted on and you were my top
pick. Congrats.

Message edited by author 2012-10-19 09:52:29.
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10/19/2012 07:56:11 AM
Waitaminute, that light's VIRTUAL?! Are you yanking my chain? (Or leash, in this case)? ;-) Congrats as always, and can't believe I missed the cat watching from the rooftop!
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10/19/2012 07:08:58 AM
Are you getting tired of 8s yet? I'm waiting to see your first 9. :D

Such a fun shot! I think your wife got the best rock, though. :)

Huge congrats!
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10/19/2012 03:34:14 AM
Really fantastic work, Christophe. I'm so impressed with your talents!
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10/19/2012 02:48:52 AM
Your wife is so wonderful, to do so much for you, I hope you always tell her that! I'm sure you do.
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10/19/2012 02:11:56 AM
lol, cute man, congrats
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10/19/2012 02:11:02 AM
Your images are always A M A Z I N G. But what I perhaps love even more about your entries are your stories and editing steps. Unbelievable to read that you "turned the street lights on" in post-processing! Wow ....
What a master you are and what great imagination you have. I think we are very priviledged to have you here on DPC.
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10/19/2012 01:59:01 AM
congrats on awesome work again :)

lights, shadows all look natural
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10/19/2012 01:55:54 AM
I'm most impressed at the virtual light. Just... wow. Congrats, Christophe.
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10/19/2012 12:56:16 AM
congrats christophe - a blue and new front page bling!
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10/19/2012 12:09:04 AM
There is no way the lamp is fake. It's perfect.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/18/2012 11:35:16 PM
well done!
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10/18/2012 10:56:36 PM
I love that you always have a magical story to tell. Your attention to detail is amazing.
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10/18/2012 09:44:08 PM
My top pick. This is superb. I love the way the two rocks are eying one another, the way the man is looking at the woman and his rock is pulling at the leash, the fact that the woman is walking away but her rock is lagging behind. Voted earlier.
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10/18/2012 07:50:55 PM
If rocks have feelings too, you wouldn't get leashes that go around the largest part. It makes them feel that they're way too round. They'd prefer something much more slimming!

I hear that harnesses are much easier on rocks. :)

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10/18/2012 04:24:00 PM
i like it but i don't love it... it's not easy coming up with an idea for a challenge for a 40 year old fad from a different country, i'd imagine.
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10/18/2012 02:48:32 PM
Reminds me of Sherlock Holmes. Those rock eyes are wonderful.
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10/18/2012 02:41:51 PM
Very surreal feel even still in this pretty "normal" scene. Love the addition of the black cat on the top of the buliding...or was that already sitting there? Either way great October feel!
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10/18/2012 12:30:19 PM
Great! A 10 from me
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10/18/2012 12:14:44 PM
Well done. Admirable control.
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10/17/2012 09:14:05 PM
Great!!! I love your pictures! :)
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10/17/2012 08:52:28 PM
Nicely done! Love the dialogue happening in this photo.
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10/17/2012 07:09:27 PM
Sometimes little things mean a lot
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10/17/2012 10:06:55 AM
By far the best shot in this challenge. Congratulations!
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10/16/2012 04:52:02 PM
Thanks for making me smile :-)
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10/15/2012 06:30:07 PM
some great work here :)
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10/15/2012 04:12:56 PM
Just spotted the cat on the roof - a nice touch.
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10/15/2012 02:47:01 PM
Very nice! Mysterious and fun!
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10/14/2012 10:51:09 PM
I like the cat on the roof!
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10/14/2012 09:57:35 PM
gyaban? Perfect rendition of pet rocks and a definite blue ribbon.
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10/14/2012 09:18:23 PM
Adorable, Christophe, although I feel that your wife's (and her pet's) left side could have used a TINY bit more light. LOVE the kitty watching the proceedings :-)
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10/14/2012 07:14:49 PM
Simply GREAT, as usual. My favourite for this challenge
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10/14/2012 04:21:50 PM
LOL Christophe you've done it again - super photo!
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10/13/2012 12:28:23 AM
Best in show award, congrats, classic Christophe
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10/12/2012 11:01:54 PM
the details, wow.

the pipe, the pose on the woman. you nailed it.
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10/12/2012 08:48:29 PM
Looks like another blue for you. And well deserved!
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10/12/2012 03:23:17 PM
very cute, i really like the setting and the emotion. You lit the scene expertly.
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10/12/2012 02:49:37 PM
Ha! I think you're looking at your wife's bottom. :D

She's lovely.

I don't love the rocks' eyes as much as I want to. I think they needed to be more subtle.

But still... a winner.

(commenting only)

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10/12/2012 11:12:02 AM
The feline witness, (which I did not see until after viewing for several minutes,) to this extraordinarily well thought out, perfectly executed, hilarious moment, wraps this whole scene up in a nice little package. Even though the concept is quite simple, it tells such a great story. And I bet the editing did not take 20 hours for this one either. The rock's eyes are the winners, fantastic.
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10/12/2012 10:36:30 AM
Wonderful, LOVELY shot!
Great title.

Pretty sure I know the owner of this picture. :)

I really love how it looks so completely natural.
In my top three for the challenge!
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10/12/2012 10:34:12 AM
*waving* Hi Christophe! Gorgeously lit scene as always, fantastic PhotoChop and great props and models. Well done.
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10/12/2012 09:47:12 AM
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10/12/2012 08:30:05 AM
This has to be gyaban's work. Great stuff. Those eyes. LOL

Message edited by author 2012-10-19 09:25:15.
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10/12/2012 08:23:27 AM
Great shot, best in challenge by far
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10/12/2012 02:52:24 AM
The cat is a very nice touch...
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10/12/2012 01:06:54 AM
Great one again!!!
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10/12/2012 12:14:37 AM
Where do you come up with these ideas?!?! Phenomenal!
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