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Match.com #195 Suthern Gentealman prefur Wimen w/ Kameras
Match.com #195 Suthern Gentealman prefur Wimen w/ Kameras

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Secret Self Portrait (Basic Editing)
Camera: Nikon D90
Lens: Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 EX DG APO IF for Nikon
Date: Oct 16, 2012
Aperture: 5.0
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/200
Date Uploaded: Oct 16, 2012

Bubba my redneck buddy likes the wemin, he just can't seem to get any...
He's been here before around Halloween ...

So I'm all excited to play in the make up again, set up all the camera n lights... run in to do Make up. Where is my size 68 short overalls?? My Bubba wig?? OH NO I sold them in a yard sale... Plan 2 Hubs old nasty Jeep hat, cut up makeup brush for wiskers (since my wig is gone and not fond of cutting my hair) Find an OLD Hair piece from High School YAY now I can change my hair color with out dyeing it... My eye lashes have always given me away soo this time I grab the super cover concelear, and paint all my eyelashes.. ouch makes my eyes water but at least it's water proff!!

Oh and also ruined a very good pair of sunglasses

Get all the nasty color on my face, go to get my Happy Face adhesive, you can do all kinds of wonderful stuff from glueig on wiskers to making wrinkles and glueing your chin to your neck.. yeah I know but it's cool.. OH NO it's all dried up... Humm photo safe adhesive, well if it's safe for photos I'm sure it'll be ok for my face... Smear this on, place my wishers on, glue my chin to the fat under my neck... All is holding NICELY... (maybe too nicely)

Go do shoot.. This glue is wonderful, I'm sweating and it's not turning loose!! My face is kinda burning and itching but will be over soon.

Ta Da done pack up and head for the bathroom... Go to get my Super Ponds Cold Cream make up remover... OH DEAR LORD it's GONE....Grab Vaseline, nope no good, Olive oil, nada, althought the glue is now holding and gooey at the same time. Eye make up remover well it's takeing off most of the eye shadow that I colored my face with.. End up Peeling off glue with several layers of skin on face.. Super water proff concelar ain't comming off for nuthin' .... So now my face is red n sore, my eyes are all skin colored but I got my shot!!

Hang in there Baby

My only goal is to make [user]artroflmao[/user] snort a bologna sandwich out of his nose, an Grogg's woman in love!

Emailed this to my out of town hubby... He wanted to know who that was wearing his favorite Jeep cap... ROFLMAO

[Oct. 23rd, 2012 02:28:08 AM]

Monday... am so pleased with the score but I LOVE the comments! Only hate the ones that nailed me.. EEEks ... Must say I am haveing fun with Lydia, she can NOT figure out which one I am! Not sure I am looking forward to the end when everyone will see what I really look like!! Ohhh Grogggg where are U....

[Oct. 25th, 2012 11:55:53 AM]

well last day.. it's maintained a 6.84 for a while ... While I am soo happy with that score, I just realized it will knock off my beautiful eagle shot from my profile page, and I will have two Goofy shots of me on front page.. Sigh, I've got to get out and find a Beautiful shot so I can redeem myself! LOL

Place: 5 out of 57
Avg (all users): 6.7692
Avg (commenters): 8.2500
Avg (participants): 6.3784
Avg (non-participants): 6.9500
Views since voting: 2306
Views during voting: 414
Votes: 117
Comments: 47
Favorites: 5 (view)

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07/27/2013 05:05:23 PM
How do you it... :) You're not only a great photographer, but the MUA in you amazes me even more
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12/26/2012 03:18:51 AM
disturbingly creepy and hilarious all at the same time. Ha!
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12/23/2012 05:39:55 PM
This still makes me smile whenever I see it. Not just because it̢۪s funny, but mainly because it makes me feel a little bit better when I look in the mirror. Thanks!
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12/23/2012 10:18:18 AM
This is something I wish I would have done, totally hilarious!
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12/22/2012 10:26:13 PM
Still cracks me up! A nice hard working man (looks a little bit like a drunk too:) And I remember why I gave you a 10 :)

Message edited by author 2012-12-22 22:27:15.
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12/22/2012 10:00:42 PM
You slay me!!
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12/13/2012 08:11:11 PM
This one never ceases to make me smile! Great job!
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10/26/2012 11:09:22 AM
Oh....my....ROFLMAO! I am floored with what you did to achieve the creepy and 'ugly' guy. Love, love the humor of the shot and kudos to you for your creativity. Great pose with the sly look and the 'stick' in the mouth as that he definately seems to be posing to look 'sexy' for the ladies on Match.com. The lighting is also great for it further accents the facial features, wrinkles and veins in the face and hands. Grats on placing in the top 5!
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10/26/2012 10:30:44 AM
Certainly this was the winner no doubt. You always give us a laugh Katie ,thanks for that and Congrats on top five.
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10/26/2012 10:10:34 AM
Now this is a great disguise - all the elements of a portrait are there but it so does not look like you. I didn't vote this challenge, but it would have been at the top of my list had I done so. Congratulations on the HM, anyway.
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10/26/2012 09:25:10 AM
This is a great shot! I LOVED this. I gave it a 9. It was in my top three. Robbed of a ribbon!!!
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10/26/2012 07:38:59 AM
You are a crazie wuman, Katie! Congrats on HM. Your profile is looking more and more funny ;)
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10/26/2012 06:46:55 AM
My faith in the voters around here just diminished a little.
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10/26/2012 06:21:42 AM
The realization of who this is makes the work so much better, only then is it really appreciated. The 9N Ford is the perfect side piece, nice work.
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10/26/2012 04:01:57 AM
Brave girl. Robbed.
Excellent work.
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10/26/2012 03:27:55 AM
Whut, yew dint ribun?! fer shame on al them voterz!! grats on the hm :-)
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10/26/2012 03:03:08 AM
O...M...G... You get my ROFLMAO award (if there was one). You are one awesome, funny gal.
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10/26/2012 01:17:40 AM
This is unbeleivably good. Thanks for the extensive sleeve notes as well.
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10/26/2012 12:56:34 AM
i really admire your balls, katie
great show :)
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10/26/2012 12:23:20 AM
ROFLMAO!!! Katie, I had no idea you were so damn ugly! I mean, umm, I had no idea this was you. Your notes are as hilarious as this pic. Thank you for the laugh. Oh, and congratulations on the HM - and now I really wish I'd given you a 10 instead of a miserable 9.
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10/26/2012 12:20:38 AM
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful job... You deserved a higher placement with this sense of humor and great execution... I really expected to be beaten by you.

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10/26/2012 12:07:49 AM
You is UGLY!



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10/26/2012 12:01:55 AM
Shame you missed out Katie, but well done on the HM.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/25/2012 10:19:11 PM
ha! Wimen and wine. It doesn't get any better than this :D
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10/25/2012 09:51:00 PM
slippy, you're supposed to disguise yourself!
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10/25/2012 06:21:04 PM
Well yew have a nice smile but yew should improove yer spelling, it's 'perfur', spelt just like it sounds. Gooed luck with bein on the prawul and all.
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10/24/2012 08:02:07 PM
Oh, man, I'm really going to have to hide my cameras... or hide .. LOL! This is great stuff. Top 5
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10/24/2012 05:59:45 AM
definitely my top pick - the combination of everything that goes into this image makes it a 10.
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10/24/2012 05:07:48 AM
That´s really cool! Certainly TT!
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10/23/2012 11:33:09 PM
one of my favorites in this challenge
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10/23/2012 10:00:29 PM
Hilarious, well played sir.
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10/23/2012 09:42:01 PM

THIS IS RANK! :D I love it!

(commenting only)
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10/22/2012 07:59:09 PM
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10/22/2012 03:34:23 PM
LOVE this title! Fits perfectly. Haha
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10/21/2012 11:37:38 PM
Hands down the best of the bunch.
If this doesn't win there is something definitely wrong with the voters around here.
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10/21/2012 06:12:50 PM
Grog lives!
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10/21/2012 12:56:09 PM
Hahahaha! I have a sneaking suspicion about who this is :-) Awesome
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10/20/2012 11:51:37 PM
What a catch? What wimen could resist.
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10/20/2012 04:42:44 PM
I cracked up when i saw this image ..well done
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10/20/2012 10:26:20 AM
Hello Katie, I,d know you anywhere ? Looking very well.
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10/19/2012 10:43:44 PM
Top 3, very Hollywood
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10/19/2012 06:24:56 PM
LOL just makes me laugh, the title makes this great, the outfit face it all just works
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10/19/2012 09:19:12 AM
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10/19/2012 08:12:06 AM
OMFG Katie, is that yew?! This is two frickin funee!! Love the mikeup and teef espeshully...and th speling ;-)
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10/19/2012 04:10:26 AM
almost got away with it.
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10/19/2012 01:12:21 AM
ROFL !!!!!!!!!!!

This has to be Katie, just b/c of the spelling.........soz I do love you, you know.

A ribbon for sure waits for you, for this extremely....well, not so handsome dude!
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10/19/2012 12:50:49 AM
Slippy is that you? Great entry.
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