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Hunters and collectors
3rd PlaceHunters and collectors

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: We Have A Story To Tell (Advanced Editing VII)
Collection: Challenges
Camera: Canon EOS-550D Rebel T2i
Lens: Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS
Location: Trigg Beach
Date: Aug 4, 2013
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/250
Galleries: Candid, Children
Date Uploaded: Aug 4, 2013

I really admire Peter, in the face of all he's been through, no one but him could imagine how hard it has been. I wanted to set out and take a photo that might just spark a little something in him, I had no idea what it would be, but when it came, I knew it was the one. Thanks Peter for suggesting this challenge, I really enjoyed it, keep strong!

[Aug. 8th, 2013 02:27:37 AM]

3 votes 3.66, great I thought, only one way to go, and that was up I thought, and up up and away I've been going ever since it started. ATM 6.68 at 41 votes.

[Aug. 10th, 2013 05:53:40 AM]

2 comments about the girls face, funny that I thought I might get that, but it's pretty hard to lighten someone who was naturally born black in the first place ;)

[Aug. 13th, 2013 09:35:22 PM]

Got to love tvsometime comment, he nailed it 100%, I wanted this to look like a scene from a movie, hey isn't that 'what a story' is, thanks!

Also not surprised by Cory comment, lol I knew he would hate the grass, and a few others, but it was a windy day and I wanted to portray that by reducing the noise in the grass so as to make it look like it was blowing in the wind, looking back I probably did over do it somewhat.

----------------------------------------post challenge



I was at the beach, with my my family, and in the corner of my eye i saw these kids collecting bamboo sticks, i thought WOW, this looks like a scene from a movie. You see although it was a winters day, the afternoon had a lovely warmth in the air, but of course the evening would be cold, the children I imagined were collecting wood for the fire they would make that evening, whilst all alone on the beach bc their parents had abandoned them, all they had was each other......

The setting for the scene was perfect I thought.. they were perched high on the dune, and the clouds behind them, perfect i thought..my camera ready I fired away three or 4 shots, quickly just in case their parents were around, you know how people are these days! I thought, that's it, I got one with a bird, and the girl running, what timing, I don't think I've been more excited about getting home and uploading it to my comp screen than I did when I took that one.

Place: 3 out of 91
Avg (all users): 6.7019
Avg (commenters): 8.0588
Avg (participants): 6.9038
Avg (non-participants): 6.5000
Views since voting: 3013
Views during voting: 266
Votes: 104
Comments: 48
Favorites: 4 (view)

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08/17/2013 05:20:43 PM
YAY! This is great.
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08/16/2013 08:18:16 PM
Congrats, Anita! A real cinematic image
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08/16/2013 01:40:24 PM
how did you get the bird?
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08/16/2013 10:40:03 AM
Those were the days, the simple pleasure of being, congrats Anita.
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08/16/2013 03:50:55 AM
wonderful image, love the story here. excellent capture.
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08/15/2013 05:41:03 PM
Amazing! Congratulations on a ribbon for this fine work of art!
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08/14/2013 08:30:41 PM
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08/14/2013 08:27:11 PM
Congrats Anita, another wonderful shot!
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08/14/2013 08:14:21 PM
I love it! Nice job.
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08/14/2013 07:22:31 PM
Congratulations on the ribbon Anita. It's a fabulous shot - the children, their relative positions/poses/action,(couldn't have been better if you'd been directing them)the dune, sky, bird etc, etc - all wonderful.
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08/14/2013 03:58:22 PM
stays with you
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08/14/2013 01:02:02 PM
I felt prehistoric intrigue(perhaps mystery...) with this shot, and it was terrific on so many levels. The story, a prehistoric triptych, a natural history museum display; the strong contrast and clash of textures(grass and clouds); the movement, the children, the bird(for good measure).
Perhaps I am also swayed a bit by one of my favorite songs from the late 1980's, Australia's "Hunters and Collectors" with Back on the bread line.

Great job and congrats on the Ribbon.
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08/14/2013 12:45:49 PM
i appeal to the jury
this is the winner
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08/14/2013 12:33:43 PM
I loved this shot. Strange and fascinating. 10 from me.
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08/14/2013 12:00:29 PM
this is alive
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08/14/2013 11:09:22 AM
love how you improved on the grass
came out surreal,just the difference between
a dpc shot and artfeelingreallitywithitetc

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08/14/2013 10:46:03 AM
Truly magnificent work. Congrats. I so love these instant pictures. One gets to see it just for a fleeting moment in which to grab camera focus and click. And the more you see the luckier you get to actually get the shot.
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08/14/2013 08:58:53 AM
Congrats Anita; a great image and great story.
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08/14/2013 06:13:58 AM
Great image Anita and congrats on the ribbon!
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08/14/2013 05:16:20 AM
Originally posted by Nadine_Vb:

Indeed, this couldn't do bad. You were surprised, but I am not :)

THANKS, I said that bc half an hour before rollover it was on 6.59 so I figured around 6th place with a score like that, but then it climbed and then some votes were scrubbed off!
08/14/2013 04:30:42 AM
Indeed, this couldn't do bad. You were surprised, but I am not :)
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08/14/2013 04:25:07 AM
I knew this would do well. Superb shot. I love everything about this.
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08/14/2013 04:15:27 AM
Originally posted by Tiny:

Good on you Anita,I like this and am pleased it did well for you,no murder for me.Congratulations you are improving with age !

like a good wine, thanks as always :)
08/14/2013 03:59:36 AM
Good on you Anita,I like this and am pleased it did well for you,no murder for me.Congratulations you are improving with age !
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08/14/2013 03:56:50 AM
Superb atmospheric. WD Anita.
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08/14/2013 02:47:30 AM
Wonderful image, Anita. So glad it did well for you. Congrats on the ribbon.
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08/14/2013 02:40:40 AM
Congratulations, a beautiful image, and great story telling
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08/14/2013 01:06:36 AM
Congrat on that ribbon! Well done!
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08/14/2013 12:15:56 AM
Atta girl, believe and breathe ;)
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08/14/2013 12:05:46 AM
Fantastic job, Anita.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/13/2013 11:02:02 PM
Lovely composition and tones. Great timing catching the gull. Good luck!
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08/13/2013 10:33:13 PM
A book cover entry... maybe a Golding or Twain adventure... excellent.
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08/13/2013 09:58:17 PM
glory of youth through the experienced eyes of the older, briliant.8
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08/13/2013 09:14:24 PM
Fantastic! I love this. 10
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08/13/2013 08:37:46 PM
Fascinating. Collecting sticks to build something. A birdcage perhaps? In my top five!
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08/13/2013 06:26:32 PM
Great potential here, but the processing murdered this for me. Otherwise, superb image.
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08/13/2013 06:19:52 PM
like the feeling in this
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08/13/2013 04:47:31 PM
life to the fullest 10
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08/13/2013 02:39:38 PM
Could be a chapter of "The Lord of the Flies" as the kids alone in the wild scramble to gather firewood. The turbulent sky and glistening grass bristle with energy and tension. bump
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08/11/2013 01:30:44 PM
Excellent timing.
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08/10/2013 10:23:48 PM
I'm not sure why, but I feel like this is a Neat production. Magnificent sky, and I love the bright slices of grass. Plus a bird to boot. My only nit is that the girl in the front could have used a bit of dodging on the face, and the glamour glow is a bit heavy for my taste
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08/10/2013 08:00:46 AM
Another for my top ten,nice processing.
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08/10/2013 03:38:34 AM
I can decide about the postprocessing, in a sense I love it, in a sense I don't and I would have loved the face of the girl on the right to be a bit brighter, as that's where the eye tend to travel too. The softness both adds and detracts.
Compositionally it's an outstanding piece, the choice to include so much of the sky is just right and it's the kind of image which affords viewing time very independently from the challenge.
I'd say best in show, if that matters, but probably it doesn't because quality is quality, wherever you place it.
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08/09/2013 10:16:01 AM
Childhood memories are made of these!
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08/08/2013 06:42:30 PM
The gatherers could become the hunter's pray and the clouds, the heat and the wind could get the best of all.
Wonderful image
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08/08/2013 06:28:57 AM
The survivors, givers of life to us! I love the action, the tension within the borders of this image. My friend, the grass, that grass which is not grass? I have seen that before, not sure if I would use it though.
Thank you for participating, I am honored! 8

Looking again, the liquefy filter takes away from the image, takes away the perfect score. But heck, I love the thoughts and processing and mind that went into this. Thank you my friend, thank you very much.
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08/07/2013 04:48:07 PM
I love the high contrast and starkness.
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08/07/2013 12:33:11 AM
Not keen on the grass PP but great moment
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