DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Best of 2005 (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II
Location: home
Date: Aug 4, 2005
Aperture: F5.6
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/8
Galleries: Emotive, Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Jan 11, 2006

I decided to choose a selfportrait for this challenge, because I've made a lot of them last year. I think this is one of the creepiest selfportraits I've ever made.

The background is a towel, hanging on the shower-curtain-rails.
The white "make-up" is acrylic paint, roughly painted on my face with my fingers and after that added the red acrylic paint. I used my tripod without selftimer.

made B&W
bring red back
added border

after the challenge:
I really really want to thank all of you guys voting & commenting, they mean a lot to me.
you guys are great!

Place: 146 out of 833
Avg (all users): 6.2828
Avg (commenters): 8.1364
Avg (participants): 6.1846
Avg (non-participants): 6.7778
Views since voting: 2515
Views during voting: 663
Votes: 435
Comments: 57
Favorites: 11 (view)

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10/20/2014 12:58:07 PM
The texture is really cool. I like the very solemn look.
12/05/2007 01:36:33 PM
This is really disturbing and I love it...
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10/01/2006 06:07:04 AM
the black lifeless eyes really make it!
I have some sps too
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09/13/2006 01:48:12 PM
This shot just has such power. From the expression on you face to the very rough texture of the make-up it just has a very tribal feeling to it. The lighting was spot on, as the shadows don't overpower your eyes. There is still enough to see that twisted thoughts are running though your head.
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07/27/2006 04:18:18 PM
This is stuningly creepy! Love it, it's definatly been a while since I've seen it! Great job as always!!
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05/05/2006 08:04:44 AM
Really quite nice on many levels; its surely creepy, but the tones and textures are so interesting. The white is really quite interesting.The red in perfect spots. Perhaps to see the iris color would ahve been an intersting variant; but I could still picture this matted in black and hung 6 feet wide on the wall.
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04/30/2006 02:36:35 PM
Its stunning and creepy! This is very cool!
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04/09/2006 02:01:43 PM
this photo is totally underratedExcellent work.
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03/20/2006 12:14:38 PM
thank's for your compliments guys!!! :D

@ Alfresco: it's a big crop, so this photo can't be printed bigger then ± 20 x 20 cm :(

Message edited by author 2006-03-20 12:32:32.
03/19/2006 07:31:02 PM
I agree with Jimmy - this is an amazing SP.

But no, not just an amazing SP, it's an amazing photograph. Exceptionally powerful to say the least, this is a photo that I keep coming back to (and not just because I whited myself up) --- you should be proud of this photo Hanneke, this belongs on a wall.
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02/22/2006 05:27:30 PM
I keep coming back to this shot. This is such an incredibly powerful image. I love it and still can't believe it didn't finish higher in the challenge. Talk about knocking your socks off - this one sure did mine! WOW! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!
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02/16/2006 07:28:56 PM
Wow! Way cool! A great high impact shot.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/31/2006 11:03:09 PM
Excellent shot. Colors, composition, everything looks great.
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01/31/2006 10:17:41 PM
Powerful and completely different image to vote on during voting. I love it! Bumping up.
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01/31/2006 02:14:50 PM
Return for comment. Great crop, tones, and "texture" to this one. Exellent pose and makeup work. Bumping up. Good luck.
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01/31/2006 02:11:45 AM
Beautiful. Love the texture. Square format works really well. bumping up to 10
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01/29/2006 02:13:52 PM
nice job, great texture, emotive, nice color, b&w dead on, great comp, great light, nice angle, sharp, overall have a print available
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01/29/2006 05:41:39 AM
Edgy! wonderful exposure control!
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01/29/2006 05:04:52 AM
Wow, what can I say. Very creative! This inspires me. Love the fact your got so close in his/her face. Well done. I predict a ribbon!
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01/28/2006 10:23:32 AM
I was not expecting this picture and it startled me. Way to go... I don't "jump" easily. 9
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01/26/2006 02:06:31 PM
Agreed .. very twisted. I think this would have also worked cropping on thirds.
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01/26/2006 08:25:42 AM
Great paint job, and a very dramatic and strong image.....
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01/25/2006 10:57:03 PM
Nice color contrast.
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01/25/2006 12:32:24 AM
This definitely makes a statement.
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01/24/2006 09:49:19 PM
After doing a thumbnail preview of all entrants I'll say this is definite top 10 / top 5 material (it's hard to gauge voters, I think they drink a lot). This is the most powerful photo submitted. Perfect.
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01/23/2006 10:25:06 PM
Very interesting close-up.
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01/22/2006 08:12:56 PM
Wow! This is scary! Excellent colors and capture!
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01/22/2006 10:59:12 AM
Call me twisted but I adore this.10
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01/21/2006 09:07:19 PM
gripping image...how would it look with a fraction more light in the eyes?
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01/21/2006 07:13:09 PM
this fascinates and it is my third return. Presently you have a 9 from me. It may go to 10 when I figure out why this appeals so much. Im' still thinking on this. Part of it is the unexpected. PArt of it is being able to relate to something so similar and yet so different from myself. Bump to 10 but still thinking... :)
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01/21/2006 04:39:25 PM
Freaky! I wish there was a little more light in the eyes, but it also gives a a darker mood. I really don't want to look at this image any more, so I'm moving on =). 7
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01/21/2006 10:15:32 AM
wicked cool! 9
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01/20/2006 11:26:50 PM
Creative, bold, well done, 10
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01/20/2006 09:57:52 PM
This is very interesting. The textures of the painted skin is quite intriguing. I like the the head on pose. The little splashed of red offer just enough colour. The only drawback that I feel this image has is that the eyes are too dark. I wonder if a reflector would have put a little light on the eyes. JMO.
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01/20/2006 09:12:00 PM
Cool. I like the small bits of bright color against the otherwise black and white picture. If it was selective desaturation in Photoshop it sure doesn't look like it.
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01/20/2006 07:37:46 PM
Woah, scary! The use of selective desaturation really is effective here!
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01/20/2006 07:13:43 PM
very nice I'm sure that you will do very good 8 . I think you will come in at 36th
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01/20/2006 11:29:55 AM
Scary. I think that even though this is meant to disturb, we should still be able to see a catch light in the eyes (think of an evil glint in the eyes). I have a strong aversion to the sight of skin being covered in makeup or paint that dates back to early childhood but this doesn't repell me as much as this type of effort on DPC usually does. This is a good thing. I like composition and the texture of the peeling makeup.
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01/20/2006 12:23:09 AM
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01/19/2006 03:22:56 PM
Congratulations to the model for being brave enough to do this :) I'm not very big on the composition.. the close-up is possibly a little too much, and the lighting just a little harsh.
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01/19/2006 03:14:06 PM
Superbly executed. Something malevolent with those eyes.
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01/19/2006 02:36:08 AM
Wonderful portrait!
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01/19/2006 01:35:32 AM
creepy. but interesting! 7.
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01/18/2006 11:05:10 PM
Yes, but a really great shot! Sharp as a tack and well processed.
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01/18/2006 01:18:01 PM
This is really frightening, and I don't know quite what to make of it but I LOVE IT! Great job here! This would make a great cd cover for an alternative/punk band.
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01/18/2006 01:03:29 PM
Good image, very disturbing. The post-processing is good, not excessive. You just lost some detail on the nose. Maybe the expression is too passive, the face - even though the model looks at you from below - looks too relaxed. 7.
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01/18/2006 03:42:37 AM
Sprase colours and an interesting portarit.
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01/18/2006 02:11:21 AM
A refreshingly disturbing image! Totally 'in your face' composition (literally, hehe). Very crisp, and I really like the lighting you've used, really adds to the shot. Great job, very cool!
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01/18/2006 01:03:07 AM
10 from me...good luck! creative...i like that! looks familiar...but i know i haven't seen it before....
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01/17/2006 09:07:38 PM
Definitely twisted! :-) Great imagery! Perfect lighting, shadows, DOF... Nicely done.
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01/17/2006 01:12:44 PM
this is freaky. I kept waiting to see the eyes open up towards me. scarey. 9
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01/16/2006 11:27:28 PM
I've always thought this one was cool of yours. Very different from a lot of the ones we see in this sort of challenge. I hope you do well. Good job, man.
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01/16/2006 08:13:47 PM
yikes... Nice portrait. A bit disturbing but a good photo.
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01/16/2006 07:05:25 PM
WOW... Absolutely fricking fantastic! WOW
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01/16/2006 06:05:14 PM
Nice shot
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01/16/2006 04:22:06 PM
This is not a beautiful photo and I don't really "like" it in the sense you would others, yet I find it captivating and very emotive. It looks like it would be on the cover of a magazine. I find the detail almost unnerving, yet it draws me to look at it further. I hope it does well because it deserves to. 9
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01/16/2006 07:27:11 AM
You did a grate job .. ice
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