DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
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Dual Prowler Conspiracy
2nd PlaceDual Prowler Conspiracy

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: DPC Cinema (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Nikon D2X
Lens: Nikon AF Zoom-Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 VR DG IF-ED
Location: Montreal, Canada
Date: May 5, 2006
Aperture: 6.5
ISO: 100
Shutter: 250
Galleries: Fashion
Date Uploaded: May 5, 2006

Thank you to all for your great comments and positive feedback!

I shot this photo for the videogame SIN EPISODES. The asked me to reproduce two of their main characters in real life. The character on the left is called Jessica Cannon and the character on the right is called Elexis Sinclair. Their outfits are exact replicas of the opriginal characters from the videogame.

In all fairness, I must admit I didn't shoot this photo with the DPC challenge in mind (I was shooting for an assignement), but my good friend and DPC photographer Yanik (Kosmikkreeper) made me realize it would really suit this challenge well.

I am glad this photo is well recieved at DPC. Yes it is still my specialty latex photography, but this time the sexuality is toned down and I hope this reaches out more to a wider audience and shows that these women in latex, even with curves like the ones Bianca is currently displaying in that shot, can still be classy. (yes, it is Bianca on the right for those who asked int he comments... ;-) She has a black wig in that shot).

Again, thank you all for this ribbon! It is greatly appreciated.


edit: for those who want to know, the model on the left side is called Cindy Synnett. She is a journalist (not a professional model) and she has her blog & tv show at www.branchez-vous.tv .

Place: 2 out of 207
Avg (all users): 7.0427
Avg (commenters): 8.1538
Avg (participants): 6.8224
Avg (non-participants): 7.2692
Views since voting: 29122
Views during voting: 691
Votes: 211
Comments: 90
Favorites: 42 (view)

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01/10/2007 11:52:45 AM
Wow, this looks so unreal...so perfect...
06/27/2006 11:47:34 PM
Beautifull work....i think its an awesome lighting....also the pose and models too, coudn't get a better composition...its deservedly a winning pic.
Clarity is excellent and i like the shadows you got very subtely on Bianca and Cindy.
For me its game photography and fashion at its best!


Message edited by author 2006-06-27 23:52:24.
05/19/2006 06:30:09 PM
Nice shot, as a fan of the Sin Games, think youve really captured the characters. Especially Jessica, very good likeness.

Keep up the good work.
05/19/2006 11:22:29 AM
this image isnt copyrighted?
05/18/2006 05:06:30 PM
Very nice job. Technically superb. Tell Bianca she looks good as a brunette and should considering going dark for a littel while!
05/17/2006 04:01:31 PM
Very Manga. Would make a great game cover. Great work.
05/17/2006 03:38:14 AM
Beautiful sensual shot!! Lighting is wonderful. Superb work Martin.....great to see you back on the front page of dpc again!!
05/16/2006 01:40:53 PM
Very well done!!!!
Just the grey background is a bit poor for this great picture!
05/16/2006 01:54:38 AM
Who says sex appeal doen't sell. Great image and congrats on the ribbon.
05/16/2006 12:49:12 AM
Welcome back to the fold Dr. jones ;) Congrats on this magnificent rendition of every teenage boys fantasy ;)
05/16/2006 12:33:29 AM
Amazing work, LOVE the colors!!good work.
05/16/2006 12:17:45 AM
Dr. Jones strikes with full power. Congratulations on your RED!
05/15/2006 11:19:41 PM
Congrats Martin, its freaking awesome.
05/15/2006 11:03:36 PM
I like vinyl.
05/15/2006 05:18:56 PM
The master returns!
05/15/2006 02:39:40 PM
The concept is quite clever, the models look good (as usual), the costumes are great... BUT...
The lightning is as exciting as cold porridge and the cropping is quite bad. DrJOnes, we know you can do much better! :)=
05/15/2006 01:52:12 PM
very cool shot, congrats!
05/15/2006 01:51:23 PM
Very good shot for this challenge. Congratulations!
05/15/2006 01:33:59 PM
Congratulations, great shot!
05/15/2006 01:13:28 PM
Martin, congratulations! I'm very glad for your ribbon, and glad you're back here. Great work you do.

PS - I would have never thought of glasses looking so good on a girl's face.

Message edited by author 2006-05-15 13:14:02.
05/15/2006 12:40:48 PM
unbelievable ... perfect reproduction!

Originally posted by klstover:

Oh wow - everybody check out the other photos on the SiN Episodes website - really amazing!
05/15/2006 12:17:48 PM
Oh wow - everybody check out the other photos on the SiN Episodes website - really amazing!
05/15/2006 11:45:17 AM
I knew it was you!! .. excelent!

Message edited by author 2006-05-15 11:45:34.
05/15/2006 11:18:46 AM
Another supper cool shot by the Dr. Congrats on the top 3 finish...your work is awesome!
05/15/2006 11:02:12 AM
Well done as always Martin...

I am sure you are pretty happy about the lack of 1's and 2's this time around.. Controversial or not, people don't seem to be quite so edgy about seeing latex these days?
05/15/2006 10:09:08 AM
Thank all!!!

To answer the question that's been asked a few times, the model on the left side is called Cindy Synnett. She is a journalist (not a professional model) and she has her blog & tv show at www.branchez-vous.tv
05/15/2006 10:06:11 AM
Congratulations on your ribbon. Very slick image. Certainly screams video game to me.
05/15/2006 09:46:35 AM
This just SCREAMS video game to me! IMO the background could have been a little bit more interesting. Was the intent to crop the girls out for a different background? Congrats on the ribbon. Well diserved!
05/15/2006 09:00:57 AM
Good to see you back Martin and what a comeback performance wow!
05/15/2006 08:01:41 AM
U de Man mista Dude! :-D Big Congrats!
05/15/2006 07:03:50 AM
Wow ... this is great ... congrats

Message edited by author 2006-05-17 02:27:37.
05/15/2006 06:18:40 AM
Top shot. The girls, the costumes and the lighting, all great.
05/15/2006 05:11:12 AM
Nicely done.Congrats for the red!
05/15/2006 04:25:31 AM
Well done on your ribbon...great shot and excellent movie poster
05/15/2006 04:18:20 AM
Well done - Those girls are HOT!!!
05/15/2006 04:07:19 AM
Congrats on another outstanding shot. Love the vibrant colours & aggressive poses of the models.
05/15/2006 03:57:24 AM
Hard to believe that these are REAL girls... :)
05/15/2006 02:04:24 AM
congrats DrJOnes! We're all glad to know Bianca was wearing a wig.
05/15/2006 01:58:10 AM
Ahhh....Sin Episodes. Isn't that the new Steam based game for HL?? Great work! Excelent photo! Well done on the placing!
05/15/2006 12:56:20 AM
Sweet game, sweet pic. Nice finish!
05/15/2006 12:47:37 AM
Great shot. Congrats on the red.
05/15/2006 12:30:10 AM
This is Gorgeous, Martin!
05/15/2006 12:21:36 AM
Somehow I knew this was YOUR work! Great shot and well deserved ribbon!
05/15/2006 12:20:32 AM
Congrats. Hard not to see this one do well. :)
05/15/2006 12:17:33 AM
WAY more clothes than we're used to seeing! Welcome back, and congrats on ribbon.
05/15/2006 12:13:41 AM
Dr.Jones! Yer baaaaaack! :D
05/15/2006 12:12:05 AM
congrats man.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/14/2006 08:50:09 PM
well photographed in every sense.
05/14/2006 08:39:21 PM
Nicely posed and executed.
05/14/2006 07:10:08 PM
I think this image is really cool and certainly would work. The only drawback for me is the grey background which looks a bit dull when compared to the great highlights in the models... Nice job
05/14/2006 12:06:24 PM
DrJones! All your photographs are very well done and this is no exception
05/14/2006 11:01:54 AM
That's pretty awesome, and the most movie-posterish I've seen yet. A small grumble from a small man: wish the background were black and subtley highlighted instead of the reverse. Top score though.
05/14/2006 12:47:48 AM
Great job on the lighting. The models are lovely and their attire is very interesting adding a dramatic effect.
05/13/2006 08:14:57 PM
Gee she looks like she's about to explode from the tight confines of her costume ;) Loks like a Dr.Jones but not quite ;) Good luck!
05/13/2006 03:32:32 PM
LOL...Lemme guess a Roger Corman film? Very nicely done! Great for challenge though would be better with a little more room at top for title of film...
05/13/2006 09:29:41 AM
This definitely looks like a movie poster. I have the same yellow pants.
05/13/2006 06:07:06 AM
05/13/2006 06:04:06 AM
Exceptional work! This is as clear as a computer generated rendering. Perfect setup and proffessional lighting. Good luck with the challenge
05/12/2006 08:13:57 PM
A very effective movie poster like image with beautiful colors. i would have eliminated the glasses to stau more in line with the deadly theme. Bump.
05/12/2006 07:10:02 PM
Very anime! I like it!
05/12/2006 06:53:55 PM
05/12/2006 06:47:49 PM
Nice, but wish you had not chopped the arms off.
05/12/2006 03:10:19 PM
All around great shot. Now did you shoot the picture for the title or did the title come after the picture?
05/11/2006 11:28:48 PM
05/11/2006 08:06:31 PM
Straight-forward studio vibe in the Power Rnagers vein. This wouldn't draw me to the film, but your photography is sound, if missing the main point perhaps.
05/11/2006 04:14:47 PM
I'll be rentingthis one out of the video shop. This would really make a great billboard size poster for some future kick ass babe movie. 10 great work.
05/11/2006 11:25:50 AM
Wow, awesome props/models.

Ok, I guess this is from E3? Did you do some sort of work from them, this can't just be from the show, right??
05/10/2006 07:12:40 AM
Is someone a professional photographer :) ? ... I've never seen anything quite like this that wasn't very adult-oriented :) (ie. NC17) ... nice --- i think the background would be more telling on a poster though. 8
05/09/2006 01:37:56 PM
They would never have to "line the sight!" I'm already a "goner!"
05/09/2006 01:05:21 PM
DrJOnes I presume. Where did that pretty red hair go? I like the movie poster feel. 8
05/09/2006 09:38:22 AM
OMG wow amazing beautiful awesome shiny enticing ecclectic arousing emotive terrific!!!
05/09/2006 06:50:25 AM
Hmm latex/leather... Dr Jones?
05/09/2006 06:04:47 AM
Good shot. They almost look like dolls. Perfect clothing and nice props. Would have loved it more if you used more space around their arms.
05/09/2006 05:10:16 AM
Pretty wild, but cool, those outfits!!!!!!!!!!
05/09/2006 01:47:05 AM
This will do well with the guys...is that gun from Halo?
05/09/2006 12:09:05 AM
I really like this except for the background ..which is too light .. and plain. I would love it against a brick wall type effect.
05/08/2006 08:38:50 PM
Looks like a Dr. Jones latex fetish photo. I like it. (10)
05/08/2006 07:54:59 PM
A live action anime film! That explains the poorly translated title. It makes perfect sense in Japanese. I like it. I'll go see it if it's rated R.
05/08/2006 05:18:35 PM
Sin Episodes..... can't wait to try this game
05/08/2006 04:15:33 PM
This has something from Masamune Shirow's 'Intron Depot' series. It would only need a different (more colorful) background for that. Lighting and colors of this is great.
05/08/2006 03:02:08 PM
ha ha ... great shot .. love the costumes and the poses .. well done
05/08/2006 01:46:11 PM
Very nice. the specs are a nice touch
05/08/2006 09:03:50 AM
stunning, except for the crop of arms...
05/08/2006 05:30:12 AM
05/08/2006 04:15:47 AM
05/08/2006 03:02:04 AM
Haha... Sex sure sells!
05/08/2006 02:42:49 AM
this is a winner... not for the size of the boobs but the amount of work involved.
05/08/2006 01:17:30 AM
Where's Lara Croft???

Pretty damn smart!!! I'd work on the background to really make it white. Love the costumes.
05/08/2006 01:11:48 AM
Isn't this just another gratuitious cleavage shot! Love it- 10
05/08/2006 12:49:40 AM
Dr. Jones is back? :-D

Character's any scifi geek would loose himself over

Brilliant studio work, sir

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