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..., 15,16,17, ...
2nd Place..., 15,16,17, ...

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Empty Room (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Nikon D70s
Lens: Nikon AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 18-70mm f/3.5-4.5G IF-ED
Location: NJ, USA
Date: Jun 4, 2006
Aperture: f/5.6
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/8
Galleries: Portraiture, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Jun 4, 2006

Playing hide and seek.

Post processing:
- RAW conversion
- B&W conversion (de-saturation)
- Noise reduction
- Slight sharpening (USM)
- Levels adjustment (increase contrast)
- Selective levels adjustment for floor
- Framed
- JPEG conversion


Thanks all for the fantastic comments and the red ribbon. This shot took several tries to get, but it was worth it. In the end I was surprised how cooperative the subject was.

The original intent was a game of hide-and-seek, but my wife saw time-out in the corner when she first saw it. Just goes to show how subject photography can be to a viewer.

Place: 2 out of 114
Avg (all users): 6.8130
Avg (commenters): 8.3409
Avg (participants): 6.1944
Avg (non-participants): 7.0474
Views since voting: 16890
Views during voting: 542
Votes: 262
Comments: 89
Favorites: 56 (view)

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10/15/2008 02:01:35 PM
omg so cute!!!! :)
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09/03/2008 11:21:52 PM
So so emotive, and so so awesome..... Now a favorite where it belongs.....
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09/03/2008 11:07:41 PM
Oh wow James.. so beautiful.. I have to be honest though I thought of time out when I saw it.. emotional image if it is interperted in that way...
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01/03/2008 02:01:46 PM
Awesome shot, really love the feel to it, great high key shot, love the tones as well, very nicely done
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03/04/2007 01:19:32 PM
I just saw this for the first time. She is soooo... cute. Wonderful photo, not surprised it won a ribbon.
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02/15/2007 03:33:31 PM
so completely wonderful. i love the simplicity, and your use of space is fantastic.
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12/29/2006 07:34:44 AM
fantastic shot; simplistic and expressionist, it whispers and screams. quite nice.
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09/25/2006 11:54:24 AM
This is an absolute beauty! composed to perfection
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08/30/2006 03:10:27 PM
She is just too damn cute!!!
06/23/2006 01:18:58 PM
i really like this photograph, the emotion and atmosphere of it are simply amazing in something so simple. excellent work.
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06/20/2006 12:55:33 AM
love it!!!
congrats on the ribbon. :)
06/18/2006 01:46:11 AM
A very strong image that delivers its story with untold emotions. Congratulations on your Red.
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06/15/2006 03:09:42 PM
Congrats! I love your picture, it reminds me my childhood.
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06/15/2006 11:46:07 AM
Congratulations on taking a ribbon in this challenge with this wonderful entry! One of my ribbon picks in this challenge, it is well comosed and executed and an adorable story telling image which I interpretted as a time out (maybe cuz I had so many at that age), but equally as charming as hide and go seek. Wonderful, talented and creative work!
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06/14/2006 06:59:57 AM
This was my favourite of the challenge.
Really excellent photo.
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06/13/2006 03:42:54 PM
adorable! congratulations
06/12/2006 06:00:31 PM
Great work, Sherwin! Congrats on your ribbon!
06/12/2006 05:56:28 PM
Congrats. This is a truely amazing shot. I wish I had voted this challenge just give you a well deserved 10.
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06/12/2006 04:58:06 PM
Congratulations on your ribbon! This is a great shot, but I can´t see people as a thing though.
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06/12/2006 04:11:49 PM
Sherwin!!! Wow! Way to come on board and trounce all over everybody :) I thought this one was Lesley Goodman's (that's a compliment).

YOU are aMAZING!!!!! Ever thought of doing a photography coffee table book??? Sign me up for a copy if you do!


P.S. I thought she was in time out too. And that made her even more endearing to me than ever :)

Message edited by author 2006-06-12 16:13:04.
06/12/2006 12:21:08 PM
Great shot, congrats on your ribbon !
06/12/2006 12:05:05 PM
I thought this was yours! You're on a tear lately! Congratulations on a truly adorable shot and a winning image. Another well-deserved ribbon.
06/12/2006 11:55:50 AM
when i saw picture...i thought...all things are not simply "black and white"... An astonishing picture that I really like and appreciate!!! great work and congrats on ribbon :-)
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06/12/2006 10:50:50 AM
hahaha..this is so cute. I thought she was standing in the corner for a punishment. Good way to get them to count.

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06/12/2006 10:28:58 AM
love it, just love it. I remember when I use to play as a child.
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06/12/2006 08:37:52 AM
Glad this one ribboned. Was one of my favorites of the challenge. Great use of space and contrast. Shadows lack a bit of detail, but not bad. :)
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06/12/2006 08:32:28 AM
Nice work, great result....
06/12/2006 06:59:18 AM
A beautiful photograph. Looks like we'll have to start hiding the ribbons from you.
06/12/2006 04:55:54 AM
two ribbons in a couple of challenges...well done, you are on a roll, keep going like this and you'll catch Kiwiness and the likes...love this shot, it was one of my favourites...i thought it might have been a Lesley Goodman shot, but no, it was a SherwinJames shot...great work
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06/12/2006 03:49:20 AM
Hey there from the Critique Club

I am deviating from my normal critique style a bit because you pleased the voters enough to score a ribbon. It looks like you are on a roll here lately, and the ribbons keep coming. The only thing I'd like to see different in this image would be a little less exposure. It provides a nice high-key feel, but it is just a little to strong for my personal taste. You did a great job in meeting the challenge. Congrats on another ribbon. Very nice work.

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06/12/2006 12:54:14 AM
This is soooo cute. Love it! Congratulations!
06/12/2006 12:46:40 AM

Message edited by author 2008-03-27 00:32:54.
06/12/2006 12:40:52 AM
Congratulations. This is a truly beautiful and warm photo.
06/12/2006 12:40:37 AM
Sherwin, this is another exceptional shot. Huge congrats on your red ribbon.
06/12/2006 12:29:34 AM
completely adorable! congrats on your ribbon :)
06/12/2006 12:25:51 AM
Nice shot. You're off to a good start at DPC.
06/12/2006 12:19:47 AM

Message edited by author 2007-06-19 16:22:35.
06/12/2006 12:17:34 AM
Great image, congrats.
06/12/2006 12:05:44 AM
Wow you are on fire! Great shot, perfect for the theme. Many congrats on another ribbon!
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06/12/2006 12:04:30 AM
Look at you!! Ribbon time. CONGRATS - probably my fav.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/11/2006 11:33:36 PM
Cute. Little bit too much contrast here for my taste. I would like to see a little bit more space above the girl's head.
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06/11/2006 11:32:04 PM
ah the games of childhood. You captured the moment very well.
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06/11/2006 11:29:00 PM
Very nicely done 9

Bump to a 10
06/11/2006 11:21:18 PM
Nice. Yes another lonely and sad person, hope she finds some of her friends in the hide and seek. I like the contrast and shades.
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06/11/2006 07:48:15 PM
06/11/2006 04:44:07 PM
Voted already now coming back to comment.

I have a feeling I know who's this is...

With that said, LOVE IT! Compostion, processing, perspective...all tops. I am not sure if she is in a "time out" or if she is playing "hide and seek", either way very creative.
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06/11/2006 05:32:19 AM
You're counting too fast! *runs, hides* LOL
06/11/2006 02:55:03 AM
Awesome shot and great title! You get a ten!
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06/10/2006 11:37:36 PM
I love it, it has an emotional feeling to it, no other picture does. A 10 from me!
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06/10/2006 11:22:12 PM
Time Out or Hide and Seek? Nicely done.
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06/10/2006 08:14:03 AM
Wonderful idea and well done. 10 from me.
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06/09/2006 08:00:54 PM
A nice shot with a brilliant title.
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06/09/2006 08:09:03 AM
Oh....this is soo cute.
06/09/2006 12:50:11 AM
I like how the floor lines and the lines of the moulding all lead the eyes to the girl in the corner. Even when I first looked at it and got the impression of her having to stand in the corner for being bad, I still had to smile at it. Then I saw your title and realized she was counting, which made it better. The only nit is I think you cropped it to close to her head. I think a little more room would have been better. Still an excellent job.
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06/08/2006 10:12:30 PM
One of the rare photos in this challenge that combines a sense of the empty room with good composition and an actual REASON for something to be there. Bonus points for not stating the obvious in the title and letting the viewer imagine the story. I prefer a bit more shadow detail, and a wider angle would help, but still one of the best this week. 9
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06/08/2006 09:01:37 PM
My top 3. Great use of negative space.
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06/08/2006 07:06:32 PM
Back to bump you up. One of my favorites and a clear ribbon winner in my opinion. Good choice on the light, color, and composition. Very well done.
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06/08/2006 08:48:25 AM
I know her pain
06/08/2006 02:40:35 AM
Nice effort. But IMHO the head of the girl is so close to the top of the frame. Of course I noticed the nice detail at the bottom-left, but I think it's still close :)
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06/08/2006 12:29:22 AM
So sweeeet!Love the black & white and it being off-centered.
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06/07/2006 07:44:01 PM
I have this picked as my winner. Great shot, great post processing. Hopefully she will look back in years to come and know that her suffering got you a virtual ribbon (for what thats worth). Well done and good luck. Bumping up.
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06/07/2006 05:59:22 PM
Great idea. I think this may be getting DNMC comments because it is a person, but not from me. I hope this does well. Only change I would make is to the title - "...98,99,100..."
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06/07/2006 05:54:31 PM
cute title, good idea, well composed
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06/07/2006 09:15:01 AM
the best. 10.
06/06/2006 10:10:46 PM
Very cute. Trying to decide whether more detail on the floor or walls would help here but I think you got it just right.
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06/06/2006 09:24:35 PM
Very sweet!

It's hard to feel the emptiness of the room because such a small part of it is shown.
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06/06/2006 07:57:28 PM
I wish I could see more of the empty room.
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06/06/2006 07:19:39 PM
This looks like a little girl that I've seen a close-up of (one with great inquisitive eyes). This is adorable and very well done.
06/06/2006 08:55:59 AM
Wonderful. What an amazing shot.
06/06/2006 06:49:23 AM
very nice.
06/06/2006 12:08:01 AM
oooo way to cute!!! love it! 10
06/05/2006 11:35:35 PM
Awwwwwwwww. . . .Ok. ..this is my new favorite in this challenge. There have been a few that I really loved, but this one is it! I wish I could give it a 20! The sentiment conveyed is so strong. I just want to hug that little girl who probably just misbehaved in some way :) 10!!
06/05/2006 11:07:02 PM
Very sweet picture. Nice job.
06/05/2006 10:24:18 PM
lovely pic!
06/05/2006 10:04:46 PM
how cute! 10
06/05/2006 08:24:31 PM
great handling of the hi key tones 7
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06/05/2006 07:00:18 PM
Oh nooo... What did she do? :) Nice composition :)
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06/05/2006 04:51:52 PM
Adorable image. Great title. One of my favorites of the challenge so far.
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06/05/2006 04:25:54 PM
Beautiful shot!!! It's the greatest idea of all! Beautiful girl and the idea of putting her in the simplest position (playing hide and seek), is the thing that makes this photo one of the greatest of the ones I've seen until now.
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06/05/2006 02:12:09 PM
Wonderful b&w photo.
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06/05/2006 01:03:34 PM
So far my favorite ! This looks wonderful in b/w. The lighting and composition are wonderful ! 10 +
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06/05/2006 09:57:36 AM
been there! wait . . is this hide n seek or a time out? Nice image.
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06/05/2006 09:48:14 AM
beautiful idea, I like the idea for a game instead punishments and sadness. well composed and a good black and white
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06/05/2006 08:26:50 AM
Very cute!
06/05/2006 08:17:33 AM
Ok, this is SPECTACULAR. Love the high key effect. Sherwin, is that you?

Great job - use of negative space just pulls your eye right to her. Bravo 10
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06/05/2006 03:04:13 AM
I love this...I am taking a guess: lesley goodman!

This is excellent and simple and meets the challenge well
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06/05/2006 01:40:05 AM
That or .. go to the courner!!!!
06/05/2006 12:53:48 AM
that's a neat idea
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06/05/2006 12:52:22 AM

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