DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
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Portfolio Images
Quite Perplexing
1st PlaceQuite Perplexing

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Unrelatedness (Advanced Editing IV)
Collection: Portfolio
Camera: Nikon D70
Location: Field in Newmarket (Across from the Costco)
Date: Oct 1, 2006
Aperture: f 8
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/500
Galleries: Humorous, Landscape
Date Uploaded: Oct 1, 2006

My wife and I brought a mountain bike and our rocking chair as well as a ladder out across the farmers field. I hung the chair and the mountain bike in the tree.(as far as I know, the two are not related) I was a little nervous hanging the items on the branch as this tree is dead and has been for sometime. I was worried that the branch would snap and I along with bike rocking chair and ladder would come crashing to the ground ... now that would be a shot :)

I am the model in the shot. I bought the top hat and coat at our local second hand store. The coat is really nice ($19.00 Canadian) I will be wearing it out this winter.

Hope this does well



What a great week I just had ... 52 10's wow

Thanks to everyone who voted and commented on this shot :)

Post Post

This is awesome !

I never figured that hanging a couple of things in an old tree
would have such a great effect. :)

Thanks for all the great comments and thanks to everyone who has taken this shot as a favorite. What a blast!

I love this site !


Place: 1 out of 134
Avg (all users): 7.7701
Avg (commenters): 9.2632
Avg (participants): 7.2295
Avg (non-participants): 8.0619
Views since voting: 29766
Views during voting: 661
Votes: 174
Comments: 143
Favorites: 180 (view)

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05/02/2010 02:34:15 AM
THis is real clever shot, your a great photographer.
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02/02/2010 03:05:02 PM
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11/25/2009 01:00:24 AM
I have only just discovered your fantastic portfolio and this amazing shot just blows me away. Wow! Favourite for sure.
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01/17/2009 09:45:19 PM
just looking through your scores (yeah, sat night for me). anyhow, you haven't scored under a 6 since feb of 2008. to me that's amazing. and this shot --- i probably already commented on it --- is astonishing.

edit: oh -- and 161 faves -- wow.
162... if i haven't already added it...

Message edited by author 2009-01-17 21:48:53.
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11/16/2008 11:34:10 AM
I was looking thru some old photos and found this so I worked it up a bit...

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12/23/2007 09:50:00 PM
Another ribon well deserved. Congrats
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07/21/2007 03:52:32 PM
Haha How bizarre and beautiful at the same time!! I absolutely love this image... its concept... its execution... Hats off to you.

Best regards,

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06/21/2007 03:25:19 AM
gosh i love this pic
i like to come back and visit it often :)
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02/18/2007 01:00:51 PM
this shot is smazyng u aoorecu=iate thr effoys you took yo se
rt this up
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02/11/2007 09:43:09 PM
Very surreal and Dali-esque in presentation of unrelated items occuping the same space. I love how the gentleman in the black suit and top hat is poised in a perplexed stance like he just did a double take and has now stopped to look. His poise just speaks to me of, "Huh. Well, will you look at that". Wonderfully creative and the sepia tone is perfect for it gives it an aged old time feel.
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12/04/2006 04:24:17 PM
i love this abstract photograph!
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11/19/2006 09:06:00 AM
I just love your work - you are so creative!!!!
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10/15/2006 08:41:31 PM
Critique Club Review:

Technical: Focus, and depth of field are excellent. Brightness and contrast are very well done. I think making this picture black and white put you over the top. I have a hard time imagining this picture looking as good in color.

Reaction: Perhaps this picture says unreal more than unrelated. The coat and hat adds to the whole matter here. The feel reminds me of something out of the 60's maybe around the time of the Beatles. I could see this as an album cover for some phychedelic music. It has a very British look and feel to it, though from your bio I believe you are in Canada. Commonwealth eh?

Though playing the game how are these two alike, you sit on both. I find the whole much more than the sum of the parts.

Everything worked here. The frame created by the tree, the angle of the chair, the costume, the bicycle, all of it.

Congratulations on a well deserved firt place.

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10/15/2006 04:01:00 PM
(Horray for newmarket! I'm from there too!)
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10/15/2006 08:53:34 AM
Pretty much a perfect picture. I'm kind of sad it will be leaving the home page after just a week, since I quite enjoy coming back to look at it. (Nice bike, too!)
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10/13/2006 03:51:00 AM
As I was faving this I just noticed this and your angel photo which uses the same tree both have 99 favs. Seems only fitting.
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10/12/2006 07:17:26 PM
This has a sort of Rodney Smith feel. Loved it.
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10/12/2006 06:40:09 AM
Very nice composition and a well done shot all around - :O_O:
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10/11/2006 10:19:52 PM
This is great Cole. Congrats on your ribbon.
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10/11/2006 10:58:30 AM
i think the title just completes the aceness of this image... adds the extra zing to an already frantastically articulated image!
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10/11/2006 08:10:38 AM
Congrats!! This is simply fabulous!
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10/10/2006 10:56:46 PM
Very, *VERY* well done! Bravo!!!
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10/10/2006 09:11:22 PM
Heh heh, things caught up in trees seem to do you well! Congrats on the blue! I still want a print of the original...

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10/10/2006 04:25:21 PM
Wonderful image, congrats on your ribbon!
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10/10/2006 03:33:38 PM
dis is really COOL!
i love d way bike n chair seem to be floating amongst d clouds, which are magnificent as well...
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10/10/2006 02:43:51 PM
Simply amazing.
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10/10/2006 02:31:10 PM
this is such a wonderful shot
congratulations on your blue, well done
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10/10/2006 01:52:56 PM
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10/10/2006 12:53:30 PM
Wow, this is really amazing. I love it!
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10/10/2006 07:16:02 AM
I love this. Excellent job you really deserve the blue for this one!!!!
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10/10/2006 03:37:05 AM
i love it. great job!
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10/10/2006 02:55:19 AM
i love the name.
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10/10/2006 01:40:55 AM
a monocle on the guy would be awesome
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10/09/2006 09:38:10 PM
Because of people like you....I can't ribbon in one of these !
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10/09/2006 09:01:39 PM
Way to go!!!! you are so good, love your pics.
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10/09/2006 08:33:20 PM
Very Cool! Congratulation!!
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10/09/2006 05:33:00 PM
Terrific image! Congrats!
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10/09/2006 04:28:57 PM
This is out of this world - stroke of perplexing genius! :) Never quite seen such a voting curve - clear winner on all fronts. Congratulations!
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10/09/2006 03:09:15 PM
this is such a creative shot that i have to be another one to add it to my faves!!!
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10/09/2006 02:16:26 PM
The only 'complaint' I have would be the very recent looking bike. An old bike would be brilliant!
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10/09/2006 02:07:12 PM
Wonderful and very clever.
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10/09/2006 02:02:08 PM
very nice, composition, idea, light, everything. not a surprise to see all those 10s!
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10/09/2006 12:53:08 PM
aww - I was wondering if this might be you when I scrolled through during voting! biggest of congrats to you and your wife on the blue, awesome score, and all those 10's! even the sky was cooperating - it had to be a winner!!! way to go!!!
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10/09/2006 12:38:47 PM
This could be hung at a Red Robbin Resteraunt, or some place like that! Great job.
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10/09/2006 12:27:52 PM
What a great idea and fantastic outcome. Congrats on your well deserved blue ribbon!
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10/09/2006 12:19:09 PM
Whimsical! Congratulations ;)
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10/09/2006 11:46:27 AM
Congrats on ur 1st place, great picture, great shot......Keep it up!!
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10/09/2006 11:28:26 AM
Congratulations on another blue and personal best score. That is quite an achievement, especially considering what you've already accomplished.

Unlike most images these days, the technicals didn't win it for you. What did it is nailing the challenge theme perfectly yet adding supporting elements that nailed the theme as well. You hit the voter twice in one image.

Reviewers could easily identify your two unrelated items, the chair and bicycle. Suspending them in the air was a stroke of genius. It immediate drew attention to them AND added a supporting element of unrelatedness at the same time. Striking the John Steed "Avengers" pose further directed attention to your two main elements and added a second element of supporting unrelatedness. For those remembering that was a quirky show. That fit perfectly, hence a score of 7.7!
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10/09/2006 11:12:16 AM
Fantastic! Congrats on your Blue.
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10/09/2006 10:39:06 AM
Way to go! If ever an image was deserving of 52 10s, this is it! Congratulations on your blue!
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10/09/2006 10:08:54 AM
Tree, chair, bike, man, umbrella = 5 objects...

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10/09/2006 09:03:06 AM
Great pic but I'm one of those who found there to be more than the "two and only two objects in the picture" thus it doesn't meet the challenge rules. I think it has to do with the model holding an umbrella and his positioning which draws your attention to him (object #1) and then you see the bike (object 2) and the chair (object 3) so it didn't fit the challenge as stated.

But, give credit where credit is due and I will certainly say again that this is a fantastic photo.
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10/09/2006 08:55:44 AM
Never has a blue ribbon been more deserved! Gosh you are good at these kinds of shots! And yes. You should put out a calendar. :) Congratulations!!!!!
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10/09/2006 08:20:24 AM
you should really be thinking about putting out a calendar...

as ever, awesome work, cole!
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10/09/2006 08:06:44 AM
great creative - congrats on your blue
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10/09/2006 07:57:43 AM
WOW, Didn't vote but you sure would have had one of those 10s from me too!
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10/09/2006 07:45:05 AM
Congratulations friend, deserved in every way!
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10/09/2006 07:29:48 AM
Hey, this tree looks familiar ;) Great job! Congrats on the blue!
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10/09/2006 06:58:47 AM
52 10 :o) wow... well deserved - congrats on your 1rst place with this awesome picture.
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10/09/2006 06:41:18 AM
Congrat´s, thought that tree looked familiar when I saw it on the front page :)
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10/09/2006 04:55:50 AM
This is so stunning and perplexing. Great shot, well deserved ribbon, way to go Canada !
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10/09/2006 04:22:14 AM
Its a DPC Fact. Coley is the master of props in trees! Amazing shot and score my friend. Wow, congratulations on an amazing blue ribbon shot and new PB.
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10/09/2006 03:43:21 AM
This is absolutely STUNNING! - Well donw, I can't think of a better shot to get 52 '10's'!
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10/09/2006 03:08:15 AM
Congrats, Cole, to another well deserved ribbon!
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10/09/2006 03:05:30 AM
You know .. I reckon its the same farmers field and he actually likes your family :)
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10/09/2006 03:01:30 AM
LOL, I just realized that is the same tree from that photo posted earlier. I'm guessing that's a ribbon tree right? :P
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10/09/2006 02:20:05 AM
This is so good..
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10/09/2006 02:04:01 AM
hey Cole...you are soooooo good at this stuff! 52x10's is awesome man! 7.7701 is a great score

That tree has really come in handy...congrats on the blue ribbon
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10/09/2006 01:42:55 AM
I didnt get a chance to vote on this one.. but your image was one of my absolute fav's... everything in the image flows even tho its not related ;)

beautiful idea and a big congratulations on your Blue :) !!!
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10/09/2006 01:33:12 AM
Is this the same tree as:


Nice image here. I love it! Congratulations!
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10/09/2006 01:28:04 AM
enchanting! one of my new faves on DPC! congrats on the well deserved blue. :)
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10/09/2006 01:21:12 AM
what did i tell you!! congrats man
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10/09/2006 01:17:36 AM
My breath has been taken away. Stunning.
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10/09/2006 01:11:03 AM
That's just outstanding! I'm SO glad there was no serious "more than two objects" backlash; this is such an excellent image, and WHAT a score histogram! Nearly twice as many 10's as any other score. Congratulations!
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10/09/2006 12:55:20 AM
Outstanding...this was my top pick for the challenge.
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10/09/2006 12:49:38 AM
This is just amazing!! Wow ~ a well deserved blue!! Congrats!!
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10/09/2006 12:43:22 AM
9.2632 average from the commenters? Unreal. Congrats.
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10/09/2006 12:33:35 AM
This is just great, fantastic colour tone. Congratulations on the blue.
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10/09/2006 12:28:13 AM
It's a great photo. Why it was entered in a 2 object challenge instead of the free study, god knows. Grats on the ribbon.
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10/09/2006 12:24:33 AM
Cole, this is such an amazing photo!
I like that "old" feeling stemming from the colours (lack of) and the guy's clothes. Amazing.
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10/09/2006 12:23:02 AM
WOW! Great imagery! I really really love this photo...

Added to favs..
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10/09/2006 12:19:30 AM
Which of the numerous objects in this photo are supposedly unrelated?
BTW, superb photo!
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10/09/2006 12:17:44 AM
I knew this one belonged to you Cole. Nice work and congrats on the top spot!
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10/09/2006 12:16:09 AM
This was a challenge I couldn't bear to vote on. So if I had come to this one, I'd see it is a superb surrealistic photo, but does it meet the challenge as set? I guess so, and the result speaks for itself. Congratulations. Will promptly add to faves. ;>þ
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10/09/2006 12:12:44 AM
This is Great...Congrats.
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10/09/2006 12:11:39 AM
I should have known that was you!! BRAVO I am so pleased for you. Excellent.
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10/09/2006 12:09:56 AM
very nice image !!! LOVE the colour tone...congrats!
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10/09/2006 12:09:53 AM
I can not express just how happy I am that this image by illustrious photographer Coley has captured the Blue Ribbon. The thread about those counting objects because the challenge called for only two objects worried me. In that thread I even posted about the age old employment of artist planting an observer to relate to the viewer.

Well, this image is so grand and such an artistic study with even a tree! All I can say is congratulations first to Coley and then to you all wise voters.
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10/09/2006 12:07:36 AM
I'm confused by the comments that missed the two objects... yes there are other objects here, but only TWO are unrelated and the main focal point of the photo...

Congrats on the blue! I knew it when I saw it.
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10/09/2006 12:06:44 AM
Congrats! This is fabulous!
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10/09/2006 12:06:05 AM
An excellently creative shot in a very tough challenge. 52 10s!!!! That is awesome indeed!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/08/2006 11:47:53 PM
This is great fun and I see it as a tribute to Magritte. 8
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10/08/2006 11:06:06 PM
One of my favorites for the challenge. Nicely composed.
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10/08/2006 10:30:17 PM
nice picture...for sure gets the number 1 spot, i would bet my life on it...
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10/08/2006 10:21:06 PM
Dental floss? Or fishing line? Interesting photo. I like th emodel in it but it would have also been good without.
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10/08/2006 10:00:01 PM
How very surreal. I love it, should be in the top 3!
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10/08/2006 04:55:21 AM
Great shot. I really hope it ribbons. 10
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10/08/2006 02:00:05 AM
I presume you're gonna get murdered on tree + man + chair + bike = four objects int his scene, but I hope not. This is a wonderful picture :-)
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10/08/2006 12:23:19 AM
I LOVE this
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10/07/2006 01:44:54 AM
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10/06/2006 11:17:06 PM
I would like to give you a 20 !! 10
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10/06/2006 04:48:46 PM
Surely there's that tree again ;-) Rene Magritte style this time. Great entertaining creativity. Nice tint too. 10. (That must be steel fishing line you're using these days!)
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10/06/2006 02:48:38 PM
I really like the idea. I wonder if it would have been even more effective with an old-school bike instead of a modern one.
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10/06/2006 12:14:58 PM
Tres bien! Not counting against you for the person, since this is such a fun, whimsical shot. Nicely done.
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10/06/2006 11:53:35 AM
First thought was 1,2,3, DNMC - but I won't vote it too low, because at second sight I see a man watching two unrelated objects. Very clever idea, excellently executed. Only thing bothering me is the unusual aspect ratio, had left a little more space at right side. 8
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10/05/2006 10:27:36 PM
I hope the literal "TWO OBJECTS" folly folks are not killing this wonderful ushed 1 in my vote to compensate from these folks. Good luck.
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10/05/2006 09:57:22 PM
Has the dnmc police visited this image? Well, this is by far the very best image in this challenge. The main objects are the bike and rocking chair. The well attired gentlemen is like the counter ego of the onlooker, so while prominent, he does not count for he is my eyes. The tree serves to support the main object. Bumping to TEN to offset the object counters and those that fail to see beauty both in composition and execution. Somehow, this reminds me of a Coley image. If not please take it as a compliment. 10
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10/05/2006 08:29:06 PM
Very cool shot. I really like it. Great concept. Good compisition. Great job on the edit. This has just really, really great tonal range. Nice.
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10/05/2006 07:32:02 PM
oh my, this is beautiful!
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10/05/2006 12:19:08 AM
I assume either suspended from the limb or thrown. Nice work either way. A ribbon coming your way....I hope.


Message edited by author 2006-10-11 04:22:54.
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10/04/2006 10:49:37 PM
Blue ribbon
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10/04/2006 10:38:58 PM
Sooo Coool!!!
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10/04/2006 04:13:37 AM
Superbly done, a ribbon I think!
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10/03/2006 10:53:16 PM
Well yes...now here is an interesting story. Absurdity at it's finest...bravo!

Just revisiting....truly one of the very best of the challenge.
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10/03/2006 07:31:04 PM
You obviously spent some time on this one. Very nice job. The clouds really add to it.
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10/03/2006 05:46:43 PM
The stormie sky really adds to the perplexity ...... I love it'
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10/03/2006 05:46:36 PM
Brilliant, blue ribbon right here!!
TEN !!!!
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10/03/2006 05:25:42 PM
brilliant! it this doesnt win blue i'll be astonished.
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10/03/2006 05:15:44 PM
ok, for me is the better. 2 object+ 1 man(but perhaps is a woman....)+ 1 tree.......the tree is background but the man is SUBJECT with the chair and the cycle.....(2 objects and 1 subject?)10! great the composition and the tones. :)
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10/03/2006 04:17:09 PM
Excellent one of the best
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10/03/2006 11:11:54 AM
Surreal!! Thumbs up for you! :)
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10/03/2006 10:26:17 AM
excellent creative - closer crop so I can't see the branch it's handing from and you've got a 10! Great tone range, love this
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10/03/2006 09:42:35 AM
It reminds me of something surreal by Dali or Magritte - clever idea. I also like the tonal range throughout the picture. :)
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10/03/2006 09:26:19 AM
This is a winner ! Wonderful outside the box photo with perfect composition. The clouds really add to this shot. SUPERB! 10
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10/03/2006 07:53:46 AM
Amazing work. This is a perfect 10.
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10/03/2006 04:55:05 AM
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10/02/2006 10:36:24 PM
Oh, this is utterly brilliant!
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10/02/2006 10:24:19 PM
WOW!!! Absolutely Stunning!!!! Very creative and well executed!! My top pick - Excellent!!!
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10/02/2006 09:18:29 PM
"You're traveling to another dimension. A dimension of time and space. A dimension of sight and mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance. You've just crossed over into.. 'The Twilite Zone' "

Excellent shot :) Quite perplexing, not too often does one come across a floating rocking chair & mountain bike.
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10/02/2006 05:55:21 PM
It's a great photo except that a chair and a bicycle are both sat upon.
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10/02/2006 02:14:19 PM
more than two objects which make this photo not reach the challenge sorry
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10/02/2006 01:19:44 PM
I love the whimsy. I also enjoy the narrative nature of the photo - something that is frequently lacking in eye-candy photos. Very nice.
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10/02/2006 12:05:08 PM
I guess you get a lot of comments complaining about the "exactly two objects" in the challenge description. But I think your photo fits the challenge very well, because your main subject are only two objects. Congrats on this funny and technically perfect shot and thanks for sharing! Please write some words about the "how to" into the details. I'm sure the objects are strapped to the tree, but somehow it doesn't look like that. Very clever ;-)
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10/02/2006 11:48:58 AM
this is very cool. while i usually love B&W, i think this photo would have been more impactful if there was color in the sky. i am still very impressed, 10.
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10/02/2006 10:10:19 AM
one of too best pics in this challenge. Love the old feeling of this one, (though the bike stands out as it is quite modern).
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10/02/2006 09:27:11 AM
Great photo but the challenge rules said "exactly two objects".
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10/02/2006 07:03:19 AM
I'm a bit confused: "Gather exactly two objects..." I see some more here. So I don't know what relation you want to show. Anyway: your shot is great! Lighting and composition are excellent.
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10/02/2006 12:39:31 AM
Simply beautiful!
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10/02/2006 12:34:00 AM
superb, creative, quirky, great as a sepia, well done, has to be a 10 from me, good luck
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10/02/2006 12:31:48 AM
Oh my, this is brilliant. It's like if Magritte and Dahli did something together. Love it. 10
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10/02/2006 12:24:51 AM
This picture is wonderful. Great Job!!
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10/02/2006 12:17:21 AM
8.. likely a ribbon IMO
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10/02/2006 12:13:46 AM
I've seen enough, this is the blue one.
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