Author | Thread |
10/24/2003 12:26:53 AM |
Congrats on your first ribbon. Way to go! |
10/23/2003 08:52:31 PM |
Originally posted by carsten: Congrats to your first ribbon! I don´t think I like the food but I sure like your photo. |
You can stuff them with anything.. Crawfish, chilled sauted beef,, you name it.
Very versitile..
Thanks |
10/23/2003 07:26:09 PM |
Congrats on your win , awesome shot. |
10/23/2003 12:21:36 PM |
Congrats to your first ribbon! I don´t think I like the food but I sure like your photo. |
10/23/2003 11:14:06 AM |
Congrats! A wonderful shot and a well deserved win! |
10/23/2003 11:12:53 AM |
Grats on the ribbon. Well done |
10/23/2003 10:39:31 AM |
Congrats on winning. I didn't have time to vote, but you won my #1 spot! I knew an Asian inspired dish would win. Their recipes are an artform.
Just curious, I tried a recipe like this once (and I love Asian foods of all varieties) and when I tasted it, it came out inedible. I am a good cook and so since that time I have shyed away from rice paper recipes like this. I made a shrimp rice paper roll with cilantro, shrimp and something else. Does this have nice flavor? |
10/23/2003 09:03:48 AM |
Congrats on the win - food sounds good and great layout. |
10/23/2003 08:18:28 AM |
Thank you all..
I really worked hard on this shot. And since it combined my two main passions cookery and photography, I had a wonderful time. |
10/23/2003 08:06:37 AM |
my top pick for this challenge...congrats on your first ribbon! |
10/23/2003 07:09:12 AM |
Congrats on your first ribbon. |
10/23/2003 06:22:54 AM |
Congrats! I rated you high and you did well. Glad to see no 1's 2's or 3's. |
10/23/2003 05:46:25 AM |
Sorry I didn't comment on this photo during the challenge, but I thought you should know this was the only photo I gave a 10 to. I loved the shot, which was heads and shoulders above the rest. Congrats on the ribbon! |
10/23/2003 01:41:30 AM |
I gave you one of my 10's, and was right :-)
10/23/2003 01:13:59 AM |
Excellent, love the way the white blends into the white background. Very well deserved ribbon :) |
10/23/2003 12:36:55 AM |
Originally posted by faidoi: I think this might make up for the DQ. Excellent shot.You should open your own restaurant. |
It does,,
and been there, done that.. sort of.
I used to do in home caterings on the side for some years. |
10/23/2003 12:34:37 AM |
I think this might make up for the DQ. Excellent shot.You should open your own restaurant. |
10/23/2003 12:30:57 AM |
thanks,,, yahoo!
would ya believe it? and after my fiasco w/ the light challenge this is a very welcome finish.
I really appreciate all the great comments from every one.
10/23/2003 12:28:38 AM |
Very nice, JC! Congrats on the ribbon! |
10/23/2003 12:12:18 AM |
First ribbon for ya and it's a Blue one!!! Awesome job! |
10/23/2003 12:06:35 AM |
Congratulations JC looks like it was taken straight from Emeril Live. |
Comments Made During the Challenge  |
10/22/2003 10:03:19 PM |
Great composition. The spring rolls are nicely framed by the garnishes and chopsticks. |
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10/22/2003 07:18:39 PM |
Dynamic shot with nice design elements. Composition could be tighter, cropping closer to top of chopsticks. Flat lighting removes some of the appetising features of the subject. [6] |
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10/22/2003 06:06:49 PM |
lovely composition. everything seems to fall into place just right, however I wish that I could see some differential between the back of the plate and the white background. |
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10/22/2003 03:49:06 PM |
love the high key lighting and the colors are wonderful. good work! |
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10/22/2003 02:59:27 PM |
Excellent food styling. I like the white plate on white background, but I wish the back edge of the plate was a little more distinct like the other three are. This definitely looks like something you might see in a food magazine or recipe book which utiliizes this "style" of imagery. |
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10/22/2003 02:37:07 AM |
The white background combined with the splash of colour of the food makes you want to eat the photo! Very creative layout, could go into a Recipe Book! Well done! |
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10/21/2003 07:13:30 PM |
Beautiful. The colors are so crisp on the white plate and I like the way the plate blends with the background. 10 |
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10/21/2003 06:03:34 PM |
This looks good! I like the lighting here, and the composition is scrumptious! 9 |
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10/21/2003 11:43:24 AM |
great exposure control, very attractive composition and food styling too. Good entry. |
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10/21/2003 03:17:30 AM |
No doubt, it´s a great picture. I love the composition and the colours are great, too.
For me, this is the best work of this challenge, so ... 10 |
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10/20/2003 07:15:42 AM |
Really nice composition! Looks like the compositions I get to see here in Tokyo, except for the arrangement of the chopsticks, which is very unusual here. ;) |
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10/19/2003 11:34:00 PM |
Awesome presentation and color. |
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10/19/2003 09:41:17 PM |
I would have cropped just a little off the top. Otherwise a very appealing dish and photo. |
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10/19/2003 04:32:03 PM |
how cool is this ..... 10/10 love the colours |
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10/19/2003 01:21:25 PM |
Great colors! Great pic. Only one thing that I found distracting. The platter seemed endless against the background.
Great picture though!!! |
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10/19/2003 10:55:56 AM |
The best of the challenge ! Ready for a ribbon ? 10 |
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10/18/2003 04:51:21 PM |
Wow! Terrific presentation, wonderful colors! Lots of details. Very professional photo. I think you've definitely got a ribbon winner here. Good luck!
Now, will you come cook for me?? :-) |
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10/18/2003 01:41:59 PM |
Beautiful presentation. I love how the rolls are sliced on the diagonal and stacked. Not too sure about the plate disappearing into the bckground, but it didn't distract too much.
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10/18/2003 12:50:59 PM |
yum. was this shot on a tripod? this is the kind of shot that if it's tack sharp it kicks butt. |
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10/18/2003 11:53:02 AM |
Great colour and use of diagonal lines! This one is great! |
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10/18/2003 09:46:30 AM |
Terrific photo! I love the colors with the white background...really makes them jump out. Everything is so clear and crisp. Nice touch adding the chopsticks. I give this one a 10. |
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10/18/2003 12:00:00 AM |
Love the use of colour here |
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10/17/2003 11:54:30 PM |
Interesting composition. I think I would have prefered that either the dish or the background not be white. It seems to blend together too much leaving a large amount of negative space. |
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10/17/2003 09:09:22 PM |
This is a great presentation.........10.... I like the composition....a winner |
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10/17/2003 07:59:28 PM |
Nice high-key effect of the spring rolls against the white tray. My sense of improved composition from the spills shifts back and forth with a feeling that they detract from the photo - the way your vision does with an optical illusion. |
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10/17/2003 05:30:55 PM |
Excellent shot. My 10 for this contest. The subject really pops out at you. Great composition and lighting. 10. |
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10/17/2003 04:36:13 PM |
I love any type of Asian food!!! This one tops the list for me. I could be an ass and score this really low cosidering my score is so high. But im a good sport. I can tell you spent alot of time on this. As did I on mine. I cant wait to see the recipe. The bright white background really pushes this photo in an almost 3-D image. The Black chop-sticks really set a accent to the photo. Great composition, Great lighting, I really dont see anything wrong with this shot. Good Luck. 10 |
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10/17/2003 02:13:59 PM |
great shot, the garnish and the spare asian feel of the composition are very striking |
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10/17/2003 11:16:40 AM |
Looks wonderful, great colors, they really jump off of ther white plate. The only problem I see is the plate melts into the background in the right rear corner and the back edge. MAYBE a background other than white would help. |
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10/17/2003 10:18:58 AM |
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10/17/2003 01:33:25 AM |
Wow very vivid! The colors are marvelous. The setup is crisp and clean. I like the fact that spring rolls for the most part have the lion's share of the focus. Artfully arranged, which increases the interest. The only thing I find off is the white on white look. I think keeping the white plate - so the decor stands out would be good, but a different background. Maybe a red to tie in with the peppers and would still show off the white plate/rolls and the black chopsticks. Otherwise the plate blends too much for my tastes and gets lost. Outstanding all the same. 9 |
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10/17/2003 12:23:11 AM |
Maybe take off a little from the top (crop it). I really like the strong, realistic colors of the food on the pure white dish and background, excellent. The chop sticks also add "strength" to the shot. 8. |
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10/16/2003 10:33:50 PM |
I think you did a really nice job shooting white on white. The chop sticks really stand out nicely, and add to the photo in my opinion. The food it's self looks really discusting. Just not my kind of food, but I won't count that against you. :) The layout is really nice. I like the splash of green to the left, I think it works well with the dark chopsticks. I'm not really sure about the orange spattery stuff around the food, kind of looks unorganized in the midst of the organized setup. I would have given the plate just a slight bit more room on the left, as the plate is not centered enough to be a centered shot, however, not off center enough to create any dramatic angle or anything. Looks like an error. Overall, and nice shot. ~Heather~ |
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10/16/2003 09:39:35 PM |
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10/16/2003 09:31:02 PM |
Even though this is something I would probably never eat in my life time this whole shot just JUMPED out of the monitor at me! I didn't even hesitate when I hit the 10! |
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10/16/2003 05:32:14 PM |
Might have been lighter in the top left corner but in every other apect just a spactecular shot. Love the strong colors v.s. the white background. |
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10/16/2003 04:15:31 PM |
Nice presentation, lovely Black Chop Sticks and crockery but I would have prefered to see more definition in the crockery by the use of perhaps a Navy Blue table cloth or something darker under the plate as it sems to merge too much , apart from that its excellent. |
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10/16/2003 03:06:24 PM |
Really nice shot but i wouldd have liked to see more of a horizon line by seeing the back and right side edge of the plate just a little more shadow .the chopsticks are a bit to jarring. really nice |
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10/16/2003 02:47:20 PM |
I like this a lot but it would have been better if the background or plate where a different colour as there is no definition at the top of the shop. good effort, should do very well |
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10/16/2003 10:07:43 AM |
One of the only ones with a contemporary flare to it. Too bad the plate disappears totally in the background. |
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10/16/2003 10:04:37 AM |
Nice image! Great focus (a little hard to see much detail in the lime though) and DOF! Nice selection of colors. I would have used a slightly different color for plate or background. I'm distracted from the image by trying to find the edge of the plate especially in the background. |
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10/16/2003 10:02:20 AM |
Might not be able to vote. Wanted to leave a note. I really like the cleaness of this, the composition and colors. The missing back edge of the plate is the only thing I don't like. Maybe a different base color would have worked better. I apologize if this is what you intended. |
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10/16/2003 08:51:45 AM |
this looks wonderfully and the presentation is very fine - nice to have the courage to do it all white |
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10/16/2003 08:44:03 AM |
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10/16/2003 08:33:53 AM |
Love the lighting and colors against the white BG. Nice work! |
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10/16/2003 04:49:10 AM |
Great colours - wonderfully vivid and very appealing. Like the use of white plate on white background to really pull focus onto food and nothing else. |
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10/16/2003 03:37:18 AM |
I wish there was more of a distinct line between the top of the plate and the white background. |
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10/16/2003 12:11:45 AM |
Very nicely done... looks VERY good |
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10/16/2003 12:06:53 AM |
I really like how clean this looks. The colors are wonderful and looks very appitizing. vote 10 |
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