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sweeping in the rain
1st Placesweeping in the rain

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Diagonal (Basic Editing)
Collection: 2006
Camera: Nikon D200
Lens: Sigma 105mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro for Nikon
Location: Trail, BC
Date: Nov 26, 2006
Aperture: F2.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/80 sec
Galleries: Abstract, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Nov 26, 2006

- Shot RAW, converted in PSCS2

- cropped and rotated to straighten
- Adjusted levels
- Converted to b/w using channel mixer
- Adjusted contrast/brightness
- Resized, sharpened and neatimage
- Toned just a smidgeon
- Saved for web


Before pressing the shutter. Hmmmm.

I've been making images of these seed pods for a couple years. They are the seed pods of the tragopogon dubius, or Western Salsify, a weed to some :). The original inspiration comes from an image I saw in a magazine (B&W), a lot like my "delicate".

I collected a bunch of them in the Spring, but they keep falling apart. This was the last one, and it is gone now. There's something beautiful to me in things that are ephimeral, that are glorious one moment and disappear the next. Anyway.

I haven't been inspired for challenges lately, but I have been trying to enter something because of the WPL. Diagonal is a good subject to me, I tend to do a lot of images on a diagonal axis. I like the flow of diagonal. Also, I just got the D200 and was trying out the macro lens on it, so I decided to make a few seed shots.

The sweeping motion is intentional. These little seeds look like delicate brooms, or fancy dresses at times. I was trying to get the feeling of sweeping the water off the baldosas early in the morning like they used to do it in Argentina when I was a kid. That's a very diagonal kind of activity, everything moves sideways and at an angle, brooms, water, people.

The image isn't natural at all - it's totally set up. By a window, white Bristol board on the table, a lamp to the right (light from outside is dim this time of the year). The water is sprayed on. This is the 6th or 7th frame. I made a few more afterwards, but none was as good as this one. This is the only one with the horizontal line at the bottom, like a sidewalk, and I really liked that! IMO it anchors the image, sort of makes a bit of a story out of something that could be just air and water. A little bit like trying to be on solid ground. So many of these closeups look so disenbodied, like they're just floating there - so it is the line at the bottom that made it for me.

I almost didn't enter it, took it down, put up a different one (a couple frames earlier than the final entry):

left that one for a couple days, but finally, at the last minute, went with the one I liked better (I figured, what's there to lose). I didn't think it would do all that well, it's not concrete enough for DPC, it's not a meaty or important subject (like people or so), it's not funny, or in your face, and the DOF is really, really shallow, and all sorts of other negatives.

To me, if anyone were to say it what would hurt most is the comment that it isn't meaty enough, no really important subject, just something "pretty". That sort of hurts. I like pretty. I like to try and find beauty in all sorts of stuff all around, there is so much of it. I want to show the beauty of people also (one of my earliest inspirations in photography is the book by Life magazine, "the story of man"), but I don't like limiting myself to one subject.

BTW, thank you so much for all the comments, favourites, votes, all of it. I'm honoured.

Place: 1 out of 345
Avg (all users): 7.4660
Avg (commenters): 9.1250
Avg (participants): 7.4158
Avg (non-participants): 7.5143
Views since voting: 14026
Views during voting: 349
Votes: 206
Comments: 113
Favorites: 161 (view)

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09/30/2012 06:04:48 AM



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11/23/2010 10:20:16 AM
This is beautiful.
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11/23/2010 12:40:20 AM
this is just stunning
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04/04/2009 08:52:36 PM
Very nice job!!!
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03/28/2009 07:22:07 PM
This is really amazing!
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02/17/2008 04:34:14 AM
121 favorites to date. Darn impressive. Moreso is the commenter average. I revisit this one from time to time - mostly because I just enjoy looking at it, taking it in. But also to try to get a feel for what to look for, how to "see" in macro.
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08/11/2007 07:23:04 PM
i know this was posted in 2006 but i have only just looked at it..and wow..i also love these weeds!!there so delicate and stunning and you have captured what to me is the softed moment.made the hair on my arms stand to attention.
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07/02/2007 10:38:25 PM
Incredible shot Ursula, been a long time favorite of mine, i actually want to favorite it again :), great tones and everything, just a great shot, absolutely love it.
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04/05/2007 02:08:47 PM
nice work!
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01/28/2007 08:02:26 PM
Simply beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
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12/14/2006 11:32:03 PM
At first glance (thumbnail) I thought it was picture of a slip dress! Great texture!
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12/13/2006 11:41:23 PM
Magnificent in beauty and delicasy. Very nice work Ursula! Congratulations on your Blue.
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12/12/2006 11:51:08 AM
Superb! This is art, not just pretty. Something to aim for. Congratulations!
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12/12/2006 10:35:51 AM
Very nice work.
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12/11/2006 01:54:18 AM
Ursula, a beautiful image. I love the variations in tone and the balance between clarity and soft focus. I agree that beauty is often in small overlooked things.
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12/10/2006 10:37:25 PM
Wow, another one from you. If I had seen it I'd have guessed :). Amazing how you manage to make such everyday things look so beautiful.
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12/10/2006 03:58:13 AM
Stunning image - a really excellent composition.
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12/09/2006 05:57:16 PM
fine work


Message edited by author 2006-12-09 17:58:00.
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12/09/2006 05:24:47 PM
Beautiful photograph, congrats on your ribbon!
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12/09/2006 12:10:07 AM
Another excellent piece of art!!! Keep up the good images coming through!!!
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12/08/2006 10:42:13 PM
This freakin' rocks!
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12/08/2006 11:23:40 AM
Originally posted by hopper:

1 more ribbon ties you with Heida for "top dpc female"


Thank you! Only because Heida quit entering challenges, otherwise I wouldn't have a chance :)
12/08/2006 10:36:46 AM
1 more ribbon ties you with Heida for "top dpc female"

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12/08/2006 12:27:57 AM
Another great macro from Ursula! Very creative idea.
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12/07/2006 10:00:51 PM
Congratulations on a very nice picture!!
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12/07/2006 01:53:25 PM
Ahh, you want to know about the important stuff, eh? Well, I'll try. Not right now, but I'll try to put stuff like that in the notes. It is what I like to see in notes also.

Originally posted by Gordon:

Congrats on a great image. Well done.

On reading the 'Photographer's comments' above, I find I'm more interested in knowing something about what happened before you pressed the shutter.

What drew you to this subject, how was it when you found it, is it all entirely natural/found, how did you approach finding the final composition, what first caught your eye, how much did it take before you 'found' this final frame, that sort of stuff. If you have time, it would be really interesting I think (well, at least for me)
12/07/2006 12:56:58 PM
Congrats on a great image. Well done.

On reading the 'Photographer's comments' above, I find I'm more interested in knowing something about what happened before you pressed the shutter.

What drew you to this subject, how was it when you found it, is it all entirely natural/found, how did you approach finding the final composition, what first caught your eye, how much did it take before you 'found' this final frame, that sort of stuff. If you have time, it would be really interesting I think (well, at least for me)
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12/07/2006 11:56:28 AM
So soft and so beautiful! I love this shot!

Message edited by author 2006-12-07 11:56:40.
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12/07/2006 07:25:39 AM
How enchanting! And I'd like to ditto everything mpeters said -- it is so true! Congratulations!

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12/07/2006 02:02:13 AM
You have one of the most gifted photographic eyes here at DPC. Your ability to take the ordinary and transform it into something full of beauty and grace is beyond question. I"m sure this is some kind of seed pod or something, but in your picture it looks ethreal. Congrats!
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12/06/2006 07:12:51 PM
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12/06/2006 07:02:11 PM
This is amazing! Congrats on such a beautiful photo.
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12/06/2006 06:44:00 PM
Absolutely stunning! Caught my eye immediately. Absolutely flawless in every way. Well Deserving of the first place. Congratulations!
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12/06/2006 05:12:10 PM
I just knew this one was you! Congratulations!!!
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12/06/2006 04:17:12 PM
congratulations on yet another GREAT photo! I just keep adding your pix to my favorites. You have an uncanny sense and ability... I am sooo jeolous!
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12/06/2006 03:09:45 PM
Congrats on the blue! What a visually interesting photograph in all aspects!! Well done!
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12/06/2006 02:33:34 PM
Wow!! what a fantastic image. perfect in every way. Congratulations on the blue. Certainly deserved!
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12/06/2006 02:04:01 PM
Congratulations on winning the blue ribbon with very beautiful photograph Ursula, it's a real stunner.
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12/06/2006 11:56:12 AM
Beautiful and delicate. Congratulations.
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12/06/2006 11:47:57 AM
Fantastic shot! Congrats on your blue!
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12/06/2006 11:41:31 AM
Exceptional - a work of fine art. Congratulations Ursula.
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12/06/2006 11:16:45 AM
Oh....WOW! (speechless)
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12/06/2006 10:30:57 AM
you have done it again! congrats!!
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12/06/2006 10:01:29 AM
congrats and i hate you. :P :)
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12/06/2006 09:40:47 AM
Congrats on your well deserved ribbon ! This is just beautiful !!!!!!!!!
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12/06/2006 09:22:58 AM
OMG this is AMAZING!! Congrats!
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12/06/2006 09:17:18 AM
Fantastic shot Ursula, thats all there is to say.
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12/06/2006 08:54:59 AM
This is so good Ursula. Wish I can take pictures like this. Fave.
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12/06/2006 08:50:07 AM
Gorgeous Shot!!! Congrats on the blue ribbon!!!
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12/06/2006 08:35:49 AM
Oooh -- way to go, lady!
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12/06/2006 08:23:10 AM
Stunning shot and far the best in the challenge. Congrats!
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12/06/2006 08:06:34 AM
Congrats! A breathtaking shot :0
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12/06/2006 07:27:38 AM
Congrats! Just beautiful.
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12/06/2006 06:53:29 AM
Remarkable work! Well done and congrats!
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12/06/2006 05:47:00 AM
Happy to see you cop another blue, especially with an image that fits the theme so well. One question: why b&w? I think I would have liked this more with some subtle color in it.
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12/06/2006 05:26:07 AM
Ursula, what a magical image! Well done! You rock!
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12/06/2006 05:22:31 AM
way to go girl...... you're a winner all round
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12/06/2006 04:34:53 AM
Got to love this, outstanding work!
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12/06/2006 04:24:47 AM
This left me speechless. It's just so beautiful; the title, the sharp, crisp focus, the bokeh and diagonal lines...

It's simply stunning work, you've outdone yourself, Ursula. And that's hard to do, when it's you.
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12/06/2006 04:15:59 AM
sooooo beautiful light and gray tones, congratulations, well deserved
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12/06/2006 03:23:47 AM
Congrats Ursula, another very well deserved ribbon. Great, very distinctive style.
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12/06/2006 02:54:11 AM
should have guessed your distinctive style. Well done. Easily the best of the challenge!!
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12/06/2006 02:16:45 AM
this is so sweet! congrats! and just adding to the many awesome shots. i love the bokeh on the left and the droplets 'veiled' on the right. a new second personal best for you too. congrats again!
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12/06/2006 02:14:28 AM
What a great shot! It could only come from one....Congratulations Ursula!
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12/06/2006 02:11:25 AM
beautiful. Well done
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12/06/2006 02:08:10 AM
I'll just say "wow" and leave it at that. Magnificent.
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12/06/2006 01:49:46 AM
A Masterpiece
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12/06/2006 01:42:09 AM
your images are amazing, they don't even seem to be a photograph more a "image" like I see it but am I REALLY seeing it or thinking it? is it a vision in my mind or something my eyes are really seeing. Just lovely.
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12/06/2006 01:24:12 AM
Congratulations Ursula on your first place ribbon! This is such a stunning image and you deserve this. My personal favorite.
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12/06/2006 01:09:43 AM
Excellent!-Love your work
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12/06/2006 12:58:30 AM
Now put that macro away!!
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12/06/2006 12:55:53 AM
Yep, had this pegged as a winner. Only gave out two tens this challenge. The other came in 20th. Well done.
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12/06/2006 12:50:03 AM
Beautiful work, Ursula. Congratulations on a fine win.
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12/06/2006 12:49:01 AM
wow! congrats, this image is gorgeous!!
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12/06/2006 12:42:11 AM
Yes yes yes, my pick for the "Blue", and so deserved with such a stunning image again Ursula.
Definately Tops in my book, and my only "10" in this challenge.....
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12/06/2006 12:39:48 AM
stunning, they look HUGE
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12/06/2006 12:36:20 AM
Gorgeous, Ursula. Mono was perfect for this and it accentuates the diagonls to perfection....but...I'd love to see the color outtake. Big congrats on your BLUE!

Message edited by author 2006-12-06 00:36:46.
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12/06/2006 12:35:37 AM
Vintage Ursula
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12/06/2006 12:34:49 AM
I thought this was yours - it has the special "Ursula" quality ;-) Exceptionally beautiful shot and huge congratulations on the blue.
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12/06/2006 12:26:00 AM
Congrats!!!!! I voted your photo a 10. I'm so thrilled for you! Well done!!
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12/06/2006 12:23:12 AM
Excellent shot ursula! congratulations
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12/06/2006 12:22:42 AM
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12/06/2006 12:18:47 AM
These macros of yours are so amazing. I'm learning lots from you, Ursula!
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12/06/2006 12:17:38 AM
As always, so beautiful in an elegant way. COngratulations!!
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12/06/2006 12:12:47 AM
What vision you have! So happy this got the blue.
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12/06/2006 12:07:25 AM
Congrat on blue ribbon..
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12/06/2006 12:07:11 AM
I knew that was yours. Just awesome.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/05/2006 07:05:00 PM
Very nice one here..... perfect actually, from one of my favorite photographers.....I love this so much.....and just wish I could bump it up, but is is already as high as I can go.....
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12/05/2006 03:58:00 PM
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12/04/2006 04:23:28 PM
very beautiful
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12/04/2006 12:43:16 PM
10...is this you Ursula? If not..no matter..still a really beautiful composition.
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12/02/2006 11:58:26 PM
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12/01/2006 12:06:04 PM
good use of DOF, very artistic, excellent tones
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12/01/2006 12:05:15 PM
!! how cool, absolutely wonderful! 10, 10
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12/01/2006 09:16:12 AM
light and delicate, sweet image
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12/01/2006 03:52:12 AM
Nearly missed this beauty. Nice blend of drops and circles of confusion in lower left. Maybe tighter crop, except that would eliminate the general gist.
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12/01/2006 02:24:27 AM
Perfect 10
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11/30/2006 10:30:44 PM
Stunning, the b&w tones are excellent. Great job!
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11/30/2006 06:22:56 PM
This is absolutely divine. I can't think of a single thing I would change. Perfect. Which brings me to my vote...a rare 10 from me. (It's not that I'm a troll by any means but hey...you gotta save your 10's for the best of the best and this is it!). Wonderful job and my pick for blue.
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11/30/2006 04:43:44 PM
excellent!! great lighting, composition, feel, etc. I don't have alcue as to what they are, but I love the geometry. 10
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11/30/2006 11:42:55 AM
Gosh this is beautiful
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11/30/2006 08:27:23 AM
Photograph catches elements far too often unseen.
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11/30/2006 08:04:31 AM
This just screams "ursula"! Wonderful capture. Just a beautiful image overall. Would love to see this in the top 3. Bumping up.
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11/29/2006 10:27:12 PM
beautiful...abstract enough to drift with...perfect tones!
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11/29/2006 08:14:56 PM
Beautiful. I hope you detailed the work you have done here. 10.
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11/29/2006 07:10:56 PM
ohhhh, this has become one of my favorites. This is perfect imho. 10 ((good bokeh!!))
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11/29/2006 02:37:53 PM
A 'signature' piece. I recognize the 'style' of this master's art. Beautiful work as usual.
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11/29/2006 12:57:00 PM
Plus: subject, detail, bokeh, focus on diagonals
Minus: weird horizontal line at the bottom
Score: 7 (8, without that line)
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11/29/2006 11:01:04 AM
Oh yessssssss,,, nicely done...
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11/29/2006 09:50:58 AM
Pretty, creative, nicely lit and something to see in almost every pixel. Very nice job.
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11/29/2006 05:09:37 AM
Damn.. I'm going to have to actually vote on this challenge so this 10 counts!

I love it. Straight to favorites. I never give 10's. This flu is doing strange things to me!
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11/29/2006 01:51:34 AM
great job filling the frame and magnificent clarity.10
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11/29/2006 12:33:45 AM
Please leave comments on ''how to do this'' in your notes when you win!! Wonderful shot! Again, PLEASE leave instructions on how to set this shot up. Thanks...and oh...10!
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