DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
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Swimming For Residents Only
3rd PlaceSwimming For Residents Only

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Wildlife III (Advanced Editing V)
Camera: Nikon D70
Lens: Tokina AF 12-24mm f/4.0 AT-X Pro DX
Location: Everglades
Date: Jan 20, 2007
Aperture: f/9
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/30
Galleries: Nature, Animals
Date Uploaded: Jan 21, 2007

I was trying to get a shot of the Everglades as the sun was setting but this alligator kept getting in the way. Just kidding. I have visited this same alligator on several occasions over the past 6 months. I am always able to find him/her and I have found that I can get REALLY close to it. The closeset that I have gotten the camera is about a foot away. Don't even think that my head is behind the viewfinder when I do this because I'm not quite that crazy! I lie down on a dock that is starting to fall apart so that it just even with the waterline to just about one foot above it depending on where I position myself. I put the camera over the edge to just above the water so that I get a waterbird's perspective, press the shutter halfway and listen for the beep while pointing the lens towards the alligator's eye, reframe using my best judgement (in regards to aiming the camera) and finish pressng the shutter. I had to do this over and over again to make up for my bad aim.

Post Challenge: Wow!!! I can't believe that I have now gotten my first ribbon and that I got it in THIS challenge among all of these outstanding entries. This has been the most exciting week in my time here at DPC, especially after following the score thread hourly. Thanks, everybody, for the numerous compliments and comments.

Place: 3 out of 218
Avg (all users): 7.8366
Avg (commenters): 8.5714
Avg (participants): 7.5370
Avg (non-participants): 8.0537
Views since voting: 22679
Views during voting: 603
Votes: 257
Comments: 145
Favorites: 61 (view)

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05/26/2011 06:12:21 PM
can't believe how close you got to this guy! I've seen these guys move like lightening and snatch a little dog off the docks! The picture is so incredible though, I might have been tempted...
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02/16/2010 09:01:34 PM
I just found this, its brilliant, don't know how anyone could've given the photo a score below 9 - that amazes me.
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01/19/2010 09:28:26 AM
lolz yep, i know its already been said, but you are nuttier than squirrel crap! this is an excellent image though, and I miss its type, I am an original floridian as well, and the giants are definitly a part of my life.
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08/25/2009 08:21:30 AM
Love this photo. Look at the size of him. He's huge. Thank God the dock didn't give way at the time, the gator looks quite hungry.

Such a rare photo! Awesome!
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05/06/2008 02:19:54 AM
yeah this picture is awesome, i just read the description you wrote and I am extremely impressed at how brave you are... i mean... a 12-24mm lens! Nice job, fav'd, dont know why it wasn't on my faves list before
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03/13/2008 08:57:27 AM
u r damn nuts!
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09/13/2007 09:36:30 AM
Unbelievably cool! Even shooting it the way you describe, it still sounds pretty dangerous. Aren't these things lightning-fast and deadly?

Personal safety aside, the shot is gorgeous. I love the sky and clouds reflected near the end of his nose. It really gives the shot a balance and focal point. Nicely done.

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07/23/2007 01:27:52 PM
Oh my word, you are brave. I love your story! What a terrific shot, and I can't believe you weren't looking in the viewfinder. Good job!
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02/22/2007 07:19:38 PM
I love this shot! I think you're nuts, but I love this shot;)

The colors, detail, sharpness, composition are all remarkable! A much deserved and long overdue ribbon.

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02/17/2007 09:55:46 PM
They say an unusual perspective makes the photo. This is it. Do gators have bad breath?
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02/02/2007 04:45:04 PM
A ribbon well deserved for such a stunning close-up, If I was shooting this, I would be up in a balloon with a remote switch.
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02/02/2007 12:44:12 AM
congrats on your first ribbon!
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02/01/2007 06:12:17 AM
I just got back from the Everglades and can appreciate how close you were to this beast....you're crazy!!

Great shot!

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01/31/2007 05:18:45 PM
Outstanding photograph, quite the 'snap' ! congratulations on a very well deserved ribbon. Just make certain you keep your respect for this creature - they are not my favourites but they are amazing!

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01/31/2007 02:15:52 PM
Super perspective on your photo. It's a unique view of these amazing creatures. I like the lighting as well.
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01/31/2007 02:02:04 PM
Hahaha You did not find Chubs hand in there...(Happy Gilmore)
That is an amazing shot I wish I could shoot pictures of crocs.
Hah...The closest thing to crocs that we have in Fargo are newts(and they are amphibious).
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01/31/2007 09:01:12 AM
Looks like something out of National Geographic. Really!
You could probably sell that photo to them or "Louisiana Conservationalist" or the like. Congrats!

Dennis in Louisiana
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01/31/2007 08:00:42 AM
Be careful dude!

Amazing photo, but it ain't worth him biting into you and pulling you under, you screaming for your loved ones, them running out to the water, witnessing a agtor leterally trying to eat you.
Maybe iy's a smaller one, your thinking, "He can't eat me!" and maybe you're right. But even a small bite from a gator gives people a nasty, nasty infection that leads to amputation sometimes.

You probably know all this already, you probably just haven't imagined your kids watching you get pulled under, or you laying in bed for months having your family wait on you...

It's a great shot to be sure, but there's gotta be safer ways of getting it then sticking your face in a gators face so closely that he opens his his mouth (a gators way of saying - "Not so close")
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01/31/2007 06:52:58 AM
This is my first comment ever, I couldn't resist this one. This photo is just amazing, 'nough said. Well-deserved ribbon.
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01/30/2007 10:07:40 PM
Many congratulations!
I'm glad you still have your camera - this is wide angle at its best.

Message edited by author 2007-01-30 22:08:43.
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01/30/2007 12:54:12 AM
Amazing shot. The most striking is the use of wide angle. Its right in your face. Great.
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01/29/2007 10:11:28 PM
I LOVE this shot! I am always bringing my camera w/me kayking trying to capture what you did. GREAT JOB!
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01/29/2007 09:42:30 PM
Super shot. Congrats on the ribbon!
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01/29/2007 09:33:34 PM
This was my favourite shot in this challenge. I love your subject and the close and interesting POV. Congrats on getting the YELLOW ribbon and such a high score.
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01/29/2007 06:29:10 PM
very cool... love your comments on the photo!
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01/29/2007 06:15:05 PM
Awesome! This is national geographic worthy!
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01/29/2007 06:12:26 PM
Very, very cool image. Great job in a very tough challenge.
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01/29/2007 03:52:00 PM
Great photo,congrats.
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01/29/2007 03:28:00 PM
You are very brave! Big congrats on your first ribbon!!
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01/29/2007 02:34:29 PM
What a stunning shot you crazy guy ;-)!! Huge congrats on your first and utterly well deserved ribbon.
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01/29/2007 02:21:07 PM
Really great! I love the colors in the reflection, the focus is great, and it's really unique. I personally have never seena photo like this one.
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01/29/2007 02:16:01 PM
Wowsa! What a great capture.
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01/29/2007 01:50:50 PM
Please tell me this is a fake alligator. If not, you were hard up for a ribbon, lol. Well done either way.
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01/29/2007 12:10:12 PM
Amazing capture! Love the water drops on the teeth, and your perspective is unique. Maybe you are not THAT crazy to put your head to the viewfinder, but still pretty crazy to hold the camera with your own hands one foot from this mouth. Congrats on getting away with it, and with a well deserved ribbon to boot!
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01/29/2007 11:51:34 AM
Holy crap you took this with a 12-24 Lens?! I would not have gotten that close! Great image though and you are quite ballsy. :-D
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01/29/2007 11:48:57 AM
Wow, this is an amazing photograph. Congratulations.
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01/29/2007 11:39:30 AM
That's one very scary close-up, congratulations on winning the yellow ribbon in a very competitive challenge!
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01/29/2007 11:33:56 AM
Worth the risk. What next ;-)
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01/29/2007 11:23:06 AM
Excellent capture!! Congrats on the yellow ribbon!
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01/29/2007 10:58:08 AM
man this is awesome.
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01/29/2007 10:58:02 AM
Crazy, crazy man - but what a great shot!
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01/29/2007 10:14:53 AM
Was there really any doubt? This had ribbon written all over it.... right next to the phrase, "Are you nuts?!" You'll need a macro of his tonsils to top this! ;-)
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01/29/2007 10:11:08 AM
congratulations Robert on your first ribbon, well deseerved
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01/29/2007 09:08:23 AM
Congrats on third, for me it was blue though because of a little bit less photoshop look then the others.
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01/29/2007 07:27:04 AM
Had this pegged for BLUE. What a find! congrats
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01/29/2007 07:20:54 AM
Wow! What an amazing challenge to get your first ribbon in! A tribute to your talent for sure!

Now YOU have a signature photo I'll always think of when I see your username too :)


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01/29/2007 06:31:50 AM
Robert, I knew you would ribbon with this! Glad you managed to get your first ribbon...this is a dramatic hot...I am a HUGE wide angle fan, and this is one of the best around...PERFECT
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01/29/2007 06:26:01 AM
Congratulations on your Ribbon with this amazing image!!
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01/29/2007 05:51:21 AM
Mate, great shot, but you are seriously nuts. Those things can move soooooo quickly when they want to. Keep doing this and it's only a matter of time before you lose an appendage, hopefully not your head. Is it worth it???
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01/29/2007 05:17:12 AM
Actually my favorite of the three ribbons in this challenge, really dig the wide angle use here, makes the jaws look much bigger an menacing. Two thumbs up and congrat´s on your first ribbon!
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01/29/2007 04:50:04 AM
Congrats on your very well deserved first ribbon, outstanding shot!
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01/29/2007 04:45:36 AM
Just added to my favs - Great shot great exposure - Cannot say enough about this pic. I was amazed that my top 3 picks for this very hard to choose challenge were the top 3 picks overall - All 3 are very worthy - This one however, for me tips the scales as the best of the set. Brilliant!
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01/29/2007 04:39:05 AM
An alligator close-up with a wide angle lens?
I think that it's more stupid than brave. I would have be safer to use a remote shutter.
The pic, btw, is outstanding.
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01/29/2007 03:28:28 AM
Has anyone mentioned you're crazy? wonderfull shot!

now go out and photograph birds or something!!! at least they don't chop your arms off...
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01/29/2007 02:53:44 AM
You're not crazy enough to risk you head, just your hand? I mean, you might lose your camera!

Congrats on a truly amazing picture and on blasting past your old personal best. :)
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01/29/2007 02:10:42 AM
Great Shot. I love alligators, and know some can be "tame".I take visitors to see the alligators on the Hillsborough river in Tampa. You still wouldn't ever get me taking this shot by hand. You're brave but good!
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01/29/2007 02:03:01 AM
You are NUTS!!! Congrats on the ribbon and I am glad you still have all your limbs :).
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01/29/2007 01:55:55 AM
Wow! If I had known you took this with a 12-24mm I would have given it a 20!
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01/29/2007 01:37:00 AM
Great shot! Too close for comfort. :)
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01/29/2007 01:19:44 AM
Now you have your ribbon, he smiled, he posed, don't do it again! LOL! Congratulations, well done!
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01/29/2007 01:19:26 AM
Yeeps! Just be careful out there. I'd hate to read about a photographer minus arms and a camera. But seriously this was a wonderful photo and the ribbon was well-deserved. Good job!
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01/29/2007 01:07:48 AM
Congratulations on your ribbon, well deserved for sure, amazing shot!
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01/29/2007 12:48:37 AM
Great shot...stupid photographer. This is how people die and wind up as videos on YouTube.

Great capture!!!

Just be safe...I own that 12-24. I understand just how close you have to be. *shudder*
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01/29/2007 12:32:38 AM
This is a great shot ... And I love the backstory. Congrats on the podium finish!
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01/29/2007 12:28:52 AM
Well deserved! I love the description of how the image was taken and agree with other you are crazy but worth result (since you lived to tell us about it....lol)
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01/29/2007 12:26:07 AM
Originally posted by hsteg:

Looks like the spot off the sawgrass at the atlantic blvd exit... I go there to fish sometimes and shoot the sunset. Am I right?

Nope, it's off of Tamiami Trail out near Shark Valley. Good fishing out there too.
01/29/2007 12:19:54 AM
This photo with a 24mm!!! You're crazy! great shot!
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01/29/2007 12:17:57 AM
Thats a fantastic shot. Congrats
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01/29/2007 12:12:10 AM
Looks like the spot off the sawgrass at the atlantic blvd exit... I go there to fish sometimes and shoot the sunset. Am I right?
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01/29/2007 12:11:19 AM
You are crazy man,but worth the prize.Fantastic fhoto but be carefull th e next time.Take care
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01/29/2007 12:11:16 AM
Congrats! I suppose since you entered this shot you lived. :P
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01/29/2007 12:10:49 AM
Amazing image So well done Congrats on your ribbon
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01/29/2007 12:09:42 AM
#1 and #2 are great...but for sheer WILDlife, this takes it. I mean cmon, you used a bloody wide angle!
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01/29/2007 12:08:22 AM
that has got to be the highest yellow ribbon outside the master's challenge! Congrats on the first one.
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01/29/2007 12:06:16 AM
Great capture. Don't know how you did it, but glad you survived! ;-) Congratulations on your ribbon.
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01/29/2007 12:05:33 AM
Congrats on Ribbon
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01/29/2007 12:04:47 AM
awesome...or insane...all i can say is wow! very nice work!!!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/28/2007 11:29:50 PM
Perfect composition and oportunity.
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01/28/2007 10:09:41 PM
Oh my goodness. How did you do this without being eaten alive?!? Love the color and the point of view. Bravo!
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01/28/2007 08:45:49 PM
wonderful angle!!! love the color in the clouds. great dof
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01/28/2007 08:43:38 PM
Awesome! One of my top 3. A 10, definitely!
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01/28/2007 07:46:10 PM
hope you were using a long lens!! He looks like he could use a snack!
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01/28/2007 07:37:01 PM
cool picture
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01/28/2007 06:42:30 PM
Wow, great capture. Very sharp and detailed. I also like the perspective, how close were you? I'm giving this one top score. Well done.
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01/28/2007 06:13:36 PM
This is really spectatular. Hope it ribbons. 10!
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01/28/2007 01:12:25 PM
Fantastic image! Hope he didn't get you after you took the shot!! ;-) =10
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01/28/2007 10:25:39 AM
I see a top ten....10
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01/28/2007 03:21:40 AM
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01/27/2007 06:32:35 PM
Great capture and I love the colors of the sky and reflection - it adds a nice touch.
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01/27/2007 06:01:27 PM
Great angle ... I hope you weren't really using your wide angle (sure looks like it though)!
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01/27/2007 03:33:27 PM
Great photo
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01/27/2007 03:18:27 PM
What a lovely perspective! He's got a nice set of choppers. Really good composition and color without going overboard.
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01/27/2007 12:34:12 PM
Great composition and lighting! What a fine capture with his mouth opened like that!
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01/27/2007 02:59:29 AM
the best image i've seen yet. 10/10 from me!
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01/27/2007 12:40:22 AM
This is a great photo. My kids thought it was the best!!!
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01/27/2007 12:36:05 AM
This is great! You certainly got up close on him!
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01/26/2007 09:36:27 PM
excellent! This one is my favorite so far. Great lighting and composition.
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01/26/2007 07:08:35 PM
Nice capture, Steve I. would have been proud.
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01/26/2007 06:41:06 PM
Would have to be a ribbon winner. Great shot. 10
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01/26/2007 06:00:12 PM
Incredible capture. Back to bump you up to 8.
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01/26/2007 05:22:46 PM
hope on earth did you take this...it's awesome...this should ribbon in my opinion...the perspective, light, composition are spot on...hope you win
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01/25/2007 11:30:08 PM
This is an amazing shot! Either you have some really long glass, or you are fearless!
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01/25/2007 06:56:00 PM
this is a GREAT shot!!
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01/25/2007 11:04:44 AM
Nice capture
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01/25/2007 07:33:24 AM
Very nice detail and I know that I don't want to be a resident.
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01/24/2007 10:04:31 PM
Wow, love the smile!
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01/24/2007 09:56:07 PM
Hey that looks like Big Al in Johbson Bayou, Just kidding I know this is Stickey playing at Rockerfellor Reserve. Strong 8
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01/24/2007 05:48:27 PM
great pic
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01/24/2007 11:48:20 AM
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01/24/2007 11:21:09 AM
Very nice capture and composition.
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01/24/2007 10:53:05 AM
Amazing shot! Very very nice!
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01/24/2007 08:17:31 AM
Excellent Focus. Excellent image!
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01/23/2007 10:41:56 PM
Another outstanding entry that aggravates me 'cause it's so much better than mine! 9
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01/23/2007 06:01:25 PM
Watch out, your too close. Crikey. Nice shot.
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01/23/2007 05:49:46 PM
you must have a steel heart. nice shot its a 9 from me
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01/23/2007 03:11:55 PM
This is a pretty amazing photograph. The perspective is quite simply unique - not many would have the guts to try it, I suspect - the composition is good, with plenty of the habitat visible to give context to the alligator (or crocodile?). I really am very impressed.
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01/23/2007 06:16:57 AM
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01/23/2007 04:57:10 AM
WoW....this image could win, imho. 10
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01/23/2007 02:21:29 AM
Oh dear! This is one big smile I don't want to see close to me...what a capture! Hope you were faaaaaar away, DPC is not that important!
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01/23/2007 01:01:21 AM
I hope you got away okay... Great angle.
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01/23/2007 12:30:10 AM
Wow that's close!!!
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01/22/2007 10:58:06 PM
great angle...be careful : )
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01/22/2007 08:48:26 PM
CRIKEY !!! I hope you were at least 25 inches away from this trap !!.. lol. I love it. What a great pose for you. Awesome detail too. Solid 9 for me.
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01/22/2007 08:27:24 PM
Well well - What a great capture - Here is my first 10. The light is great the exposure and the sharpness. I love it. Really well done. I love the stillness of the water around his mouth - Got to be in the top 3 for sure!
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01/22/2007 06:37:03 PM
Great angle! Awesome shot!
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01/22/2007 02:19:30 PM
Holy molly! Nice close-up and excellent lighting! A solid 8 for you!
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01/22/2007 01:09:15 PM
You are one brave photographer! 8
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01/22/2007 12:46:18 PM
Since I live in Florida this is one of my favorite photos! Great closeup shot of a great looking gator! Unique shot as well...haven't seen a shot of a gator from this perspective before.
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01/22/2007 12:08:12 PM
Nice shot and finally something unique!
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01/22/2007 12:04:07 PM
Great angle! Colors & detail are really nice, great shot!!
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01/22/2007 11:38:59 AM
Oh, wowza! This is killer nice perspective, gorgeous shot!
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01/22/2007 11:06:17 AM
would have been great with a little more contrast, super capture of the moment
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01/22/2007 10:39:51 AM
fantastic light and capture.. love this one! 9
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01/22/2007 10:37:08 AM
great photo.
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01/22/2007 09:32:13 AM
Terrific "wow" factor. Grea point of view.
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01/22/2007 08:58:56 AM
Yikes! That's a scary sight! Great shot!
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01/22/2007 08:35:24 AM
yikes, how close were you? seems a bit too close but great shot.
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01/22/2007 06:56:09 AM
oooo yeah...I sense a high score here...awesome composition
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01/22/2007 06:52:17 AM
Great close up - hope that was a long lens you were using. Nice depth on the background too.
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01/22/2007 06:36:10 AM
WOW! Stunning, scary! 10
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01/22/2007 03:35:14 AM
very cool!9
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01/22/2007 03:23:31 AM
lol good stuff, nice closeup. Big ol' pearly whites ;)
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01/22/2007 02:43:32 AM
holy cr*p! can't wait to read about how you got this amazing shot! Do they now call you "lefty"? 10!
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01/22/2007 12:41:15 AM
Holy sh*t!!! This is GREAT.
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01/22/2007 12:19:34 AM
Very nice shot. I like the mood the lighting...and the subject of course...gives to this photo.
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