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Pear of Legs
Pear of Legs

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Nude IV (Advanced Editing V)
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix S9000
Location: Toronto
Date: Jan 27, 2007
Aperture: f2.9
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/12sec
Galleries: Nude
Date Uploaded: Jan 28, 2007

ok..since so many folks can't figure it out :)
I am just laying on my back, legs in the air, butt to the camera...nothing that mysterious!
But I am glad I could make a coulpe of ya ponder for a moment

Place: 52 out of 121
Avg (all users): 5.8168
Avg (commenters): 6.7297
Avg (participants): 5.3976
Avg (non-participants): 5.9081
Views since voting: 8316
Views during voting: 1415
Votes: 464
Comments: 50
Favorites: 6 (view)

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09/23/2009 05:41:31 AM
Love the sparseness of the image, matches the mood of the lighting well.
Great imagination to compose this.
Well done.
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03/01/2007 07:51:29 PM
I just now saw this in your profile page. It really should have scored much higher. I think the lighting is terrific and adds much to the composition. Keep up the great work!
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02/12/2007 05:02:31 AM
one of the few nudes that i actually liked from this site - great work.
love the softness.

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02/06/2007 04:08:15 PM
This was my second place pick - GREAT job! I swear I thought it was a sculpture of some kind.
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02/05/2007 06:19:27 PM
I'm curious, where is the rest of your body?
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02/05/2007 02:29:31 PM
stunning creative and composition - I thought this would place much higher - maybe wider tonal range would have helped?

Great work - congratulations on a fine image.
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02/05/2007 12:23:47 AM
you know, as far as creativity and composition this is great, I think it would have scored higher if it were clearer or had richer tones, I'm sure you'll get the hang of that camera soon. nice job.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/04/2007 11:18:40 PM
How'd you do that? wow. 9
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02/04/2007 10:47:34 PM
i like the idea of this and the tones chosen. there are some areas, the left hip especially that just don't seem right, perhaps to soft?
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02/04/2007 09:14:37 PM
02/04/2007 08:49:57 AM
not really clear enough and could use more contrast.
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02/03/2007 02:58:23 AM
The rectangular shadow on the right side is distracting. This would have been much much better with plain background.
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02/02/2007 10:56:50 AM
I really like this image, particularly the simplicity of the pose and the duality of the title. The color works well, but the focus seems a bit off and there is some visible noise. The soft focus would work without the noise and the noise would work without the soft focus but the two combined take away from the image IMHO.
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02/02/2007 01:56:38 AM
Do we want to know where the rest of her went???? *grin*
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02/01/2007 11:18:53 PM
Great pose and composition, and terrific lighting. It's a real shame that such good "raw material" was ruined in postprocessing, with massive artifacts. I can't tell if they are from sharpening & neatimage, or compression artifacts (your file is only 56KB, so it's needlessly over-compressed). Either way, you obviously have real talent as a photographer, so it's well worth your while learning the basics of postprocessing.
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02/01/2007 10:46:15 PM
haha this is cool. It looks like a sculpture on a shelf or something. It doesnt look natural or fully human, if that makes any sense. well done.
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02/01/2007 09:06:50 AM
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01/31/2007 12:21:49 PM
hahaha. i like the title.
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01/31/2007 03:51:54 AM
clever title...decent technicals :) a little halo from the dodging around her hips, but otherwise a nicely executed image.


*of course I had to check :) something else I just noticed that I couldn't put my finger on last night - the tilted horizon. i knew it looked a bit off balance and I couldn't figure out why since your legs are vertical. Now i get it. Looks like you know your ass from your elbow.

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01/30/2007 09:42:58 PM
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01/30/2007 07:12:32 PM
The black line along the left side (model's right leg) is very distracting
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01/30/2007 12:36:17 PM
Interesting shape study.
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01/30/2007 12:33:50 PM
Nice work, almost looks like a tabletop image. Interesting light too.
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01/30/2007 08:54:24 AM
nice concept, good lighting. overall too soft. frame is rather distracting.
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01/30/2007 06:38:23 AM
Clever and very differant...
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01/30/2007 12:34:09 AM
Odd, but clever.
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01/29/2007 10:19:36 PM
This is great. No words...just great!
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01/29/2007 08:38:32 PM
very nice! well done!
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01/29/2007 08:24:24 PM
I like this but something is just off a little, dont know what though. 7
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01/29/2007 07:51:15 PM
great idea nice borders
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01/29/2007 03:32:55 PM
Brilliant visual pun. I love how fake this looks. Only thing that bugs me is the faint halo of some kind of editing near the bottom and the darker line drawn around the legs. Some layer blending or smudging might make this less obvious. It's great anyway.
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01/29/2007 02:28:20 PM
well thought out and photographed this is so erotic well done 10
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01/29/2007 01:55:45 PM
I love the idea of this one, gives another perspective to the body. Lighting is good too.
But, the quality of the photo isn't very good; pixelated. Pity!
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01/29/2007 01:25:03 PM
Different, nicely lit, and I like it!
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01/29/2007 01:00:06 PM
wow neat comp, I can totally see the "pear". The shot is a little tilted though, and dare I ask where the torso is?;)
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01/29/2007 11:37:49 AM
excellent concept, great execution - 8
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01/29/2007 11:14:47 AM
Nicely done but it kind of freaks me out.
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01/29/2007 11:00:01 AM
very unique
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01/29/2007 09:09:01 AM
Love it. Different and punning in the same time!
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01/29/2007 05:21:04 AM
Great puns!
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01/29/2007 05:16:20 AM
nice idea..the table is tilting to the left though.
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01/29/2007 05:05:56 AM
Well...half a loaf is better than no bread
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01/29/2007 04:41:30 AM
nice one
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01/29/2007 03:21:02 AM
how cute! strange lighting though.
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01/29/2007 02:13:52 AM
Amazing simplicity and execution. Nicely done
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01/29/2007 01:28:12 AM
Nice image. Just the processing has messed it up I think
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01/29/2007 12:43:15 AM
Weird, looks like a stutue of a pair of legs with no body.
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01/29/2007 12:34:10 AM
Danger! Very witty pose, dang.
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01/29/2007 12:33:35 AM
Very strange (in a good way) and interesting.
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01/29/2007 12:25:42 AM
interesting lines and shapes especially the shadow gradient in the background
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