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Childhood Spent Locked in Closet, Rays of Hope
Childhood Spent Locked in Closet, Rays of Hope

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Childhood Without Children (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot G2
Location: Closet
Date: Aug 21, 2002
Aperture: F8.0
ISO: 50
Shutter: 5 seconds
Date Uploaded: Aug 21, 2002

I was trying to portray the childhood of a significant number of children in this world, being abused (locked in closet would be the least of that), the ray that the child sees in the closet represents hope.

Place: 64 out of 172
Avg (all users): 5.3563
Avg (commenters): 7.0652
Avg (participants): 5.6357
Avg (non-participants): 5.0508
Views since voting: 1886
Votes: 247
Comments: 49
Favorites: 2 (view)

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09/02/2002 10:41:00 AM
Thank you for your comments (at least the ones that are constructive :P)

As far as how long it took for this shot -- about 30-40 minutes. I had to adjust hte lightbulbs in my bathroom and the amount of light going through the door. Then I took the photo and saturate it a little more in photoshop to give the nice yellowish color (so no, it's not spot edited if you're wondering, it's a matter of using hte level tool to give it the greatest contrast and dim it a bit, then saturate the colors to make it more effective. The carpet would take the color and turns it into something unnatural looking which is what i was hoping for, as it's a creme carpet) Remember: it's very difficult to capture the original color in shadows -- our eyes adjust in real life but for some reason it doesn't work for photographs (i can tell the color is yellow when i took the photo, but it will come out as a greenish tint due to the carpet shading, it just wasn't THIS GREEN without saturating the color a little more)

And no, i was never locked in the closet, i had my share of corporal punishment, actually, more than my share. I do know people who were traumatized as a child and this is for them. I didn't want to do a happy childhood as a submission. So, it looked like a lot of people either HATED it or loved it as the score shows :-)

Thanks again.
09/02/2002 10:35:00 AM
Stephan: actually I loved your photo :-) ....
09/02/2002 07:56:00 AM
I did a similar photo but yours is so much more powerful and conveys the emotion much better. I gave you a 10. Don't grieve about the score. It's a riddle to me every week again ;-)
 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/01/2002 10:59:00 PM
This is one of the most powerful images I've seen in this challenge. A disturbing subject, but very powerful and gets high marks from me. Nice work.
09/01/2002 08:05:00 PM
I like this one. Is there a filter that you used? What gives it that green/yellow tint? 7.
09/01/2002 01:40:00 PM
Interesting twist to childhood. Just goes to show that not all are the same. The idea behind this photo is great. I like how the light shines in and how it's lit like that, however t he color is odd to me. It looks liek it's been really post edited. I could be wrong. Maybe it was taken with night vision. I'm not sure what those photos look like, so who am I to say? nice photo and good luck in the challenge.
09/01/2002 09:46:00 AM
Composition: Subject Placement, Cropping, Background7,
Technical: Focus, Exposure, Lighting, Processing7,
Challenge: Does your entry meet it?1,
Appeal: Is it Interesting, Motivating, Etc.? 3,
Total Averaged Rating5. Autool
09/01/2002 09:46:00 AM
That's savage, but beautiful! I love the stark lighting and that textured beam of yellow light in the darkness. Very nice work. 10 - lisae
09/01/2002 08:34:00 AM
I love your shot .. nothing to say about it .... just maybe the main vertical line more vertical or more oblique .. but .. GREAT .. 8 Lionel
08/31/2002 11:51:00 PM
How sad. Really get the feeling of being in there, too.
08/31/2002 12:14:00 PM
Congratulations on taking a risk! As it's turning out very few people were willing to show the side of childhood that some children endure. I admire your courage! Also did a good job of executing it. Good luck! Grayce aka Gracious
08/31/2002 06:22:00 AM
Powerful shot, worth remembering not all childhoods were fun all the time!
08/30/2002 08:14:00 PM
ohhhhhhhh god..........how terrible......
08/30/2002 05:32:00 PM
Not your memory, I hope? I'll bet this was a challenge to get the "ray of light" just right (or not?)
08/30/2002 08:13:00 AM
Exceelent composition, I had this idea after the challenge... haven't attempted it yet.
08/30/2002 06:51:00 AM
This would have taken some deep thought to understand without the title but that's cool with me. I like your concept and especially your photo. Very effective indeed and your light is excellent. 9 - floyd
08/30/2002 12:27:00 AM
Initially I thought the yellow projected some sort of an object in space. First of all, I commend you on using a "tough" subject. It's a wonderful break from all those toys, toys, toys.
And yes, I get transported in what the child in that closet sees: nothing except that little bit of light. Yet, I find that from a photographic image I would like to see a little more. I know see three dark shapes at angles and 3 light shapes at angles. That's okay but from a graphic design point of view it is not particularly strong. Wish I could say that better. Emotionally it has a lot of impact but visually it doesn't. And I feel a good image is the sum of those two. Hope I didn't offend. 6 Journey
08/29/2002 03:42:00 PM
The title almost ruined the shot, but I like whatit has to say. 6 -lennier
08/29/2002 01:11:00 PM
Beautiful composition and use of lines, tough subject -- extra points from me for photographing a difficult subject very well. 10 LanSnake
08/29/2002 12:45:00 PM
I think this could easily evoke childhood for quite a few people. 7 Jak
08/29/2002 12:42:00 PM
No proper link with subject
08/29/2002 12:41:00 PM
the title is absolutely horrendous. try not to use that space to explain your photograph. however, the use of light and the composition of this shot is great. very well done. i know you're taking a hit on the subject matter, but it's a very artistic shot with a very real subject matter, and i think you've done it well. good work.
08/29/2002 10:24:00 AM
I find this very evocative. Because I first looked at the photo without looking at the title, I found something in this that did speak to me of my own childhood, even though it was so far from the experiences originally intended to be conveyed - I remembered those evenings when I'd been put to bed, but could hear interesting grown up chatter coming from downstairs - the TV or guests with my parents - and I crept to my door, where the light seeped in, and wondered whether I should go down and interrupt or should try and go to sleep?
When I read the title, I realised the intention behind it, and felt very sad. It wasn't too much of an extrapolation to understand and even visualise the kind of childhood this actually represents.
Even where the "message" of a photograph may seem limited in terms of audience understanding, there may by other messages it whispers also.
6, Kavey
08/29/2002 08:25:00 AM
Rays of hope would have sufficed as a titleĆ¢€Ā¦ The image is quite powerful and provides a glimpse of a darker side of growing up. In terms of the challenge it fits. I think the only way you could have improved the image would have been to make the visible element sharper.
08/29/2002 03:12:00 AM
Bad idea.
08/29/2002 01:53:00 AM
The shot is excellent and well framed.
Without reading your title, the memory this brought back to me was being afraid of the dark and having my parents leave the bedroom door just slightly ajar with the hall light on. Through that small opening I could hear Perry Mason (TV show) playing in the front room.
P.S. I hope being locked in a closet was NOT your experience. I know of a young woman that was. It affected her mentally.
08/28/2002 10:39:00 PM
This is an interesting abstract kind of shot, but the photo does not convey "childhood" to me at all, without the title. lhall
08/28/2002 10:30:00 PM
Nice picture, but a bit morbid, no?
08/28/2002 04:46:00 PM
i really like this...takes me back to when i used to hide in closets..i like the black frame around the door. 8
08/28/2002 02:59:00 PM
I suppose someone could have experiences this as a 'childhood'. I know that Harry Potter lived primarily in the cupboard beneath the stairs at the house on Privette Drive :) - jmsetzler
08/28/2002 11:13:00 AM
wow..powerful stuff..excellent composition
08/28/2002 09:09:00 AM
I keep thinking of this photo at strange moments throughout the day. It has an enormous amount of emotional feeling. I truly believe that a photo that makes one terribly upset has touched on a deep level and has thus succeeded. Great job.
08/27/2002 07:10:00 PM
Yikes! Kind of creepy, but I like the bold idea.
08/27/2002 03:08:00 PM
Another dark image of childhood. This seems like it would be a hard concept to convey, you seemed to have executed as well as could be hoped for. The photo itself doesn't stand with out the title. That's not all bad, but I prefer photos that require the title less. 7 Swash
08/27/2002 01:42:00 PM
that's a beautiful shot.
08/27/2002 08:24:00 AM
I like your shot
08/27/2002 04:38:00 AM
Interesting use of negetive space... Conveys feeling well... I think I would have liked the convergence of the lines lower in the frame, But that's just me... The one thing that really didn't appeal to me was the color of the light... Yellowish-green? I think a red hue would have worked better, but again that's me...
08/27/2002 01:42:00 AM
Frightening and haunting.

08-28-2002 Re-evaluating some of my previous selection .........Originally this photo did give me a sense of fright and was very haunting.....now that I am over the shock I can look at it objectively and score it closer to what it should be.
Original idea, Good placement, form is great, good contrast = 8 syamjonimi ;'-D
08/26/2002 10:12:00 PM
This is too weird for me. Don't like it very much as a submission for this challenge, but unfortunately, I guess this COULD happen.
08/26/2002 08:25:00 PM
I like the picture, even without the title it's pretty disturbing. Pretty weird.
08/26/2002 08:09:00 PM
The subject is "childhood without children" NOT "children without childhood".
08/26/2002 05:56:00 PM
I am getting the feeling like our parents treated us like shi? belts and closets my stepfather made me strip and he used a metal pancake turner on me so my ass would welt up
08/26/2002 05:00:00 PM
Creepy and well executed. The color is right on.
08/26/2002 04:12:00 PM
Happy childhood, huh? :-) j/k

Nice photo, very striking!
08/26/2002 03:26:00 PM
powerful image. karmat
08/26/2002 04:56:00 AM
...... this is depressing voting for this week's challenges, but let me tel you this, this one was original.
08/26/2002 03:10:00 AM
Wow, what a sad concept of childhood.
08/26/2002 02:11:00 AM
this is a very arresting shot, dark and painful meaning very effectively protrayed by the crack in the doorway, by the contrast. I like how the light plumes fade into the dark
08/26/2002 01:02:00 AM
I was hoping to see some emotion this week and you showed just that. = 9 Shiiizzzam

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