Author | Thread |
04/13/2008 02:25:44 PM |
This really is great - the humor is superb and the use of this filter here 100% appropriate! |
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05/04/2007 09:43:43 AM |
great shot. i'm not a fan of the lucisarts effect, but it workds really well here. nicely done indeed. |
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05/03/2007 06:40:00 PM |
I find it encouraging that only 5% of the voters are anti-editing trolls, scoring 1-2-3. I think their effect was MUCH more than outweighed by voters who enjoyed your shot, which is VERY evident by the number of 10-9-8 scores you got compared to the shots that placed above yours!
Take comfort, my friend, the numbers are with US!
Bravo to you!
Edit to add, I did not vote in this challenge, but if I had, it would have been one more TEN for you.
Message edited by author 2007-05-03 18:41:18. |
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05/03/2007 04:28:02 PM |
Latterday Norman Rockwell. Norman Rockwell mocked. At the risk of echoing posthumous for the nth time, grotesque, hideous even, and riveting. (Maybe the range of scores is indicative of genius). |
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05/02/2007 09:26:30 PM |
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05/02/2007 03:22:55 PM |
I think the trolls are the purist votes here.. Some people not very happy about any processing much less this much..
Love love love the idea and editing..I'm glad I didn't see this shot while going over the thumbnails.. I would have had to vote in this challenge to make my 10 count.. ^_^ |
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05/01/2007 02:55:41 PM |
Beautifully creative. You really went above and beyond with your attempt to get "out there". I give you props for taking the chance with this one and really utilizing the editing. I gotta make it a fav, just because it's completely unique. Keep pushing the envelope. Sorry you didn't place higher. |
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04/30/2007 11:54:00 PM |
Marac: this an outstanding study. Congratulations on your top Five finish. |
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04/30/2007 07:08:03 PM |
because so many asked I will list the PP here. I have already put it in the photographers notes but it does not stand out enough i guess so here goes...
Open with photoshop
applied lucisarts filter in EXPOSURE MODE around 4-6 @ 50%
dodged and burned to taste
used curves to balance the black and white tones
hue/saturation adjusted the yellow lightness to get rid of orangey skin tone and played with other colours until satisfied
noise ninja wipe over
add border
That is basically all that was done. some photos work well with the filter and some simply look terrible you have to pick the right one. I tend to shoot with tonemapping in mind now, might be a bad thing but it's a style I personally like and enjoy doing. Every shot is different, the filter will have a different effect to it. You will ALWAYS need to do other work in photoshop to clean the image up after doing lucisarts or even photomatix filters. For DPC I hardly spend much time cleaning them up and with the limited editing rules it can be hard to make a perfect image, however, I am building my website at the moment with FULLY edited shots in this style and for those interested please keep an eye on my profile because when I finally finish the website I will be posting a link to it there and might post in the forums also.
I hope that this was helpfull to those who want to try it out for themself. Thank you for asking. |
04/30/2007 06:37:19 PM |
Originally posted by MAK: ... the fact that this shot received 5 X 1s to me, does not show a simple dislike of the cartoon editing but more of an attempt to lower the end result thus known as TROLLING.
A vote of 1 should be issued to a shot that is 160x160 pixels totally void of any connection to the challenge without any focus whatsoever. ... etc. |
MAK, I hope there aren't people who intentionally vote low when they recognize a style ("trolling")... and I certainly hope there aren't five! I think it's more likely that people saw something they hated, or thought they should hate: the presence of food, the presence of humor, the presence of a style of post-processing they don't like... who knows?
I agree with you completely about the kind of photo that deserves a 1, by the way. It looks like a lot of good photographers have to suffer idiot voters. C'est la vie dp, apparently!
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04/30/2007 06:36:00 PM |
I agree with your comment about trolls... but can you also add some comments on your processing steps and how you did this photo? Very nice. |
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04/30/2007 06:20:58 PM |
I thought this should have been the Blue! Great idea and photo! |
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04/30/2007 06:03:31 PM |
Seems you underestimated yourself badly on this one. It's great. If it were up to me it would have ribboned. |
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04/30/2007 04:05:10 PM |
Geez, look at all those 1's!! People are assholes. This should have ribboned. |
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04/30/2007 12:14:21 PM |
Congrats on your 5th, this was my top pick, great job! |
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04/30/2007 11:24:57 AM |
Yeah....I love this!! It is Most Excellent!!!! |
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04/30/2007 11:04:06 AM |
I knew this was MAKS purely from the style & the model (his son). The worrying thing was I wanted to give it a ten, as liking his style, have marked him high in the past, this time though I dropped it a couple of marks so as not to get into trouble with `friend` voting. Its sad that its come to this.
Even if his son wasnt in the shot, I would of known it was hish, purely because whenever a new filter or style is discussed in the forums, MAK is generally one of the first to put it into practice in a challenge environment, and I take my hat off to that, howevr, and this is constructive critism, he also has a tendancy to overuse a new effect until the `next big thing` is discussed, just look at his tonempaping entries!! (however this could of been his undoing as others know his style and due to recent evernts, felt the need to `punish` him.. who knows).
Nice shot mate. At least it hit top 5, any lower would of been a travesty.
Message edited by author 2007-04-30 11:06:38. |
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04/30/2007 10:31:47 AM |
AMEN Mak!!!!!
Oh. . .and the only thing I disagree with you about is your comment that this photo is not brilliant. This photo is in fact BRILLIANT and worth every point of a 7.6 dream score :) !
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04/30/2007 10:23:50 AM |
This is NOT a food challenge; your task is to shoot the stuff you use to PREPARE your food. Have fun!
cant see anywhere in the challenge description that you shouldnt actually have any food in it ... i find it quite strange really, the way some ppl will just about look for something to find in an entry that doesnt fit and then say it DNMC ... and then mark you down ... oh well ... i reckon their weird attitude would pass over into their real lives and they'd be seeing all sort'v negative things around them that arent really there!!! ...
anyway marac ... i reckon this is just the best image .. you've taken an excellent photograph and processed it with style ... i love your imaginative approach and the humour ...
and congratulations on a great place in the challenge despite the 'do gooders' who arent actually doing good at all !! |
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04/30/2007 10:04:20 AM |
You may have recieved some 1's because the challenge specifically said this is NOT a food challenge and to use just kitchen ware. I was not one of those voters BTW. |
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04/30/2007 08:24:48 AM |
Originally posted by KarenNfld: Originally posted by MAK: it is an EXPERT editing ruleset |
No, it's an advanced editing challenge (oh, and BTW I did not vote this a 1).
Congrats on 5th place. |
Ooooops you are correct, I apologise about that part but the rest still stands LOL! |
04/30/2007 07:58:05 AM |
Originally posted by MAK: it is an EXPERT editing ruleset |
No, it's an advanced editing challenge (oh, and BTW I did not vote this a 1).
Congrats on 5th place. |
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04/30/2007 04:33:52 AM |
Originally posted by Cutter: People probably gave you 1's, 2's and 3's because it is a cartoon. I didn't vote. |
But it is a cartoon that is in focus and meets the challenge, like I say I have no problem with the 3's and at the end of the day it is an EXPERT editing ruleset so it does in fact mean that you may use photoshop a lot (if you so desire) the fact that this shot recieved 5 X 1s to me, does not show a simple dislike of the cartoon editing but more of an attempt to lower the end result thus known as TROLLING.
A vote of 1 should be issued to a shot that is 160x160 pixels totally void of any connection to the challenge without any focus whatsoever. But anyway, as I have always stated, A vote should be a persons free choice to do with what they please. but if the rules say you cannot issue a 10 to someone who's style you recognise (friend) then I believe it should work at the other end too when a shot (like this) clearly does not deserve a vote of 1 (another instance is the great shots of Librodo that get a string of brutal 1 votes too) I think that this kind of voting should also be policed (Im sure that SC are doing everything they can to deal with it) We ALL get affected by it. I have found very few shots that truely deserve a vote of 1.
Friend voting is cheating. I am guilty as charged and openly apologised for my part in it.
So is Trolling cheating and should be dealt with in the same manner IMHO.
here ends my little tale... I am totally happy with the placing of 5th I am just making a point.
Thanks |
04/30/2007 02:34:45 AM |
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04/30/2007 01:24:26 AM |
People probably gave you 1's, 2's and 3's because it is a cartoon. I didn't vote. |
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04/30/2007 01:22:33 AM |
Totally under rated.
Love it. |
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04/30/2007 01:14:02 AM |
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04/30/2007 12:21:29 AM |
Voting is all over the place with this one. Congrats on your honorable mention. |
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04/30/2007 12:13:28 AM |
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04/30/2007 12:13:07 AM |
Love it, how about sharing your processing steps
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04/30/2007 12:13:02 AM |
Excellent! Remind me to not have salad at your place. Congrats on your placement! |
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04/30/2007 12:08:12 AM |
Holy crap, Marac -- this one may be my favorite so far. Really fun shot with wacky processing. I love it! |
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04/30/2007 12:03:41 AM |
Please post how you did this. it's fantastic
Kev |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
04/29/2007 09:06:20 PM |
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04/29/2007 04:08:02 PM |
Alot of people hate this PP but I think it is cool. This could be a mordern day Norman Rockwell add. Good luck. |
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04/29/2007 02:10:14 PM |
Brilliant! This looks like a ribbon winner to me. Good luck! |
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04/29/2007 10:50:48 AM |
This is a funny idea, good pose and expression on the model, but the post-processing looks too overdone for me to really, really like it. Still gets above average - I gave this a 7. |
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04/28/2007 02:53:41 PM |
This is such a cool shot. I would love to know how you processed this to get the skin like that. |
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04/27/2007 03:55:16 PM |
Can't figure out whether I like this image for the picture or the processing. Guess it doesn't matter, because like it I do. Nice job. 8 |
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04/27/2007 10:29:50 AM |
I love this kind of image processing. Good work! |
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04/26/2007 10:21:00 PM |
Interesting concept! Normally I don't like this completely over-the-top grunge look, but it sorta fits here. My one big complaint is the eye being obscured by the flying food. |
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04/26/2007 10:09:39 PM |
Nice editing. Colors look good. |
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04/26/2007 08:28:24 PM |
lol, I recognise this model and style.. Wont be seeing him for a few months I bet! great shot, pity the eye nearest the camera has the pupil obscured by flying food. overall good shot. 8 |
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04/26/2007 12:25:12 AM |
awesome concept, perfect execution! |
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04/25/2007 11:38:42 PM |
Grotesque. Unrelenting. 8 |
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04/25/2007 01:04:32 PM |
I really don't know what to say except that I love it |
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04/24/2007 11:40:37 PM |
Wow, crazy. Grungy. Looks like Joey-style editing. I can't say I "like" it - not being able to really see either eye is creepy - but none the less it is a captivating photo. 7 |
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04/24/2007 06:36:46 PM |
looks a lot like joey lawrence got ahold of this picture... :) |
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04/24/2007 04:32:16 PM |
reminiscent of a witche's coldrum. cool editing, well-done! |
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04/24/2007 08:02:31 AM |
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04/24/2007 12:44:16 AM |
its over edited, not sure what im looking at, but i love it :) You better tell us what was the process you took! 8 |
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04/23/2007 09:16:26 PM |
I don't normally like the super processed shots but this one is nice. A Norman Rockwell look. My pick for the blue ribbon. |
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04/23/2007 08:25:52 PM |
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04/23/2007 05:43:52 PM |
Very fun. Gotta love the processing. I wish the food being flung around wasn't right in front of his face. |
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04/23/2007 03:27:36 PM |
Very cool, love the effect. |
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04/23/2007 01:30:46 PM |
I like the lighting, very strong, a bit odd, but effective. fun shot. 8 |
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04/23/2007 01:19:18 PM |
Great, creative processing! *7* |
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04/23/2007 12:47:13 PM |
Love the effects on this :-) |
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04/23/2007 11:03:59 AM |
I really like the processing on this...interested to see how it was done |
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04/23/2007 09:00:50 AM |
LOL...grerat edit, really suits the quirkiness of the image...good luck with this 9 |
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04/23/2007 08:48:13 AM |
Funny shot! 10 from me for making me laugh! |
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04/23/2007 07:23:12 AM |
LOVE IT!!! Fun shot - wonderful pp! Adding to favs!! |
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04/23/2007 06:45:36 AM |
REally cool processing. Great title. |
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04/23/2007 04:49:58 AM |
Is that editting legal? meh who cares 9! |
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04/23/2007 03:37:17 AM |
priceless expression! good lighting. excellent post-processing. crop is a bit tight. |
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04/23/2007 12:46:31 AM |
Amazing picture! I see a ribbon on this one. |
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04/23/2007 12:14:48 AM |
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