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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Fruits and Vegetables (Classic Editing)
Camera: Kodak DC215
Location: Kitchen
Date: Sep 8, 2002
Date Uploaded: Sep 8, 2002


Place: 200 out of 201
Avg (all users): 3.0943
Avg (commenters): 3.2083
Avg (participants): 3.2044
Avg (non-participants): 2.9766
Views since voting: 1169
Votes: 265
Comments: 24
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/15/2002 12:10:00 PM
Hmmm, ...I think that this photo's concept had some potential. There were some execution choices that hurt it IMO. The objects in the background distract from and aren't necessary to your subkect. I would try for a tighter crop that doesn't include them. Then, I generally like angles in photos, but this one is so slight that it really seems accidental -- I would go for more or less. Lastly, I would play with the way the bag is arranged on the cutting board. Take what you can use from this, disregard the rest. 3, just-married
09/15/2002 06:21:00 AM
If you get rid of the cluttered backround you'd have more focus on your subject.
09/14/2002 08:45:00 PM
Composition: Subject Placement, Cropping, Background5,
Technical: Focus, Exposure, Lighting, Processing6,
Appeal: Is it Interesting, Motivating, Etc.? 4,
Total Averaged Rating5. Autool
09/14/2002 02:07:00 PM
no comment
09/14/2002 12:32:00 PM
If you'd cropped in closer it would be more effective. The background is cluttered and detracts from the image. Also, increasing saturation would enhance it. Good luck in the callenge. Gracious aka Grayce
09/14/2002 12:53:00 AM
4 Journey
09/13/2002 05:23:00 PM
I don't think this is as creative as it could be, there is to much negative space in this photograph.
09/13/2002 02:26:00 PM
I think you are showing too much of the counter and back space. An interesting perspective would have been to get at the end of the bag, open it, and take a picture fo the veggies coming out, I think. karmat
09/13/2002 10:43:00 AM
this shot doesn't really have anything of interest going on. it might have been better as a close up macro shot of the frozen veggies. as it is, the shot is cluttered and poorly framed.
09/12/2002 02:57:00 AM
I don't really appreciate seeing all the kitchen stuff in this image. 5 sjgleah
09/11/2002 07:18:00 PM
perhaps a closer crop of the vegtables would be more artistic. When you cut in half background objects, it makes the photo seem "out of balance"
09/11/2002 11:27:00 AM
good subject, but a better setting is needed.
09/11/2002 10:00:00 AM
Unique look at the challenge. It would have been a great entry with a little work. But the Mr. Coffee, knives, can opener, filters, spices, etc really have no reason to be there. And the bottom of the shot falls off the counter entirely. Something as simple as moving in so that only the cutting board was in view would have made a tremendous difference here. I think your concept could have done VERY well. You have a fertile imagination. I think you just need to 'put some extra work' into your future entries...
09/11/2002 06:13:00 AM
This is a good idea, but I fear there are a few technical matters that – in my opinion – need looking at. The overall feel of the shot is lost mainly because the composition is not right. The background is cluttered and this draws attention away from the main subject. Also, the use of flash on a reflective surface has created a slight – but noticeable – over exposure of the main subject. I personally think that close cropping the freezer bag to include just part of the chopping board with the spilled contents, plus using a bounced flash or available light would have turned a good idea into a great shot. If you look closely at the freezer bag contents that have spilled out – you'll see a wonderful array of colours that blend beautifully because of the frosting, pull away, and it all gets lost to the overpowering background. Now, having pulled the picture apart, the idea works well in itself and the overall picture is not as bad as my comments make it sound. The way you have thought about the central composition of the subject works well. Sorry to be so negative. Good luckâ€Â¦
09/11/2002 12:40:00 AM
Too much distraction
09/10/2002 08:43:00 AM
lighting is off, background too busy.
09/09/2002 08:53:00 PM
have someone explain the word "cropping" to you, and this would start to be a better shot.
09/09/2002 07:44:00 PM
Being honest- NOT to offend. This doesn't do anything for me. Perhaps with a lot of cropping and different lighting. For me, this is too 'snap-shot' like. I'm just saying what I see. I'm seeing a bag of frozen veggies on the counter and someone just came over and took a picture of it-so for me, this isn't showing much 'photography'. I'm sorry to write this, but it's my observation.
09/09/2002 05:18:00 PM
If you cropped out everything but the vegitables, it would have been much better. It looks like you didn't challenge yourself on this one.
09/09/2002 04:03:00 PM
Yup, bad vegies! Low interest, less than favorable lighting, not sqaured up to counter top. 6 Swash
09/09/2002 03:33:00 PM
You can still eat those :) - jmsetzler
09/09/2002 02:58:00 PM
yep, definitely. i have plenty of that in my freezer, too. the photo itself is a little cluttered in the background, maybe if you had zoomed in more on the board with the vegetables and the bag to eliminate some of the other 'stuff' would've been nicer in my opinion. -- gr8photos.
09/09/2002 11:05:00 AM
"COOL" idea although I think it may have benefitted from a close-up.
09/09/2002 08:18:00 AM
Too much in the background - very distracting

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