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Manna From Heaven
1st PlaceManna From Heaven

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Fast Food (Advanced Editing V)
Camera: Nikon D80
Lens: Nikon AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8G IF-ED
Location: San Pedro, CA
Date: Aug 8, 2007
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/200
Galleries: Advertisement, Food and Drink
Date Uploaded: Aug 9, 2007

My first challenge with my new love, my Nikon 17-55mm f/2.8G lens. If I could marry it, I would.

This photo came from my original idea for the Fruit and Vegetables Challenge, which I never got to submit: . I'm developing quite the winged food portfolio. = )

This wasn't my favorite photo out of the series, but I got talked into submitting this one... hope it does well. My favorite shot was this one: , which was the original shot I took of the hamburger.

This was a time consuming project, but I had fun with it.

I cooked and assembled the burger, stuck wings in it, set up my lighting and photographed it in a light box, then post processed the burger in Photoshop, printed it out, cut it out, realized that the wings looked like crap when printed out, so cut off the wings and stuck the real wings onto the paper burger, hung the burger print on the outside of my light box, rearranged my lighting, used my remote to take pictures of myself posing with the burger, decided I looked terrible in every pic so cropped out everything below my eyeballs, and finished post processing.


Place: 1 out of 69
Avg (all users): 7.2432
Avg (commenters): 8.2667
Avg (participants): 7.0513
Avg (non-participants): 7.2842
Views since voting: 9643
Views during voting: 519
Votes: 222
Comments: 64
Favorites: 8 (view)

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08/26/2007 10:07:49 AM
make us want to make a midnight food run!
Your shot should be suitable for an advertising campaign.

Not even!

08/25/2007 09:14:36 PM
lovely shot, CONGRATS!
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08/22/2007 06:33:30 PM
Congrats on the ribbon. Your image reminded me of one I did awhile ago for a challenge. Not quite the same but similar.
My Image

Oops had to fix the link, man it has been awhile since I played on the site.

Message edited by author 2007-08-22 18:34:47.
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08/22/2007 05:01:40 AM
You make a darn good burger too! Great job! Congrats!
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08/21/2007 11:51:57 PM
cool shot!! well done congrats on ur ribbon!
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08/21/2007 09:50:07 PM
Judging by those eyes I can't believe your comments that you looked terrible in every picture. Great idea for a picture.
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08/21/2007 08:19:39 PM
Stunning shot, extremely clever and well executed, I really love it! Congrats on the well deserved ribbon :-)
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08/21/2007 02:28:26 PM
what a fun and wonderful pic and imformative info on the setup - well done!
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08/21/2007 02:14:23 PM
Great shot, Briana. Congratulations on winning the blue.
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08/21/2007 01:23:41 PM
Briana, many congratulations on your fourth ribbon, and first red!
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08/21/2007 03:58:40 AM
Meat + fire = good!

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08/20/2007 08:42:20 PM
Cows were no doubt horribly abused in creating this image, and rightly so, but where did the wings come from? Please don't tell us that the burger is actually fried angel body parts. Any hopes for our future salvation as ribbon wanna-bes are then dashed....

Message edited by author 2007-08-20 20:43:23.
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08/20/2007 08:09:17 PM
great piccy...congrats/well done
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08/20/2007 05:45:24 PM
One of my ribbon picks in this challenge, happy to see this get the Blue! Congratulations!
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08/20/2007 12:30:28 PM
Looks very tasty, and Fast! Let me know when you do Buffalo Wings with wings. All you need is some wings and a Breeeeze and you're flying. It doesn'r look like a cutout and it's eye catching as demonstrated by the model.
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08/20/2007 11:28:21 AM
This would make a great photo for an ad campaign...congratulations on winning the blue ribbon!
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08/20/2007 11:24:38 AM
I LOVED this photo in the challenge, and had a feeling it was going to be gracing a blue ribbon under it when it was all said and done. Your hard work and attention to every little detail sure paid off. A most deserving blue ribbon! Congratulations!!

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08/20/2007 06:29:23 AM
Even with such a small number of entries, I only got around to voting on half of them. This was my top score by far. Congratulations.
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08/20/2007 06:19:52 AM
beautiful ... both. :--)
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08/20/2007 05:18:44 AM
Great shot, congrats on your ribbon !
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08/20/2007 03:07:46 AM
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08/20/2007 03:07:07 AM
Fantastic Briana...well deserved...I love your other one with the apple as wll...congrats on the blue
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08/20/2007 03:03:41 AM
another blue! me thinks you are going to stick around for abit this time. :)
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08/20/2007 02:51:22 AM
very clever idea! You've done a great job! Congrats on the blue!
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08/20/2007 01:15:27 AM
Briana!! You are amazing! two blue ribbons within 7 days. Huge congratulations on your success. It's a really creative and well executed design. Excellent!!
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08/20/2007 01:09:59 AM
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S on an excellent image for this challenge, and so deserved the BLUE ribbon.....
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08/20/2007 12:35:39 AM
Yes, thanks for telling us how its done!
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08/20/2007 12:29:02 AM
You're on fire. Congrats on your blue!
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08/20/2007 12:03:51 AM
Wonderful! Congrats on the recent major successes. :) Thanks for sharing your story, too.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/19/2007 10:48:15 PM
Neat! Good work, nicely done.
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08/19/2007 03:58:30 PM
this one should ribbon...very well done!
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08/19/2007 11:07:03 AM
Clever shot...nice composition. Clean and interesting photo. Not to take anything away from you but this was a really weak challenge. This should be a ribbon winner no problem.
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08/19/2007 09:59:36 AM
Bravo. This could be an ad for one of the burger chains.
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08/19/2007 12:27:09 AM
Very cute... I'm sure you will do well here... that food is definitely moving fast :-)
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08/18/2007 09:45:00 PM
cute idea, nice execution
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08/18/2007 02:24:41 AM
That's really fast! LOL.
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08/18/2007 02:12:43 AM
kinda ok commercial shot 4 sure...
and the burger looks fresh and tasty
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08/17/2007 07:22:57 PM
Great concept and wonderful execution!
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08/17/2007 03:43:45 PM
Great shot and definately fit for an add campaign....10
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08/16/2007 06:10:29 PM
This would work great for an advertisement!
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08/16/2007 03:22:32 PM
Very Nice. I dig.
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08/15/2007 05:52:45 PM
Very clever work.
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08/15/2007 02:19:16 PM
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08/15/2007 01:13:47 PM
Great idea would have liked more color in her face though, she seems over exposed. Maybe a tinted background would be more effective?
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08/14/2007 10:10:51 PM
thank god for your entry (hehe) it's great!!
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08/14/2007 10:04:34 PM
the flying-burger with Pegasus wings - cool. perfect technically and composition. If I really had to critique: she's all so slightly looking past the burger not right at it. But that's only if I had to make a comment:)
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08/14/2007 09:17:32 PM
Top 3
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08/14/2007 06:34:09 PM
Fun view of the burger - the wings work here. To me the connection to the burger and the girl is a bit weak, and the composition isn't very strong. However, for an ad, the negative space would allow a great place for copy.
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08/14/2007 06:27:00 PM
Creative and delicious
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08/14/2007 06:18:53 PM
definite winner
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08/14/2007 04:56:22 PM
Good attempt at an interesting product shot...although the wings are washed out against the background.
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08/14/2007 02:43:46 PM
This is another shot what would work great for an ad campaign.
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08/13/2007 07:22:00 PM
very cute, nice comp. 8
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08/13/2007 07:14:38 PM
Like the concept. Good clean background - eyes nicely focussed on burger.
I like the crop (although I'm sure some people will say they would like to see more of the face - I personally think it works).
Well done
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08/13/2007 05:59:59 PM
Just voted on everything. I have to say, this is the best. There were a very few that really truly looked "suitable for an advertising campaign" and this is the best of the bunch. I think the other ones look suitable, but not great; this one looks great for advertising. There are a few other images in this challenge that I think visually appeal to me a little bit more, but I can honestly say that I hope, really and truly, that this one wins the blue ribbon.
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08/13/2007 04:01:41 PM
well shot!
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08/13/2007 01:32:36 PM
brilliant the only 10 so far
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08/13/2007 12:50:33 PM
For most of us Yes. psart
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08/13/2007 12:40:38 PM
clean clear and crisp.
and that's just the burger!!!!
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08/13/2007 12:01:01 PM
Lol - great title and I love the wings. Very creative and it looks edible. One of my top favorites. Good luck!
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08/13/2007 02:38:15 AM
really nice idea and crisp shot! Yoü've done a very good job. Like to see it in the Top 5
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08/13/2007 12:12:31 AM
One of the two 10's i picked!! Amazingly creative!!
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08/13/2007 12:11:35 AM
very nice, but what is a manna? doesn't look like a fast food burger, but I wish this is what they looked like, mmmm.
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08/13/2007 12:04:47 AM
clever image, really well executed 8
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