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Out of the Blue
1st PlaceOut of the Blue

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Negative Space (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus C-4040Z
Location: Our house, Blue Bay, Mauritius
Date: Sep 13, 2002
Aperture: F/6.3
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/100
Galleries: Portraiture, Water
Date Uploaded: Sep 14, 2002

Taken underwater in our swimming pool. My youngest son submerged only his face in the water to create this image.

Place: 1 out of 218
Avg (all users): 7.4006
Avg (commenters): 8.1500
Avg (participants): 7.4379
Avg (non-participants): 7.3696
Views since voting: 11377
Votes: 337
Comments: 86
Favorites: 59 (view)

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10/30/2009 12:29:46 PM
thats awesome!
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08/12/2004 05:30:20 PM
Loved it...
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08/08/2004 05:46:07 PM
A nice shot, how did you seel the camera from the water?
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10/22/2003 11:50:52 AM
Very cool shot! Wonderful mirror image...vibrant clear color...congrats!
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10/18/2002 01:44:00 AM
A lot of people have asked me if I have an underwater housing for my camera, yes I have one and I used it to take this photo.
10/08/2002 02:21:00 PM

you completely deserved to win this challenge.

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09/28/2002 08:35:00 PM
Congratulations, great shot..
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09/27/2002 01:18:00 PM
Jean, Do you have an underwater/Waterproof camera? Or did you use some type of glass box to house the camera while it was submerged?
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09/25/2002 10:08:00 PM
I'm glad you won this one Jean. Your image is an interesting and unual one in and of its own right. But it's particularly good for this challenge; a most excellent example of good use of negative space. Well done...... Just a "beginner in photography" you say? Okay, now you're scaring me. If you'd otherwise told me that you'd been at it for many, many years, it might have been a bit more comforting. LOL. In any event, kudos. Beginner or not, it's just good image making.
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09/25/2002 02:46:00 PM
Well done Jean. Logged on by chance!! Love to all Taryn!!!
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09/23/2002 11:56:00 AM
congratulations, well deserved! ;-)
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09/23/2002 10:57:00 AM
Congratulations, great shot..
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09/23/2002 08:50:00 AM
kewl. do u have an underwater housing?
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09/23/2002 06:13:00 AM
Superb shot - well done! This would have made a winning submission to next week's "Reflections without..." challenge too.
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09/23/2002 02:10:00 AM
This is one really cool photo. Congratulations on a job well done!
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09/23/2002 01:50:00 AM
I am very surprised at getting first place, there were such fantastic entries and such tough competition. I bought my little boy lots of chocolates for modelling for me, he was such a star, he even caught a cold from all the dunking in the water. I thought the dirty marks on the right of my son (which was the edge of the swimming pool) and the bubbles on the face would be my downfall. Unfortunately I wasn't allowed to spot edit so it had to be left in the picture. Thanks for all the nice comments, it is so encouraging for me since I am only a beginner in photography.
09/23/2002 12:36:00 AM
Congratulations, this is a great shot !
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09/23/2002 12:30:00 AM
Great Job Jean!!
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09/23/2002 12:27:00 AM
Congrats Jean! Very nice photo.
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09/23/2002 12:24:00 AM
I love this and am so glad it placed first. Congratulations on a great image!
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09/23/2002 12:22:00 AM
Congratulations -- very well deserved!!
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09/23/2002 12:21:00 AM
Jean. Very nice indeed. Congrats to you!
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09/23/2002 12:21:00 AM
Congrats! Awesome shot.
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09/23/2002 12:19:00 AM
Jean, great finish... excellent photo!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/22/2002 11:48:00 PM
Interesting shot! I especially like the clear reflection.
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09/22/2002 11:07:00 PM
Great effect.
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09/22/2002 04:17:00 PM
Wow, very surreal. This is quite a work of art, One of several 10?s this week, Good Luck.
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09/22/2002 02:47:00 AM
The water looks kinda cool around his face. What is that streak running through the picture. great detail. 8
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09/21/2002 11:27:00 PM
is that ur girl!!!!!!!!!!
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09/21/2002 11:00:00 PM
cool background. if it weren't for the little air bubbles (?), it would be impossible to tell how this was done. Even so, I am still not certain. I'm seeing a streak of somekind down teh right side of the frame, in the "negative" space. It kinda distracts from the rest of it, but i understand it may not be able to be fixed. karmat
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09/21/2002 10:16:00 PM
I've studied this photo for a while and it looks to me this face is underwater. At any rate excellent shot. 10
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09/21/2002 07:18:00 PM
nice I give u a 8
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09/21/2002 12:39:00 PM
Very striking and the shape left in the blue is intriguing. I'd score it higher but I don't find the expression on his face as he holds his breath appealing. it's more an image that I find fascinating that appealing, though that's not explaining it very well. I'll try come back and clarify that a little if I can.
8, kavey
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09/20/2002 03:20:00 PM
cute. Tank, or pool?
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09/20/2002 11:40:00 AM
Well done.
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09/20/2002 11:28:00 AM
Cool! I like the bubbles on his nose and lashes, l love the serious expression and the color and tone are beautiful. 10! kathleenm
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09/20/2002 09:35:00 AM
Did you use an underwater camera for this or....?
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09/19/2002 10:57:00 PM
Neat! Okay, so I'm confused...? How-to coming? It certainly appears that the face (facing right) is the one below the water, given the bubbles in the eyelashes and near the nose. So, did you take this shot from below water surface? Anyway, neat shot which created neat neg space around the faces. 7, just-married
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09/19/2002 06:40:00 PM
Excellent image, good use of the negative space, congratulations to the model.
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09/19/2002 05:41:00 PM
Wonderful shot. Can't wait to see the details for this one. I don't have anything to suggest, it's great. I am not commenting on negative space, even though I think I understand it pretty well, I am obviously not understanding it well enough from the stand point of other artists. Great shot! 10 Swash
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09/19/2002 04:47:00 PM
wow...interesting composition!! love the blue.----8---shutterfly
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09/19/2002 03:34:00 PM
This is amazing! The lighting and framing are absolutely perfect. The expression on the kid's face looks reflective and very natural. How did you get that reflection? How did you take this underwater?
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09/19/2002 03:19:00 PM
SOOOO COOL. he looks like a cherub. The water is sooo blue. Yes the neg space definately impacts this image. Excellent work 9
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09/19/2002 11:00:00 AM
Thought provoking....
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09/19/2002 09:14:00 AM
Clever juxtaposition - how did you get the water to stand up vertically? :)
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09/19/2002 04:22:00 AM
neat way of using water
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09/18/2002 08:21:00 PM
nifty shot. would be kind of interesting if it was a small baby as the model, since then the title could be a reference to the baby coming. also, the bubble on the nose is kind of distracting. but it's a very cool shot.
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09/18/2002 08:17:00 PM
Spooky, Nice shot. 7
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09/18/2002 04:48:00 PM
It would have been PERFECT if that bubble by the nose wasnt there, but having said that, its still... 8 -lennier
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09/18/2002 02:35:00 PM
I originally gave this an 8 on my first pass, but I am glad to have re-visited. I think this brilliantly describes both a physical and an artistic negative space. 9 Jak
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09/18/2002 02:22:00 PM
Nice, nice shot.
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09/18/2002 11:07:00 AM
Love the reflection, very good image. Just wish the bubbles were not there
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09/18/2002 08:34:00 AM
Very cool photography.
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09/18/2002 07:56:00 AM
Excellent idea and well captured - great work! 9 - floyd
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09/18/2002 02:50:00 AM
woah! trippy! nice shot
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09/18/2002 12:24:00 AM
This made me think when I first saw it. It's so clear and bright that if wasn't for the tiny air bubbles it would make you wonder how it was really done. The water line around the face is perfect. The face of the child has no expression at all like you would expect of someone under water. I really like it.
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09/18/2002 12:24:00 AM
Well, noone copied this idea anyway :o) The weird part is that I know he's underwater, but his hair looks dry. I love the blue color. Focus & lighting is amazingly good for the situation. What sort of set-up did you use? ~indigo997
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09/17/2002 10:02:00 PM
My top pick for this week! Very creative... how long did the poor guy have to hold his breath? I'll betcha this is Top 3 material.
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09/17/2002 03:22:00 PM
I'm still trying to figure out how this was done. Very clever.
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09/17/2002 09:04:00 AM
I don't know what you did here, but the effect is amazing... Some kind of mirror underwater.... but..how, what,... did you,,.ah, ummm....
What is that vertical streak along the right side? Please tell me it's a seam and not something illegal (not accusing,... just wondering). I could sign this, but... I don't usually do that. Nope. gonna go at "face" value. (don't mind the pun, do you?)
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09/17/2002 08:32:00 AM
Very well done. Focus and lighting are great. Great use of negative space. 9
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09/17/2002 05:38:00 AM
This is a very cool picture. One of my tops so far. Its creative, well conceived and well taken. Those white spots on his face are distracting. That's all I can find wrong with it.
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09/17/2002 05:18:00 AM
WAOW .... one of the possible winner INHO. Nothing to say. 10. Lionel
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09/17/2002 05:03:00 AM
I just get lodt in this picture. I have 1000 idea´s how you did it but still can´t get it like this. You much make a "How´d they did that" and send in please do that.
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09/16/2002 11:58:00 PM
GREAT... the best this week in my opinion...
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09/16/2002 11:51:00 PM
terrific. I hope you do a "tutorial" on this one. I would just say if you could have removed the one air bubble around the nose it would add even more to the effect. 9. cmcvety.
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09/16/2002 08:22:00 PM
This is an excelent photo and nice use of neg space, however that vertical line is very distracting! It breaks right through the middle of the neg space. It is very odd, and I have to wonder what it is, and what caused it. The lighting is great, and the angle and framing are great. Focus and clarity are excelent under the circumstances. Overall really nice photo. Good luck in the challenge. ~hbunch7187~
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09/16/2002 08:22:00 PM
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09/16/2002 07:07:00 PM
this is one of my favorites this week. did u try it horizontal? i know the wow factor is higher this way but on the bottom. i don't know, it feels better. great shot!
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09/16/2002 04:40:00 PM
This is a pretty amazing picture. Would like to hear more about it. Very good job! Good luck in the challenge...it's a tough one! Grayce aka Gracious
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09/16/2002 04:09:00 PM
This is a really neat shot... :) Maybe the same underwater guy from last week? anyway... This photo has a very eerie element to it and it definitely caught my attention... the abstract nature of this photograph is quite exciting :) = 9 - jmsetzler
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09/16/2002 02:51:00 PM
no that something different --i like it--i am trying to figure out if it is water at a pool or what--nice image--i like the blue around the face and reflectio--nice concept--8bobgaither
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09/16/2002 12:45:00 PM
WOW, cool shot! Don't know how you did it, but it is interesting, and a little weird ! Good neg spc, and composition. The kind of shadowy "line" running down the right is a little distracting to me. lhall-7
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09/16/2002 12:04:00 PM
Extremely ingenious shotâ€Â¦ Like the idea, like the composition and I love the lightingâ€Â¦ (10)
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09/16/2002 11:25:00 AM
Great idea and photo.
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09/16/2002 11:09:00 AM
I bet this must have taken you a number of shots. Poor kid, I hope they got a candy bar out of it. "10"
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09/16/2002 10:49:00 AM
Nice idea. Well executed.
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09/16/2002 10:35:00 AM
Very well done, could of been a bit lighter. Love the creativity. Score 6 Justine
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09/16/2002 10:32:00 AM
Wicked nice - clever, fits, enough to let u know whats up, and colorful. 10 !sgtpepper6344
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09/16/2002 08:07:00 AM
This is so cool. I can tell it's in the pool but can't wait to see how it was done !
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09/16/2002 05:52:00 AM
Quite freaky--interesting great concept andrewm
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09/16/2002 05:20:00 AM
An amazing image. I've never seen one like this before. Very creative. Well done!!
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09/16/2002 05:09:00 AM
Composition: good 6
Lighting: good 5,
Appeal:6, Total Rating 6 Sulamk
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09/16/2002 04:40:00 AM
I think this is an excellent shot, very creative and brilliantly executed. The only (minor) niggle is the grey / brown patch to the right of the child's face. If you could lose that, there would be less diversion from the subject of the photo. Good...no, excellent stuff!
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09/16/2002 12:54:00 AM
wow... startling, to say the least!
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09/16/2002 12:36:00 AM
very cool - 7
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