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" I don't have a garage"
" I don't have a garage"

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Garage Art (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Location: maplewood farms, north vancouver, b.c.
Date: Feb 1, 2004
Aperture: 5.0
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/200
Galleries: Emotive, Animals
Date Uploaded: Feb 2, 2004


Place: 109 out of 159
Avg (all users): 4.8256
Avg (commenters): 5.8833
Avg (participants): 4.7791
Avg (non-participants): 4.8488
Views since voting: 3222
Votes: 258
Comments: 87
Favorites: 31 (view)

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07/02/2008 02:21:48 PM
Just found this in sfalice's faves. It just goes to the heart (of the matter?), laugh and cry. If I weren't so lazy I would select 5 or more of the comments and ditto them, but "insanely funny" almost sums it up.
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03/23/2007 08:06:44 AM
omg, this is just I don't really know what!!:) a fave this is, right away!
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01/23/2007 11:44:03 PM
This is just SOOO expressive! He looks so tragically sad!
01/23/2007 11:22:34 PM
My sheep have a garage and I am sure they would sympathize with your sheep. Best example of Garage Art in this challenge!
07/17/2006 11:05:52 AM
He looks so sad!!! :( Great shot of that expression!
12/22/2005 10:11:42 AM
I lost this one for awhile, but now I'm glad he has been found. This has to be one of the greatest shots on DPC.
08/20/2005 05:00:30 PM
Ok, I'm crying at this. Poor little thing - I know it's not human emotion, but it sure runs a close second to despair! AWWWWWWW This is the most emotive shot I've seen all month. Bless his little baaaaahd self. :~D
08/20/2005 03:58:33 PM
Ive never seen this photo before!! Oh man its hilarious!
05/12/2005 11:57:48 PM
This is too funny!! I love humourous animal shots.
05/03/2005 08:28:11 PM
As many times as I have seen this, I can't believe I never put this one in my favorites.
Not sure which is better - the title or the shot itself, but the two were made for each other!!
What a riot!
05/03/2005 08:12:00 PM
This is a GREAT shot. I am very strict about meeting the challenge, but I think you did. You used humor to slam the challenge. You pay your money to participate in challenges and they don't realise, "I Don't Have a Garage"!! Sometimes when I'm having a bad day at work, I just think of this shot and I'm giggling! Thanks, and great work!! :)
02/12/2004 08:45:30 PM
This should have won -- For the most creative of the bunch!
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02/12/2004 11:40:16 AM
May not have got a great score, but it made me smile. :-)
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02/11/2004 01:32:26 PM
This is probably my highest rated "doesn't fit the challenge"/"stretch to fit the challenge"/whatever-you-want-to-call-it picture ever. I'm usually at least a little sticky about fitting the challenge and not relying too much on the title to fit a shot in, but I gave this one an 8 - not often do I literally laugh out loud when I'm looking at challenge entries - when I saw this I did. And even without knowing the etymological roots of the word "garage". :)
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02/11/2004 11:39:36 AM
I thought I commented on this shot. I love it. I didn't vote on it but had to let you know how much I liked it. He has the best expression on his face and you got to love those curls.
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02/11/2004 08:22:10 AM
I *love* the expression on this guy. He's so saaad!!!!
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02/11/2004 08:13:33 AM
Originally posted by hbunch7187:

Piece of advice...Don't be afraid to sit out for a challenge. Better to sit out then to be scored low for a good pic just cause it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic we're suposed to be shooting for.

You beat about 50 people who DID take garage photos, so I think maybe it's worth submitting once in awhile just for the hell of it.

Good shot, very very classic and funny. Fav-ing it now.

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02/11/2004 08:00:49 AM
Interesting statistic: your 109th place shot got more 9's and 10's than my 19th place shot. It's a pity that most voters could not accept that this *is* a take on the theme, albeit an off-beat (and very funny) one.

A very literal DPC community is a very dull DPC community.
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02/11/2004 07:14:09 AM
I loved it then and I love it now. I agree, it should have ranked higher. I'm adding it to my favs... great shot!
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02/11/2004 01:03:11 AM
I still love this shot the expresion really goes with the title
Shame you didnt do better But great shot
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02/11/2004 12:23:55 AM
Yes, It should have ranked higher for the originality, I loved it too!
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02/11/2004 12:22:29 AM
Ellamay, I am delighted to see all the positive comments on your wonderful entry. Keep up the good, and original, work. Your beautiful beastie is now one of my "Favorites."
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02/11/2004 12:06:18 AM
I still love this - kudos for having the nerve to put it in and I think it should have had better ranking.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/10/2004 10:15:32 PM
Nice NICE try....lol (laughing here) Not garage art. But a funny shoehorn into the challenge. :)
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02/10/2004 09:52:09 PM
nice try linking just a cute picture to a topic totally unrelated..... it worked for me! =)
02/10/2004 08:04:33 PM
Poor guy looks soooo sad...but with that hair doo I guess I really can't say I blame him! :-)
Nice shot, love the expression captured on his face.... 7
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02/10/2004 04:39:21 PM
nice detail and focus, good shallow dof
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02/10/2004 04:19:30 AM
02/10/2004 03:14:00 AM
10 for the humor
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02/09/2004 10:15:28 PM
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02/09/2004 08:41:48 PM
This is the best photo in the garage competition.... I don't have a garage either... I think I still have to deduct some anyway...... 8.
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02/09/2004 04:22:34 PM
great job! a lamb... 1
02/09/2004 04:13:42 PM
Mm!! Good shot but garage art?
02/09/2004 05:10:31 AM
soooo cute .... and funny - 10
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02/08/2004 11:38:42 PM
What a hoot!!!
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02/08/2004 03:39:09 PM
Priceless irony, wonderful shot. Did she sing to you or did you inflict her state?

In lieu of words > 9
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02/08/2004 02:18:29 PM
I really love this shot, but it stretches to meet the challenge. At least you used the word garage in your title
02/08/2004 02:12:34 PM
I don't know if it fits the subject well, but it is an incredible photo. congratulations. Mega-explressive.
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02/08/2004 07:46:42 AM
Really does look like he/she/it's crying! Gotta love it! Well done!
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02/08/2004 12:15:43 AM
This is funny. I like your humour!
A very good image great detail and great focus 7
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02/07/2004 09:46:28 PM
great shot, but I've never seen one of these in a garage. It would have done well in a challenge that it meets, but I can't vote a shot this far out of the challenge well.
02/07/2004 08:41:34 PM
Funny but a stretch on the theme. A good picture none the less. 6
02/07/2004 05:10:25 PM
I am not sure what this has to do with a garage....BUT..its such a fantastic photo...9
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02/07/2004 01:43:40 PM
Very humorous outtake on this challenge. It's good that you didn't give up not having garage... The picture is very sharp and clean. It's as if the sheep is crying over not having her own garage. Well shot humour. 10
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02/07/2004 10:53:55 AM
My heart goes out to you. I wonder if Charlie would let you stay in his garage?
I don't think soooo!
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02/07/2004 01:18:20 AM
Nice picture, very sharp; but I feel it doesn't meet the challenge.
02/06/2004 11:56:08 PM
Nice shot, but doesn't fit the challenge at all, in spite of the clever title. I wish I could score this higher...
02/06/2004 09:17:12 PM
Great shot...though it is hard to type while laughing. Very clever.
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02/06/2004 06:24:53 PM
I LOVE IT! I am not sure this picture really goes along with the theme but I think this is a great shot. Sometimes I feel just the way this little guy looks.
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02/06/2004 12:45:06 AM
That is just hilarious.
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02/05/2004 09:52:03 PM
I can't help myself. That's why we have a sense of humor - for pictures like this. 9
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02/05/2004 09:13:06 PM
Where do you keeep this ram charger than?! BOL
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02/05/2004 06:56:22 PM
Great, expressive shot... a bit of a stretch for garage art....
02/05/2004 02:44:54 PM
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02/05/2004 02:10:33 PM
This is one of hte most hilarious photos I've ever seen. It would actually have been perfect for "letting go." I love the lips.
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02/05/2004 01:21:52 PM
What part of Garage ART is it?
02/05/2004 12:49:25 PM
Kind of a stretch for the theme, but what an expression you've captured! It's a great pic, just not on theme.
02/05/2004 09:24:42 AM
This is a good shot but I cant figure out the conection to the challege subject
02/05/2004 07:03:51 AM
Funny (scored low anyhow -- sorry! - didn't fit)
02/05/2004 04:59:53 AM
An excellent quality photo, but it why enter it in this challenge?
02/05/2004 12:37:34 AM
this is one of the funniest pictures i have seen on here in a long time. has nothing to do with garage art, but it is insainly funny.

the fact that he is supposedly crying over not having a garage is so random it makes it even funnier.

too bad there wasn't a comedy challenge this week. you would have won.
02/04/2004 10:26:35 PM
excelent - 20 (it's exactly how I felt when I saw the challenge)
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02/04/2004 08:39:56 PM
I LOVE this. This is exactly how I would feel without my gargage! Oh yeah, the photo is great!
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02/04/2004 06:39:04 PM
awesome shot, but doesnt really fit the garage theme
02/04/2004 06:18:30 PM
Probably the funniest shot in the challenge!! :) I love it and though I don't really consider it "Garage Art", I sympathize with your situation and love the way you express it. This is such a great subject and you captured him/her so well, I absolutely love the expression! Well done!
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02/04/2004 05:43:16 PM
Now, that's funny! :)
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02/04/2004 05:31:21 PM
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02/04/2004 04:51:43 PM
I don't see the connection... get back to me and I'll vote the photo.
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02/04/2004 03:28:00 PM
Wonderful shot. The sight of this makes me feel uneasy, like it's a human that has turned into a sheep. Not really on topic though. In an animal shot this would be a 10.
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02/04/2004 03:02:34 PM
Great photo with good expression. Funny.
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02/04/2004 02:31:40 PM
this is hilarious!
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02/04/2004 02:14:36 PM
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02/04/2004 12:54:49 PM
nice expression on the sheep, but does not fit cahllenge.
02/04/2004 11:14:56 AM
great texture and moment btw
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02/04/2004 08:30:27 AM
Nice photograph, but unfortunately its also somewhat off subject :(
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02/04/2004 08:19:09 AM
This is wonderful and got a belly laugh (hard thing to accomplish before the coffee) and it has nothing to do with the challenge but it's getting a 7 from me for technical merit and I wish I could go higher
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02/04/2004 07:29:04 AM
Incredible! Very well done job. This was stunning. Unfortunately I can´t vote it high because this challenge requires some identity of the stuff, used to produce the artwork, with garages. Certainly a sheep is not a commom thing to put in garage. Then this don´t meet the challenge. This break my heart, but I need to do it.
02/04/2004 06:43:06 AM
While a fine and detailed photo of this animal I don't think one would normally find this in a garage.
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02/04/2004 04:58:21 AM
funny! ROTFL its great but I can't put you in a top 3 #'s for the subject breach...sorry
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02/04/2004 04:54:32 AM
Lovely and very funny 10.
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02/04/2004 12:47:20 AM
Very funny face and very nice capture. But what a garage has to do with it?? ;-)
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02/04/2004 12:40:16 AM
I'm not soo sure this fits the challenge, but I do love the expression you captured
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02/04/2004 12:33:32 AM
OOooooooh mmmmmmy gosh. What a funny shot! This guy is so expressive. Great capture/timing!! Good job.
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02/04/2004 12:23:45 AM
Well, I don't have a goat. Isn't that a shame.
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02/04/2004 12:13:07 AM
It's a good photo, but unfortunately has nothing to do with the challenge. Piece of advice...Don't be afraid to sit out for a challenge. Better to sit out then to be scored low for a good pic just cause it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic we're suposed to be shooting for.
As for the photo...it's nice. Great focus and lighting. I like that the fence is behind him a nd not in front of him. The expression is priceless...but honestly, for this challenge, I have to score it low. Sorry.
02/04/2004 12:10:16 AM
cant find much of a tie-in to the challenge on this photo...
02/04/2004 12:09:13 AM
welllll.............. garage..................... i got a BAD rating on my last challenge for not following the directions close enough..... but... well.... i laughed outloud... this was a great funny image. perhaps you could crop a little of the right. saturation, color, and contrast look good.... funny funny.... i'll give you a 9 ..
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