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fast track to oblivion
2nd Placefast track to oblivion

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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: The Beginning of the End (Advanced Editing V)
Collection: 2006/2007 - CHALLENGES
Camera: Canon EOS-400D Rebel XTi
Lens: Tamron AF 18-200mm f/3.5-6.3 XR Di II for Canon
Location: at home
Date: Oct 24, 2007
Aperture: f4
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/125
Galleries: Emotive, Persuasive
Date Uploaded: Oct 24, 2007

thankyou to my beautiful niece ann-marie for being the model .. she's a totally mad person and a wonderful friend..
she's not snorting the 'real' thing btw .. its sugar .!!. ;)
this subject is something that affects us all, whether directly or indirectly ..

i struggled with this demon for over twenty five years .. a thing of the past for going on twenty ..

i wish i had the imagination, creativity and photographic skills to put this message across in a much more powerful and persuasive way ..
it can most definitely be the beginning of the end .. the end of life as you know it .. a life shared with a 'being' so powerful that it's nearly impossible to tear yourself away.
i'm not expecting this entry to go that well coz it might be too confrontational for a lot of ppl .. but i felt a need to do it anyway .. it was personal .. I've been there ..

after the voting ..
OMG .. talk about a wonderful response . thankyou everyone for your congratulations .. it makes getting this little red ribbon feel even better .... :)xx

i am putting in the editing steps etc because a few ppl have asked ..
i took this photograph on our verandah and it was a cloudy day .. i dont have any special lights .. so thats the setup .. i used a mirror firstly because it can be appropriate to the behaviour and also so i could create a drug look in the reflection ..
processing steps were ..
i did a draganizer action and a retro action on the original ..
this is the original which is pretty ordinary ..

both the draganizer and retro actions can be found and downloaded for free at this site .. DOWNLOADS
i found this site explained actions well .. ACTIONS EXPLAINED
this is the workflow ..

i'm sorry but this workflow is incomplete with heaps of actions/steps not shown as they have been merged with previous layers etc, but it does give an idea ..

Place: 2 out of 137
Avg (all users): 6.8702
Avg (commenters): 8.1905
Avg (participants): 6.6471
Avg (non-participants): 7.0125
Views since voting: 15503
Views during voting: 467
Votes: 131
Comments: 122
Favorites: 49 (view)

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02/23/2019 09:13:10 PM
Going back to your first DPC Ribbon, with this amazingly well done image. Those were the days of grunge and draganizer effects and you were a master at them. :)
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05/08/2010 08:31:31 AM
It's taken me all this time to find this brilliant image!! This image really highlights your creative abilities and your excellent post processing skills.
I hope we all can enjoy more images from your creative side in future challenges.
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12/22/2009 11:15:12 PM
One of my favorite photos ever... This has such obvious and subtle meanings by the composition, editing, and treatment. Beautifully presented.
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12/08/2008 08:24:00 AM
Great picture. Reminds me of "Requiem For A Dream". <3
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02/28/2008 11:06:48 PM
Can't believe I didn't comment on this after it ribboned. Brilliant piece of work - really. You've captured the "demon" all too realistically. Congratulations on this powerful masterpiece.
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12/19/2007 04:32:36 PM
This is very good and very true! I had many friends fall victim to drug use in my life.
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11/28/2007 07:42:33 PM
it ok
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11/17/2007 04:58:56 AM
I love this image because it scares me. Personally I hate drugs, so right there it's pushing it for me, but the image pulls the emotion out so well. I especially love how intense the eyes are, and even more so, how the reflection seems to be a little more cold of a color theme. Love it!
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11/11/2007 02:16:29 PM
Congratulations Roz for such a wonderful image and such a desrving ribbon(it was long overdue). In fact your image is the best one on the entire first page
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11/09/2007 04:11:10 AM
Congrats Roz, I like this one the best of the ribbon winners in this challenge :)
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11/08/2007 03:25:25 AM
Congratulations. Very well done!

Message edited by author 2007-11-08 03:26:59.
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11/07/2007 04:42:14 PM
WOW WOW Roz, I am so happy for you!!!! Gorgeous beautiful you x
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11/07/2007 11:00:38 AM
Congratulations roz on a splendid image. It's beautifully crafted and tells a powerful story.
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11/07/2007 10:26:03 AM
Wonderful shot!!!
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11/07/2007 02:59:16 AM
Congrats Rozzy. Great photo mate and very suited to the challenge. Way to go mate.
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11/07/2007 12:38:05 AM
OMG, Roz! I've been working crazy hours lately & haven't been tuning in to DPC much these last weeks - totally missed your placement here - congrats on your ribbon!!!
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11/06/2007 10:21:40 PM
WOW look at those comments and favorites..... Way to go Roz.....
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11/06/2007 09:43:43 PM
This should've been number 1!
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11/06/2007 04:56:50 PM
wonderful editing. great shot. congrats on the ribbon!
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11/06/2007 04:02:03 PM
This is such a great shot ROZ. Congratulations on your first ribbon. Way to go girl.
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11/06/2007 03:29:21 PM
nice contrast.
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11/06/2007 11:43:15 AM
You've come a long way, perseverence pays off, and you learn a few things along the way.
Congratulations, on your big day.
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11/06/2007 10:19:59 AM
i'm glad this got a ribbon. awesome image, and great PP!
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11/06/2007 09:53:41 AM
Terrific image that tells a story. Congrats on the red.
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11/06/2007 09:09:47 AM
ROZ!!!!! you got you one! Far past due you getting this ribbon. ;) i'm sure it's one of many to come. congratulations!
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11/06/2007 01:23:14 AM
Roz, what an outstanding photo and an outstanding message. Congrats on your first ribbon. It is well deserved!
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11/05/2007 11:32:38 PM
Awesome picture, so good; love the message that you try to tell people good, you have a good heart :)
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11/05/2007 09:37:29 PM
Well done, congratulations. Long overdue!
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11/05/2007 08:24:27 PM
Congrats on the first of many ribbons ... A very thought provoking image
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11/05/2007 08:21:38 PM
Wait a minute, this is your first ribbon? I somehow thought you had a bunch of them. Well, double congratulations!!!! :)
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11/05/2007 05:53:35 PM
Awesome job Roz!!!!! Many many Congratulations!
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11/05/2007 05:35:40 PM
ROZ....oh, how kewl! Red ribbon for an amazing shot. Your final photograph is just awesome! Well deserved!
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11/05/2007 02:53:06 PM
This is really awesome, but someone needs to teach you guys the right way to cut lines!!! I mean...ummmm....GO SPORTS!
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11/05/2007 12:03:23 PM
Wow, so true! Awesome..should be a poster placed everywhere with the title on it.
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11/05/2007 10:57:10 AM
This is a terrific image with a incredible message. It is shocking and of great impact to the viewer, no doubt about it. Congratulations on your much well deserved ribbon.
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11/05/2007 10:07:14 AM
I am SO HAPPY to see this image ribbon! Congratulations, Roz, I've loved your processing for ages and I'm thrilled to see one of your fantastic works being recognized by the community at large :-) WOW, this is so great, HUGE HUGS!!
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11/05/2007 09:47:59 AM
Roz- you ROCK- so proud of you! A well deserved ribbon for a very brave image. Per usual the processing shines through. Big congrats & hug from me :) P
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11/05/2007 09:42:38 AM
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11/05/2007 09:35:47 AM
ROZ!! I knew it was only a matter of time until your processing expertise, and your off-the-chart creativity started winning you ribbons :) CONGRATULATIONS on your first one . . . and I'm sure there will be many to follow. I've said this before, but again, you are a photographic and photoshop GENIUS!!!

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11/05/2007 09:24:55 AM
very clever & extremely well executed. Congrats!
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11/05/2007 09:22:40 AM
thats neat!!
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11/05/2007 09:18:43 AM
Nicely done. I like this one the best. The technique fit this photo well. Congratulations.
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11/05/2007 08:47:22 AM
Way to go Roz!!! Congrats on your first of many ribbons. Well deserved!!
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11/05/2007 08:22:15 AM
Roz! Congratulations on the RIBBON! omg I am so excited for you. I think you are quite creative and this photo was put together so well. I love how the reflection is slightly aged to show the wear and tear that this can put on your body. Excellent job and I am so glad that you have received the recognition you deserve!
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11/05/2007 07:55:58 AM
What can I say that everyone hasn't already?! I can tell you that I hopped out of bed (grumpy), got on line (bleary eyes) and I'm now (smilin) in a good mood after reading all of the comments. Nice job hon!

edit: and realize now that I'm awake this is not who I thought it was..but it's still awesome. I just wouldn't normally call ya hun :)

Message edited by author 2007-11-05 10:49:13.
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11/05/2007 07:55:19 AM
Congrats! So happy for you! I love the image and your proscessing.
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11/05/2007 07:42:26 AM
Congrats! Great shot & I love the processing!!
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11/05/2007 07:26:22 AM
Jeez Roz!!!!

Your first ribbon..Congratulations!!!!

I will be honest and say I wish it was for one of your less contrevesial shots.

I totally get the quality of the shot, the quality of the PP and the message that it is trying to convey but hardly one to hang over your wall

Actually given that shots like this can get marked down by some voters the fact that you have ribboned with it speaks volumes for the power and technicals of the shot

Great job Girl
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11/05/2007 06:57:19 AM
Congrats on your first ribbon! Powerful image!
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11/05/2007 06:45:41 AM
Roz!!!!!! Congrats- This is an awesome but extremely disturbing shot. So well done.
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11/05/2007 06:37:02 AM
OH MY GOD!!!! A ribbon for my Aussie pal. Way to go, girl!!!! Congratulations.
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11/05/2007 06:11:37 AM
70 comments already, and growing all the time.....
Are you down and back to earth yet, dear friend, as you totally ROCK with this result.....
I am sure Greg and the family, including Katee, are all very excited for you.....
You so deserved your first ribbon, and this was the image that had to do it for you. I had no idea it was yours, so was blown away when I saw the results today.....

I do hope you all have a great celebration at home there..... Its time to PARTY, and only wish I was there with you.....

Message edited by author 2007-11-05 06:13:28.
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11/05/2007 06:04:39 AM
Good idea, great shot, superb processing. A well deserved ribbon, congratulations!

The low votes are probably again from people who think they're answering the question "Do you think people should take drugs?" instead of "Do you think this is a good photograph that fits the challenge?" with their votes. I wish they left comments to at least explain why they vote the way they do.
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11/05/2007 05:17:54 AM
Roz, I was so happy when I saw your name on the front page! Couldn't have happened to a nicer person! Congratulations, a fantastic image and a well deserved ribbon!
I wish I could have been there when you first found out, I reckon you would've been just a little bit excited!? Hey? :)
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11/05/2007 05:06:01 AM
congrats I liked this shot. I like how in the reflection the eyes look bloodshot and the face seems more aged. For some reason I think if the powder was not so scattered on the mirror. It is good to see at least one picture that fit the challenge ribboned. Its funny how 1st and 3rd are mirror images that look real good but barely fit the challenge if at all.
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11/05/2007 04:54:07 AM
OPMG ROZ...your firast ribbon!!! So deserved and I'm sure the first of many :) Your editing skils are top notch aswesome job
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11/05/2007 04:45:06 AM
well done/congrats
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11/05/2007 03:33:19 AM
An amazing and powerful image. Congratulations on your ribbon!
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11/05/2007 03:13:10 AM
Absolutely professional processing on a superb, creative shot. Congrats on your first ribbon!
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11/05/2007 03:03:57 AM
Great entry!
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11/05/2007 02:51:19 AM
Roz, great picture - brilliant technicals and strong social commentry.

Congrats on your ribbon
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11/05/2007 02:36:00 AM
Well done Roz congratulations, just love your treatment
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11/05/2007 02:15:43 AM
amazing image congrats on your ribbon
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11/05/2007 01:15:48 AM
Congrats on the ribbon. This one is very well done!
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11/05/2007 01:11:42 AM
i am SO happy for you!!
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11/05/2007 01:09:12 AM
Congratulations on your first ribbon with this powerful photo.
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11/05/2007 01:00:00 AM
clever cookie, congrats!
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11/05/2007 12:56:21 AM
wow Wow wow!!!! I'm SOOOOOOOOO excited for you, my friend!!! Yay and hooray for your first beautiful ribbon.

Such an excellent image. I thought it might be yours when I was voting and already thought it was totally outstanding. You have more sevens than sixes!!! Congratulations in a big way!!!!

OXOX Alicia
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11/05/2007 12:49:52 AM
Hooray! Congrats on your first ribbon! :) This is a powerful image. Very, very well shot and edited. You should write up a "How'd They Do That?" to share with the rest of DPC.
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11/05/2007 12:47:49 AM
Well done Roz...the edit is fantastic...congrats on the ribbon
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11/05/2007 12:47:37 AM
omg!! Congratulations Roz! You deserve this red ribbon...way to go!
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11/05/2007 12:40:08 AM
Good to see this do well, overcoming the anti-drug sentiments of the site :-) Congrats on ribbon!
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11/05/2007 12:36:27 AM

Roz - this is a fabulous image - I'm just SO PLEASED FOR YOU!

I think you got the message across beautifully.
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11/05/2007 12:30:33 AM
Congratulations Roz...love the reflection...it tells a story
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11/05/2007 12:30:15 AM
Brilliant shot, Roz. Congratulations on your well deserved ribbon.
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11/05/2007 12:27:06 AM
'Bout time, girl!!! WOO HOO!!! Big hug & Congrats!!!
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11/05/2007 12:25:03 AM
Congrats on ribbon #1 roz! The subject is disturbing, the photo is top notch stuff. Well done.
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11/05/2007 12:22:27 AM
Great job! This shot not only meets the challenge it blows it away.
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11/05/2007 12:20:47 AM
Yes, finally you have a ribbon, your very FIRST ribbon,, which you so deserve.....

A RED ribbon, just like what I got for my first ribbom.

This is such an awesome image Roz, and so deserved to be in the top three..... Coming second to Ursula is also something very special, as she is a master of photography.....

Well done dear friend, and this is the first of many.....

Message edited by author 2007-11-05 00:36:04.
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11/05/2007 12:19:34 AM
Well look at you, woman!! Way to go! The fact that this is controversial and yet still ribboned is a huge testament to your abilities - to shoot and to process. Exceptionally well done - huge congrats!!
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11/05/2007 12:19:18 AM
OH MAN ROZ!!! I literally jumped outta my seat when i saw you on the front page!! SOOOOOOOOOO proud of you and happy for you. I know you must be thrilled! Bigs hugs from across the pond
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11/05/2007 12:16:17 AM
Strong powerful message! Congrats Roz!!!!
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11/05/2007 12:15:33 AM
Well done Roz. Looks like the beginning of the beginning as far as ribbons go. Couldn't be happier for you!
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11/05/2007 12:13:57 AM
wow congrats roz... hats off to you
edit: CONGRATS ON YOUR RIBBON1!!!!! so overdue

Message edited by author 2007-11-05 00:14:34.
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11/05/2007 12:07:50 AM
Great job Roz...this image sends a powerful message. Congrats on your first ribbon!
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11/05/2007 12:07:32 AM
Great work roz, well deserved for your effort, maybe a promotional community banner or such...
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11/05/2007 12:05:02 AM
loved this shot during voting, great job on it, really sends the message across. congrats on the red!
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11/05/2007 12:04:17 AM
This is freakin' awesome!!!! What a fantastic job Roz! Congratulations on your first ribbon. I wish you many more to come.
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11/05/2007 12:03:52 AM
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11/05/2007 12:03:48 AM
Roz, many congratulations! This image is really well done, especially the contrast between the face and the reflection, so much older/used up. You do excellent work.
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11/05/2007 12:03:35 AM
Congrats on your first ribbon Roz! Powerful image, great processing.
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11/05/2007 12:02:52 AM
Well done!
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11/05/2007 12:02:41 AM
woooohoooo. Congrats Roz, it's well deserved.
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11/05/2007 12:01:59 AM
YES!!!!! A huge congratulations on your red ribbon. So well deserved, great work Roz!!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/04/2007 11:21:13 PM
wow! this is awesome post processing! great shot! 9
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11/04/2007 08:57:21 PM
Nice composition.
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11/03/2007 06:04:54 PM
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11/03/2007 07:13:29 AM
Good post-processing on the reflection works really well. It took me a while to see it. Initially I was going to tank this shot as I felt it was there purely for shock value following on from the controversy over the shot in the pencil challenge.. but this works works well on its own merits. Hope it does well. Going for a 9 here (was going to be a 6 originally, that will teach me to look harder at shots in future!)
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11/01/2007 03:11:14 AM
that looks like sugar, lol...9 :)
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11/01/2007 12:51:37 AM
interesting image, really like the processing.
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10/31/2007 08:38:44 PM
Good concept, nice picture.
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10/31/2007 08:29:40 PM
Awesome image for the beginning of the End....10
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10/31/2007 06:34:37 AM
Fantastic. The effect of the worn out reflection really makes a diffrence here.
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10/31/2007 04:42:51 AM
Kidus to the photographer!
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10/30/2007 03:51:00 PM
We had the same idea, but yours is better. Good luck :)
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10/30/2007 08:53:39 AM
Beautifully executed with nice message :)
I like the way you kept difference between the model & it's reflection. IMHO this image may have worked even better by keeping the background neat so as the reflection in the mirror.
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10/30/2007 05:47:54 AM
Like the angle this was taken. The frame is filled well with the subject and I like the lighting and desate on the pic. Probably the only thing I would like to see is her looking down a bit instead of at the camera.
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10/29/2007 06:46:37 PM
Well, it must truly be the beginning, as she looks too pretty to have been doing drugs a long time. Aha, now I see how nasty looking her reflection is. Great work.
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10/29/2007 02:23:33 PM
Wow! I like the composition, the expression and the altered reflection as a "preview" of things to come. It perfectly fits the challenge and deserves a ribbon. I hope you don't get too many 1, 2 and 3 votes of people who have this knee-jerk reaction to vote low on anything unpleasant.
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10/29/2007 01:01:48 PM
True that dont do it girlfriend, just say no.... 8 psart
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10/29/2007 11:29:30 AM
Great image, excellent composition. One of my top picks:)
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10/29/2007 08:58:14 AM
Very creative how her reflection is older and more haggard looking than her real self.
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10/29/2007 07:27:44 AM
wow this is wonderful. Love the processing the composition and execution. for me top 10 - 10
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10/29/2007 07:25:31 AM
amazing photo!
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10/29/2007 06:49:35 AM
Is that aspirin?
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10/29/2007 02:37:45 AM
uh oh, I do believe this might get DQ'ed for breaching the ToS. Love her eyes, 9.
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10/29/2007 02:30:01 AM
I like your editing on this...has a very Joey Lawrence look about it...good for challenge 8
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10/29/2007 02:10:56 AM
I really like the angle and processing. I wish her eye contact were with herself though.
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10/29/2007 12:20:29 AM
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10/29/2007 12:20:19 AM
Contrived, but an outstanding image. WOW
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10/29/2007 12:17:28 AM
great job, love the way her reflection is a little more washed out, love it, 10
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10/29/2007 12:11:41 AM
One of the things that sucks about the schizophrenic nature of DPC censorship is the schizophrenic nature of DPC censorship. I had a drug-themed shot in mind as well but I was afraid to enter given how things have been going here lately. Kudos to you for having more balls than me. Nice shot too, love the wretched reflected face.
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